Fair Grounds Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-24

past performance

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. , ! FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Past performances of liorscs entered in Monla3-K races at the Fair Gronndx will appear in Monday edition. " " " " ,. 76879 War Idol 100 1:13 r. S 102X705 Tho figures tinder the heading "Eoc n 77057 bKi rah 110 1:1.1 7 100X700 tho entries below show the best time of 76619 bria M 109 1:14S 8 100.. 700 each horso at tho uistance since January 1, 77343 sleigh Bells 102 1:16 3 96.. 700 1921, no matter whero it finished. In case , , Fourth Kace 1 Mile and 0 lards, whero record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track Convoy Pinse. conditions Purss ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Feb. 7, IMS 1:42 7 110. 77641 ISOSCELES 305 1:14 5 106. .725 77120 IS FIRST INDEX OF FEBRUARY. 520 .Shamrock 95 1:43 4 104X735 77520 M 1:43 4 99X15 ,nllcr Takc All. 10;i 76160 .0100 16. IS VIBST IIJISI TXllT-V IJNJI1,.V VI OF ll.l 1J-1. 7?477 Wml0 104 1:44- 5 101x715 Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. 7G09G Sympathy 4 99X710 Superior mini runner. X luod mini runner. 77490 Longboat 107 1:44 4 304X710 :!: Fair mini rumicr. iM Maidens. Apprentice 774S7 Edward Gray 107 1:45, 4 101. .705 allowance. Milinkers. 77520 Bed Airow . 93 1:40 4 99X705 Pirst Eace 3 1-2 Furlongs. 77238 Highspeed 1011:45 5 10!,.. 700 Purse ,003. 2-ycar-ohls. Maidens. 77323 bBuddugie XI 102 1:1S 4 101:-:70O ,Sl,L.Ci,al n0 Fifth Eace 1 1-8 Miles. -r , record: rob. 191b 11 v o 2 1140 Track 9, Pur!!0 ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. , . f.af,S Track record: March 11, 19081:51 3 12-. . t Ind. Horse. TT A.AVt.Han. AVt. llec. . .... . 77478 M Hnonec 99 1:52 6 104X725 . AAA- tt ,r ,,o i o -o- ?c,tMoB! AKh "W5 Fantoehe 1011:52 6 114X720 TfIS?Cr "i! JJ"--i?2 77520bLlewelIyn ........ 105 1:52 5107X715 It laTI!l --...n" :1275 "L-1? 77237 Sam Frank 105 1:52 5 108.. 715 T7 Mary Mar.d Carr.. 11.. :43s 77369 Wrangler .103 1:55 4 97X715 Hill .IT",-"1 IVc A?k 77"3 Ioctor Jim 307 1:52 7 99X710 erahst 118 :43s JIS.Oj 7749g .JoIln 1alIl Jollcs...10i i:KI 6 115X710 ?t ?wnJaSC--i,- TT45C Seths Flower .... 3 9SX705 Sflf- vpact -41- t- i,-" 770 l.The Archer 112 1:51 7 108X700 ,385 Esther Cnndell. . . .llo :U ".-00 74073 WactFl.ldlly 4 102.. 700 George De Mar.... 118 Dave Goldie IIS Sixth Eace 1 1-Ifr Miles. John T. D 118 Parse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Mad Hoy 118 Track record: Jan. IS, 1922 1:44 7 110. Damar 115 77499 Oen. Cadorna 109 1:47 7 100X725 Second Eate 3-4 Mile. 77449 St. Paul 105 1:47 7 105X720 Purre ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 77348 Sword 105 1:47 5 100.. 715 Track record: Feb. 9, I91S 1:11 C 116. 77450 Eddie Jr 107 1:51 4 107.. 715 77321 bSagamore 104 1:12 7 110 X 725 77522 Hysteria 100 1:47 5 301x710 77364 bAntieipate 107 1:13 7 110X720 77218 hMolinero 103 1:47 101. .710 74514 La Drolc 302 1:15 3 90.. 715 77474 Without 3 93X705 77148 Tony Sue .103 1:13 5 100.. 715 "522 Hex Gaiety 107 1:47 10 109X705 76943 Stone Age 102 1:13 4 108X715 77276 Hcsio Leighton ...10-1 1:47 4 100 X 700 74975 Omnipotent 110 1:13 5 105X710 61 hDantzic 112 1:41 6 112X700 76252 Silence 113 1:13 5 107X710 77325 Panjandrum M.. 107 1:49 5 106. .700 77079 l.Kound Robin Ill 1:13 7 110.. 705 77325 Heel Foot 109 1:49 4 104x700 77192 Antilles. ....911:13 6 100X 705 77049 Hena 106 1:4! 4 102. .700 76S22 Verbena 95 l:16s 3 93 X 705 77522 Lierre 97 1:4S 4 99.. 700 S0rt,7 JiSi11? SJCT Seventh Eace-1 1-16 Miles. lAct .Vt1t?1m? nl1-1 Vo-S ruwe ,00;. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 761S0 Mr. Heck Jl .... .110 1:17 4 93. .700 civick T is in"i -44 V 7110 1 ilr.ukrcio.il. rei n-il- Jan. n. lb, 1J 1.41, 330. 77386 Lady Liverpool M 100 1:15 4 93. .700 77348 liveliness 102 1:46 6 101x725 rm.r-,.1 Xnml Sace Ra.vi 3-4 a Triio Mile. 775003 Tex 101 1-40 r. 109 7"0 rurso ,000. 3-year-olds anl upwnrjl. ClamlnS. 77479lVr iiiVthday .". ..Uf. l:47Vs 7 1000715 Track record: leb. 9, 191S l:ll-6-116. ,,.,,,.., i1 1:47 7 103715 7476S May Hodine 10S 1:12 6 105.. 725 77500 Kennmare 99 1:47 4 102x715 77380 Old Sinner 105 1:13 7 102 X 720 77S21 Charles J. Craigmih-106 1:48 7 99x715 77255 Royal Dick 103 1:12 J 105X715 77386 Redwood 102 1:51 h 4 97.. 715 77386 bDoughnut 103 1:13 5 107 X 715 77363s The Fenian M .. 3 87.. 710 77386 Gordon Shaw Ill 1:12 4 111X715 77450 Seari-h Light III. ..101 1 :4S 8 104X710 77445 bFar Kast 105 1:12 7 110X715 77500 Jake Herger 306 1:18 5 109X705 77122 John Joseph 115 1:13 5 10S..710 77500 Yoriek 99 1:49 4 99X7ai 77148 Ressie Hope 95 1:14 3 S6 X 710 76990 Metal 10. 1:48 4 107.. 700 77445 Fire Cracker 103 1:13 7 113X705 77153 Rigger Still 97 3:50 4 105.. 700 74862 Vacuum 10S 1:13 4 10S..705 77479 Chaplct M 100 1:50 4 39..70O

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022401/drf1924022401_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1924022401_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800