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y ; 1 ! ; I i ; . " r, 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. 0. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS Our next 0 one horse special roes Wednesday. Yesterdays 0 One Horse Special wu BREECHLOADER 6.60- WON SATURDAYS SPECIAL: SUN FLAG .20- WON FRIDAY S SPECIAL: FLYING FUR 1.80- WON Out last six Specials, five won, one second. Oor 0 Specials consist of one horse only. All our specials filed in adTanee with Racing Form. WE DO NOT HAVE THEM EVERY DAY, BUT WAIT FOE BIGHT SPOTS. Tomorrows Wednesdays 0 One Horse Special Should pay an even better price than yesterdays Special and has heen specially prepared for a killing. We deal only in good priced horses. Since Maryland opened a 0 flat play on each 0 Special won ,208.00 after deduct inc all losses. We protect our clients and if tomorrows horse should not win. we will send you next two 0 Specials FREK. We will »ir. this horse early Wednesday mominjr. so get your subscription in early and have plenty »f time to make your play. Should pay 20 to 1. S. 0. SERVICE, JAMAICA, N. Y. Wire 0 at once try Western Union no Postal here. oHIskLJLIo MDDAWH mJK£MXM fl| IX I I KNOWN TO TURFMEN FOR A GENERATION striclly 0ne HorS4 D.ay 0 Weekly. .00 Daily. 301 W. 58th St. New York City Yesterdays 0.00 Occasional Nellie Morse ...6.20- Won Yesterdays .00 Track Wire everybody knows me Parmachenee Belle .90- Won My last SIX 0 Occasional won. Follow George YESTERDAY I ADVISED: Shields and know what it means to win. _ _ _ . Saturdays 0.00 Occasional „ „— — m tv-iv v MAXIM ANEH Spot Cash 2.20- Won . Fridays 0.00 Occasional .#»..#». ,«a».* sj-WT 3.20- Won Flying Fur 1 .80- Won * Thursdays 0.00 Occasional Saturday i advised: Extreme .80- Won Wednesdays 0.00 Occasional PAS SEE 3.90- Won Auntie M. ,, ..50- Won Nothing Advised Friday or Thursday KJrkleVmgtOn . .8.80" Won My .00 Wire Winners Last Week Wednesday i advised: Parmachenee Belle .80- Won SUBTLE - 0.20- Won Ear|a Baby* ; ; ; ;4;30. won Tuesday i advised: Little Visitor .00- Won Water ..30- Won uiTd/rr eo on eo u Tropical . MUMatb - .ZU- Won Marionette . .. .3.70- Won , _. 0 Getaway Occasional roes today and it must ..,,_• ■_■„*, I Advised Elm, Which Lost j Monday wijl_not „,„ sftcond or tnird or yon the j next occasional FREE. I have personally watched ~ this one in her daily workouts and if you knew j what I know about this one you would get down , i hook, line and sinker and rest easy, as this race I have been operating at Kentucky is a8 . a, in- tracks exclusively for a number of Terms: 0.00 with the above guarantee. Call at office or wire, years, during which time my worth in DIP MfiNPY UfiRQF this line of endeavor has been fully .. ?W» ."WE j_ nUWOC And it is right on my .00 daily sheet. The proved to everybody who has ever ..wile money" is down strong on this SPECIAL done business with me. "£ that ".1***™*?* J *dr*e my fo" *» «- Terms: . Rush your fee now. 00 private special goes Friday. May 16. and it will be given free to all weekly subscribers. WEEK BEFORE LAST Terms: 0.00 weekly .6 racing days. 5 Straight Winners Which m JSPSLIWi* «* Averaged Better Than 5 to 1 """" "* c0- gi,"-°- Another Long Shot Today | jj $ $ tm nmmtD Jkand - TURF PROFITS • . Tlie MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally «r» I m » known as "«asy for player — hard for , TermSI NT*" **»a stood the ACID TEST for .** , tn many years. We rould not spend many y% thousands of dollars per annum adier- S10 ""w Dai «"J? V. a*** Vw 0 in WeeK "•""J i i V m,*+m »»»«« ■ eough symp-and con- ♦» m tlnue in bu*tnes«. Sold on installment -_ _ ,_. «,/».., payments paid from your profits. Abso- DO II NOW w lutrly FREE. lOO page racing manual, w 4* review, sworn testimonals. etc. Investi-: gate today and make your Bookie obey. *** Wire Money to Insure Quick Action j Public Relations Manager r mm S. E. ARTIIIR m _■ V J SjrH B»X to It. F. Tot%»on. Md. /and Vi M * * *«»»** «is** Gars Weekly T have 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS , , . . .... aft8r C*reful M. "»«»tl«atl0a «reed to make * »250 TODAYS FEEE CODES: LOUISVILLE— Michigan -House-Sea-Raia Pl*J on three horses that will start in New York PIMLICO — Geoiria-Man-White-Boy in the next two weeks. These horses are at the Under no consideration fail to get the present time In shape to win and are only waiting NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY ifor »uiuMa *pots *° ** put °ver- G°°d **and* *re and get these two FREE CODES for a PARLAY. | expected on each. I am looking for three or four YESTERDAYS SPECIAL- people who, after satisfactory investigation, are wdUl* t0 ioin me *° the extent of ° t0Wird " Won Breechloader . . 6.60- play. SATURDAYS OCCASIONAL fGIVEN FREE: "P F «*% R faft Chilhowee .40- Won ccIK„A°x0HtUH Yes. every single man jack got this OCCA- _________________________ SIONAL, which we gave free on GARS DAILY. " TODAY Pay From Your Profits ANOTHER THE MASTER HEY SYSTEM cf playing fwlww I aaa_aa g races will be mailed you for one weeks tO faPPACifaaM Al CDCC trial. No charge unless it shows an average 3 £ UUUMolUlwML rnCQ profit 0f at least 0 a day on the acale °f Play- For particulars mail this ad., with SX/M-O IT I nillOllll I r bUbo A I LUUIoVILLt youi name and addisai to J J£ "WILLIS this is SOME SPEEDY trick in And bolieve me Th.rtieth St. Miami Reach. Fla. the going. Everything is 0. K. For this one just _B1iBBBaaiBBBiBBiBBBBBaiBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaaaaaaaBHaBBawaBwai ask your newsdealer for BaVaO aTlllT LOLLIPOP 7.80- WON JQI O MlCLRMLJ GLIDE 30 WON »aw Were both given Gallops readers May 10. Send 60 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS for next Mondaj s two by mail. Address GALLOPS - 219 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. WELL KNOWN HORSEMAN — — — of twenty years sUndinr. now quartered at Chur- T* 17JUai»ii AXT-rl __-C .-1»» ! chiU Downs with a high class stable, desires to cor- I Ujfi HiQllOlS VY CCKI V I respond with a limited number of reliable parties who can use first-hand information for the Ren- TODAYS ,..../. FKKK OllK: tucky meetings. References given and required. Churchill Downs~-Jack-Today-Buy-Follow. P 0 BOX NO 2038 f Have Tw° lUal Tn,n8 ;oinff Today LOUISVILLE, *RY. FOR THEM GET THE TMtK EDITORS DAII Y — ■ — =■ AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS Subscribe for Daily Racing Form ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM lfrT-IM FAST a2nd ST, MFW YORK nTT, M ▼