Comparative Mile Records, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-16

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Comparative Mile Records Dec. Est. Track. Comp.Spetd. Mile. Mile Record. flelmont Tarlc 98C 1:35 Aqueduct 075 1:30 Churchill Downs 970 l:3f.H Saratoga 070 1:30 ft Syracuse 908 1:3W Juarex 955 1:3G Lutonia 955 1:30 Douglas Park 955 1:30 Santa Anita Park 945 1:37ft Hawthorne 915 1:37 Harlem 040 1:37 Lexington 940 l:37?i Brighton Beach 935 1:37 Fort Eric .035 1:37 Sliecpshead Day 935 1:37 Washington Park 935 1:37 laurel 935 1:37 Piuilico 935 1:37 Hlue llounets 930 1:37 Fair Grounds New Orleans 930 1:37 i Windsor 930 1:37 Kcnilworlh Park ltuffalo 925 1:3S Tijuana. Mex 925 1 :SS Worth 925 1:33 Oriental Park Havana 925 1:38 i:niiire City 920 l:38 Devonshire Park 915 1:3S Oakland 915 1:3S? Dade Park 915 1:3S Ascot Park 912i; 1:334 Dorval Park 910 1:331s Jacksonville am 1:3S llrighsc Pk Vancouver, II. C. .910 1:3S Reno 910 1:3S Itutte 905 1:3S Thorncliffe Park 005 1:38 Gravescnd 905 1:38 Jamaica 905 1:3S IjiRoon Park 905 1:3S Woodbine Park 905 1:38 Oaklawn 900 1:39 Overland Park 900 1:39 Tanforan 000 1:39 Jefferson Park 900 1:39 Havre de Grace S95 1:39 Kim ltidgc Park S934 1:394 Jamestown S90 1 :39 St. Louis Fair Grounds SS7 1:39 ConnauKht Park SS0 1:39 Hamilton 8S0 1:39 Mount Royal SS0 1:39 Anaconda 875 1:40 rtimlxirlaml Park .875 1:40 Kenllworth Tk. Windsor est. .875 1:40 Palmetto Park 870 1:40 Montgomery Park 1:40 Denning SCO 1:40 Dowie 850 1:41 Cheyenne 850 1:41 Kempton Park 820 1:42 Pipinz Hock 820 1:42 It The foregoing table is based on an arbitrary decimal basis of 25 points to a second, running down from a theoretical mile in 1:35. valued at 1.000. Itoamcr won a race against time at Saratoga August 21. 1918. in 1:34. but the time used i Audacious 1:35 in a regular race against other horses.

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Local Identifier: drf1924031601_11_2
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