untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-24


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EARLE BUILDING. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. NEW YORK, N. Y. Final Notice! Two investments will occur within the next few days that will interest only those who appreciate the highest class of inside advice and take full advantage of same when it arrives. Both horses will start at Tijuana and, as there is a difference in time of three hours between New York and Tijuana, this can be of importance only to those who can be reached readily over the long distance on both occasions, one hour and a half before the race, and who will agree on their word not to make their play either day until forty minutes before each event is scheduled to start. Attention is directed to the fact that owing to the difference in time those who are interested will not be called before 5 or 5 :30 New York time, as neither horse starts in an early race. Therefore, arrangements must be made in advance that their play will be received. when made as late as 6:30, New York time, if necessary, as no excuses of any kind can be accepted. TERMS: 00 FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS payable strictly in advance by telegraph, which will include both matters. Subscription for only one will not be considered and it is a waste of time suggesting propositions, as they cannot be entertained. It is absolutely necessary that subscribers to the above be listed in the telephone directory and can be reached when required without any unnecessary delays. . Day of starting will not be announced in these columns for reasons the intelligent mind will appreciate as all publicity must be avoided. These precautions are taken in the interest of all concerned. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 j j ; ! , J Important Notice to S. O. Service Subscribers f SATURDAYS TIJUANA SPECIAI. POSTPONED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, S P KEBIIUARY -7. OtIt LAST TWO SPECIALS AVEItE: 0 Monday CORAL REEF. . .3-1 WON Thursday CALIGULA 8-1 WON j Next S. O. S. SPECIAL goes Wednesday. Vch. Ii7. at Tijnana. Wcdne.s- day Special now on file Tvith this iiaiier anil -vill Ie released Tuesday Iy wire so that our heavy operators may armnse to place play where it will ijjj not hurt price. Expect 15-1 and Easy WIN. Wednesdays Special conies from the same source that gave lis THE IjAMU, .?:;y.OO-?U.OO WON. and SPOHTS3I AN, 4.O0-$:2.0O, WON. llotn riven as J?10.00 S. O. S. ? 52 SPECIALS days they won. TEK31S FOR WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL ?10. WIRED BY WESTERN UNION 5 Jg: Next Special Eree If It Loses. I S. 0. SERVICE p p JAMAICA NEW YORK I PERFECT SQUARE DICE Made by expert mechanics from thcrouchly seasoned hard stock, guaranteed to be true to within one one-thousandth of as inch, having: all sides flat, corners sharp and finish perfect. Mado in either red, green or white in any size. 5-8 size, razor edge .40 per pair 3-4 size, razor cdjre .50 per pair B. C. WILLS and CO. 222 West Congress St., Detroit, Mich. tV

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022401/drf1924022401_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1924022401_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800