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Harvey Ames Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street ROOM 407-S NEW YORK CITY Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" The result oT yesterdays "Jlarvcy" Transaction, due to the fact that it started in a late race at Tijuana, same as the one of Tuesday and "Wednesday, Is unknown at press time; It is unnecessary to dwell on the superiority of this service. Those who are Avith us knoAV it; those atIio have not Lccn with us arc invited to try it and judge same hy comparison. Everything in life Is judged hy comparison, and those who have had dealings Avith litis oflicc arc best qualified to decide "WHO IS WHO" in this line of business. This oflicc recognizes no competition and is in no way associated with any one. The fact that a S230 investment from January G up to yesterday, exclusive as the result for said day is unknown at this Avriting, shows a net profit of close to 2,000, speaks for the caliber of the information and the ability of the connections that furnished same. Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation awaiting favorable starting conditions. Subscription 00 for tho next, which may start tomorrow, Monday, or for sei-cral scheduled "Harvey Transactions," should be received early to avoid return of same when the quota for eacli terrl-torj- has been tilled. The only Avay to guard against receiving wrong "Harvey Transactions" constantly being given by unscrupulous persons and impostors, is to deal directly with this oflicc and avoid unnecessary regrets. 1 have no agents or representatives anywhere. Telephones: Circle 2591, 2592, 2553 and 5749 FACTS!! "The Ttoss Rule" for the week ending Friday, February 22 Saturdays result not known, as this Avas Avrittcn Saturday morning, had twelve plays, nine of which Avon. Total plays since Thanksgiving Day opening day of the winter season, 129, out of which 105 won. I am personally following "The Ross Rule" with positive success, and to reliable parties Avhose Avord is good, a copy Avill be forr warded on receipt of ?25, balance 5, payable Avithin thirty days out of earnings. After March 10 . Serms will be 00 payable in advance AboA-e are facts, proA-ed through back charts of the Racing Form. Owing to absence from the city at Aarious times, replies are delayed, but always re- ceive prompt attention upon my return. Address remittances to C. A. ROSS Room CI5, 1674 Rroadway, !N"ew York, T. WELL, i DID IT! BRUNELL 4-1 Won was my big advertised money-getter scr.t to old and cevr clients yesterday. HEXT MONEY-GETTER GOES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2C Bert proof in the world I mske money for my clients is the three fcijr winners I gave to all and the only horses relcaicd during week ending February 23. Monday: FEIGNED ZEAL .... 5-1 Won Wednesday: QUESADA ,...10-1 Won- Saturday: BRUNELL 4-1 Won My proposition is for those who will deal fairly and send me the winnings of a 5 play. Wire yov.r nime and address. I, at once, will wire you name of horse and jockey. Another goes Tuesday. February 26. Thankinjr those who remitted on Quesada. J. DENNY 20 WAVERLY PLACE NEW YORK CITY PHONE WATKINS 8741 VANTED 1,000 MORE men of honor who Avant honest racing information equal to information advertised daily for 0 to 50. Terms Remit me at once a dollar bill in advance for the first Avinner, then a dollar bill for every winner I send you after the first one. Give correct address for night telegrams. RICH WILLIS 613 Julia St. New Orleans, La. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO, 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL,