untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-13


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BELLE 8-1 , WON MY ONE AMI ONLY H0ESE YESTERDAY AND FILED HOURS IN ADVANCE WITH THIS PAPER. Rcnicmhcr, yon cannot Ket ahead of the racing: frame gncRsing. I am an old-time horNcman, and I have good frlendn now raclnfr at ew Orleans. From one of these I have received1 the . K. on another horse that goes KItIIAY, MARCH 14TI1. and should win and pay a fair price.. This horse has been care-fnlly iirepared for this rsice and connections are so confident of the result that Investments have already been made away from the track to protect the price. TERMS: if.10.00 CASH, IX ADVANCE, BY TELEGRAPH OR IX IERSOX. GEORGE CANFIELD Zr.l Livingstone Street Ihonc: Xcvlns 104S BROOKLYN, X. Y. SCHUYLER FLOYD CALVEJIT liriLDING IlItOADAVAY AT 4 1ST STREET New York City TELEPHONE Hit Y AX T C353 SAFETY OFPRINCIPAL Is Our First Consideration and it has brought the "Schuyler Investments" the patronage and endorsement of discriminating turf followers throughout the country. Out of the last four "Schuyler Investments," three won at the average price of better than 3 to 1. A "Schuyler Investment" With Outstanding Advantages TAKES PLACE TODAY-THURSDAY TERMS: One Hundred Dollars in Advance by telegraph To expedite transmitting information telegraph your telephone number if any with the subscription. The "Schuyler Investments" are like "STEIILING" ON SILVER THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION JAMES T. RYAN 853 BLAKE AYE. BROOKLYN, N. Y. ONLY FOUR DAYS LEFT and it is up to you to make these four days mean something-. Even though you are a BIG LOSEB on tho New Orleans meeting, you still have time to come out on the right sido. A GETAWAY GOOD THING EYEItY DAY will be handled and four straight winners -would not ho extraordinary. NOW IS YOUR TIME; take it or leave it, hut let me say that TODAYS 10-1 SHOT LOOKS ALL OVER A WINNER AND- A S5 BILL WILL BRING YOU A MESSAGE COVERING THIS ONE, WITH PLENTY OF TIME TOR ACTION. Special Offer Balance of Sleeting 5.00 Rush a money order via Western Union or Postal. ItECENT "WINNING HORSES AVISPA 5-1 WON Wednesdays Winner BUSH BUCK C-l WON Tuesdays Winner ALARD 12-1 WON Mondays Winner OUR EL AG 7-1 WON Saturdays Winner BEST PAL . 9-2 WON Fridays Winner LA ORB 4-1 WON Thursdays Winner COMEDY . 15-1, 6-1 2ND Wednesdays Winner COLONEL WINN 6-1 WON Tuesdays Winner TELESCOPE 7-1 WON Mondays Winner LLEWELLYN -. 1-1 WON Saturdays Winner EXCHANGE 7-2 WON Fridays Winner KING ONEILL II 12-1 WON Bo not ho under the impression that I give a horse in each race. Nothing of the kind; ONLY ONE HORSE EACH DAY; is all I charge. Actual Results Are What Count THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM WON ON A 0 PLAY FOR THE WEEK ENDING MARCH 8. AG FOLLOWS: I NEW ORLEANS WON?245.0D TIJUANA , WON 589.00! FOR FULL DETAILS ADDRESS ! THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM C01 CATHEDRAL BALTIMORE, MD. CORRECTION ADVERTISEMENT APPEARING IN THIS PUBLICATION MARCH 12, 1924, UNDER NAME "JACK FIELD" SHOULD HAVE BEEN CHIEF CL0CKER DIRECT FROM THE TRACK 11 1G II -CLASS TIJ LAXA I X EO KM ATI ON "Wire Name at Once JOE MOARTY CIS ASH STHEET SAN DIEGO, CAL. Harvey Ames Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. NEW YORK, N. Y. The result of the first special matter at Tijuana this vrcek is unknown at press time, owing to the lateness of the race horse started In. Eor six weeks this office lias been awaiting Uie day of starting of a horse at Havana and was advised yesterday that same will start TODAY During the entire Havana meeting only two horses were contracted for and the horse above mentioned is the lirst to start. This Information is derived through source considered unquestionable, and found, through past experience, to be tho best possible obtainable. Subscription, 00, should be telegraphed early to avoid return of same through oversubscription. In the Interest of nil, it is requested that piny on the above horse is made NO earlier than thirty minutes before the race, to avoid return commissions from influencing the market. TELEPHONES : CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 259S and 5749 SHIELDS Known to turfmen for a generation. BIG NEW ORLEANS SPECIAL 15-1 TODAY I have gone through a large amount of trouble aud expense to obtain todays long shot trinner. The odds on this hsrse in his last fire starts wen over 25 to 1 and hs will surely earn brackets today. This is your opportunity for some easy money. Wire your subscription NOW. TERMS .00 My winners for the past five days: Tuesdays only horse: Our Star, 40-1, Won Mondays only horse: SWEEPTONA 20-1 Won Saturdays only hone: EL ASTRO ,..10-1 Won Fridays only horse: BABBLING 6-1 Won The above winners should convince you that I handle INFO of quality. A 0.00 OCCASIONAL -G0ES TODAYP! to replace yesterdays Occasional, which was withdrawn fcr stable reasons. All who subscribed for yosterdays Occasional will receive todays Occasional FREE. Out west and the southwest they are paying 1924.sh.00 to obtain the name of this winner. My terms remain the same 0.00. , Remember, this kind cf information goes only osce in a great while. See me today and get this winner. Wire your fee now. GEORGE SHIELDS 154 NASSAU ST., ROOM G32, NEW TORK CITY jgr $ 149391493914939 sss$ $ jar PREDETERMINED - TURF PROFITS . The MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nntlonnlly w known ns ":sy for player hard for layer." Has Mood the ACI1 TEST for tf many years. We could not spend many w thousands of dollnrs per nnnum advrr-Using water as cough syruv and con- V tinup in business. Sold on installment payments paid from your profits. Abso- lutely FREE, lOOpagc racing manual. review, sworn trstimonaU. etc. Invest!- gate today and make your Bookie obey. Public Relations Manager fi S. E. ART1IVR Op Box 10 It. P. Towson. Md. JW$ $ $ $ $ 149391493914939 . EVERGLADE 7-1 WON was yesterdays Long Shst. GET TODAYS NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER .00 DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 41L Baltimoro Building Chicago, 111. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924031301/drf1924031301_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1924031301_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800