untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-21


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HARVEY AMES Earle BIdg., Broadway at 52nd St. HEW Y0EK, N. Y. "Harvey Transaction" TODAY After the result of the fourth race at Ha-rana had heen official this onleo Aval notified that there ivill be a "Harvey Transaction" today. Subscription 00 must he telegraphed early to assure proper listing. Positively no service to any one excepting to those whose subscriptions are here no later than one oclock. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1493914939 $ jm J PREDETERMINED 3and - TURF PROFITS . The MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally 0 known at "easy for jilayer hard for layer." Has stood the ACID TEST tor . . U many years. We could not spend many thousands of dollars per annum adver-w tisint; water as coujjh syrup and con- f is, tinue in business. Sold on .installment payments paid from your profits. Abso- lutcly FREE. 10O pace rccine manual, w V review, sworn testimonals. etc. Invest!-Gate today and make your Bookie obey. Public Relations Manager f PST S. E. ARTHUR Op Box 10 It. i Towson, Md. 14939 149391493914939 sher Actual . Results Are What Count THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM WON ON A 0 PLAY FOE THE WEEK ENDING MARCH 15. AS FOLLOWS: NEW ORLEANS WON 03.00 TIJUANA WON ?240.03 FOR FULL DETAILS ADDRESS THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 601 CATHEDRAL BALTIMORE, MD. VOLUME II. OF Annual Racing form for 1923 NOW ON SALE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924032101/drf1924032101_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1924032101_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800