Jefferson Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-16

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JEFFERSON PARK ENTRIES MONDAY, MARCH 17 Past performances of liorses entered in Mondays races at U" " - Grounuji vrill appear in Mondays edition. f Third Race 3-4 Mile. Tha figures under the heading: "Rec." in Sr. Patricks Handicap, the entries below show the hest time of Purse ?1,000. IS-year-olda and upward, each horse at the distance since January 1, Track record: Dec. 13, 1919 1:12and 3 117. 1921. no .matter where it finished. In casn 77718 Flint Stone 118 1;12?5 4 130. .750 where record was mado on other than a fast 77848 bCentimeter 117 1:11 6 124X745 or good track, abbreviation show track 77891 Moonraker 104 1:10 and 4 122X745 conditions. 77G281 Mercurv 97 1:11 G 105X740 778911 John Finn 105 1:12 5 10GX740 77848 Rest Pal 10S 1:11 7 115X735 7C1C0 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 77935 Barracuda 97 1:11 5 115x735 77934 Raffles 102 1:13 4 102 X735 I.CC3 cm t IS TIRST t-ttt TVnPY IJ.DEX OF nv AT 3IAKUI. A It PIT 3 100X730 77912 Invictus 110 1:14 Racing starts. at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30. 77891 Tuscola 100 1:12 0 98X730 mud X Good mud runner. 0 Superior runner. Tomth JLnea1 1-g Miles sk Fulr niuil runner. II Maidens. Apprentice Louisiana Derby, allowance, b Blinkers. 5,000 Added. 3-year-olds. Track record: March 17, 1920 1:51 3 11S. First Race 1-2 Mile. 77842 BLACK GOLD 120X750 Tursc 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 77072 Thorndale 117X735 y ......... .103 1:54 112X735 Track record: Feb. 2S, 1920-47-2-lg ind. Horse. Wt. Re, A.Wt.nan. g "V:"- S?gS 77867 Relic n Ill :48 ll...i2o 77842 Kxtra Edition 95 1:55 117.. 735 77910 Neat Girl 113 :49 112X720 77863; Dreamer 117.. 730 77647 Night Shade M. 109X715 77912: jr;ilinnt Cast 117X730 77845 Little Jimmy US :49 115. .7Li 77912 Frankman 117.. 730 77867 Fanny de Coursy..ll3 :48 112X"1j 77912 Deronda 117X730 77779 Channel M 105 :48 109. .715 777x6 Fhing Fur 112.. 730 77839 Rrown Trout 115 :49 lliiXTlo 77912 Stake Me 117.. 725 77839 Barney Google ...121 :49 121.. 710 77342 Dazzler 117X-3 77867 Sam Mongol 118 :48y3 113.. 710 77367 Wilbur "White- Fiftli Race 1 1-16 Miles. head M 1131 :48 112. .710 Irish Free State Claiming Handicap. 77S671 Waratah M 100 :48 109.. 710 Iurse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. 77867 Malachn Ill :49 112.. 705 Track record: March 17, 1920 1:45 7 110. 77910 Little Pal M 107.. 705 77893 Soggarth Aroon ..106 1:47 4 113X725 77575 George de Mar M 112.. iOO 779x3 0 TTcnry 10G 1:46 4 112X720 77779 Captain Schneller 77935 bl.lewcllyn Ill 1:45 5 110X715 M 110 :49 112. .700 77935 Calcutta 112U:45 4 103X715 77845 Dora Lutz M...115 :52 109.. 700 77843 bEdward Gray 102 1:40 4 110.. 715 77910 Doc McMahon M.110 :49 107.. 700 77S70 itrunell 101 1:48 4 105 710 77867 Flavia M 109 :49 109.. 700 7-9x3 Deronda 3 100X710 17892 Winner Take All.. 100 1:4G 4 100 X 705 Second Race 3-4 Mile. 77892 Isosceles 106 1:16 5 100.. 700 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Sixth Race 1 1-8 Miles. Track record: Dec. 31, 1919 1:12 3 117. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 77841 Dandvbrush 1011:14 3 104.. 725 Track record: March 17, 1920 1:51 3 118. 77652 bSagamore 104 1:12 7 120X720 77447 bl.ord Wrack 105 1:54 7 10SX725 77474 Salmon 109 1:10 3 104X715 77846 Carnarvon 108 1:55 7 10S720 77632 Hysteria 92 1:13 u 115 X 715 77630 Old Faithful 101 1:52 G 108X715 77576 Stone Age 102 1:13 4 11SX715 77937 Smarty 114 1:54 6 108X715 75317 bArdito 10S l:lGh 7 120X715 77889 Piedmont 4 105x"15 77648 bAssume Ill 1:12 10 120:-:710 77803 Richelieu 105 1:54 7 109X715 77888 Charlie Siimmy ...114 1:11 S 120.. 710 77936 Our Star 3 91X710 77341 P.arbara Palmer ..107 1:17 4 113.. 710 77784 Brotherly Love ...104 1:51 7 10SX710 77759 bGeorge Starr OS 1:15 9 120705 77372 Vitamin 102 1:53 5 108X710 76211 Farewell Taps ...113 1:15 5 115x705 77914 Dumbfounder .-...103 1:54 5 100X710 77121 Tister 9S 1:16 3 99. .705 77804 East Indian 99 1:52 7 115X705 77740 Sayit M 110 1:15 3 99.. 705 77844 Roy from Home ..112 1:5G 5 103 X 705 77S41 bKnos 115 1:10 9 120X700 77499 bWidgeon 5 108.. 705 76853 Mount Pleasant M104 1:10 4 118. .700 77936 Kent L 90 1:51 4 113X700 77452 bCantcen Girl 105 1:15 0 115 X 700 77S32 bDoughnut 112 1:54 5 111X700 77738 Newpoit 102 1:10 4 113.. 700 77936 Vennie 99 1:55 4 109.. 700 77840 Woodland Queen 77871 Longboat 4 107X700 M Ill 1:15 3 99.. 700 77937 bAl Steblor 103 l:59m 4 107X700 77740 False Alarm M ..105 1:10 3 104.. 700 77937 Water Girl 4 102.. 700 77888 Toddy Toast M.. 99 1:17 4 11S..700 77868 Beverwyck 107 1:56 4 107. .700

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