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Entries and Past Performances CHURCHILL DOWNS ■ TUESDAY, MAY 13 - P WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST. Tho figures under the heading "Bee." in the entries below show the beet time ef each horse at the distance since Jannary 1, 1922. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast er food track, abbreviations shew track conditions. 7669 IS FIRST ITfDEX OF 1124. 7S6»»8 IS THE FIRST IKDEX OF MAT. Raring starts at 2.00 p. m. Chicago time 3:00. Superior mm! runner. XGood mud runner. »l:lair mud runuer. II Maidens. •Apprenlics allowance, l.r. linkers. The following abbreviations are used to desipnate tracks at which time records shown In entries were made : Aqueduct Aq Aurora Au Belmont Park BP Blue Bonnets BB Bowie Bo Churchill Downs CD Columbus Co Connanght Park CP Conr.caut Lake CL Dade Park DP Devonshire De Dorval Do Duf f erin Du Empirs Em Fair Grounds FG Fort Erie FE Hamiltsn Hm Havre de Grace HG Hawthorne Hw Havana Hv Huntington Hi Jamaica 7a Jefferson Park XP Kenil worth Ke Kempton Park KP King Edward Ki Latonia La Laurel Lu Lexington Lz Ma pi 3 Heights MH Marlboro Mb Mobile Mo Mount Royal MR Omaha Om Pimlico Pm Reno Re Saratoga Sa Tanf oran Ta Thornclif f e Th Tijuana Ti Toledo To Windsor Wi "Woodbine Wo First Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse SI. 300. 4 rear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 24, 1921-1:11—-128. Todays 7nd_ norwArostros. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.Han. 73944 Rnby. 11 fD 10C 1 13 7 10ti 72.". 72226 bOobweb. 4 1m 111 llKm 7 111 v720 I 78748 Miss Mazie, 6.Uv 101 1:13 4 1060715, 78389 *8w«t. 7 Hv 10e, 1:14 8 108«71". j 78841* •Napoo. 0 Cl 108 1:13V-, c UlX713 788412 Sequel, 16 KP 96 1:1*% • BBX71S 77983 Ben Bolt, 1 CD 108 1:1*% I 111x719 78897 Stmnp Jr., 2. -DP 110 1:12*4 4 UlXTM 72717 Brunswick, 3 ..Ke 99 1:11*% 6 111. .710 76557 Macbeth. 8 . . .ID 109 1 :13=k 4 111x710 78694- Dav of Peace, 10 Lx 111 1:14 * 7 111. .710 78897 l.Roh. 14 FG 106 1:14V 0 111x710 78941 Commander Me- Me*-kin, 1T...CD 105 1 14 5 111X710 78767 •bWidpeon. 5 . . .Ra 112 1:12% I 108 .700 78830 Walnut Hall. 12. 10 100 700 75472 Galusba Mi. 13. La 112 1:16 4111.700 78941 Jack Frost, 17.1.x 100 1:16% 4 106x700 Second Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Furse SltX!. 2 year elds. Maidens. Special W ights. fTTOeJi record: May 21, 192152—2—110. Vtt9B» Bankrupt, 4 118-» 72." V8829 Fourcross. | . .Lxlll :0C% 118x720 1 JITTl3 Son of Tromp. 3 Lx 114 -.54% 118. .715! 7889J Tsngirs. 2 ...LxlOS :55% 118. .710 78891 Cup Bearer, 6 118. 70". 78686 Abstract, 7 118.. 700 Dee X Cotnex, 1. 118 I CHIRCHILL DOWNS JOCKEY PERCENTAGES |||. From January 1, 1923, to May 7. 1924. Inclusive. At er Over Jorkej. r.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Parke, 1 25 100 1108 279 187 137 Taylor, W. W. M 114 13 3 3 2 Picken*, A. .21 106 337 72 64 58 Pool, K 18 110 491 92 103 74 Garner, M. 18 110 535 64 53 45 McDermon, L. 18 107 636 149 136 127 Martin, E, 17 109 546 95 67 58 Pevic, J 17 104 661 83 101 85 Bmallwood, R. 17 113 402 70 68 46 Kennedy, B. 16 105 483 77 80 69 Howard. J 16 103 140 22 24 9 Barrett. ■ 16 110 75 12 6 ► Pool. W J4 107 480 66 56 64 HeupeL J 14 103 339 49 46 46 Garrett, M. J4 100 362 49 42 29 Finher, R. .14 100 7 1 2 1 Frank. W 13 104 883 114 109 9S Momic.v. J. D 13 114 404 54 46 52 Griffin, S. 13 85 23 3 1 1 Bant?. B. 12 105 753 87 81 96 8tDtta, H. 12 104 651 75 79 99 Lancet W. 12 102 45S 66 53 72 Kelsay. W 12 108 219 26 25 25 OBrien, E_ 12 88 164 20 25 13 Gray. H 12 103 120 14 9 13 Coooran, J 11 108 774 84 97 84 McC r. J 11 103 503 57 49 52 Terra t, A 11 98 282 32 30 32 Third Race— 1 Mil*. Pnrse ,100. 3 year old*. Claiming. fTrack record: May 19. 1921 -1 :36Vt-H— 104. 78803 Dohson, 4 ... .FG 100 1:41% 10r X725 78608 Ballot Brush, ].. 110x720 78751 Polynesia, 3 91.. 715 78800 King Tut Ml. i.. 101X710 78775 Frankman, 0 ..CI 112 1 40% 107. .7C5 75431 Bona Vera iM. 2 La 109 1:45m 104x700 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. St. Matthews Puree. Parse ,400. 3-year olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: May 24, 1921— 1:11— 6- 128. 709901 Boys Believe Me, 8 Pm 107 1:12 4 108.750 78725 Possible, 3 Sa 109 1:12% 4 103.. 745 74663* bBuster, 5 1m HO 112M; r 1 OS. .745 77873 Jolin Finn, 1...CD 105 1:12 5 110X740 75616 New Gold, 4.1* 115 1:13 3 104. 740 73724 Roldgold, 6 . Ht 107 1:13% 4 103 735 78773 Volt, 2 I* 113 1:14% I 94x735 78775 Man Jong, 7. .FG 100 1:12% 3 95X730 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Derby Trial Purse. Purse ,000. 3 year olds. Allowances. Track record: May 19. 1921— 1:36%— 8- 104. 77974 BLACK COLD. 5 CD 117 l:3S%m 119x750 78841 Wild Aster, I 119X740 78900 King Gorin II.. 7 CD 115 1:38% 119x740 78899 Glide, 2 114X735 78900 Colonel Gilmore, 6 La 113 1:44% 110x735 75495 Princess Doreen, 1 Li 99 1:40% 114.735 78900 Dudley. 4 CD 109 1:39% 108. 730 78900 Cloister, 8 1*107 1:38% 108x725 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile, Turse ,300. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record; May 21, 1921 1:11— 6—128 78724 Hullo, 1 I .a 104 1:13% 6 106X725 78751 Glynn, 13 La 106 1:11% 5 106® 720 76680 Doctor Glenn, 10. I* 98 1:13% 4 106X715 78897 R. E. Clark, S.U 92 1:13% 4 111X715 71125 Royal Palm. «.l*i 104 1:12% 6 111x715 78802 bBrother John. 1«. Hw 110 1:12% 5 116X715 75551 Sandalwood. 2 FG 105 1:13 0 111x710 78748* Naughty Nisba. 7, I* 97 1:12 I 106. .710 75557 Teds Plum, 9.1K 100 1:12% 4 10L 710 78827 hSpods. 17 Hv 103 1:13% 5 111X710 78897 Who Knows Me. 3 OB 109 1:14 4 106x705 77783 Colonel Winn, 5.. FG 110 1:14% 5 113x705 77871 IBcboat, 12 . . FG 102 1:13% 4 106x705 78445 Giuseppe, 4 ...1*104 1:13% 4 111. 700 75392 Vanishing Boy. 11 1*104 114 4 111X700 77888 Theseus, 14 . . .CD 104 1 14% 4 111. .700 71482 Louis Lichtenbeim, 15 FG 116 1:13% 6 111.. 700 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Purs* ,400. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 20. 1921— 1 :49%— 4— 119. 78887 bQnesada. 2 Lx 111 1:54% 5 111x725 78776; Kirklevington, 1 . CD 112 1:54% 6 111x720 788303 Major Chilton, 3 Lx 103 1:56% 4 105x715 78772 Praise, 4 4 105X710 78803 Hnonec, 7 Lxl0Sl:53% 6 111X705 78903 Ed Pendleton. 5.. 4 110. .701 78826 Alinka M.», tf 4 105. .700 At or Over Jockey. P.O. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. I.yke. L 11 115 154 17 18 21 Murphy. F 11 109 108 12 14 !l Montgomery, L 11 100 62 7 7 6 Brickmu. K 10 105 544 56 78 62 Eaton. J 10 99 387 38 61 49 Harrington. R 10 109 232 24 26 27 Costello, R 10 100 272 26 15 25 Willis, 0 10 108 31 3 0 I Jones, D 09 95 395 37 39 40 Blind, K 09 99 412 36 38 49 Carroll, G. W 09 100 278 25 37 36 Owens, J 08 109 342 28 27 38 Smith, F 08 106 235 19 23 24 Murray, T 08 110 135 11 8 17 Mergler, D 07 99 326 23 41 38 Kaiser. H 07 99 162 12 13 19 Lilley. W 07 115 94 7 10 12 Francis. J 06 109 31 2 2 3 lliorndjke, F 05 98 196 10 18 12 Clifford. R 05 100 146 7 14 16 Kcderig. J 05 106 103 5 13 I McCat-e. W 03 103 200 7 17 19 Fithou, L 106 22 0 0 3 Yelton. R 97 50 0 1 1 Dishmon, C 103 19 0 0 1 Barker. T 100 4 0 0 0 Barnes, N. J 105 2 0 0 0 Meyers, II 108 3 0 0 0 1 it RAPF 3~4 Mi,e- 4-jear-olds and upward. Claiming. May 24, 1921— Index Course Dlit Time Tck Odds Wt St *» Btr Fin Jotters Started Ordet of Finish RUBY, b. m, 7 106 By Golden Maxim — Kits, by Sempronius. Trainer. J. Umensetter. Owner, J. Umensetter. Breeder. J. Umensetten. 78944 See todays chart. 78897 Chare-hill 7-S 1 :7%mud 6 107 1 1 21 2 H Long 11 Oncseda. Runnnoi. WhoKr.owsMc 77932 Jefftrson 3-4 1.15%hvy 4 110 6 4 6 6* H BreninglO Vacuum. Simplicity, I*d Rose 77805 Jefferson 8-4 1:16 fast • 104 5 6 6» " B Hreninp 9 KI Astro, Whaleb e. Idle Thts 77710 KC.rnds 3-4 1 14%fast 7 104 4 S 7» Srj 1 Mergler 12 l.IA-tro. MissFtune. Swpstakes 77603 FGrnds S-4 1 :15Vhvy »5 108 7 7 7 6«i D Merger J Cm nor. Stargo, Sling 77584 KV.fnds S-4 1 :H%hvy 11 101 1 1 1 J f D Merrier 4 L Marc|lia. Hid.Jew.l, C Free 77538 KCr nds S-l 1 14%faat 8 192 6 C 11 10 K Th dyke 12 Kxchange. Billy Klair, Jou Jou ?7344 F.;ri.ds J-4 1.14%good SJ 10*. 1 1 l1 1 I Tarke 10 GoidenBillows, Lugs, PoorSport COBWEB, h. g, 7 111 By Sweep — Cluny. by Salvation. J. F. Winscher. Owter. J. F. Winschert. Breeder. C. W. Clark. 72226 Map Hts ij f 1 :0f %fast 3 5 107 2 1 1« l| E Martin 4 StumpJr.. Citation. Den«-e Wild 70818 l*tonia 6-6 T17%mu l 4 111 1 1 1 3i J Fran is 8 Day of Peace. Cobn el. Stun pjr 41368 K Gr nds E.J f l:07%mu l 1120 98 2 1 1" 1« C Robaon 3 liider lire. Marie Miller 41051 KGrnds 5| f 1 .-ti7%rmid 21 10S 1 1 1« H M Garner 12 Hidden Jewel. Roi Craig Padua 41004 KGrnds Ufl.lO%mud 2 115 2 1 li l" D Conn lb 10 WaiMusk, K lVanter. F.andSqre MISS MAZIF. b. f. 4 106 By Bock View— Clara Atkin. by Sain. Trainer. E. P. 0Meara. Owner. OMeara Bros. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 78748 Lex Klon 2-4 1 i:i%fast U 106 5 7 fc: 6" 11 Stutts 9 Minus. P.Ioliticn. NghtyNisha 75274 l*tonia lm70 1 44%fast 34 98 11 9 T 7" A Yerrat U I ritishLiner. I.enValet. Neddam 75157 11-16 1 « fast 14 112 S 5 E1 6" M Garner I MissMeise. CiiiFipp.-. RpgM.iry 75091 l*tonia 1 1 B Xjl%hvy 6 107 4 S 4 L J Pevic • Romp gM v. Krlanger Tlorllav 75006 IatonU 1 14 2 06 fast 27 102 8 6 i* l*i H Harvey 8 Wild Life! Cnkamo Cash 7489? latonia 1116 147 faj«t 23 10710 8 8 8»J J McCoy 10 Itosli, Cash, FlowerShop 74730 1-atonia lrfl7u l:C%fast 16 10 4 I 31 3»1 L MtDott 8 Gem, Bosh. Flower Shop SWAY. b. g. 8 108 By Vulcain— Buby Right, by Star Ruhr. Trainer W. H. Hall. Owner, W. H. Hall. Breeder. J. H. Woodford. 783H9 lliiril ton 1 1-16 1 48%fast 1 114 V R Costello ■ Tingling. Klrick Ha. V. Vehemt 78344 Hunt ton 1 1:42 fa-st S» 1U8 fcJ J ICaton 8 CavIiovII.. Rhinegold. FlaxyMne 78204 Hunt ton ll:41%fajit 1 114 7,JJ PetretcalO WMfW, FredKinuei . CrtLidy 77743 Jeffernon HM:ij fast 11-6 108 4 1 2 Li F. Blind 6 Sand-of Ilre. Repeater Westud 77652 r.Gr*nda 1 1-16 l:48%fa» t 16 5 108 9 4 li 1* K Blind • Irishlat. Duinl.fonmler Westwd 77386 FCrnils 3-4 1:13%fa»t B 108 12 11 C1 7:i K Blind 14 Carpenter. St Mauri.., Loux-limit 8B4M Chun-hill 1 1 40 fast 13 112 4 8 « 6* J McCoy 11 Bob. Shea. W.-stwd. Simpleton 75162 Latoina 13 16 159 fast H 1U T 7 9 9* J McCoy 10 Oo Lu 1m. Golden Bilicws, Pumps NAPOO, ch. g. 6 111 By Martinet— La Gloria, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. R. D. Williams. Owner. Williams Bros.. Breeder. Williams Bros. 78724 LaKatM C-4 1 15 good 17-10 111 1 1 1» 1 E Smwd !t KoijIIn.k. Hullo. harlesHenry 78643 Lex gton 3-4 1 H%good B 10 113 1 8 P 6" ■ SmwodlO Mevieanlea. CusMep Dmlnat n 78611 Lex gton 3-4 11»%l. y 19-and 110 4 1 U Ill/ Jones 9 PunlMi. u. Umanni. DrflVac. T3844 Ceaton 8-4 1 16 hvy 6t 106 1 1 1# 1» I Parke 8 OoldeiiKlo,h. M Valet, T.L pard 7S772 Ix gton Midi good 3 4 104 2 1 1» | | 1 Parke 8 Fincastle. Klevington Monsoon 11448 Haw thne 11:40 fast 102 8 t M 2"* W Fronk 8 Sway, Tony lteau. Sea Mint 70663 Latonia J 4 1 ICHhvy 20 108 1 t 8 7" T Brothers 9 Glyn. Raay. Day of Peace 70014 Churchill 1 1 16 1 4i%faat II 5 107 2 2 J» 3* J Conor "10 Rob. Hullo. Sweet Houquet 69835 ChuxchiU 11.42 mud 5310 107 J li 1* J Corvor n 8 lieelFoot. LaitKffort, BenValet SEQUEL, gr. f, 4 106 By Book— GUndatredogne, by Ardoon. Trainer. R. S. Stickney. Owner, Friars Din Stable. Bred is Eaglaad by J. Bottle. 78941 See todays chart. 77911 Jefferson ti f 1 10%hvy 4 105 12 9 »• ll» I Farke 15 Florence, Ltent.Farrell. Stamp 77769 F.Grnda 3-4 1 14%fast 8 106 10 10 9 91 J Kederis 12 Our Flag. John Joseph, Theseu9 77321 F.Grnda 3-4 l:14%slow 6-6 105 6 3 4» 4«j I Parke 11 Venixelon, Sagamore. Hysteria 76986 F.Grnda 3-4 l:15%hvy 6 106 6 4 2* 3J I Parke 10 Guvnor. Care Free. Felicitous 76837 P.Ofnds 3-4 1:15 slow 7 98 10 3 4J 4 F Thdvke12 BegPdon, GrnOold. DanRollinf 76268 Jefferson 3-4 1:18 hTy 6 102 6 10 10 9" I Parke 10 Simplicity, Valcntia, Aladdin 76191 Jefferson 6J f 1 :11 hvy 8 102 2 4 q :BU Parke 12 Tomtella. Baldine. Fronfrsman 75977 Jefferson 3 4 l:17%hvy U 5 104 4 and 5 5" I Parke 7 Fire Cracker, Venixelos, Ralco BEN BOLT. ch. g, 6 111 By Uncle— Natalie D.. by Ben Stroma. Trainer, W. L. Drake. Owner, Hinted Bros. A Jones. Brooder. J. W. Bell. 77983 Havana 34 1.13%sIow 3 106 7 6 € «• W Fronk 7 StacyAds. BrotherJn, SpringVe 77812 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 8 110 1 3 31 7«J W McCabell Aitete Vernor, Feodor. CIcnIivet 77682 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 3 111 7 S 7« 6i W McCabe 8 Feodor, SpringVale. Stacy Adams 77549 Havana 5J f 1 :4»%sIow 8 5 119 2 2 1» 3 W Fronk 8 Lilac Time, Rapid Stride, Feodor 77354 Havana andi f 1 :08 good 4 U0 4 4 31 2* W Fronk 12 Cuba Kncanfo. Scissors, Pelion 77245 Havana 3-4 1 :tf 4r.vy 3 112 1 1 1» l|W Fronk 8 LgGreen, F.Qoeen. Mrs Gardner 77174 Havana 2 4 1:19 hvy 3 115 3 1 V 1 W Fronk 8 Sq. Wiggins, Vulcanite, Fo/ewrn 77029 Havana 6] f l:LTihvy 8-5 111 3 1 1* 2» W Fronk 8 Gold Chance, KycBright, Col. Pat STUMP JR., b. e. 4 111 By Golden Maxim — Green Dawn, by Greenan. Trainer. R. McGarvey. Owner, Four Oaks Stock Farm. Stable. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 78897 Churchill 7-R lrTHmud 39 109 10 8 1 «l H StBtts 11 Qneseda. Ruby. Kunqnoi .8772 Lexgton 11-16 1:47 fast 20 109 1 5 6* 6*1 L McDottl2 Cautions, StoneAge. HrithLinet 78700 Lexgton 1 1-16 1 :51%hvy 13 IDS 2 6 6 6" H Stutta 6 Ouesada Ixiuanna Lady Inez 77742 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:48 fast 6 110 8 6 3» 4 L McDottlO KScarpolette. Tody. Richelieu 77586 FGrnds 1 1 16 1:50 hvy 8 107 1 3 8 7" H Stutta 8 G.RiUows, F.Sneexy. Marg.Waro 77543 KGrnds 1 1-16 1 :48%fast 12 106 1 3 2* 3 H Stutta 9 Gold. Billows. St.Donard. Bucado 77497 F.Grnda lm70y 1:44 good 30 98 6 8 8 8" L Fiction 8 RoseatelL, LGranite, R. Bottom BRUMSW1CK, b. g. 6 111 By Frixxle— Country Fraud, by Deceiver. Trainer. E. Trotter. Owner, E. Trotter. Breeder. L. A. Lyne. 72797 Kenilwh 3-4 l:11%fast 7 99 5 1 Ill J Wallace 11 Mercury, Speedy Girl, Wake Fp 72627 FortKrie 51 f l:10%mud 7 107 6 5 51 5"J J Wallace 7 Tidings. Peter Piper. Far East 72097 Kenilwh 3-4 112%fast 7-5 100 4 1 H 2 J Wallace 12 Wake Up, Ogarite, Claymore 72030 Kenilwh 3-4 1 :12%fast — 99 5 4 5"! 5 J Wallace 10 E. Rkenbachcr, S Lemon. II. Man 71173 1-atonia 3 4 1:12 fast 15 110 9 7 S* 5 J Wallace 11 Dr.Hickman. Lugs. MarineCorps 71032 Latonia 3-4 1 :ll%fast 26 104 6 7 8 8" J Wallace 8 Couiixa. Pindar Peel. Elemental 70592 Latonia 3 4 1:12%fast 26 108 6 2 9 9" J Wallace 9 Honor Man. Caligula. Ararat MACBETH, b. c, 4 111 By Tony Bonero— A. M. J., by Bomerges. Trainer, L. Gentry. Owner. L. Gentry. Breeder. T. B. Jones. 75557 Churchill 3-4 1:13%fast 5 109 3 4 2 I" M Fator 7 Reg Pardon, LittleHope. Rnnzaf 75532 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 11 108 3 3 31 2» J Wallace 8 Rnstem, Gordon Shaw, Modna 75471 Chyrchill 3-4 lMofatrt 14-." Ill 2 3 41 3i E Pool 8 I1ukI.cs Graham. Finday. Yound 75219 latonia 3-4 l:16*0ivy 7 106 2 4 31 ?* J Pevic 8 Antonia, Kingsclere, Gold.Floss 70780 Iitonia 3 4 LlSmud 8-5 112 1 3 2 2* R Hffman 7 Kindred. OldTop, LucvChurchill 70331 Map.Hta 3-4 1:ll%fast 26 100 4« P Groos 6 For. Queen, Bril. Ray, Crys.Ford DAY OF PEACE, ch. g, 7 111 By Jim Gaffney— Stella Moberly, by Woolsthorpe. Traiter, H. Oots. Owner, H. Oots. Breeder. L. S. Flad. 78694 Lex gton 3-4 l:16hvy U-10 107 2 2 2» 2s L McDott 7 Marionette. Richelieu, II Chaav 78611 I.eyEton 3-4 l:18%hvy 9-0 115 1 5 41 4« L McDott 9 Paul Micou, Ixiuanna, Nai o© 70818 Iitonia 34 l:17mud 4 115 4 3 3* 1»* L McDott 8 Glyn, Cobweb, Stump Jr. 70663 I-atonia 3 4 1:16%hvy 17-5 118 4 2 3 351 L McDott 9 Glyn, Ruby. Sister Flo 70316 Churchill 3-4 l:H%hvy 2 115 2 1 Ill L McDott 13 Ben Bolt, Monsoon, Permarco 69532 Lexgton 3 4 l:14Vigood 8 111 3 1 11 ll L McDottl2 Grayson, M.Bodine, T.Swimmei ROB. ch. h. 5 111 By Orb — Fanlita, by Panmure. Trainer, R. J. Gilmore. Owner, C. Wiedemann. Breeder. I. E. Clark. 78897 Churchill 7-8 l:27%BMi 26 109 5 6 6» 7» K Pool 11 Qoesedn, Ruby, Rnrnjuoi 71845 Hawthne 1 1-16 1:47 fast 10 110 4 6 11 ll» L McDott 11 Diversity, Sprtsman. Reliability 71292 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 12 115 5 5 11 11" D ConnIlyll Salvo, BobbieShea. B.FromHome 71170 latonia 1 1-3 1 :52%fast 16 111 2 2 85 8" L McDottl2 Kimpalong, WiliowTree. Opulent 71065 Latonia 1 1 8 1 :-52 ifast 42-5 115 3 4 51 10" L McDottl2 Plus Iltra, By Gosh. Pete Foy 709S7 latonia 3 4 1:12%fast 23 110 8 10 10 9" L McDottlO Ginger, Patrician. Beg Pardon 70745 1-atonia 1 3 16 1 :59*4fast 19-5 112 7 1 7« 8* J D Mney 9 Sinnts. Sportsman, Attorney COMMANDER MrMEEKIN, ch.g, 5 111 By Peter Quince— Fallal, by Ben Brush. Trainer, L. F. Marshall. Owner, Marshall Bros.. Breeder, J. N. Camden. 78941 Sen todays chart. 65999 Latonia 3-4 1:15%mud 8 106 3 3 41 5" E Martin 7 Glyn, J.B.Brown, McGees Pink 65808 latonia 3 4 l:13fcfast 121 106 7 8 8 8 E Martin 8 Spats, Waywad.I-ady. Isosceles 65337 l xton 3-4 1 :15-hvy 9 105 4 4 4" 4"! J ZoeRer I Easteside, Glyn, Ruby 64917 Churchill 3-4 1 :12Vsfast 19t 108 13 12 ll4 11 J Zoeller 13 Lma Claik, Inquisition, Glyn 64747 Churchill 3 4 1:12fefasC 18 106 4 3 6 6" J Zoeller 6 M. Muff ins, AuntieMay. Rap Day 64089 Chun-hill 3-4 1:12 fast 46 1*6 5 6 5 6" J Zoeller 5 Gangway, J.Bowdre. Atialtojll. 62077 Churchill 7-8 l:26£3low 5 96 4 6 5 al F Wilson C Cher ry Tree, Easteside. J S.Hdon WIDGEON, cb. g. 5 108 By Star Shoot— Wide Eyes, by Hamburg. Trainer. J. Lowenstein. Owner, S. Singer. Breeder. M. Jones. 78797 lexgton B4tdBJBkB 42 108 12 12 11» 9" R Yelton 12 Rapid Day. My Valet. Nimrod 78748 Lexgton 3-4 1 :13 4rast 38 103 7 6 6* 6" R Yelton 9 Minus, P.Politicn, Nghty Nisba 76412 Huntton 1 l:4?*sfast 6| 110 6*1 R Costello S Dreamer. Topango. Ha In 78273 Huntton ll:42%d"ast 3-6 110 1 R Costello 8 Flaxy Mae, Silence, Eye Bright 78238 Huntton 11-16 1:51 fast 3-3 116 2» R Costrtloll Fred Ktuii.y, Secretary. Yoiick 78204 Huntton 1 l:41Hfast 6 111 1* R CostellolO FredKinney. GrlLady, Tinglinf 77469 FGrnds IMIM good 2 110 2 S 2« 2« H Stutta 9 F Kinney. F.Einbry. G. n Cadorn.i 77153 FGrnds 11-16 1:48 fast 2 109 3 1 U B H Stutta 12 Dr.Whiteburst. H Crown, Cash WALNUT HALL, b. g, 10 106 By Sunflower II.— Waterweed. by Watercress. Trainer, R. T. Watts. Owner, J. Booth. Bred in England by J. B. Joel. 788S6 Lexgton 1 3-16 1 6| 109 7 6 5 5*i L McDottlO StoneAge, SeaCourt, Maj.Chiltoa 78776 Icxrton 11-4 2:08 Lost 23-10 106 3 2 3 6 S GnTfin 7 Kirklovgton. Attorney. Timbrel 78727 lexgton 11-8 155 Eood 3 112 2 8 21 2IS Griffin 8 PauIMkou Kii kl.v ineton. SeaCt 77872 Jefferson 1 1-8 1:56 fast 5 110 5 2 2» 4J L McDott 9 Majority, Vitamin. Attorney 77630 F.Grnds 1 3 16 2:01*igood 16 112 7 «* 6» J Owens 11 Hnonec. The Archer. Gondolier 77521 FGrnds 1 1 8 1 :and4*fast 20 114 9 4 3 41 J Owens 12 S.ofPleasure, GoodNight. Kuueo 77389 FGrmls 1 1 1C 1 47%fast 12 115 9 10 9" 9 J Owens 10 Sands of Pleasure, Bendita. Rork 77319 FGrnds 11-16 1:48 fast 6 116 5 4 3* 3« J Owens 9 Alard. Bendita. King John 77260 FGrnds 1 1-8 1:5a fast 15 1101 5 5 4l 2 J Owens 10 Lord Wrack, Superbuui, Tinglinf GALUSHA, b. c, 4 M 111 By Ogden— Coy Maid, by Kingston. Trainer. J. X. Goode. Owner, J. M. Goode. Breeder. H. H. Hewitt. 75472 Churchill 1 1 :4Utfast 21f 110 9 7 8 » 11" W Fronk 14 Links, Green Briar, Tontet 75413 Churchill 7-8 l:26%good 22f 10912 13 13 14" W Fronk 1.1 Ben Valet, Modesty, Sew Combs 75301 Latonia 3-4 1:12%fast 13f 112 5 11 B" 11** D 0 Cn.Hugh. • hiefBrant, Ka.helD. 73998 Lexton lm70y 1 :44%fast 181 100 J 9 9 9 9" W Fronk 9 Lt. Colonel, Jupiter, Re.iability 73907 Irf-xton 11 16 l:52%hvy 46 lO 6 6 6 63 W Fronk 6 M. Prosper. F. Blush, Gold Bank 73827 I.ex gton 2-4 l:134j£fast 186 101 10 10 10 10-1 W Fronk 10 Ruby. Golden Floss. C dAinour 65198 Lex ton 51 f l:0S*,fast 35f L5 12 12 12 12" D Connllyl2 Whitlcather. Cor Sliaw. T. Clown JACK FROST, br. g, 4 106 By Tea Caddy— Higb Stakes, by Fair Play. Trainer, J. Everman. Owner, C. E. tt J. Hamilton. Breeder, F. B. Foster. 78941 Seo todays chart. 7 8754 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:47*,fast 31 97 5 4 5 6" E OBrien C Neddam, JohnKasher. Rsearpte 78640 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 good 189 105 6 7 7* 7" E OBrien 8 Welcome, Finday. Auntie Millin 78614 Lexgton lm70y loOhvy 68 107 4 6 6 6" E ORrien 6 Kirklevington, l.ylnex, Repter 78045 Havana lm70y 1 :47 slow 12 104 2 6 71 8=7 J OBrien 8 VteeCnairn, Perhaps. Bro.John 77960 Havana 3 4 1 :13=imi!il 15 99 7 8 8 8" J Dawson 8 Mabel K., Hullo. Perhaps 77856 Havana lm50y 1 43%fas=t 12 109 1 1 11 3« W Fronk 6 Amelia S., Haln, Hillman O. 77727 Havana lm50y l:42fast 8 105 6 6 61 514 J Petrecca 7 Brit. Liner. C Adams, S Wiggins 77593 Havana 1 1 lu 1 :46%fast 3 101 6 2 2 5*1 J Dawson 6 J Morrill, t ap Adams. IlillmanC. 77528 Havana 6111:13 hvy S 107 1 4 4 ll A Overton 9 R. Stride, Laugh. EyesIL, GetEm Onrl DA PC * *-- Fnrlongx. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. May CMQ nftOt 2i, nrzi — anda 3-5 — 2 — 110. BANKRUPT, ch. c. 2 M 118 By AU-Gold— Quicksand, by Whisk Broom II. Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 78898 Churchill 41 f 65 mud 31 US 2 2 3- 31 W Lilley 9 Pas Suel. Thtindergod. Tangara 78160 r.owio 1 2 :50%mud 3-4 116 2 5 2*1 2*5 F Colletti 8 MoonMagic, Roller, TodRenesot FOURCROSS. ch. c, 2 M 118 By Frizzle— Nancy Hagan. by Handsel. Trainer. J. M. Pearson. Owner, J. M. Pearson. Breeder. E. Rucher. 78829 Lex .ton 41 f 65 fast 23 111 7 7 41 4* E Martin 10 MyDestiny, M Dear, n andPudd 78697 I -xgton 41 f 58 hvy 5 113 3 4 3l 3* L Lyke 0 Frightful, Subtle, apt S hneller 78582 Lexgton 1-2 60%mud 26 112 10 9 101 10"! W Kelsay 12 Elsass, Almadel. Thundergod 7791" Jefferson 12 51%hvy 15 107 2 3 4 4*1 J Corcoranll Neat Girl, Mj Biddy. Bar] Pear 77845 Jefferson 1-2 49 fast 10 118 13 U HI 12?I J Kederis 15 LtleJmy. Hon tilose, BlkDah SON OF TROMP, br. c. 2 M 118 By Von Tromp — Tsarina, by Kingston. Trainer. W. Perkins. Owner, W. Perkins. Breeder. L. S. Sutcliffe. 78771 Lexgton 41 f 53Sfast U-5 114 3 6 31 2« E Pool 8 Reputation. Million, St. Charles 78722 Lexgton 41 f 56 good 17-10 114 5 3 31 21 E Pool * High Water, Elm, Ben Franklin 7C006 FGrnds 3-S 35k fa,«=t 8-5 118 4 31 32 E Pool 11 SelhsTreasure. Iuo, Fcarnaiight 76460 F.Ornds 3-8 36 fast 3-5 118 8 81 6» E Pool 10 S. Along, Ss Treasure, h.-aton TANGARA. br. c, 2 If 118 By Light Brigade— Tanagra, by Ben Brush. Trainer. D. E. Stewart. Owner. J. N. Camden. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 78898 Churchill 41 f 65 mud 6 118 4 4 4» 4»1 II Stutts 9 Pas Seul, Thundt rgod. Bankrupt 78801 Lsxgton 41 f 55 fas* 26 10S 4 4 4* 4i W Kelsay 6 OceanCurt. FgnUelans, Tgara 78722 lexgton 41 f 66 good 4 114 1 4 6» 8*1 W Kelsay 8 High Water. Son of Tromp, H3m CUP BEARER, ch. o. 2 M 118 By The Finn— Bae Taft, by Yankee Gun. Trainer. H. Oots. Owner. P. Laffoon. Breeder, B. P. Eubanks. 78898 Chun lull 41 f 65 mud L. 118 1 6 62 5" L McDott • las Seul. Thcnd. rgod, Bankrupt 77275 F.Grnds 31 f 42 fast 20 109 9 B* 11* L McDottl3 Evelyn, Foxmore, Barney Google ABSTRACT, br. c. 2 M 118 By Delhi— Temps, by Dick Finnell. Trainer, P. Coyne. Owner, Andersen tc Kendle. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 78898 Chur.l.ill 41 t 55 mud 7 118 8 7 71 721 M Garner 9 Pas Seul. Thundt rgod. Binkrupt LEE 0. COTNER. b. c, 2 M 118 By Last Coin or High Time — Precious Pearl, by Zens. -Trainer, L. Jones. Owner, R. W. Collins. Breeder, M. E. Cotner. Orfl RAPP * Mile. :t-year-oIds. lalmlng. May 19, 1D21 1:36 1-5 8 D0BS0N. b. e, 3 100 By Pataud — Bow Bella, by Knight of tho Thistle, Trainer. E. Trotter. Owner, E. Trotter. Breeder. R. H. McC. Potter. 78903 Chun hill 1 1-16 1:49 mud II 102 2 2 1» 1» B Kenndv 6 AllieOchs, Firetoma, EdPendlen 7793i; Jeffeison 1 1-16 1 :51Hhvy 8 100 11 10 6 5*1 J Wallace 11 Pcquot, Our Star. S, -rv itor | 77869 Jefferson 1 1 16 1 49fast 6 104 3 4 21 U J Wallace 6 A Kg r Papa. SsFlower Waukulla 77742 Jefferson 11-16 1:48 fast 20 98 4 10 10 951 J Wallace 11 EKcarpolettc. Tody, Richelieu 1 77651 KGrnds lm70y 1 :44%fast 12 98 2 6 6l 6* J Wallace 7 Attilia. Barleycorn. Anne I 77542 FtJrruls lm70y 1:46 fast 20 100 6 6 6 6,T L Urg 8 BigandBurley, Attilia Goldfield 77454 F .Grnds 3-4 1:16 hvy 80 104 t 6 6 « • J Wallace 0 MahJong, I.i-atherwood. Invictus BALLOT BRUSH, b. g, 3 110 By Ballot— Galloping Queen, by Ben Brush. Trainer. R. C. Frakes. Owner, R. C. Frakes. Breeder. J. L. Carrick. 78608 litxtcton 3-4 1:17 hvy B 104 4 4 ll 1* n Gray | Glyn, Bullet Proof Exchange 74462 latonia 61 f 1 07 fast 33 108 8 9 t 7»i L McD ott I Sanola. Seclus.on. Midwestern ! 74013 Ixxtoii 61 f l:084,fast 21 108 7 3 1» 1" M Gamer 7 G. Northern. P irk. Pl.t e BcMi 73873 Lexton 61 f 1 :08*mud 6 103 9 8 6» l|W Fronk 9 Pest. Beautiful Addie. Buck 1 73687 Lexgton 61 f 1 06fcfast 46 107 4 S 8 6" W Fronk 5 Worthmore. BlackGold, Alchemy 69961 Chun hill 41 f 65%hvy 10 111 6 6* 5» II Cray 6 Ist.Docter. KingTut. Suna|Mrt» 69762 LeaaKM 41 f 57Vihvy 61 115 and 8 t* 1» H Gray 7 Keegan, Bob Tail. Bourbon Boy 1 69585 U-xclon 1-2 B 112 9 6 6» 6*1 H Gray 10 B A Shoes. Flax. Great. Sort berg POLYNESIA, b. f, 3 91 By Polymelian— Poterne, by Elf. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner. S. Rossi. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 78751 Ux gton 3-4 1 lifast 23-10 94 4 1 Sl 3 D Jones 8 Welcome, Glyn. Exchange I 71633 A.iu..iutt i. -8 loo fast 1 114 2 2 IUJK Sande 5 Baby Ijine, Co. -kney. Anne ] 71230 Auue.luct 6 8 1 :00kfast 6 114 2 1 1» 1» K Barnes 12 M.Auliffe, KsKanst.m. T WorbJ 71060 Aqueduct 5S 5«tfast 15 1!2 2 4 41 4» E Barnes 12 Initiate. Pond Lily Fluvanna I io;74 BehwOal 6 8 at 1 OO fast 16-5 118 2 1 ll 1»1 E Barnes 4 Apology. Maxie. ibemiseri 70311 Belmont 41 f BC 62%fa»t 8 1061 2 1 1 1 K Barnes 8 L. Audrey. LChdco. lancet IT 696S4 Pimlico 41 f 64 fast 24 1101 4 8 41 47 L Morris 0 K.s Ramson, Flying Fur. Buinra .0547 lliulicg 44 t 691»faJit U 109 6 61 41 S AlcLano 8 Y. Princess, Col. West. riv.Fux KING TUT. br. c, 3 M 101 By Jusquau Boat— Ida. May, by Charade. Trainer, J. C. GaUaher. Owner. Gallaher Bros.. Breeders. Gallahcr Bros. 78800 Lexgton 3-4 1:13% fast 6-5 108 7 8 St 4«| B Harvey IS NewBcauty. MdSeth. Mex.Tca 710SO I-atonia 5 8 1 OOVast 12 115 9 6 and» 7*1 B Harvey 12 Knegy. W. Counsellor. CnnonShot 70910 LatMlia 5 8 1 04**mu.l T7-10 115 4 6 6» 7«J J Howard 12 Hunter, Cannon Shot. Modest 70815 I-atonia 5 8 1:06 Vim ud 23-10 115 4 7 St "» J Howard 12 Spellbinder. Col.Gilmore, Tight FRANKMAN, ch. t. 3 107 By Superman— Franks Daughter, by Frank GUI. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner. Andley Farm Stable. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 7*775 Lexgton 3-4 1 i:!%fa.»t 96 109 8 8 9* 6*1 B KenndylO Delectable. H.ip|ijT"P. Bril.Cas: 77974 Jefferson 1 1 -8 1 :57*iraud 40 117 8 4 4* 4« H Stutts 11 BlackGold. BrilliantCast. Rinkey 77912 J.ffcison lm70y 1 :50%hvy II 107 8 4 6 1 5i H Stutts 9 1nvictus. Hrilliant Cast. Fotvo 7784S Jefferson 3-4 1:13Vast 25 100 6 C 6 5«i H Stutts 6. Centimeter. Raffles. John Finn 777AI Jefferson 3-4 1:12%faat 30 105 « 6 5» 5* H Stutts • Blk Cold. I. Doetor. Frcdktown 77235 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 20 114 7 6 6 5»J H Stutts 8 Julia M.. Everglade, Privilege 77080 FGrnds 3-4 1 LVast 30 106 11 8 81 5* H Stutts 11 MahJong. Q. Charming. Dreamer 7AAI7 F.Grnds 1 1:40 fast 30 100 9 9 9* 9" H Tavlor 10 Hoy Hoy. Blotter. lVithan 76461 Rtlimls ■ f 1:07 faat 12 108 7 7 71 4* H Stutta 8 Rinkey. Roy O Roy. Ex. Edition BONA VERA, b. f. 3 M 104 By Sir Martin— Recession, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. L. Jones. Owner. Harned Bros. and Jones. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 75431 Chun hill 3-4 1 : 13 Vast 3 115 10 13 S 1 6" J D MneyL. N.I.horne. X.Mel aor.l. An I.yle 75391 hur.hill 3-4 1 :14feslt w 5i 115 11 5 3* 2* J D Mnevl5 Medina, Baldine. I-ady Riiitows 75184 1 ;.t. n::i 1 LHVnud 10 109 7 4 3« 2* I Darke ft D.Girl. W. tin-Wizard. Busslike 75000 Latonia 51 f 1 :0S fast 51 112 5 7 4 4*1 W Fronk 12 Diadem. Annie I.yle. Minus 74810 1 .litonia 51 f 1:07 Vast 7 101 8 4 31 2» V Kronk 12 Quotation. Bom Vera. Peggy O. 74557 Latonia 51 f 1 :0S fast 4 115 9 8 8 !|W Fronk IS I/yMain. An. I.yle. N.I.ghorne 74204 I-atonia 51 f 1 :07 Vast 41 115 6 9 4* 6s* J H Battel* IVarlMesta. I-yl.gndge. Medina 71483 Latonia 5-8 LOOVast 10 115 10 9 91 10" J Howard 12 PuoebeSnow. M.Loyd. Ill. Louise /ii i, DADC "~4 Mile. St. MaDbewM Purse, rt-yoar-oldii and upward. All-in nrtl/L lowanres. 4 May 24. lDl 1:11 G 12S.I BOYS BELIEVE ME, ch. c, 4 108 By North Star in.— Believe Me Boys, by Cunard. iTrainer. H. J. Thompson. Owner. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable . Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 70990 I-atonia 3-4 1:12 fast 6 101 4 2 2* l* A WUma 10 GreaUaz, Jim mi. -Daw. Hopeless 70083 Chun hill 3-4 1:13 fast 61 110 5 3 SJ Li A Wilson 13 Actuary. Flagstaff. R. on Time .9908 Chun hill 1 l:38%good 33-10 110 6 3 41 10 A Wiison 11 Nassau. Bright Tomorrow. Wida •9534 Iji-xKton lm70y L43Vjood 4 109 4 2 2* 2* C Ponce 4 Nassau. Bo McMillan, 1arkHill 66720 Pimlico 1140 fast 21 105 3 2 21 1* H Thomas 7 Scar. Buglr. Best Love. Homes Ch 6S675 Pimlio 3-4 1 :12Vast 8 112 1 3 3 31 F Kengh 8 Rigel. Whirlwind. Best Ix »e 60650 Pimlko 1 1 :39Vast 8 119 6 5 51 li-« L Fator 11 SallysAlIey. Martingale. MyOwn POSSIBLE, ch. f. 4 103 By Ultimus— Lida Flush, by Royal Flush HX. Trainer. J. Lowe. Owner. F. Johnson. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 78725 Lex gton :;-4 1 Kl-isood 34 108 3 1 4* 4 i F Smith A Lnveen. Ten I,ec, AliceBIueG wn 73375 IMmont 3-4 1:11 Vast 4 119 4 4 5 o«J F Smith 5 Silk Tassel. Last Straw. Comixa 72762 Saratoga 3-4 1 :12*good 7 115 2 3 3 St F Smith 7 Avisa.k. F.iirPhantom. Heeltaps 72559 Saratoga 3-4 1:12%fast 2 109 1 1 Ill1 W Smith 14 Batlersea. SunQuest. BodyC.uard 72506 Saratoga 3-4 1:11 Vast 20 111 4 3 3* 3* F Smith I MissStar. SallysAlIey S. Thistle C5477 Aqueduct 5-8 57Vast 8 112111 8 81 8i C Fl.ther 11 Miss Star. Suvveep. Edict 61211 Saratoga 6-8 1:00 fart 6 112 2 3 2. 3*1 W W T lorl2 SilkTassel. BlosscuiTime. Gadfly BUSTER, ch. r. 5 108 By Ballot— Winnie G.. by Handsel. Trainer A. L. Kifby. Owner, J. Livingston. Breeder. J. F. Winn. 71663 1-atonia 1 1 3SVast o 5 107 4 2 2* Z J Wallace 4 Bet. I.uck. Metric. Grande Dame 74601 1-atonia 1 1.38 fast 8 104 2 3 34 3* L McDott A Heremon. Otii Oui. Pindar Peel 71525 Latonia ll:41-hvv 8 109 1 6 6 CHJ Heupel C hot ho. Barracuda. MissCerina 70990 I-atonia 3-4 1:12 fast 27 10 113 2 4 85 rj J D MneylO GrcalJaz. BBelvcMe, Jim. Daw 70206 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 9-10 ]!" 11 11 2= M Garner 8 Kitlirop. Sun Thistle. Eiilah V. 70U84 Churchill 1 1 37%fast 11-10 10S 1 1 2* 21 J Corcorn 6 Oil Man, By Gosh, Everhart JOHN FINN, ch. h, 5 110 By Bick Finnell— CoruscaU. by Chorister. Trainer. E. Trotter. Owner. E. Trotter. Breeder. T. Piatt. 77973 Jefferson 3-4 l:15Vnud 18-5 106 ti « « 61* J Wallace | Moonraker. Raffles. Mercury 77891 Jeff.rson 3-4 1 :14*4mu l 13-10 110 2 4 4 3T J Wallace 4 Moonraker. Raffles, Tuscola 77848 Jefferson 3-4 1 :!3Vfcfast 15 107 4 5 5»- 3«i J Wallace Centimeter, Raffles. Barracuda 77782 Jefferson 5| f 1 :06%faat 30 112 S C « 51 J Wallace 6 Centimeter. Moonraker. Tuscola 77539 FGrnds 3-4 1:13 fast 20 106 8 8 8 8T1 J Corcoran 8 Certain, Mercury. I.ast One 77216 F irnds lm70y 1 :44%fast 8 109 4 C V V J Wallace 8 RockBottoni. Sweipy. ColedBoy NEW GOLB. b. c. 3 104 By Oliver Goldsmith — Noowa, by Meddler. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner. Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 75510 Churchill 1 1 :38%fast 1 107 8 8 8 S"J Wallace S Graeme, Gihlon. I* rd Martin 75475 Chunhill 1 1 :38%fast 31 116 6 0 51 : - ■ Scobie 6 Blktjld. K.Gorinll.. B sMary 75031 Latonia 1 l:42%mud 13 118 4 3 6* 5" K Scobie S A I ta wood. Fretwell. Dohson 74933 latonia 3 4 1:13 fast 43-10 115 2 2 21 li K Scobie 11 Dudley, Muldraugh, Phy.Ixuise 74687 I-atonia 3-4 1 :13Vsfast 10 115 10 4 11 2- T Murray 12 P.Maloney. N McChord. SunSpot 74410 l.atonla 3-4 l:13*sfast 9 115 1 7 61 CJ1 T Murray 12 Baffling. Iproar, Corinth ROLDGOLO, ch. f, 4 103 By Mentor— Rustle, by Russell. Trainer. J. H. Moody. Owner, T. E. Mueller. Bred by estate of 0. F. Stelfel. 78941 Sen todays chart. 73724 lrf-gton 3-4 1:13 fast 68 107 2 11 9 7" A Yerrat 13 MayBodine. SistrJoRclla. Orlova 71713 latonia 1 3-16 2:03 hvy 34 103 6 7 5 «• A Yerrat 8 Jupiter. Waywassamo. M.Reigel 71582 Latonia 3-4 1 :12Vtfast 44f 90 11 11 11 ll" A Yerrat 11 Iigs. Ascot, Jou Jou 71204 l.atonia lm70y 1 :46%hvy 18 99 7 8 «• 5" A Yerrat 8 Gol. Billows. Sis.l-lo. Escpo.ette 71100 Latonia lm70yl:43 fast 16 100 9 6 61 6» A Yerrat 10 W. Take A II. Bosh. Childs Play 70989 I-atonia lm70y l:44%fast VA. 98 10 1 1 ll A Yerrat 12 l4t.Ix rnine. AntmMd. Lit.Aun VOLT, b. c. 3 94 By Volta — Parakeet, by Greenback. Trainer. A. Baker. Owner. A. B. Hancock. Bred in England by Cloghran Stud. 78773 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 5J 1061 2 8 10 9" E Martin 10 Dudley. Infinite. Corinth 78699 Lex-gton S-4 l:18%hvy 11 1031 1 5 5 4-* H Cray 5 Dazzler, Ancestress. Volt 75376 Churchill 3-4 1:14 hvy 13 109 4 3 4* 4" K Pool 8 Defiant, RollgWave. P.McCann 75064 latonia 3-4 l:17%hvy 9 109 4 1 2* 2* E Pool 6 Pest, Ray Jr.. Ijuly Jane 74897 Litor.ia 3-4 1:13 fast 31 113 11 9 •* 9* E Pool 12 ColonelGilmore. Rambler, Dohson 74602 Latonia 51 f 1 :06Hfast 69f 111 6 10 11 ll» D Connllyll Glide. Stage Coach. Earl Pool 71681 l.ttoiii.i 51 f l:05%fast 16 115 7 7 6* 6" B Kenned, 8 Refuddle, Val. Light, T.S.Jordan MAH JONG, b. f. 3 95 By Sir Martin — Tea Party, by Watcrvale. Trainer, J. O. Whitlow. Owner, E. Cebrian. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78775 Lexgton 3-4 LlSfast 3 104 9 3 61 9«1 O Willis 10 Delertable, DappyTop. Rril.Cast 77518 r irnila 3-4 1:13 fast 7-10 110 1 2 3» 3« I Parke ttK.ONllIL, Blotter. Freder kt n 77154 ¥ 3-4 1:15 hvv 5 106 2 1 1* 1* J Corcoran G Leatherwd. Invictus, Brilnttaxt 77387 IGinds 3-4 1:l3%fast 13-20 105 1 1 Ill* I Parke 9 Bril.Cast. Inviitus. Q Charming 77150 FGrnfls 3 4 1:13 fast 6 96 7 4 41 2"« L I.ang 10 Rinkey, SecdThonglita, Exodna 77080 l.Urnds 3-4 112%fast 7-10 100 1 2 2* ll I Parke 11 Q "harming, Dreamer, Everglade 76881 FGrnds 3-1 1 :13rislow 8 105 4 2 2* 3»« J Wallace 8 K. ONeill 1!.. Rinkey, L. Doctor 70811 KGCnds 3-4 1:15 mud 2 106 1 t 2* 31 J Wallace 9 Invictus, MissFortnne. Everglade 76735 F.Grnda 61 f l:08%s!ow 7 103 3 1 2» 3* J Wallace 9 Rinkey, Devil Girl. Tambon CH, nirip 1 Mile. Derby Trial Pnme. 3-year-olds. Allowances. May 19, OW HAUL 1021 1:3 I 1-5— 8 104. BLACK GOLD. blk. c, 3 119 By Black Toney — T/seeit, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer, H. Webb. Owner. Mrs. R. M. Hoots. Breeder. Mrs. R. M. Hoots. 77974 Jefferson 1 1-8 137%imid 9-5 126 3 1 1* !• J D Mneyll BrillntCast. Rinkey, Frankman 77842 Jefferson lm70y 1 :46**good 1-4 116 4 1 2 1« J D Mney 7 Frederiektn. Biil.Cast, Deronda 77761 Jefferson 3-4 112%fast 7-10 113 t 1 1 1 J D Mney I I,es. Doctor. Fredktown. Dazzler 75475 Chunhill 1 1 : 38% fast 1 117 2 1 ll 1* J D Mney 6 K.G rinlL. B. sMary. P.Maloney 75126 Latonia ll:39HKood 5| 122 5 10 10 9» J Howard IS W.Cnsellor. Bat. Creek. P.obTai! 75066 Latonia 3-4 l:15«ihvy 12 122 1 1 1* 1* J D Mney E BattleCreek. Energy. IVarlMesta 74112 !.« xgtun T V 1 :ll%mud 3 122 10 7 2- 3*11 larke 12 Wortlimore, Sayno, Sun Flag 73906 Uiton 51 f 1:09 hvy 3-5 122 3 2 I1 1* L McDott 4 Wortlimore. Bean. Agnes. Quaver 73687 Lexcton 51 f l:06fcfast 21 117 3 3 3* 2» L XlcDott 5 Wortlimore, Alchemy, Shindy WILD ASTER, ch. c. 3 119 By TJltimus — Blume, by Broomstick. Traine-. S. P. Harlan. Owner. Greentree Stable. Breeder. W. B. Millar. 78841 Jamaica 3-4 1:llHfast 18 5 10$ 1 1 11 11 F Colletti 9 Braeadale, Tester, Swingalong 78662 Jamaica 51 f l:06slop 4 112 1 1 1* 1-1 F leu, 12 Honor. lrimeMinister. BtiirOiur 73012 Saratoga 51 f 1 :03%faat 15 107 5 5 61 6«1 T Colletti It Brice. Bontaud. Eaglet 72187 Saratoga 5-8 1:00 fast 12 115 8 9 It1 12* F Collcttil" Mino. Husky. Fly By 70202 Belmnt 41 f SC 53*4faat 4| 115 4 4 51 7*1 J M Tagt 14 Cano, Bowman, Rival KING GORIN II.. b. c, 3 lit By Golden Maxim — Yankee Tree, by Yankee. Trainer, P. Coyne. Owner, P. Coyne. Breeder, T. M. Murphy. 78900 Chunhill 1 140%mud 7-5 110 6 t 11 l4 M Garner 9 Dudley, Dazzler. Colonel Gilmore 75475 Churchill 1 1 J#A*fast 21-10 115 3 3 2i 2* E Pool A HI. Gold. B.s Mary. P.Maloney 75435 Chunhill 7 8 1:25 faat 10 110 11 • 6* 51 T Murray 12 Glide. Lonl Martin. Chilhowee 75307 I-atonia 1 1:40 fast 9-5 110 7 2 11 ll U McDott S Stanwiz, i.itlon. PeterMaloney 75221 1-atunia ll:43«Uivy 8-5 10*16 2 21 2* M Garner H Altawood, Bourbon Boy. Corinth 75126 I-atonia 1 l:39*4good 17 103 3 7 51 4:: W Fronk 12 W.Cnaelior, Bat. reek, BobTail 74771 Latonia 1 l:38«4fast 4 103 4 4 3l 3*1 W Fronk 8 DareSay, BeauButler. BobTail 74689 1-atonia 3-4 112 fast 12 105 7 6 5* 51 J Wallace 13 Chilhowee, Ir eessDoreen, Sanola 74366 latonia 54 f 1:07 fast 1C-10 113 6 5 6* 5=1 E Pool 12 Clarence. Stage Coach, Cloiatet 715S1 latonia 6 8 1:00 faat 2 117 1 • 2 1« 1* E Pool 12 Gyp Gold, L.Longridge. B. Agnes GLIDE, ch. f. S 114 By Manager Waite — Gossip, by Too Scribe. Trainer, L. Jones. Owner. Harned Bros. and Jones. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 78899 Chun-hill 3-4 lUlfcmud 3| 104 4 4 3» P* W Fronk 5 IindarPeel. EasterBells. GrUaz 75495 ihunJiill 3-4 1.12 fast H 114 7 6 5l 4*1 W Frork 7 Prin Doreeu. Chilhowee. B.Creek 75435 Churchill 1-8 1:25 fast 61 110 12 4 3l 1»* W Fronk 12 L Martin. hilhowee. Wthmore 75395 Chunhill 7-8 1:27 slow 7-10 115 2 2 2» 21 L McDott A Muldraugh. 0 .rena. Nogalea 75187 Laionia 3-4 1:15**mud • 118 6 5 31 IM Parke 8 M Lawrence. I Spot. B fulAddie 75004 1-aonia 3-4 1 :l?%fast 8 105 7 5 4 "i H Fronk 7 Col.Gilmore. B.Butler. M.I.awre 74937 latonia 51 f 1 :06*f aat 31 108 10 7 71 6 J W Fronk 1 M.Iwren.e. l.wSjjfwl. P.Mesta 74733 Latonia 3-4 LIHfast 19 5 117 6 3 2* 1 i W Fronk 10 MahJong. B.andShoes B.GVklc 74689 latonia 3-4 1:12 fast ls-5 110 11 12 91 11*4 J D Mney 13 Chilhowee. PreessDoreen. Sanola 74602 Latonia 51 f 1 06«4fast 41 104 1 3 31 lnk W Fronk 11 StageCoaeh, Eaillool, Altawood COLONEL GILMORE, b. c, 3 110 By Colonel Vennie — Annie Gilmore. by Dick Welles. Trainer. J. T. Weaver. Owner, J. T. Weaver Breeder. J. B. Respess. 78900 Chunhill 1 L4t *imud 5 115 7 ti 41 4 J Pev:c 9 King Gorm II.. Dudley. Dizzier 75304 Latonia 3-4 1 llSfast 9 102 2 6 6* 61! M Fator ■ Great Jaz. Pegius. Iindar Peel 75249 Latonia 3-4 1 l.lslow 13 112 1 t 3J2» J I Mney 7 Bat. Creek. Chilhowee. Clarence 75126 Latonia 1 L39*igood 15 113 6 11 11*11.! I Mn 12 W.Cnsellor. Bat re k, BobTail 75004 latonia 3-4 1 16 1111 2 3 2s 1"» J I» Mney 7 B Butler. Glide. Mar Ijiwrence 71897 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 4 113 3 1 1* ll I Parke IS Rambler. Dohson. Fretwell 74664 1-itonia CI f 1.07 fast 3-5 J8 2 1 1» 1 I Park* 12 Privilege. R aridShoes. Rambler PRINCESS DOREEN, b. f, 3 114 By Spanish Prince II — Lady Doreen. by Ogden. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 75495 ihunhill 3 4 1 U faat ." Ill 5 1 1* 1* E Pool 7 hilhowee. Battle reek. Glide 7:»l."i6 Chunhill 3-4 113 fast 3 112 6 3 2 Ill: Pool 11 Clarence. Stage loach. B.Agnes 751IA ihurhill 3-4 112*tBood 6 5 115 3 1 1* S* ■ BcafcaS 9 Beau Agnes, M.ih.Jing. SunSpot 75001 Latwaea 1-4 112%faet 31 109 4 7 6» C5 ■ Scobie 7 oi. Gilmore. Beau Butler. Glide 74771 1-itonia 1 1 :38*ifast 16 5 99 3 2 61 :,: L Woods 8 Dar.Say, ICiillutler. K .Gorinll. 7IG89 latonia 3-4 1 :V1 fast 9 109 3 1 2l 2» B Bee Mi 13 hilhouee. Sanola. Stage kjact 71318 1-atonia 54 f 1:07 fast 7 5 115 4 2 1| 1* ■ RetMl ■ MahJong. Lean. Agnes. Pli.Snow 74280 Latonia 6| f 1:07 fast 7-10 115 6 1 14 !* ■ BesMs IS BfastBell. Phy lAiuise, Bil.Todd DUDLEY, b. g. 3 108 By Lnht Brigade — Atalauta. by Uncle. Trainer. D. E. Stewart. Owner. J. N. Camden. Bt «der. J. N. Camden. 78900 riiur.hill 1 1 tOmud 31 105 2 1 2» 2« L M T ott 9 KingGorinll . Dazzler. Gilmore 78773 Lex-gton 3-4 1:13 fast 1S-5 106 8 3 21 11 L M l oi t 10 Iufinite. onnth. Payman 75516 Chunhill 1 1 :58Sf»st 41 109 5 1 2 4«J E Petzollt S Graeme. Gihlon. I»rd Martin 75452 ihunhill 1 1 39V,fast 11-10 112 3 1 1 1| D Connlly 13 Graeme WtheWizd. Frankman 75435 ihunhill 7-8 1:25 fast 9 103 9 11 9* 9*1 J Pevic 12 Glide. U r.l Martin. Chilhowee 75004 I ....ii a. 3-4 l:l?4fast 16 106 • « 6l V% L McDott 7 I ol. Gilmore. Beau Iiutler. Glide 74933 I ■! sale 3 4 1:13 faat 21 115 6 3 V SJ M Garner :i NewG.,1.1 Muhhaugli. Iliy I»uise 74458 Lit. 61 f l:07*«fast 17 112 12 I 51 4*| M Garner 12 Batter Up. llorgan. PhilMcCann CLOISTER, b. e, 8 108 By Friar Marcus — Paloma. by Cyllene. Trainer. A. Baker. Owner, A. B. Hancock. Bred in England by A. N. Reynolds. 78900 Chunhill 1 I 40*4mud 81 108 9 7 6* 6«E Pool 9 King Gorm II. l-udl-y. Daz.h r 75435 ihunhill 7 8 1:25 fast 12 107110 I 7» 7*1 E Pool 12 Slide, I.or-1 Martin, Chilhowee 75278 I-utonia 3-4 LlHfast 13-10 113 7 4 31 21 ■ Pool 7 Calvin. Rob Cahill. Deronda 75126 I-alor.ia 1 l:39Hgood 3 105 12 5 7* 54 L M.Dottl2 W "nsellor. Rut I reek, Itoblail 74978 I-itorii.i 1 l:38«Afa«t J-i 107 7 3 2 1 1» E Pool 9 Rob Tail. Graeme. Giblou 746S9 laitoula 3-4 1:13 fast 13 104 IS 10 11 » 7»| L. M«Dottl3 Chilhowee. Pr . eiwDoreen. Sanola 74366 laitouia 14 f 1 :4T7 fast 22 114 II 7 4 Ji J lieup-l 12 Clarence. Stage Coach. BobTail ISMS Lex too 61 f 1.10 hvy M US T • 3 1 1 D Conn :iy 12 Jolly Boy. Krishna, Ben Mack fith RAPF *t~4 lilr- -4-yar-olda and upivard. lalminsr. "Hay 24, 1U21— HULLO, ch. m, 6 106 By Huon — Some Kid. by Boanerges. Trainer. W. L. Drake. Owner. W. L. Drake. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 78724 Lexgton 3-4 1:15 good 51 110 2 3 3* 3* W Fronk 9 Napoo, RoyalDick. CharlenIIenry 78669 Lexgton 3-4 1 :17femud 12-5 107 5 3 1» 1* A Pickens 7 Raster Bonnet. Old Top. Corenne 78643 Lexgton 3-1 lltgood 13 104 10 10 10 10" W McCbelO MexicanTea. tliissiel*.. Dmmafn 77960 Havana 3-4 I :13mud 31 103 2 2 2* 2 W McCabe 8 Mabel K.. Perhaps. Finday 77879 Havana 61 f 1 :06 Vast 20 103 4 9 8»k V W McCabe 9 End Man. Sun Brae. Pepper Val 77058 Havana lm50y 1 :44go.- d 12 107 5 3 7 6* W McCabe 7 Britishl/r. SquireWs. FlyingPe 77434 Havana 51 f 1 :06fast 15 106 4 7 9* 4» W McCahell Pelion. Finday, Blanche Mae 77287 Havana lmTCy 1 :46igood 6 103 1 1 1* 1* W McCabe 11 Bona Fidi . Ruddles, Jacob« an 7715G Havana 81 f 1:14 mud 8-5 114 3 1 1» 1* W Fronk 7 I.ilacTime. Fincastle. Glenliret GLYN, b. m, 5 106 By Delhi — Bourbon Lass, by Bourbon Bean. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Owner, Gallaher Bros.. Breeder. Gallaher Bros. 78751 L-xgton 3-1 l:13%fast 3 109 2 3 21 2« B Harvey • Welcome. Polynesia, Exchange 78A08 Lexgton 3-4 1:17 hvy 7-10 100 1 1 21 2* D Jones A Hal. Brush. Hul. Proof, Exchange 75534 Chutchill 1-4 11 -Vast 9 102 1 2 2l 21 B Harvey 5 East. Bells, Brad.sToney, 0.4M 75496 Churchill I 4 1 Hfast 3-2 105 2 2 U 1»* R Harvey 0 J. Q. Kelly. AuntieMay. 151 Mae 75275 Latonia 3-4 1:11 Vast 8 106 1 2 2* 2 B Harvey 8 Easter Bells. Isosceles. Iaigs 75220 l.atonia . -! 1 :16 hvy 51 103 1 5 4 3» 11 Harvey 5 Triumph, Certain, S.v:cpalhy 75090 Latonia 3-4 1 15hvy 6-5 105 3 3 3* 3*1 15 Hravey 12 Marsdale. Intried. Rustem 75002 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vast 4 103 2 2 2» 3* B Harvey A Easter Hells. Anonymous. Lugs J4893 latonia 3-4 1:11 Vast 6 106 2 3 31 3« B Har/ey 5 BillOFlyun, Sympathy. 11 Man DOCTOR GLENN, ch. g. 4 106 By Dick Welles— Floral Day, by Nasturtium. Trainer, D. McDermid. Owner. W. M. Cain. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 76680 FGrnda 3 4 1 liVnud 31 107 2 2 2* U B Harvey 11 Felicitous. Rpgllome. F.Deea 76557 Ftlrnds 2-4 I TTSfswl 4 104 1 4 4 3-J F Ie 13 TimesLp, CorslReef. Carnarvon 76405 Jefleraon 3 4 l:14V4good 12 103 3 3 4 4* D Jones 8 Caligula. Fehrah. T. dHonneur 75002 Ijitonia 3-4 l:13Vast 13 100 4 3 5» 6*1 D Jones 6 Easter Hells. Anonymous. Glyn 74932 Uatonia 3-4 Ll.Vast 2.M0 98 3 3 3l 4* D Jones . Kasterllells. J. Q. Kelly, H.Rrush 74510 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 49 106 4 6 71 l*i U Scheffel 9 Pegasus. Ten-Ijcc. Heremon 72244 Hawthne 51 f 1 :07V»1ow 4 106 3 4 3* 4» B Harvey - 8 L.Marcellia, Tuscola. Winnipeg 72155 Hawthne 51 f 1:06 faat 1-2 100 2 1 1» 1 L McDott 5 Isosceles. P.G.Rrown. Grtlidy R. E. CLARK, b. g. 4 111 By Patand— Dicker, by Ogden. Owner, J. S. Hawkins. Breeder, K. P. Shipp. 78897 Chunhill 7-8 l:27%mnd 13-5 109 3 2 51 5«1 I. McDottlt Quescda. Ruby, Runquol 74064 1/xlon S-4 1:12 Vast 11 104 6 5 6" 5*1 A Wilson f* Kasterl.ells, Arendil. Boh. Shea 73948 Lexton 3-4 1:llHhvy 40 108 1 5 7 8 8:s M Garner S Certain. IKinges. Glyn 72105 Map Hts S-4 1 :LVast 15 95 6 2 31 4* W Martin 7 Hril. Ray. I on Time, Fleeting 72037 Map.Hts 51 f 1 :05V ast 13 106 7 7 7 P* H Gray f Hril. Ray. It. on Time. Topaugo 71711 I-itoma 3-4 1:15 hvy 14-5 110 5 1 Ill* J Heupel 8 Ruhy. Aiitouia, Guvnor 71423 latonia 3 4 L12Hgood 11 92 8 8 5 4* I Parke 12 Certain, Lugs. Re Good 71100 I-atonia lm70y 1:43 fast 19 106 7 9 9* 9** C Rinir.grlO W.lakeAU. Rosh. Childs Play ROYAL PALM. ch. h, 5 111 By Great Britain— May Ellen, by Cesarlon. Trainer, A. Menger. Owner. J. AUgeyer. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 71125 latonia S-4 l:lS%Csjat 4L5 106 7 8 71 6* B Harvey 12 Stamp. FirstBlush. 11 Graham 70814 latonia 3-1 1 ISMimud 11 113 4 8 101 115« H Lunsfdll Hullo. olonelHaker, Guvnor 70511 Churchill 3-4 Ll.Vast 5 11315 4 41 w | L Lyke 14 Jou Jou. M. P. Gardner, Nenette 70237 Chunhill 3-4 1:12 Vast 23 112 5 6 7* 6Ti E Martin 14 Lily M., Honor Man, BegPardoa 66411 Latonia 3-4 1:12 Vast 9-6 104 4 1 21 2| J Howard Black Sheep, GiaceK.. Lugs 66197 Latonia 3-4 1:14 sood 31 104 3 1 D* 2»» J Howard 10 Ruby, Lags, May Rodine BROTHER JOHN. b. g, 5 116 By Peter Quince or Light Brigade— Bunchy, by Llangwm. Trainer, E. L. Fitzgerald. Owner. J. H. Patterson. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 78802 Lexgton S-4 l:13Vast 12-5 113 3 1 l4 1» A Pickcn.TO Riinelii.f. Rallynew. Rreechl.ler 78724 Lexgton .1-4 1:15 good 61 111 7 6 6» 5 » A Pickens 9 Napoo. Royal Dick, Hullo 78045 Havana lm70y 1:47 slow 2 108 1 2 3* 3* A Pickens 8 Vice Chairn, Perhaps. Moorfield 78040 Havana 3-4 l:19Vfcalow 8-5 107 7 2 l1 1* S Banks 7 Jamima. Gilder. Smite 78010 Havana 51 t 1:06 Vast 1 116 5 1 1* 1« A Pickens S Busy Bob. Whirlwind. Peter Lee 77983 Havana S-4 1 :l.l%slow 8-5 10S 3 2 21 2 A Pickens 7 Stacy Ails. SpringVale. Twopair 77829 Havana 3-4 1 HVast 4 105 6 4 5»* 6* F Woodk 7 End Man, Blue Hill, Sun Brae 77749 Havana 3-4 1:12 Vast 8-5 107 6 3 3* 31 F Woodk 8 Sun Brae. End Man, Scissors SANDALWOOD, ch. g. 6 111 By Luke McLuke— Duchess Kathleen, by Jehn. Trainer. G. Arvin. Owner, J. B. Cloher. Breeder. Keene and Scnorr. 75551 Chunhill 3-4 1:14 faat 44*107 9 4 S1 7*1 B Harvey 11 Gordon Shaw, Spats. Trantula 75171 Ihunhill 3-4 LHVaat 69 105 6 5 5* 5»| B Harvey 8 II. Graham, Finday, Macbeth 69502 Huntton 3-4 1 :18Vnud 6 115 Bled. R Har»on 7 Cliincoteague, how, Oak. Belle 09437 Huntton 51 f 1 07 Vast 7 112 31 II Harton I Oraleggo. llohokus. Sea Board 69323 Huntton 51 f 1 08 fast 4 110 5«1 W Kelly 8 Last Chance II.. Chow, Yori.k 69262 Huntton 51fl:ll 5hvy 21 110 l1 E Roehm A OaklawuBt lie. Fleer, Pret.Haby 69218 Huntton 51 f Lll-slop 19-14 111 6" E Roehm 6 Equator, Tom Norris, Carrure NAUGHTY NISBA. ch. m, 5 106 By The Manager— Daisy Piatt, by MarU Santa. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner. D. Breckinridge. Breeder. S. C. Lyne. 78748 Lexgton 3-4 1 : 13 Vast 27-10 101 12 3* 3* D Mergler 9 Minus. Pr.Politii ian. Gussie P. 62910 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 7 103 3 3 3* 3« W Pool 5 M.VVinsor. J.Bowdre. M. Fallon 02830 Latonia 3-4 LLVast 23-6 102 7 3 11 11 J Owens 8 Ararat. High Cost, Una Clark 62720 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 22-6 106 1 6 6 5"! W Pool 5 Jean.Bowdre. Mar.Winsor, Mom 02661 Latonia 3-4 1:12 Vast 17-10 106 3 1 1* 2" A Wilson 7 Gangway, Dor.Buckner. Bonus 1. 2598 latonia 3-4 1 12Va;it 11-10 95 8 4 41 3*1 C Ralls 8 Barracuda. Ararat, Lord Alien .2135 1-atnma 3-4 1:12 fast S 97 6 4 2 U C Ralls 9 UissMufns. Hadrian. SlKoiub* TEDS PLUM, ch. f. 4 106 By Trevisco— Plum Pudding, by Plaudit. Trainer, S. West. Owner. C. Bills. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 75557 Churchill 3 4 1 13 Vast 8 103 7 7 7 7* B Harvey 7 Macbeth, BegPardon. Littlellope 75245 I.atonia 3 4 l:15%hvy 5 110 11 7 71 S« T KoernerP- Poppye, WindgThrough, JouJou 74894 Latonia 1m70y 1:45 fast 9 96 3 3 2 3* F Hstings S MissMeise. OoLnLa. M-gan 74770 latonia lm70y 1:44 Vast 21 99 3 1 4«* 5* F Hstingsll ! ntricd. Mistress Mary Hoy 73632 Dorval 3-4 1:12 Vast 21 104 2 1 ll 1« P Walls 7 II. Artillery, Foxtail. IraWilsoa 73558 Dorval 3 4 l:13Vast 4 104 2 2 21 3JM Garrett 7 Sun Brae. Assume. Whalebone 73419 IS.Bnnets 3 4 l:13Vast 25 107 8 6 51 5i M Garrett 11 Joycellof fman. Patchwk, Flint 73182 Cnaught 3-4 l:16ViSlow 6-5 102 1 1 1* 1* M Garrett A Dane. Girl. M. Jumbo. Dependence SPODS. b. g, 5 111 By Bulse — Oasis, by Commando. Trainer. J. Gass. Owner. W. Feuchter. Breeder. J. W. Parrish. 78827 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 29 112 2 2 f* S* W Kelsay 9 Theo, The Runt. Pure Dee 78797 lexgton 3-4 1:13 Vast 58 113 8 9 9"11*M Garner 12 Rapid Day. My Valet. Nimrod 78724 Lexgton 3-4 1:15 good 46 111 4 5 7» 6« W Kelsay !♦ Napoo. Royal Dick. Hullo 72637 Aurora 61 f I TTkjfcry 5 108 6 5 5* 6* W Rogski A Cmwcll, Marg.Ware. DntjTidy 72602 Aurora 3-4 LlOmud 41 104 8 3 3» 3* W Bogski S Marg. Ware, DaintyLady, Casey 72511 Aurora 61 f 1:23 Vast 3 108 5 4 4 4* M Swart 5 Marg. Ware, MahelKule. Herald 72403 Hawthne 5lfl:10Vivy 8 106 10 7 41 2* L McDott 12 C. Encanto, Ren Holt, H. George 72089 Hawthne 3-4 llSVast 6 107 9 7 8* 8*| N Swart 10 C.Theisen. Arrowhead. Wireless WHO KNOWS ME. br. g, 4 106 By Sir John Johnson — Fantail. by Ogden. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, M. C. Moore. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78897 Churchill 7-8 l:27Hmud 15f 109 4 4 41 4*1 R Hartonll Quest-da. Ruby, Runquol 78612 lexgton 1 l:45shvy 33 100 6 5 5* 5IT T Barker 6 Lscarpolette. Planet, Llewellyn 75517 Churchill 1 1-8 1:54 fast 2 101 1 1 6l 9« J Heupel 9 Oo La La, Bobbie Shea, Randel 75067 1-atonia 11-16 1:50 hvy 7 97 4 3 6* 7IT F listings 9 Postllaste, Pluslltra, Ten Scth 74774 I-atonia 1 1-16 1 :46Vast 31 98 2 1 Ill I Parke S Rest.Time. G.Hillows. TenSixty 74691 l.atonia 1 1 16 L4IVast 24 95 4 4 8 8*« D Jones 8 IirmMaker, I.adyAstor. Makel p 74603 Latonia lm70y 1 44Vast 27-10 95 5 2 31 31 F Hsimgs 7 HoldMe. Tip. Sahib. HetterLuck COLONEL WINN, b. g. 5 113 By Sweep— Droll, by Dick Welles. Trainer, B. J. Brannon. Owner. B. J. Brannon. Breeder, W. W. Darden. 77783 Jefferson 1 l:40Vaat 30 107 6 7 7 7" G Walls 7 Sympathy, MissForte, Llewellyn 77675 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 48 Vast 8 108 2 4 5»* 4 B Bn-ninglO Bucado. Tan Son, Normal 77607 FGrnds 3-4 1.16 hvy 6 109 2 4 l1 ll G Cooper 9 Piedmont, Poppye, Times Up 77458 FGrnds 3-4 I tTHllJ S-5 143 7 3 2* 1«* 1 Parke 13 Mcintosh. Stamp. Jen. Cadorna 77234 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 faat 5 110 5 3 2» 21 I Parke 13 S.Frdman, T Official. M Orge 71029 1-atonia 3-4 Ll.Vast 21 115 2 3 61 8 * I. McD ottll B.ii.hlizabettown. Rustem. Lugs 70851 I-atonia 3-4 l:30Vandhvy 21 116 7 1 ll lk H Gray 7 Ben Bolt. Orlova. Childs Flay LONGBOAT, b. g, 4 106 By Wrack— Marathon II., by Thrush. Trainer. L. Johnson. Owner. W. H. Whitehouse. Breeder, C. T. Grayson. 77871 Jefferson 3-4 1 14 Vast 12 103 3 3 3» 3"* F. Blind 13 Vacuum. Lugs. Fifty-Fifty 77801 Jefftrson 3-4 1.14 Vast 15 100 3 2 31 2l E Blind 11 I.-idy Rose. Julia M.. Theo 77496 FGrnds 3-4 L13Vtgood 15 104 5 6 6 6* D Mergler 8 Csligula, Swpstakes. Lt.Karrell 77238 FGrnds 1 1-16 1.48Vast 8 104 5 7 S S1 D Mergler 8 Mas. Hand, West wood. StumpJr. 77125 F.Gr"nds 1 1-16 1 4.sfast 13-5 107 4 4 4* 4" I Parke 8 Brunell. Piedmont. Advocate 77079 FGrnda 3 4 l:13Vast 20 102 4 3 1" 3»* D Mergler 8 Julia M.. BuckPond. JobnJoseph 76878 FGrnds 3-4 l:14*4slow 10 110 6 4 7" 5* K Blind 11 PaulMicou, JouJou, Cap tostigan GIUSEPPE, br. g. 4 111 By Beppo — Mots dOr, by Chancer. Trainer, W. T. Anderson. Owner, W. T. Andersen. Bred in England by W. M. G. Sinter. 78445 Tijuana 3-4 1 13 faat 15 116 • 9 9 S| K Need 9 NanMcKinney. Salvo. Lit. Hope 77736 Tijuana lm70y 1 ISVmu.l 25 104 7 6 6* 6* F Horn 7 Iouanna. yueereek, Monaniella 77667 Tijuana Dn70y 1 46 Vast 28 111 6 2 4* 6* E Neal 7 Msnnikin II . Whiff. Malvern 77640 Tijuana 3-4 1:12 fast 28 105 6 6 6 6T1 E Neal 5 My Reverie, Rondelle, T Button* 75492 Churchill 11:39 Vast 4 110 1 2 6 7« E Martin 11 N.Seciindus, RompingM y. Cash 75411 Churchill 7 8 1:27%good 14-6 11316 3 V 2* D ConnTlyl4 Chas. Henry. Sburstll, Ksclere 75157 Latonia 11-16 146 fast 61 115 2 2 2« 2« L McDott 8 M.Meise, RpgMary. Lan hn ont VANISHING BOY, blk. g, 4 111 By Smoke House — The Widow Moon, by Stalwart. Trainer, J. McKinney. Owner, R. P. Marshall. Breeder. R. P. Marshall. 75392 Churchill 1 1:40 slow 21 109 5 8 8 S" J Grunsen H Kindred. Larchmont. Gl.nconoko 75222 Latonia lm70 - 1 :49hvy 34 114 3 1 4* 5«i J D Mney I SisterFlo. Randel. The I-eopard 75091 Latonia 1 116 l:31%hvy 28 113 5 3 6 6* J I Mney A Romp gM y, MissMa/ie. Klanger 75063 Latonia lm70y 1 VVihvy 23 110 3 7 91 9** J D Mneylt Goi. Billows. HlueSCne, ReelFoot 74770 latonia lm70y 1 HVast 42f 104 5 11 11 11" F Smith 11 Intried Mistress Mary. Il.y 74597 I-atonia 3 4 1:13 fait 117 104 3 9 8» S«l A Wilson 12 StoneAge. L rd Allen. Redwood THESEUS, b. g. 4 111 By Alvescot — Thaka, by Sir Huos. Trainer. R. Williams. Owner, G. B. Diggs. Breoder. G. J. Long. 4*7888 Jefferson 3-4 1:16 Vnud 10 118 14 15 15 15-« J H Burkel". MesM Matter. Mcintosh. Isaman 77709 FUrnds 3-4 1:11 Vast 15 109 1 4 7 3*1 J Corcoranl2 Our Flag. John Joseph. Ogarite 7738A FGrnda S-4 LLVast -0 110 10 W P 9" J 11 i.uikel 4 ;ii filter. St Maurice. Doughnut 75551 Ihurchill 3-4 1:14 fast 45f 104 1 5 P 4« W Lancet 11 Gordon Shaw. Spats. Trantula "2739 Aurora Ab 5-8 asijslow 16-5 106 1 3 31 1"* E Petzohll 9 Zing. Arrowhead, Incognanee 72508 Aurora Ab 5-8 58Vast 6-5 105 3 1 1" l1 M Burger A Gieatl.idy, TakeAll. SanStefano 72477 Aurora 3-4 l:16Vast 6-5 106 1 4 4* 4* W Bogski A W.II .IVar.-e. G Bryan. L ItrusU 72442 Aurora Ab ".-S OSVast 10 107 1 2 21 P A Gantner A Pulladiiim. Settle. I.ess Welch 72210 Hawthne 51 f 1 :0S mud 7 103 2 4 6 6*: L McDott 7 Reiruit. Rhinegold, Okaloosa LOUIS LICHTENHEIM, h. g. 5 111 By King James — Belle of Oakley, by Himyar. Trainer. R. Trozler. Owner, B. Troxler. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 71482 I-atonia 3-4 1 T2Vast MS 112 Lost rider. II G.irner 12 Patrician. Sis Josella, Widgeon C9416 Huntton 51 t LOSVast •"• ,3u B n Laker li laist I lian. e 1 1 . Doris, Lmden 69325 11— 1*1— 51 f LOS fast 3-2 115 1* R Laker J T.Norris. Challenger, Adventuro 60263 Huntton 51 f 1 :UVivy 9-l» 115 I I ■ Laker 7 Rustler. Boh Giles. Hiposta tSSSS Huntton 61 f 1 ll«t,slop 3-3 116 Left at post F J Haker 7 Chow. Riposta. Arbitrator CS738 Jefferson 3 4 1:15 Vast 20 110 2 8 10* 9:" E Martin 11 Theo, Roseate II., Marimba ■iiL nipp 1 1-s Mile*. 4-year-olils and upward. la lining:. Oct. 20, I .12 1 /til HAUt 1:4D 4-5 1 119. aUESADA. ch. g, 5 111 By Delhi — Mistress Quickly, by Nasturtium. Trainer. A. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. T. PU:t. 78897 Churchill 7-8 1 27mud 31 113 3 3 11 ll M Garner 11 Ruhy. Runiiiol. WboKnowsMe 78803 Lexgton 1 1-8 1:53 fast S 111 2 2 3* 4*1 M Garner 7 Begonia. John Hoshor. Dunne. 78700 1 .ex gton I 1-16 1 :51*ihvy 2 106 1 2 Ill* I. McDott 1 I .on inna, Lady Inez. Repealer 78587 UxKtnn lm7Hy 1 48 mud 14 111 7 4 2* 1* W Kelsay 10 Permarco, Kinburn. Randel 77587 lGrnds ll-8 1.56V vy 10 109 6 4 6» 7" J Heupel 11 Normal, Repeater. Scare CroW 77478 F Grnds 118 1 57%sIow 10 106 6 3 11 ll D Mergler 7 Huonec. Tight, Dr. Rae KIRKLEVINGTON. b. g. 6 111 By Olambala— Kerr, by Uncommon. Trainer. G. R. Allaa. Owner, G. R. Allen. Breeder. K. T. Wilsoa. 7S776 lexgton 1 1-4 2.08 fast 8| 112 2 1 11 1 J Pevlc 7 Attorney. Timbn-1. Connteea 78727 Lexgton 11-8 155 good 16-5 112 2 6 5l 3»| L. McDott 8 PaulMicou, WalnntHall. SeaCt 78673 Lexgton 1 1-16 L52*islop "3-10 115 3 2 2* 2* J Pevic 7 Permarco. T.ucldus, Attorney 78614 Lexgton linTOy l:50«4hvy 10 112 3 1 P S» J Pevic 0 Ki.lylnez. Repeater, Sea Coort 78180 Hunt Ion 1 1 I7*~.mud 3-3 114 1* G Yeargin 9 Taseotha. T .Chberln, PlUrede 78436 Huntton 1 1 41 Vast 3-2 107 2» W Martin 10 Mo rn Elder. Malwmot Pltarede 78343 Huntton 1 I 4 103 7* A Viltnoro 9 Bob Baker. DanUlc, Manokla MAJOR CHILTON, b g. 4 105 By Horron— Carr»no. by Lally. Trainer. 3. 0. Whitlow. Owner. 8. D. Lm. Breeder. J. B. Gorham. 7MM Lexgton 1 J-1S l:69%fast 103 109 2 2 2 3J O Willis 10 StoneAge. SeaCrt, S.ofPleasnre 7*77* Lexgton i l-is j :47 fast 36 109 11 7 8» 8* O Willis 12 Cautious. StoneAge. BrithLincr 78694 Lex* cton 1-4 l:l«%hvy 24 100 7 7 7 «*» P Mergler 7 Marionette. D.ofPeaoe. Rhelicu 7UII Lexgton lm70y l:4S%cood 6 10$ 4 2 2| 3»| O Willis 5 Kinburn. Timbrel. Iraise 749*2 Lexton ImTOy l:43%faat 12 103 t • €» .1 Byrne t. re |iiot. Bompinc Mnry. Cash 73773 Lex*rton 1 1-1 1 :54%good 48 103 6 6 41 4* J Byrne f. Dr.Gilbert. ParisMaid. JakeKeld 739S3 L*x*gton lmTty 1 44%fast 74 1031 5 4 6* 5«1 H Glick 7 Neddam. K.Charmg. Kinburn 73309 Bl.Gra.s3 lm70y l:42%fast 125 103 7*1 H Glick 10 Friz. Itrilisli Liner. Opulent 71151 BLGrass 64 t l.-Otlfcslow 45 105 5" H Glick 5 Amnio May. Tuscola, Marimba PRAISE, br. g. 4 105 By Martinet — May Weasmer. by Cunard. Trainer. P. J. Williams. Owner. Williams Bros.. Breeder. Williams Bros. T177J LeiEton 11-18 1:4; fast 25 104 9 12 12 12* D Jones 12 Cautions, StoneAge. BrithLincr 78946 Lets in on ImTOy 1 45%rood 64 103 2 3 4" 4;J P Jones ft Kinburn, Timbrel, MajorChilton 71498 Uavthne 1 1-K lWfut 10 97 7 8 S1 T° W Fronk 10 Cimarron, Fos.Kmbry. Tony Beau 71127 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 60 92 1 9 71 6° D Jones 12 K. Pendleton. bJaWMS, M.Carrell 71035 Latonia lm70y 144%fast M 101 3 7 11 10*1 T Brolhersll Mist. Mary, M. Carrel 70850 I-atonia 1 1-18 l:54%hvy 51 101 4 8 8 *« T Brothers 8 Stump Jr., Cukamo, Blue Bird 7*394 Churctoin 1 1-16 1:81 nvy 11-6 95 1 6 6*» 6*2 I larke 12 Simpleton. Flycnst, Iluen 79319 Churchill 1 1-16 l.Sft%hvy 6 95 5 2 21 2 I larke 8 B. Valet, Kirklevgton, Hepeatcr JAUOJTEC, br. g, • HI Br Huon— Anecdote, by Tom Ochiltree. Trainer, R. McGarrey. Owner, Mrs. K. McGarrey. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. Ytlll Lexgton 1 1-8 1:53 fast 31 108 3 3 41 3» II Rtutts 7 Begonia. John Hoshor, Qnesada T8754 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:47%fast 14-5 108 6 6 6 6 = L McDott « Neddam. JohnKasher Buearpt T799? BcOktfjM, 1 -16 l:ilVfl«d 8 101 6 6 6 5 I Parke 6 Sog.Aroon. Calcutta. W.TakeAII 17S43 Jefferson 1 IS l:56%good 7 106 7 3 6 5* L McDott 7 EdwardGy. Llwelln. Calcutta 77689 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:01%good S 110 4 4 2l 1* L. McDottll The Archer. Gondolier. Insulate ■77679 F.Grnds 1181:66%murl 8 107 I 4 4| 3" L McDott 8 Llewellyn. Wrangler. Fantoche 77478 F.Grnds 1 1-6 l:57%slow 1-6 105 4 6 1» 21 B Brening 7 Qnesada. Tight. Dr. Rae 77194 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:02 fast 1 107 6 4 4* 4* L McDott 8 Royal Diick, Uupee, Tan Son LB PENDLETON b. r. 4 119 By Light Brigade— Santa Susanna, by Tcp Gallant. Trainer. W. Perkins. Owner, A. W. Young. Breeder. A. W. Young. 79993 Churchill 11-16 1:49 mud 9 114 3 5 6" 4" E Pool « Dobsou. Allie Orhs. Firetoma 73726 Lexgton ImTOy 1 :44%fast 9-10 110 2 3 3* 9* E Pool 7 P.G.Brown. Tlorllay, WildLife 72763 Saratoga 1 l:41%good 20 107 7 6 6 6*J C Turner 9 Dustabout. Donegal. Aladdin 72967 Kenllwh 1 1-16 1 :4e%ra*t 6-6 116 1 4 21 ll B Kennedy 8 Dantzic. So It Goes, OldFaithful 71127 Lctonia 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 10 107 3 2 1* 1" E Pool lJ Leaves. M anell. Lit.Ann 70319 Churchill 1 1-16 I:50%hvy i 100 2 1 6» 7*1 B Harvey 8 Hen Valet, Prnise. Kirklevington AT.TNHA, ch. f, 4 M 105 By Sea Sick— Isadora III., by Flying Fox or Im- prenable. Bred in France by W. X. Vander- Traicer. C. Vn Dusen. Owner, W. C. Goodloel. bilt. 79326 bn gton ImTOy 1 46% fast 11 109 7 8 S1" 2 E Pool 10 Klaxon. Quinine. Fausto 77401 Tijuana 1-4 l:14%fast 6 111 5 6 3*1 35 D Connlly 8 Speedball. Freebooter. DellErans 77097 Tijuana .".-4 1:12 fast 991 100 7 7 SJ 93 .1 Gormley ! J Garden. Bet. Luck. B.ofElizan 77934 Tijuana andi f 1 08 fast and0 114 51 D Connlly 7 Publicity, Frecl ootcr. DellEvans 79690 Tijuana 3 4 l:13%fast 181 97 8« W Gormly 8 MotorCop, Bayonet, Fight Cook