untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-24


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I A WINNING COMBINATION OF HORSEMEN j BARRIER CO. 114 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. One Week, 0.00 in Advance; One Day, .00 in Advance SATURDAY BARRIER CO. PUT OVER Exchange 7-2 Won Friday Barrier Co. Put Over Humboldt 12-1 Won Thursday Barrier Co. Put Over Caligula 8-1 Won The Same Authority that Wired Barrier Co. Humboldt 12-1 Friday Have Wired Barrier Co. Another That Looks like 15-1 Monday Mondays Has Qualified in Recent Races A CAREFUL "PREP" HAS HORSE READY FOR THE MONEY In Remitting Use Western Union or Postal Telegraph ONE WEEK, 0.00 IN ADVANCE ONE DAY, .00 IN ADVANCE SCHUYLER FLOYD Room 614 Calvert Building 1452 Broadway NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE JlllYANT 7730 In outlining the career of the "Schuyler Investments," which two years ago started from scratch, has through its own sources risen to prominence in the field of turf information. There is distinction as well as deep satisfaction in continually subscribing for the "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" ARE YOU HEADING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION? An opportunity which merits attention is the next "Schuyler Investment," which positively takes place MONDAY TERMS One Hundred Dollars in Advance by telegraph or in person "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" ARE LIKE "STERLING ON SILVER" The Stamp of Distinction MUTUAL INFORMATION BUREAU 5 Columbus Circle Nevvr York City A combination of the Smartest Information in America, Our Horse on file with Daily Ilacing Form. Yesterdays Information : BILLY KLAIR 10-1, 2y2-1, 2nd Last "Weeks "Winners : SCARE CROW 15-1 Won HIDDEN JEWEL .... 7-2 Won CORAL REEF 8-1 Won Five Winners Week Before Four Winners Week Before 12 Winners in Last 18 Days 0 Straight Bet for Last Three Weeks Over ,600 Winner AFTER OTHERS FAIL., TRY US. NEXT SUPER SPECIAL GOES TUESDAY SHOULD PAY 15-1 "Will be given FREE to all weekly subscribers. Rush your subscription today. Rates: .00 Daily; 0 for C Days. Out of town subscribers wire remittance by "Western Union. City subscribers call. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form 0.00 WEEKLY .00 DAILY G. DUNN 110 Nassau Street New York City 00 Horse Monday, Feb. 25, Will Be Wired to 0 Subscribers FREE! My End to Be IN on Mondays Information ,500 DUNNS HORSE, WIRED SATURDAY: GOLDEN BILLOWS . . 5-2 Won DUNNS HORSE, "WIRED THURSDAY: ISOSCELES 7-10 Won DUNNS HORSE, WIRED WEDNESDAY: OLD FAITHFUL .... 8-5 Won DUNNS HORSE, WIRED TUESDAY: ANNE 2-1 Won DUNNS HORSE, WIRED HONDAY: GOLDEN BILLOWS . . 3-1 Won A long distances special phone call from New Orleans MONDAYS HORSE A WINNER DUNN SUBSCRIBERS, from the conversation I hold over phone regarding- Mondays horse, I cannot see -where there is a chance for Mondays horse to be beaten. Oat of town subscribers telegraph money, Western Union. SUBSCRIBE: 0 WEEEY; ! DAILY j NEW ORLEANS ! XXX Getaway Specials XXX; My First Getaway Special Goes1 Thursday, February 28 j This horse has had a very careful preparation, is fit and ready and will ba bet cn by the connec- i tions on tho above day. One of the best riders ! in the country will be in the saddle and a good . price is locked for. My Second Getaway Special Goes Saturday, March 1 j Information on the above horses comes from one , of tho most dependable men in my employ and he tells me to inform my followers to go the limit. Hy offer is oe that shiuld appeal to all: Wire me tho winnings of a straight bet the day after tho race. Telegraph all remittances care of Western Union, New Orleans, la. Wiro or write at enco for service on the above two plays and other good ones to follow. F. HAYNES St. Charles Hotel Xew Orleans, La. Eddie Morris TURF COMMISSIONER 7S9 Broadway Room 440 New York City TEJttlS, 0 F"01l ONE WEEK Every day a WINNING DAY for my clients. Yesterdays one best bet BARNEY GOOGLE .. 1-1 Won Yesterdays Three-Star Special EXCHANGE 16-5 Won These were the only two horses that I released Saurday. WINNERS THATS MY JTAME WATCH TUESDAYS AD. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS advertise in racing form BEA TS THEM ALL ! The Starr Turf News ROOM 405 TO 408500 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY Terms for our Wire Service 0 for six days or for one day. THESE TWO 00 SPECIALS FREE TO 0 WEEKLY CLIENTS Two Big 00 Specials Go This Week Saturdays 00 SPECIAL withdrawn. Our last 00 Special won at over 4 to 1. Was FREE to weekly clients. Saturdays Code Horse BRUNELL 4 to 1 WON Saturdays Wire GOLDEN BILLOWS 3 to 1 WON MONDAYS CODE Tody-Tody-Sea-Prices Special offer, wire 0 for six days wire service and we will mail you this weeks code free. Fridays Code Horse: LTLYM 13 to 5 WON Thursdays Wire Horse WAYWASSAMO 4 to 1 WON Thursdays Code Horse CALIGULA 7 to 1 WON Wednesdays Code Horse CALCUTTA 20 to 1 WON Wednesdays Wire Horse HUONEC SECOND Tuesdays Code Horse FUTURO 8 to 1 WON Tuesdays Wire Horse ANNE . 8 to 5 WON Mondays Wire Horse MISS DOMINO , 11 to 5 WON Mondays Code Horse CORAL REEF 8 to 1 WON Use lant tlireo letters of horses name. Race comes last. AVire S.OO for onr code, tlien see horse in tle DAILY RACING FORM every day. Xiast week: all clients received the following horses: WIRE HORSES BUCADO S t AVON LORD finASITE. . . . .... 7 in 2 WON 1I1CH GEAR 5 to 1 WOK CARPEXTER lo to 1 WOK RUBY 4 to 1 WOK GOLD FIELD 15 to 1 AVOX CODE HORSES RROOKDALE 2 to 1 AVOX LITTLE GIPSY 11 to 5 WON VENIS1ELOS lO to 1 AVOX ARROWHEAD 5 to 2 WOK BILL AV1XFREY 5 to 2 2nd TRANSLATE . . .-1 to 1 WOK .Tnst think, Mr. Player, what you can do with information like tlie STARR TURF NEWS releases day after day. Ours is an ESTABLISHED CONCERN that spares no expense to produce winners for our army of satisfied clients. Join the winning army today, do not delay. Terms for our wire service and code combined, Jf20.00 for any siar. days. JACK WARREN .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY KEEPING RIGHT ON TOP Yesterdays ONLY HOESE: CONTENT .. .20-52 WON And I called each and every mans atten- to this one. Was coin!? to give you a 1 flying start for NEXT WEEK. 1 A REAL SUNDAY MELON CUTTING scheduled for tiday. YES, 15 to 1 TODAY and a real 18 KAEAT GOOD THING Better lato than never. YOU still havo time to fall in line and become a prosperous Ition follower of the FAMOUS WARREN WIRES. WIN AT THE MUTUELS. I spent threa months with the hang tails down at tho Mexican race track and mads arrangements with one of the smartest men at Tijuana to sord mo the best. This is what he has wired ME since I RETURNED: SOME SERTICE 6 OUT OF C POSITIVELY ONE A DAY Saturdays ONLY HORSE: CONTENT .20- AVON Fridays ONLY HORSE: SUNROW .20- AVON Thursdays ONLY HORSE: SILENT PARDNEIt ..$.-.40-?2 AVON Wednesdays ONLY HORSE: ORMESBROOK SS-20-S2 WON Tuesdays ONLY HORSE: BLARNEY STONE ..1.00-52 WON Sundays ONLY HORSE: 3IALTEKN Slfl.SO-52 WON Start at once. I wired hack and told my man to di? up some real long ones for next week. Here is a chance of a lifetime. Positively only cne a day. Reasonable terms. Wire money Western Union or Postal. ONE WEEK, 0.03 or .00 DAILY JACK W All It EN Suite 17 07-203 Van Sieklen Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Wonderful Winning System A cool, conservative method wherein success Is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, with larje cr small capital. It gives a few select plays each week that nearly all win. Won big money on a straight flat play. Stood tha acid test with WONDERFUL SUCCESS for seven years. My system gives many good-priced winners. Telescope 10-1 won Eminent 18.80-2 won Vennie 15-1 won Battle Shot. .15.00-2 won El Roble ...26.60-2 -won Tikeh 16.63-2 won Venizelcs 10-1 won Blary Stone 11.00-2 won H. Electric. 23.00-2 won Bear Shot ..12.00-2 won Capt. Adams ...6-1 won Jack Frost ....0-1 won Small payment down, balance as you win. Facts regarding systems that will open your eyes, free. Write. WATSON CORNELL ROOM 201 341 45TH STREET NEW YORK CITY 116 Nassiu Street Room 401 New York City UNITED TURF NEWS Semi-Weekly PRICE .00 PRICE .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. For sale all newsstands everywhere. MONDAYS CODE SPECIAL: 19-21-9-31 PLUNGE. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. BRUNELL 4-1 WON was yesterdays best. CERTAIN 9.5 WON was yesterdays .00 OCCASIONAL given free on sheet. FIVE WINNERS and a scratch on our DAILY ONE BEST last weok. The shortest price .was 6 to 5. No bunk about this ad as these selections are on sale each morning. .00 daily, at all newsstands. I Why not be a regular when you can get this sheet mailed to you the night before, special delivery, in plain sealed envelope? .00 FOR SIX DAYS START TODAY 411 BALTIMORE BEDG. CHICAGO. ILL. ?14939??149391493914939 5 . $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ The MIKACLH SYSTKM is nati.finlty known $ $ as "easy for player hard Tor layer." Sold on $ S installment; payments paid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely FIJEK 73-page luminal ami review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. " $ $ Public relations manager $ $ .S. K. ARTHUR $ $ Box 40. R. P. Tuwson, Md. $ ?1493914939149391493914939$ GIBRALTAR SYSTEM WINS ! Produces profit, both on FLAT INVESTMENT and progression. Positively the SAFEST "ONE BEST" SYSTEM ever devised. Not a "show" system. On file with Form. For particulars send this ad, your name and address to Racing GIBRALTAR NEWS SERVICE P. O. Box 663, Cleveland, Ohio. NEW ORLEANS RACES Col. J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. 325 GREENUP STREET COVINGTON, KY. SPORTING LEADER 25 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays New Orleans Code: ALBANY-NEXUS-FLOW-HASTY-NICHE New Manual NOW ON SALE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022401/drf1924022401_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924022401_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800