Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-24

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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 48 NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 23. Todays training gallops here included the following: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. Brown Trout 39 32-IIuey 37 4fi-Blane Seing ..39 44-.Iaekson 37f, 41- Breechloador . .3S 23-Lady Rose ....30 4ti-CharIes Henry 37- 40-Miss Checkers 38 a7-Channel 38 29-Mary Mand Carr377S Duckling 37 40-Mcddling Mattie37 494-Duclma 39 35-0ur Flag 38 2S-De Mar .38 Rhea 37 46-Dorothy Ryan 37 46-Sue Donovan ..39 Ksther Grindell 38 39-Stone Age 37 25-Flavia 39 43-Shirley Louise 37 42- Feigned Zeal . .3S 44-Tango 37 39- Evelya 33 43-Verbena 38 40- Harry It 3S Half Mile. 38- Adventure 52 44-Night Shade .. .51 22-Bush Buck ....52 43-larole II 50 45-Barleycorn 51 40-Ueprimand 51 42-Cousort . 50 42-Stouewall 50 45-Iespair 51 31-Shine On 5o 34- Diistabout 54 41-Trigger 51 40- Iron Boy 51 34-Tister 50 35- MuskalIonge ...49 44-Vera Veunie ...51 Malacha 50 rive-Eiahthi Mile, 41- Anne 1:00 46-Molinero 1:05 42- Antillcs 1:03 40-Xorseland ...1:05 44- lSenigna 1:05 14-Ogarite 1:00 . 40-Huddie Keau 1:03 40-Quinliain 1:04 40-Iaydue 1:05 42-Kound Bobin 1:03 2."-Dunlo 1:05 45-TeIeseopo ...1:07 45- Uoldinark ...1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 4C-I.onnie Lizzie 1:17 3S-llioele Snow 1:16 40-Centimeter ..1:17 45-Hoyal Crown 1:17 45-Poughnut ...1:2J 42-Kdals ltoyall:lli 35-Far Kast 1:20 45-Sagamore ...1:1S 40-Houri 1:17 45-Seths Dream 1:17 40-Ink 1:17 3I!-Sizzle 1:18 40-.Iack Fairmanl:22 38-.Sir Glen 1:10 40-May ISodine. . 1 :19 40-Tliescus 1:17 40-Omuipoteut .1:18 42-War Idol ...1:1S Seven-Eighths Mile. 33-Amity Claim 1:35 30-Dantz:c 1:37 39- Dark Hill ...1:30 40-Miss Meise ..1:38 Ono Mile. 45-I5alsam Lake 1:45 43-Doc. Whitehtl:52 30-lSuddugie ...1:4S 4:;-Flying Fur ..1:40 45-15arrister 1:45 ..S-Mclntosh 1:44 45-rye l.yo 1:44 31-Sam Frank ..1:40 40- 15. from Homel:45 40-Tlie Archer ..1:42 37-Colouel Winn 1:45 41-Vitamin 1:45 Milo and an Eijhth. 41- I!right Trash 2:01 Neddam 2:00 Iluey showed improvement. Lady Rose was well in hand. Tister and Malacha were together. Sizzle had an easy trial. Omnipotent is taking regular training. Phoebe Snow was not extended. Centimeter and Ink were in company. The Archer did a nice mile handily.

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Local Identifier: drf1924022401_12_3
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