untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-16


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SCHUYLER FLOYD CALVERT BUILDING BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET New York City TELEPHONE BRYANT C333 Yesterdays INDESCRIBABLE TIJUANA "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" WON THE BEST REASON for considering the services of the "Schuyler Investments is because they represent the last ounce of human effort and unlimited financial resources which in all the productions of men, distinguishes the isolated examples of quality. The last "Schuyler Investment" at Jefferson Park takes place in AN OLD-FASHIONED GETAWAY EVENT MONDAY This will terminate a successful campaigning at New Orleans. TERMS: ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE BY TELEGRAPH To expedite transmitting information, telegraph your telephone number if any with subscription. The "Schuyler Investments" arc like "STERLING" ON SILVER THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION Subscribe for Daily Racing- Form 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd ST., NEW YORK CUT, N. Y. 157-159 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. 305-307 DECATUR STREET, NEW" ORLEANS, LA. f- Canadian News Service U. S. Branch: 25 W. 42nd St., Suite 516, New York City. Main office : Montreal, Canada. Open only during Canadian Race Meetings Note New Address. .00 DAILY Hours 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 0.00 WEEKLY Established 1901 The Big Horse Goes for tlie money tomorrow Monday. Our Iicatl docker says lie considers this one a. moral eineli. His most recent tvork -was three-quarters in 1:14 flat. This horse is in the hands of one of the cleverest in. the country and ire expect about IS 15-1 Monday 3 Those Tvho have done linsincss with us hefore know that we are producers. This is the first time that we have advertised during: the winter months, as wc usually confine our transactions to the Canadian tracks, hut, owing: to the fact that so many of our followers were complaining: that they could not make any money only hy dealing: with us, wc decided to make connections at Tijuana and New Orleans. Since wc opened our office our followers have been averaging: about ,480.00 Per Week on a small amonnt of capital. Does this convince you that wc arc in a class hy ourselves i lart of our clocking: stall Is already on the jo-b at Bowie. , You will win Monday if you follow our advice If you do not win Monday after following: our advice, we will lose a client and we are a nationally known concern and could not afford to do business except on legitimate lines. Yesterdays Horse: VACUUM 10-1 WON Fridays Horse: LITTLE AMMIE 6-1 WON Thursdays Horse: TOP 0 TH MORNING .40- 2ND "Wednesdays Horse : EMINENT 5.40- WON Tuesdays Horse: THE ARAUCANIAN .20- WON Mondays Horse: ST. MAURICE 7-2 WON Sundays Horse: DERNIER SOU .80- WON Saturdays Horse: BETTER LUCK 5.40- WON Fridays Horse: FREEBOOTER 4.80- WON The Canadian Xcws Service is backed hy well known men. AVe pay our dockers and associates enormous sums in order to grlvc the pnbllc genuine Information at n small cost. If you arc a loner let us put you on our winning: list. Sooner or later you must come to us. Do not waste any more of your grood money, but start at once. "Wire your subscription by "Western Union or Postal Telegraph. City clients, call nt office. Important Notice To S. O. S. Subscribers BIG 0 ONE HORSE GETAWAY SPECIAL GOES MONDAY Our Last 0 One Hone Special Went Friday. It Was: NEAT GIRL 15-1 WON WEDNESDAYS ?10 SPECIAL LOST MONDAYS 0 SPECIAL: SWEEPTONA 20-1 WON THE TWO PEEVIOUS SPECIALS WERE: PARVENU .80- WON V00RG0LD 0.20- WON ALL OUR WIEES ABE FILED IN ADVANCE WITH RACING FORM Wo do not have 0 One Hone Specials every day just once in a -while. Wo expect 20-1 on Mondays Special, as it comes from tho same people that gave us Sweeptona, 20-1, and Neat Girl, 15-1. Next Tijuana Special FREE if Mondays Special loses. This is your chance to clean up. Wire 0 at once hy Western Union to S. 0. SERVICE, JAMAICA, NEW YORK Harvey Ames Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. NEW YORK, N. Y. Early yesterday morning this office was notified by cable that on account of the muddy condition existing at Havana the horse vhich had been scheduled to go for two days would not go for several days, and a paid telegram was sent to everyone stating the above fact, with advice received from Tijuana, which WON This horse had never won a race and in previous starts was twelfth and seventh. "Harvey Transaction" TOMORROW is "getaway" day at New Orleans, and special arrangements to remember the day have been made. Subscription 00 must be telegraphed early to assure proper listing. TELEPHONES : CIRCLE 2391, 2592, 2593 and 5749 FACTS ! ! "The ROSS RULE" for tlic Tveck ending Friday, Harch 14th Saturdays results not known as this was written Saturday morn-Ing had eight plays. 7 Won 1 Lost Total plays since Thanksgiving Bay, open-Ing day of -winter season, 1C5, out of -which 135 WOX. I am personally following "The ROSS RULE" with positive success, and to reliable persons whose word is good, a copy will be forwarded on receipt of 5, balance, 5, payable within thirty days out of earnings. Above are facts, proved through the back oharts of the Racing Form. Address remittance to C. A. ROSS ROOM CI 5 1G74 BROADWAY NEAV YORK CITY THE SAN FRANCISCO TURF REPORTER 442 SANSOME ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. STOP ! LOOK ! READ ! THIS IS "YOURS" FOR A FIFTEEN - CENT INVESTMENT I FROH THE ISSUE OF 3-15-24, AT TIJUANA: CAVALCADOUR II S12.20-I2 WON JOHN S. REARDON 9.80-52 WON ZEALOT 6.00- WOM ZEALOT won twice $ 8.40-52 WON FIESTA 536.00-52 WON and many more BIG WINNERS. FIESTA Frco Code Horse 0.00-52 WON OUR TIJUANA TWO-HOUSE SERVICE BEST IN THE COUNTUY TODAY DAILY ?5.00 WEEKLY 0.00 Mar. 5 MAYOR HOUSE WON LADY LE BAND THIRL1 Mar. 6 BEAR SHOT $ 3.80- WON NEW BEAUTY $ 9.00-52 WON Mar. 7 GREAT LUCK 5 3.40-52 WON ZEALOT 6.00-52 WON Mar. 8 MOON CHILD $ 4.20-52 WON BETTER LUCK 5.40-52 WON Mar. 9 INSURANCE $ 3.40- WON 1 NEW BEAUTY $ 7.80-?2 WON Mar. 11 ATHANNA $ 4.00-52 WON ZEALOT $ 8.40-?2 WON This wondrous OPPORTUNITY heckons YOU, Heed this call. Send for a free sample and get ac-1 quainted with a WORTH-WHILE INVESTMENT. WALTER JAMES Room 602, 17 W. 42d St. NEW YORK CITY LITTLE AMMIE 6-1 Won EVERGLADE 6-1 Won Both of these winners were the only two plays I advised and sent out last week to my clients. I deal In highclass information only and spend plenty of money to get It. A most unusual opportunity to get In on a real getaway winner that will pay most liberal odds Is now available for Monday, March 17 This Information will get plenty of moii4 for those fortunate enough to take ndvnntaM of it. TERMS : ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in advance by telegraph Wire Telephone Number With Address. Information given over long-distance phone to subscribers at my expense when requested. WALTER JAMES ROOM G02 17 AVE ST 42ND ST. NEW YORK CITY Wonderful Winning System A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week. Won big mjney on a straight flat play. Stood the acid test with wonderful success for seven years. My system gives many good-priced winners. Foxmoro 10-1 Rog 8-1 zng 525.40-52 Similkamsen Boy.. 10-1 Jay. Roberts . .9.50-52 Dorius 537.60-52 Little Ammie ......7-1 f-wecptona , 20-1 Soths Memory. ?13.03- Dan Hogan ...5.40-52 Small payment down, balance as you win. Facts regarding rystems that will open your eyes FREE. Write - WATSON CORNELL 341 West 45th St. Room 201 New York City ar$ 149391493914939 1493914939 $ jm PREDETERMINED and - TURF PROFITS . The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally o IS known as "easy for player hard for layer." Has stood the ACID TEST for V many years. We could not spend ninny thousands of dollars per annum adver-: Using water as cough syru and con-, m tlnue in business. Sold on installment payments paid from your profits. Abso-w lutely FREK, lOO page racing manual, w V review, sworn testimonals. etc. Invest!- gate today and make your Bookie obey. w Tublic Relations Manager S. E. ART1IIR Box 10 R. y. Towson. Md. SSv $ $ $ $ 149391493914939 sSjandr Details, concerning a discovery, that will open the eyes of system players will be sent without charge or obligation. Those interested in systems will hear something to their advantage by addressing L. K. MARTIN, 52 East 34th Street, New York City. Big Tijuana Special Expecting something EXTRA good next Thursday. Barring accidents this horse should win at a good price. Costs nothing in advance. Just remit winnings of 0.00 after horse wins. Write quick for thi3 EXTRA SPECIAL and other good ones to . follow, SUPERIOR SERVICE, Box 133, Dayton, Ohio jMonihly Form iBook Is On Sale ;! DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. I 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO, ILL. .157-159 EAST 32nd ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. , 50 RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, ONT. 305-307 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924031601/drf1924031601_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924031601_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800