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Workout Index to Jefferson Park Entries Below will be found an index to the previous workouts of horses entered in the various races at Jefferson 1ark Thursday : FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 69 Charlie Summy 66 Without Judge Brcuer 64 Ieaman 67 Inglecrest 66 St. Gerard 48 Consort 64 Easter Bonnet 6G Toddy Toast 65 Meddling Mandttie 66 Mcintosh CO Rhinegold 66 Theseus 63 Assumo 65 Ogarito 63 Annamary 62 Randdwood 61 Farewell Tap 69 Double Shot 63 "Walcspa SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 415 Care Freo 60 Banker Brown 05 Fiber 03 May Bodino CI FUbbortygibbot CO Put and Taks 67 Firo Cracker 69 Sunny Dncrow 64 Uncle Velo 06 Tony Sue C5 Patrician 01 Gesundhoit 64 Poor Sport 44 Anticipate 66 John Q. Kelly 40 Plodmoot 64 1ormandio C2 John Jotoph 61 Sling 64 Simplicity THIRD RACE 1 1.10 Mile. U Bob 66 Nurxli 69 Fufcnro 66 Bethlehem Steel CO Goldmark 66 Quinham 63 Waxron Lynch 60 Troutwick 65 Great Northern 60 Bugler 49 Mxdam Venule 66 Gladys V. 66 Begonia FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. j "; i 66 Moonraker 64 Raffles , : 64 John Finn 64 Tuscola FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. C2 Calcutta 63 Winnor TakoAll 62 Isosoolos 66 Huonec 66 Boggarth Axooa CC Tender Seth 64 Lily M. SIXTH RACE 1-16 Miles. " 04 Normal 63 Runquoi 05 King John 65 Permarco 65 Dustproof 62 Boy From Homo 60 Tulano 61 Fred Kinaey 60 Smarty 64 Jou Jou 65 Ashland 64 Wostwood C2 Al Stobler 65 High Gear 64 Rork 63 Oood Tlmo , 68 Attornoy 65 Tingling CO Rop 65 Lucidus