Akron, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-13

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Entries and Past Performances AKRON TUESDAY, MAY 13 WEATHER CLOUDY: TRACK MIDDY. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1922. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 76460 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 78688 IS FIRST INDEX OF MAY. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15. ® Superior miul runner. X Good mud runner. ; Fair mud runner. M Maidens. "Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. The following abbreviations are uped to designate tracks at which time recordt shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Aurora An Belmont Park BP Blue Bonnets BB Bowie Bo Churchill Downs CD Columbus Co Connaught Park CP Conneaut Lake CL Dade Park DP Devonshire De Dorval Do Duf f erin Du Empire Em Fair Grounds FG Fort Erie FE Hamilton Hm Havre de Grace HG Hawthorne Hw Havana Hv Huntington Hu Jamaica Ja Jefferson Park JP Kenil worth Ke Kempton Park KP King Edward Ki Latonia La Laurel Lu Lexington Lx Maple Heights MH Marlboro Mb Mobila Mo Mount Royal MR Omaha Om Pimlico Pm Reno Re Saratoga St Tanforan Ta Thorncliffe Th Tijuana Ti Toledo To Windsor Wi Woodbine Wo First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 78918 Florence B. Walker Ja 104 1:06% 3 100x725 78922* Forty Two ...Hu 103 1:09 3 93-720 77938 »Sea Board Mil 111 1:06% ■ 104 715 71556s Rapidan MH 114 l:08s 7 105x715 789191 bExecution Hv 111 1:085 5 109 710 78846 Copperhead M.. Hu 105 1:00 3 9R.700 78928 Star Red Ti 110 IdSJaJB :i 100 700 Sam 3 102 Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. 78844 Get "Em Hv 107 1:07% 6 109X725 789191 Quiet Hv 107 1:07% 4 109. .720 70151 *liLancelot Ke 105 1:06% I 103-713 78919 Kelneth DP 112 1:88% 4 KM 715 78963 bOId Red MR 117 1:10% 7 MB 710 78962 Marv G Mil 95 1 :OK « l. i • 7t« 78887 Primus Sa 115 l:0b% 4 105.700 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Turse 00. 3-year-olds, and upward. Claiming. 78849 TeiH Pal Hw 105 1:07-. .". 1K»C 72S 78885 •Ruth Wehle .11.102 1:07-- 10 102 v 720 78919 bllorace Lerch . .Ti 113 lO.Si 7 lo:i 715 78920 Bonce Hv 93 1 :0S% I 102 X710 78925* Kffic Kamlall .Hu 105 1:09 ■ 102*708 75293 •Ulim lleffering .. 9 100*703 78818 bRay Atkin Hv 112 1:12 7 105x700 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upwaid. Claiming. 78918 BILL BLACK - WKI.L To 113 1:0;;% 7 109 V 723 78885- Black Monkey .BI* 102 1:07 4 10..X713 78919 linaquana Ti 92 1:»S% 4 107X713 78654 Carrie Baker. MH 107 1:06% 5 103x710 78624 Daley Cettee ... o ios 1:18% : io 710 78918s Auntie Km Hu 10:; l:OSr. 4 107 703 78818 Recoup Co 105 1 :ir»% 4 102 v 705 78868 bFIeer Hull0 1:0! % 7 104 700 Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. Portage Hotel Iurse urse 00. 3-year-olds aid upward. Claiming. 78921 Blazonry 8 109X725 78388 Chile 4 107-720 78868 Camouflage II. .. 7 KM X 713 78597 1 A» ning •" K4 .• 715 78795 Kdith K 7 1O7--710 78646 Jake Ft Id 7 109 703 78920 Cruees 10 188X188 78923 Verdi IxKin 7 107x700 Sixth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 78821 l.Waukeng 10 114x725 77681 bCnbin Cnefe ..CL 112 1:38 8 1MX13I 78921= Vanitv Dresser. to 105 1 :2S 3 112x715 78470 I.Kternitv f. 109715 78714 l.Uwis B 9 109x710 78865 Cru.len.is 4 107 700 78739 Louie Leu CL10S1:23% » 114 ■ 700 Seventh Race — 6 1-2 Furlon-rs. Tiirse 00. 4 year-olds ami upward. Claiming. 78917 Ruddles B» 110 1:22% « 109 • 723 78964 I.Sandy H Hu 112 1:23 7 114 720 :78963 Ulohnny Dundee .. ."• 114 715 78919 Fictile 5 188X718 77159 Charles Whitney.. 4 112 710 78961 St. Raul 7 114-710 78921 bMavrose 7 112x188 78849 blawasentha C 107:!:700 I SI HnuL 5 1-2 Furlong*. .".- j ear-olds and upward. Claiming. Index Course Di =t Time TV k Odds Wt St . Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FLORENCE B. WALKER, b. f. 3 100 By Wrack— Irrawaddy. by Hilarious. Trainer. C. M. Yzquierdo. Owner. C. M. Tzquierdo. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 78918 Akron 51 f l:14%slow til 101 b ° J Paz 7 BillBla. VI. Bia.kSy. AunticKm 78710 Col nibus 5J f l:11«imud 21-5 M "i J Iaz 12 Mary 8., Fictile. Old Red 77614 Havana 5J f IJ1 mud 2| 97 11 11 10s 18** J Callan.in12 Mcs Kit. MadN 11. !.ottiel,orne 77544 Havana 6J f l:il%slow 3-6 94 2 2 Is Is J illahan 7 .lumiina, H.tJoI.uckv. IIX I.inton 76310 Havana 3 4 1 H%fast 2 108 3 3 2J .■ J Callahan 7 Kirk Dress. I.ula. Ouida 76068 Havana 61 f 1:00 fa.st 6 106 5 6 5s 5° J Callahan 7 Trafalgar. Superna. .1. Hickman 75776 r.nwi- 61 f l:23%mud 1S-5 105 10 9 i* 3- M Fator 12 Fehrah, Our Star. Jackson FORTY TWO, b. c. 3 93 By Huen — Matterhorn. by Himyar. Trainer. E. Rice. Owner. E. Rice. Breeder. E. W. Ripy. 78922 Akr..n 61 f 112%slow 31 91 3» J Dolin 7 Momentum. Kendall. Leon.:Dare 78477 Huntton H t l:l« %minl 13 103 3J J Katon 11 S:itana. April. I eenrack 78413 Huntton H t 1 :0x%fast 45 S8 J4 0 Atwi 11 9 Meddling Matti-. Apr I. Trl I.ta 75287 Whling Ab 5-8 1:03 hvy 10 105 l1 W Horn 8 Sir Glen, Bonnie .la. k. Bellelsle 7519; Wh ling Ab 5-S 1:03 mud 9 M -"s AV Smith ■ Alllotft. FinisGlorii.s;is. Oneida 75156 Whiing Ab 5-S 1:04 hvy 22 5 IK! 1" W Mnders I Sleigh l:ells. Bonn.e Jack. Climb 74988 Huntington 5 8 1:01 fa t CI 99 2l J Eaton 5 Quail. I-igoon. Georgia May 74830 Hunt on !■! f !:0y:.rast 10 109 6T T Wayt «• IVaill.oots. S.m Susie. Ccor Mar 73918 Yyown Ai, OS 1:03 mud 21-10 113 3« T Wayt 7 Ron .la« k. Boub Shot. Nirtb.Staf SEA BOARD, b. g. 6 104 By Deutschland — Polistena, by Polymelus. Trainer. A. Tempest. Owner. T. Bornmanl. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 77938 liuvai.a 5J f 1 lmuil M 11 6 S 9 .•■■ R M.Ale12 thairman. Bu»j l!.d . Damage 77852 Havana 51 f 1:09 fast 6 110 4 2 f»| 1 It McAl ey I Aunt Deda. Iatsi. s , Hird Shot 77460 HavaJM 51 f 109%fast 10 111 3 7 7 s,;; .1 Katon 9 Dull Kashion. W U hi taker, Cbow 7711* Havaaa 3-4 1:1". fast 3 110 6 6 h* SlJ A licki r.s 10 tastilla. Alf Vezina. Iolite 77328 Hn~T~T 61 f 1:09 fa.st 10 110 7 2 41 4i J Helen 11 SaiiDicgo. K.Gan rleea. P .Bonero 77262 Havaaa 51 f l;ll*iSlow 10 113 8 7 6 7:o E Beach 10 Zoona. Prince Bonero, Mallowuiot RAPIDAN. b. h. 7 105 By Luke McLuke — Fontarabia. by OddfeUow. Trainer. J. W. Pirkham. Owner. J. W. Pink ham. 71556 CT*anVc I 4 I -1 slow 5 112 2:J C Grace 6 Bashful. Battle Mountain. For 71554 Cfkae/g ■• -4 1:-1 mucl IS | ]i: 31 C Grace 7 Aleso. Ionderosa. Kddie Tranter 71456 Clksbg Ab" S 1 t1-fast 25 107 21 O Atw«U 0 Star Time. Cat. Tex. l.aDdr.Iida EXECUTION, ch g. 5 109 By Trap Rock — Anna Russell, bv Russell. Trainer. B. Mock. Owner. B. Mork. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78919 Akron 51 f 1 14 slow 6 111 3» TI Dennler ■ K.lneth, Quiet. Fictile 78272 Hunt ton 3-4 1 :14*sfast 19 110 6i L Monfry 6 RapidS e, tharleslly . BobBaker 77999 Havana 3-4 1 :13Sifast 10 112 5 7 7« 7«i W Ser-mbal2 Jaeobn. SunTurret. DangaRock 77895 Havana 51 f 1 :OS%fast 3 111 3 2 2« D W Seremba 10 Al I homas, Char A Byrne. Mike 77809 Havana 3-4 1:14 fas* 6 112 7 5 31 9*1 J Connors 12 W Fl.iiina. I hincoteacue. Glabla 77745 Havana 5J f 1 :7%fas--t 7 6 111 8 4 4 4J J Connors 12 U Pointer. Similkaulloy. Suzuki 77676 Havana 3 4 1 13%fast 5 110 9 7 8« 41 J Connors 9 Ballynew, Glabella. Mallowmot 75167 Sheets 61 f 1:31 hvy 9 109 0»J W Smith 7 Boxwood, Golden Red. Assume 74746 Akron 3 4 1 :6j;ood S 109 7" J Berg 7 C.otheKoost, tres Boy. Coluksoal COPPERHEAD, b «. 3 M S6 Br Cataract— Mineral, by Ormondale. - i Trainer. C. S. Johnson. Owner. T. F. Maloney . Breeder. J. Butler. 78846 Colmbua 51 f l:104»fast 118 110 T»l T BonhamlO IjM«.Wt«». RtDensn. RdalsRi 78736 Colmbua 6| f 1 :12»»8low 18 105 71 H Hay H Mclvina. Vehement. Barberry 78577 Colmbua 5j f 1:10 fast 21 111 7*1 Q Hyson 9 Argument!. SethsDm, Ralefull 78477 Huntton 51 f l:10%mud 6*f 98 S» L Monfryll Satana. Apiil. Forty Two 784S6 Huntton 61 f 1:11 mud 9 100 3" A VilmorelO Star Ked. Rock Court. Mi 78371 Huntton 3-4 114ifast 41 103 5* W Martin I MissAmerira, RlackRuler. Hob 78316 Hunt Ion 61 f 1 OSifast 7 106 6»| R Clifford !» Wise tracker. Kennesaw. Itob 73262 III Crass SI f 1:07 fast 67 116 3*1 H Glick I Frosty Roy. March On, Odeon 69762 Loxglon 41 f nl-Jivy 33 113 6 7 7 7" W Kelsay 7 Railol Itrusli. Kecgan. Rob Tail G9694 I pxgton 41 f S5fast 21 101 1 and 8 71 H Gray 9 Toivnsend. Jolin Huger. Arabia 69556 Lexgton 1-2 4Sfaat 11 112 » 9 9 10* C Ponce 10 Bat Hent. Quotation. Ilmarkel STAR RED. en. c. 3 1C0 By Meridian— Brycavia. by Bryn Mawr. Trainer. E. E. White. Owner. E. E. White. Breeder. Mra. R. F. Carman. 78765 Colmbua 3-4 l:19Vthvy 4 104 3«1 R ZYhini " Pawnbroker. ln:!ioon. RAalsRl 78548 Col inbus 3-1 118%fa.st 4 110 Fell. It ZchinilJ Sparkplug. Mclvina. Rockrourt 784S6 Hunfton 54 f 1:11 mud 3 100 1* R ZucehinllO Kock tonrt. Copperhead. Bub 779K6 Tijuana E| f 1 :09mud 16 110 2 3 51 41 R Zucchini 7 M Contry. Bincrnc. Contributn nill Tijuana 5-S lOaslop 97 1 12 * 4l J Maiben 8 I, Thistle, T. Competitor. StarRed 75596 Tanforan 5-S 1:02 fast — 112 jl Thompn 7 Riinchief. Plough Bey. lub.city 75445 Tanforan A 8 1 :C2%slow -- 109 10" R Doyle 10 TheKjleoner. Hellebore. Kenolani 73958 Omaha 5-8 l:04slow LO 110 56 J-* E B.irhim 0 Golden I*id. Rose Mint. Seba SAM. br. c. 3 Mi IPS By Setback— Lukeramus. by Luke Ward. i Trainer, R. H. Vestal. Owner, I. E. Clark. Breeder, I. E. Clark. First SLiru 4-ilU nAUu G 1-2 lurlongn. 3-year-old* and upward. Claiming. GET EM. b. g. « 109 By Marse Abe— Directa. by Vlnctnr. ■ Traner. O. L. Foster. Owner. 0. L. Foster. Breeder. 0. A. Biancbl. 78844 Colmbus 61 f 1 :104fast 5 104 ?i n McAufel2 Rr Joe. Rabylonii.n, Eliz Jwell 78711 Colmbus 51 f 1 Hifcmud 12 106 3»i H Karland 12 Title. ElizthJewl, Horac.IiPrch 78029 Havana 6 f 1:12 mud 5 113 6 6 51 7»I F Seremba 12 Patsy R.. Armedee, Le Balafre 77824 Haana 5J f l: 17Vast 10 109 11 9 9* 11* J Katon 12 Jack Pot. Armedee. Zoona 77528 Havana 51 f 1:13 hvy 6 IM C 3 21 4* D Randall 9 JkFrost. Rap.Stride, L.EyesII. 77218 Havana 3 4 1.22?ihvy 3 10$ 2 1 J* 4«1 D Randell I Ruddles, Herron. Le Balafre QUIET, br. g. 4 109 By Transvaal— Footstool, by Chilton. Trainer. H. Torriente. Owner, H. Torriente. Breeder. Morris A Walden. 78919 Akron " 5j f 114 slow 7 109 2 P Hunt I Kelneth. Executive, Fictile 78057 Havana 3-4 l:15*tKood 10 105 1 4 121 12* J Paz 14 FoilWth.r. Dustmn, BlueBnisli 77875 Havana 51 f 1 0T«£fast 6 107 2 1 1» ll J Paz 11 D ofWellington, R Rose. Phoebe 77854 Havana 5i f 1 :07Hfast 6 99 6 C 6 5*1 I Paz 12 SimknmnRoy. Ijjstre. S.PKins 77791 Havana 3-4 1 :12*ifaat 6 102 2 2 3* 31 J Paz 12 Twonair. Cut lp, Jap Muma LANCELOT, b. h. 8 103 By Trap Rock— Merry Heart, by Sir Modred. Trainer, A. Luzader. Owner, A. Lnsader. Breeder. G. J. Long. 70151 Ystown Ab 5-8 1 :01*fcgood I 113 6*2 J Domink • Brit Isles. R Wehle. Rhamlwaa 69973 Y.stown Ab 5-3 1 M|a1tf 21 121 l1 J Domink 7 Milda, Dahinda, Benecia 69850 Y clown Ab 5 « l:03*fcmud 8-5 116 4*1 R Baker 7 8a ore t ash. MyFriendPat, Emden 68995 Mobile Ab 6i f 1.30 mud 7 117 1 2 6 611 N Burger 7 Lit. Palsy. Amanda. Hutchison «i8936 Mobil.- Ab 5-S 5Sifast 12 121 4 6 7 f»« N Burg, r 7 C A.Comkey, Wireless. SandyH. C8832 Mub.Ie Ab 5-S 1 :04Vt,hvy 9 10 121 I 11 1=» M Rerg.r 8 High Value. Grandee, Not Yet 67127 J.fferson 3-4 1.17Sruud 6 110 2 2 61 714 W Sharpe 12 Anticipate. Alva, Helen Atkin XELNETH. ch g. 4 104 By Pataud— B-First. by Cunard. Trainer. F. Dew. Owner, F. Dew. Breeder. F. J. Kelley. 78959 See todays chart. 78919 Akron 5J f 1:14 slow 64 109 PC Greend S Quiet, Executive. Fictile 78293 Hunfton 51 f 1:08 fast 65 111 7i T Honham 7 TheCKtcr, ;eo. Starr, Ch.nenry 78234 Hunton .". 1 -2 f 1 3M%Ckkflt 41 115 9«1 T Bonham 9 Bristow. Advinliire, C. Suniinj 71347 I -it on la linTOy 1 :4S mud 78 101 7 7 6* 5s" D Jones 8 N Secundus. Waysamo, Nnyakn ■9693 I-pi ulon 3-4 l.HVaat 36f 91 S 11 U« 11" D Jones 12 Lieut Colonel. Grayson, Monsoon OLD RED. ch. g. 7 105 By Conteator— Oraerlette. by Order. TraineT. J. D. Rice. Owner, H. T. Palmer. Breeder. E. Frazer. 78963 Baa to, lays chart. 78710 Colmbua 51fl:12Hmud 25 108 Sl C Grnwd 12 MaryC, Fictile. RichardMurray 76727 ul«ity r.-Sl.OJ good — 197 I* C Grwood S SealStyr. Mr Kruter, Quncupll. 76671 CHI.Ctty 41 f 55 good — 110 21 C GrvvocKlll I ulySmaIl. Hel. Major. Qncupll. 76641 Cal City 4J f 55 good — 199 2 C Grwood 9 Kclicilor, StylishMiss. Hel.Maj r 76122 lhocnu 41 f 54 fast 11 111 2« C Gross 11 Annabclle, T.Vamp. Char. Smith MART G.. ch. m, 6 107 By Golden Maxim— Trappsst. by The Friar. Trainer. M. Jordan. Owner, M. Jordan. Breeder. J. Greeaberg. • 78918 Akron 51 f l:14»r.low 16-5 107 711 D Prible I RillBIjckl. B.ackSy. AuntioEm 78710 f.-lnibtis H f 1 :l2Snuid 14-5 L»8 l« T BonhamPJ Fictile, OldRed. RichardMurray 78623 Cilnibus 5-X 1:05 hvy 37-10 109 ."." T Honham II CairicMoore. Milda, Needy 78489 Coi inbus 5-S 1:05%hvy 5 111 5H J Connorslt SprgVale. KnotGrass, L.Pointer 75261 Whlmg Ab 5-S 1:04 hvy 4 114 41 J Connora 10 Auntie Em. Advaiue. Sky Man 75IS9 Willing Ab 3-4 1 :22 14 117 5J J Connors T L.Eyeal I., OrleansGirl. SpgVal- 15977 Whc 1g Ab 3 4 1 22 mud 21 111 l J Connors IT Ml f !■!■. ServiceFlag. Bab 75042 Wbe, I -g Ab 0 8 1 :0?tss1op 1 109 8J G Wliams *.» Bridgette, MisIIold, L.Pointer 74825 Akron 51 f 1 :09f ast 51 100 - 4*1 I Berg E AuntDeda. Berretta, ArthniRule 747S6 Akron 51 f 1 OSfast S 109 7*J G Wliams 9 Be Trueuian. Floralia, Coax Mi PRIMUS, ch. g. 4 105 By Celt— Lady Godiva. by Hanover. Trainer. D. Hill. Owner, A. Hill. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 78887 Colmbua 3-4 115 fast - 109 »• R Zcr hini 9 GldSinntr. Sprin;Vale. Tn.le be 78844 Colmbus 61 f llOfast 33 104 6ll H Pa len 12 Dr.Joe. Babjloniin, Eliz. Jwell 78576 Colmbua 51 f 1 09% fast 13f 110 11" W Frklin 13 Reluctant. St.icyAdams. Punctl 78485 Colmbua 51 f 1 13%hvy 27 lOf 107 7s R Holwayll I.uekyRun. JaikPot. Babylonian 75331 Hunton 3-4 1:15 fast 19 99 5i J Katon 9 Hughie. Miss Beulah, Gonwithim 75238 Hunt gton 51 r 1:10 hvy 6 100 1» J Katon and Neenah. Jota, IXont Bother Me 75172 Hunton 51 f l:0S?tslow 22 106 5»l O Atwell 12 Baddy Wolf. Pelion, Hughie Ol U flHL/t S 1-2 1urIonjgM. 3-jear-old.H and upward. Claiming. PEACE PAL. ch. g. 5 100 By Dick Finnell— Peace, by Midlothian. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. C. N. Freeman. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 78849 Colmbua 11-16 153%faat 14 107 6»1 H Karland S Gex. Rog, Biddledee 78766 Colmbua 61 f 1:27 hvy 9 105 41 H Karland 7 Colossus, BillRIkwell, Devonite 78291 Bowl- 1 I 16 . 07fac* 32 104 7 7 71 9»1 H Karland 9 Superbura, Col Whaln. Bowsprit 78231 Bowie 1 1-16 1 Stmud 13 106 7 7 6» 5« H Karland 13 Overtake, Whalebone. Dav Lilly 78178 lio»j,i 7*1:31 fast 28 105 12 11 8| T H KarlandBl C Costigan, M Jumbo. I» of t.Vy 77044 K Jtnds 3-4 llSast 12 110 14 14 13* 13» J Corcoranlt Kindred. Old Sinner. Pr. Welles 76408 Jefferson 11-16 1:49 good 6 103 1 6 3* 5»l H Karland 8 Jack lairman, Rork, Hon. Boy 76369 Jefferson lmTOy l:4fl=igood 8 103 8 3 3» 3« H Karland 9 Atta Boy II.. Rork, Magician 76305 Jefferson 3 4 1 17Hhvy 15 1IS 9 6 4* 3*1 H Kailandll Carnarvon. Uumbfounder, Rork RUTH WEHLE. ch. m, 10 103 By Senator McCarren— Catherine R.. by Octagon. Trainer. A. B. Jessop. Owner, Jesaop Bros.. Breeder. T. D. Sullivan. 78885 Colmbus 51 f 1 09 fast 17 99 6» II Paden 12 Sa tana, Black Monkey, Winkie 78737 Colml.us 5i f MHjasWw 50 102 10» K Noe 12 At too. Iunttual. Mr. Beck 78576 Colmbua 5ifl:09Hfast 13f 101 V K Paden 12 Reluctant. Sta.yAdams, Punctl 78547 olmtius 5-* l:02Hfast 23 104 4* H KarlandIO I.T llarnum, JkPot, Babylonn 78029 Havana 51 f 1 12 mud 12 105 7 8 101 8*2 W McCabel2 Paty It.. Armedee, Ij» Balafre 77876 Havana t| f 1 :07"ifast 12 101 9 9 9* 9! J Dawson 1! OKelly. CTheien. FolWeather 77482 Havana l| f 1 07Vast 20 101 9 8 81 77 A Jvertonl2 Sq. Wiggins, Ceodor, Spring Yah HORACE LERCH. b. g. 7 109 By McGee— Sadie May, by Cesarlon. Trainer. C. E. Davison. Owner. C. E. Davison. Breeder. Gorhvm Bros. 78919 Akron 51 f 1:14 slow 4 113 6Tj P Seremba 8 Kelneth. Juiet, Executive 78711 Cdmbus i f lliiru.l 10 109 4"l K Serembal2 Title. Elizabeth Jewell. Get Em 75293 Whaling ImTOy 1 T.S hvy I 113 7«i G Wliamsll- Blarney Boy, Neapolitan. OrrU 75165 Wheelg Ab 3 4 1 .22*»hvy 9 5 113 2rl F Seremba 7 Saeajawea Sabrtash. MissDixie 75477 Wh.-el g Ab 3-4 1 22 mud 10 110 2» F Seremba S Mary G . Service Flag, Bab 73396 Wh.. ling 3 4 1:19 slip 9 112 6*j J Kennedy T Can. Lady. 15 Simmons, Jacobean 72876 Iolumbs .1-4 1 16iS"od ]l 105 Wheelrd. W Martin 8 Paula V., SpngYale. RovalMai.l 72690 Columba lm70y US slow T 104 Pulled up. W Martin 7 Br.Sliafer. Execution. GrassTroe PONCE, ch. g, 3 103 By Duqueanc — Hester, by Alvescot. Trainer. H. A. Cotton. Owner. H. A. Cotton. Breeder. J. O. Pelayo. 78920 Akron 51 f l:13slow 14 100 5T1 K Not 7 PatH.impn. JosephineC, Monsn 78026 Hivina 3-4 1.20 mud 5 103 3 S 31 5" J Dawson 6 C.deLuna. SolnsKilta, Guajiro 78011 H.ivina 51 f 1 :9S fast 10 105 1 11 1! 11 « J OBrien 12 Auntie Millin. Castilla. April 77525 Havana 3 4 1 :19Sfast 10 103 7 2 2» 41 T Broth rs 1 1 HdSvvei-p. Sea;:!i er, WestMeath 77394 ll.H.iiu 5J f 1 fflSfast 1 98 2 1 1» l«t .1 Dawson 8 Veneno. Liborio, Patsie S. 77350 Havana 2-4 1 15»good 8 103 5 3 4» 4:j T Brothers 9 Black WatchIL, JrayGirl. Suzuki EFFIE RANDALL, eh. m. 8 103 By Harrigan— Lady Maxim, by St. Maxim. Trainer C. C. Emmert. Owner. Frozen North Stable. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 78925 C*l minis 5i f 1 :0 fast 38 102 2T J Cowan 7 PTBamum. Zoona. Merry Mara 78818 rol n l.us 51 f 1 12 slow 63 106 4J1 W Dellov12 Recoup. Clenlivet. Nizam 78437 Huntton I l:4:f.ist 14 100 3T R Zucchini 7 Proceeds, Mr. Beck, Bristow 78109 Huntton 5J f 1 Mfcfaat 90 105 l| R ZucchinilO Moasoou. Salan.i. i.onwithiin 78320 Hunt ton 3-4 1 14»fast 63 102 Ci J Cowan 7 BurbaPr, Riiinegold, A.Alexr 78247 Hun: ton 3-4 115 fast 42 103 7*j J Cowan 9 OldSinr, A.Alex der, BobBaker JIM HEFFERLNG. b. g. 9 100 By Trap Rock— Fairy, by St. Frusquin. Trainer. I. S. Shafer. Owner, Shafer A Horton. Breeder, E. L. Davis. 75293 Wheeling ImTOy 1 aS hvy 11 106 4« F Horn B sTftataiJ Bov, Neapolitan. Ti 75169 Wheelg 1 1 16 2:02 hvy S5 99 C«f J Berg 9 Phelan. Et.Vnit.v. |— III 75103 Wheelg Ab 3-4 1:23 alov b-5 110 Lt C Jackson 7 I r. Hall. Kentinere. Ind IIcnit 74907 Akron 3 4 1 ITfast 13 111 7 J Berg 10 how. OirKate, TopRung 71825 Akron 51 f 1 OSHfast 8 105 5" W Taylor 5 AuntDeda, Berretta. ArtliurRnlc 7 1676 Akron 51 f 1:10 fast 34 104 3 J Berg 10 M Liberty. S. Bouquet. Pomereue RAY ATKIN, br. g. 7 106 By Jack Atkin— Lady Robhins. by Oddfellow. Trainer, E. McCuen. Owner. E. McCuan. Breeder, C. D. Kay. 78958 S •« todays chart 78818 Colmbus 51 f 1 12 slow 26 108 5»1 B Hlowy12 Recoup. Glenlivet, Nizam 78655 ..Inibus 5» t 1 Olegood 46 112 91 W Smith 12 Arrow head. Bojul, Recoup 78549 Colmbua 54 f 1 11 fast 4f 1 « 1181 K Holway 12 Vk otheRoo-t. Fleer. Busvltoh 73837 Omaha. 3 4 1 ITSmud 22 116 11 10 10 7* I. Mills ]J ueen M.izoni.i, Neg. Full Moon 73733 Omaha M f 1 11 mud 15 113 6 8 9 9" L Mills 6 Prairie, BessWelch, JackHealer *rin nAUt 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olili and upward. Claiming;. BILL BLACK WiLL. ch. g. 7 109 By Gladwin — Nuns Veiling, by St. Angelo. Trainer. C. Bawtelle. Owner. C. R. Aldrich. Breeder. A. Schuits. 78963 Seo todays chart. 78918 Akron 51 f 1 14-,slow 3-3 111 1» J Winans TBIackSy. AuntieKm. WwTudr 78766 Colmbua 61 f 1:27 hvy 19-10 110 21 J Winans 7 Colossus, Devonite, Peace Pal 78683 Colmbua 5-* 1 :0I slop 6 110 r. J Winans S Jairo, I* 1. I.ariiuin. Pinaqnana 78575 Colmbua 51 f 1 09 fast 9 113 21 J Winans !» Winchesier. WnFIna, JttHTl 78339 Huniton 51 f 1 07Hfaat • 119 4* J Winans 12 Mdell vey, i.eo Starr. ;withlai BLACK MONKEY, br. g. 4 105 By Black Toney— Bit of a Davil. by Helmet. Trairer. C. Emmert. Owner. Frozen North Stable. Breeder. A. B Hancock. 78885 Colmbua 51 f 1 09 fast 10J Z 1 W Dllow 2 Satana. Winkle. TheMiileskiner 78844 Colmbua 6 t 1 -10 Vast ■ 1°* 4»t W Dellow 12 Dr.Joe. l.ahyloi.ian Eliz Jwell 78791 Colmbua 5-S 1 06»tgood 26 104 3* W Dellow 8 Caranibo. Kendall. Jack iot 78799 dlnibus 51 f 1 BHmu.l 13 108 :.« W Dellow PJ Busy Bob rilfllU. acunbo 78574 Colmbua 5-H 1 0?%fast 13 108 Ol H Hay 12 Knot Grass. Callfa, DudU Rug 78478 Hunf. .n i| f 1 lOViiiiud Ut 108 6*1 R Zucehin;12 Ant. ipate. Las. White, Con im 7K4:;2 11 niton M f 1 OS fast 16 105 8" R Zu. . hinilO G.o Starr. I.T Barniim. Bl Ru.i-r 78376 Hunt ton 51 f ! ,tiXfaat 34 109 !• H Hay i Columbia Tenn, Zorro. XaC« FINAQDANA. b. f. 4 107 By Master Robert— Miss Cynthia, by Joe Carey. Trainer, E. McCown. Owner, E. McCown , . Breeder. C. B. Head. 18919 Akron r.J f 1 14 slow t-4 107 Lost rider. R Holway S Kelnelh. Qakt. Executive 78763 Colmbua 51 f 1 13*»hvy 41f 107 lb It Holwayl2 .Swlfkie. hwCw. Ch lieSmy 78683 Colmbua 5-8 104 slop 24 107 41 It Holwy 8 Jago. P Titanium. ltillHla.kvv.ll 734145 Omaha • 61 f ! 07 fait 21 109 t»l I. Mills 9 Dove roost. Moon Wiukn. N.g 73779 I-ilumbi 1-8 1 07hvy 9 99 9*1 K Horn 10 K.oFun. Adveiilreaa. Belrman 72574 Columba 6-» 1 tWhvy 37 10 104 1, F Horn 9 Rosie II., Swim, Merry Mars CARRIE BAKER, b. m. 5 103 By Horron — Bay of Pleasure, by Kingston. Trainer. H. R. Stewart. Owner. G. Stewart. . Breeder. T. Biatt. 7»Ci4 Colmhus 5-8 1:03 good IS lui 12* F Lux 12 FJizalH-thRn. Punctual, Copyrt 77:556 Tijuana 5 S 1 OJ-Vat 12 106 1 10 11 It" G Ellia 11 Slip. Smile, U Winfrey. View 77»47 Tijuana 5-U:« faat 177 109-8 13 14 14»F Horn 14 .1 Raberts. H Ituryoyne, C.indosa -.6692 Tijuan;t M 1 :02fa9t 8:1 111 W% H I.ontr 14 II.sHeir. Cannonball, Mayavilla 76377 Tijuana 51 f 1 iJSsalr.p 2f 104 5J1 K Horn M L.Centry. Diiiisiindel. Sanlle Iron 76880 Tijuana 6-8 1 : t? faat 4f 107 fi»l F Horn 13 Ik Uenlry, annonball, I-ast OM 76044 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 60f 101 9« H Long 9 Wylie, Summer jsigb. Mv Rosa 7600J-Tiiuana lm70y 1 I6 ifa3t 61f 111 10*1 H Long 111 I; jiaterer. My Rose, Ry Right DAISY CARTER, b. f. 3 100 By Irish Gentleman— Anna Sweep, by Sweep. Trainer. J. H. Bibbs.,. Owner. A. L. Smithy. Breeder. C. H. Carter. 786-24 tol mbus 5-S 1 :07~ hvy 1J 100 ]J y Martin Id Rarbenv. Wise luv. Hambone 78577 Cplnibus 51 f 1:10 faat 11 108 9" V Krklin 9 Argumentl, Setbj.Dm, Ralefull ATJSTIE EM. ch. f, 4 107 Wv Tea Caddy— Alfadir. bv Solitaire II. Trainer, J. Robertson. Owner. Robertson k Gilmore. Breeder. A. L. Kirbv- 78918 Akron 6 f l:14%slow 7 107 3« J Dolin 7 RillRlackl. Rla.k.Sy, WeeTodr 78479 Huntton f 4 f LlOmud H7 M M 2*1 L Dartton 7 Mr. Reek, Mktlarner. D.deduise 78:586 Huniton .".i f 1 :SSfast • 6 109 |" L Partton 9 Joapphine •. DM Rlue. Miss I.a 78270 Huntton 5J f 1 :09fast 17-5f 106 4» L Part ton 11 Mr Reek, bafts* k, Maeliiavelli 78202 Huniton 3-4 l:M%fa«t 43-10f l.7 11*1 J Dolin 12 Then, OldSinner. Rarb-raPalmer 75-292 Willing Ab ". 4 1:24 hvy 9 5 105 51 J Majestic R Rar. Palmer, J. Woman. Sil.Maivl 75261 Wh ling Aft 5 8 13M hvy 7 103 ll J MajesticIO Advance. Sk*- Man. Mary O. 751:57 Willing Ab OS 1:02 hvy 14 101 3« J Majeatic I Rabe Ruth. Currency, M. Holland 74787 Akron £1 f 1 10%faat 12 112 3J H C.ments • Kthel H.. arriellaker. Drasaftaa 74647 Akron 5-8 l:03,ifast SJ 108 l* H Clemnta S ITy Three, MissCaltha. Jetsam 7422C Akron 5-8 l3sft%taat 11 105 6* J Hcrg 9 rotnerene. Litllelointer. Jota 73751 YBafwn Ab 5-3 1:00 fast 21-10 112 8*1 T Wayt • T.thambein. R.Dale, Mciuphia RECOITP. ch. f, 4 102 By Bruramel— Josie A., by Superman. Trai-.er. C. N. Freeman. Owrer, C. N. Freeman. Breeder. A. A. Rally. 78818 t.ilmbus 51 f 1:12 slow SJ 102 1 H Karland12 llenlivet, Nizam, Effie Randall 78719 Colmbua 5i f l:12*4in ld 51 105 a H Karlan.112 Mary ; . Fictile, Old Red 78655 rulmbua 51 f lDg.ml 37 105 3l D Ran.lelll2 Arrowhd, Rojul, I.tpnantPkina 78595 Colmbua 51 f 1 lOlast I 102 51 H Karlamlll Little.ndy. DousRoi k, Mbue 70536 Map.Hts 3-4 1:14 fast 21 »2 :,i H F.irlan.l 8 KevvAcres. Ar.loint. Dm founder 70454 Map Hta 3-4 1 l::vfast 7 :»4 2« H Failanil S NoonCli.le. Ilicnol. MarLiretta 70368 Map Hts 51 f 1:07 faat S 100 Left. H KarlandIO M.vlrr.iiiie, 4 irvvCliow. r.Acre 70219 Map Hts 51 f 1 M%fssftt 71 94 3» H Karland 8 De Iind, MjIwigftH. OurTellie FLEER, ch. g, 7 109 By Astronomer— Fleda B., by Falsetto. Trainer. P. Heffernan. Owner. P. Heffernan. Breeder. K. P. Shipp. 78868 Colmbus 54 f 1 OS faat 15 109 7» D Randell 7 Jacobean. Zoom. Klabetliltein 78549 Colmbua 51 f 1:11 fast 12 103 2» D Randell 12 Colheltooct. RiiyRob. SeVa 78519 Columbus 5-8 l:04*4s;oo l 8 107 I* D Randalll2 Reluctant, Athlete. Miss Em 78227 Bowie 7- l::0 mud Sf 107 11 8 6l Si O Rose IS Antio/ly, Hkleb vFnu, 1! levcn 77452 KCrnda 3-4 1 15*fehvy 20 103 3 5 101 11" D Mergler 13 Colonel Winn. Mcintosh. Stump 77044 FCrnUa 3-4 l:13!4faat 25 101 8 2 2J 41 D Mergler 14 Kindred, Old Sinner, lr. Welles *th RAPF "~S M1,e* Portage Hotel Parse, o-year-olds and upward. Liliu- BLAZONRT. br. g. 9 109 By Whisk Broom II.— Pageant, by Delhi. Trainer. A. K. Miller. Owrer. A. K. Miller. Breeder. H. P. Wl.itney. 78921 Akron OJ t l:2S=ssh»w I 112 8" W Hghea !4 Attoo. V.init.v Dh-smt. Mi-sLibty 78183 Huniton 1 l:44%BW»i 3.. 1OT S - K ostello I Morm Kliler. T;o per. I.ittlelM 78460 Hunt ton 1 1:49 mud K5 MB 4 .1 I.iton 4 JouJoii, EyeRriht. 1 inbfoiinder ! 78391 Huntton 1 1 :42 iifa.st 47 114 M*t J Pevic N RobRuker. H.or Nth, UUIe M 178298 Hunfton 1 1 ll 1 : I9~ fast 1-7 119 7. W Smith 7 Rlackllaikle. KlawMae. I-avello 780!!l Havana ll-2J:3ii good 12 108 4 7 S"M0"K Kiniry It Klyinslrince. Ililln un . . Ilucu 77! 82 Havana lm7iy l:47«*slow 10 10S 9 8 CI 1"" K Kiniry !» Approval. Felix M.. Tamper 7 79: 8 Havana 1 1-4 2:10%mud 12 107 4 6 6« 6 « W Fronk 7 Halu. Conundrum, limn 77767 llavani 11-1S147 fast 10 108 7 8 9« 9«J Katon 10 Eye RiiRht, Superior. H:ilu 77593 Havana 1 1 1 » 1: IBS. ia.it li W6 6 5 6 6T1 A Ytrrat 6 J. Morrill. I up. Adam.-., HillmanC. CHILE, b. g. 4 197 Bv Dick Fir.nell— Star.and. ty Star Shoot. Trainer. W. E. Suggs. Owner, S. Jauregue. Breeders. Ilurnhy tc Shropshire. 783H8 Hunfton I 4 1 :1 lfast 63 115 10" H Click M Pawnr. Jeorire Sr, IyeBright 77245 H.ivana 3-4 1:lS5hvy 12 111 2 4 61 7"H Click S RenRolt. I aaagflll ■■. For gueen 77110 Havana 3-4 I2lhvy 4 104 5 6 5 5* H Click 7 R.Dudley, RapidStride, Colossus 76950 Havana 3-4 1:21 hvv 2 112 2 4 31 2" K WtMalckJI The lister. Vui. :l rt i t.-. Armistice 76565 Havana 5J f IM f:idt 1 112 1 5 4« 4» J Callahan U RRolt. I.T. Ruruiim. F. Weather 76490 Havana 5i f 1 •7-faat 8-5 111 111* 1*1 J C.ili.ihan S KimilU.v. Hullo. Iuri.mh 76:529 Havana ■ 3 4 1 14Vfast 2 107 1 2 214IC Williams J Vulcanite. Rounce. Title H8767 Havana 1 l:4w%tesC 6 96 4 8 7* 2» C Frc st 8 Mary Reisel, Hullo. Il.izel W. »87»7 Havana 1 1 42 fast 1 110 5 3 21 1» V T;iy!.»r «i Eastern Star, FCirl, Thellater 68477 Havana 3-1 1:1 fast 4 107 2 6 7 7«J T Hums 7 Mlssll.izie. Rim -kabye. Winnipeg 18162 Havana ll:41ifast 2 lJ8 3 3 31 3l H Click 7 Winnipeg, Will Cat, R.kabye CAMOUFLAGE II.. b. e. 7 194 By Cartoon— Miss Madge, by Oit Weiia. Trainer. C. Emmert. Owner, Frozen North Stable". Breeder. J. A. Drake. 7H868 Colmbus 51 f 1 08 fast 8 108 5; W Dellow 7 Ja.-obein. Zoon.i. Kliz.thetiRean 78738 CofsafeaM, 3-4 1.16Sslovv ,g PW 4 W Dellow 9 Arrowhe::d, Jauo. Zapitos 78658 Col inbus 5i f 1 tSi.goo.l 41 112 6* W D- How ft TifeStarr. Wrh-ster, El Jewll 781588 Hunfton 3 4 l:l %faat 42 110 S"J It ffffftlatll Pawnr. Qtfttgsj Sr. EveRntrlit 78:140 lluiiftoa 3-4 1:14 faat 24 112 4i H Hay 8 Mat. Idol. Flor. lieen. Hysteria 78271 Huniton 3 4 l.ltifaandt 43 115 9" J Conway » CreatLudy, t.ayiioyll.. * tttrTWtl AWNING, b. g. 5 104 By Hesperus— Shade, by St. Symphorlen. Trainer. J. R. Carvalio. Owr.er. Caimito Stable. Breeder A. K. Mftcomber. 78597 CoTmbis 5-8 t asvatCaat 25 104 7" J Paz 12 i Ii;n:ori t. I.m lelointer, Clenlit 77994 Havana 2-4 1 1 IV.faat S 115 2 3 |a|0 Pernia 11 Clem Theisen. Colossus. Iuii. tua! 77900 H.iv.na 51 f 1 r7*»faat 12 112 3 5 5 6J Pernia 12 Rap. Stride, OKelly. Ely. Roat 77855 Havana lrn.Voy 1 13 fast 6 104 19 9* 9" 0 Pernia 11 Rid.lleibe, Superior. Link 77528 Havana 5i f 1:12 hvy Si 112 9 8 9 9 = O Pernia a JkEroMt. Rap Stride, LEyeIL EDITH K.. b. m. 7 107 By Ormondale— Mamie Worth, by St. Georga. Trainer. S. Burnside. Owner. S. Burnside. Bleeder. J. E. Madden. I 78795 Colmbs ImTOy 1:57 gool 24 107 6" W Smith 11 Drumninml. I.iibeek. Kg;ne«J Zeal -,8709 Colmbus 51 f 1: 12*%mu l 13f 107 7"K Wdstkl2 Itcaj lob. l-,.,ort ■ i a. an. bo 78270 Huniton 5 f 1 OVJasi Si in; M* J Eaton II Mr.llirk, I.ubeck, Maekia*J*BI 77348 K.Crn.ls I 1 16 :*t g—4 50 Ml 11 13 13 13" W M liner 1.1 Juno. Sword. .Mormon Ebler 77105 Ktirn.ls 1 1.6 1:49 fast 60 1"6 U 12 12 12«* J Chalme;sl2 Totu Cassidy, Pete Eoy, Yorick JAKE FELD, k. g, 7 109 Bv St. Volma— Bonetto, by Misetto. Trainar. T. F. Dsvereauz. Owner. T. F. Devereanx. Breeder. J. S. Mullins. 78646 Laasfartaa 1n.70 1 tiSgoo.l l i los 5 5 5 .",» W Fronk B Kii.burn, Timbrel, MajorChilton 77850 J.tferson 1 1 16 1 :W fast M 114 12 12 91 •" K Rlin.I 14 Westwood. Lit Amiiiie. Tav Hay 77652 Kvirnila 1 1 16 1 48fa t VH 110 8 9 71 7-5H Kaiser 9 Sway. Irish Pat. Dumbfonnder 772:54 K«:rn.ls 3 4 114 fast IM llo 12 10 10- 10- _H Kaiser IS S.Frdman. Col Winu. T Official 76369 Jefferson lmTJy 1.49Hgood 39 l8 9 9 8 9:1"h Kaiser 9 Atta Roy 11 , Rork. Pea. e Pal L-RUCES. ch. g, 10 109 By Voorhees— Chiffie. by Priam. Trai-.or. J. Wood. Owner. J. Wood. Breeder. A. B. Spreckels. 7S1J20 Akron 51 f 1 1 lslow 28 112 7" W* Hli-s 7 Patllampn, Josophinei.. Ifll—n 78042 Havana 3 4 1 Is-sl ow IV 112 2 10 8 S*W McC.ib.-1u ltusyRob. Allhonias, Patllampa 78014 Havana lm70y 1 47ifaat 15 1 S 9 10 10* 10* W McCabel2 JohnnyOConnl. Hush JapMuma 77939 Havana 51 f 1 ll«imud 15 107 8 7 5 3» W McCabcl l Scurry. Lustre. Misa Holland 77811 Huani 1 1 16 1 4,faat 20 102 I 7 •» «" W M.-CabelO Roseate. A .Sjblotaskv. sMa4M4M 77747 Havana lm50y 1 44*4faat 15 110 J » H 7* W l"mrosel2 Q Joe. J.OConnell, A Sabloaky 77695 Havana luiTOy l.tiSfaat 20 110 10 10 f| ri W Pnirusell vlaCvjuerle, Coaoorron, W M Raker VERDI LOON. b. m. 7 107 By Marathon— Bonnie Eloise. by Clifford. Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owner, J. A. Parson. Breeder. J. B. Bespess. 78923 Akron lm79y 153%slow 10 101 71* C I.Abelle 7 Newport. Zulnl-vnd. Oipay Joe 787S9 CoImbs lm70y 1:56 sh w 17 104 8» P Groos 12 Prairie. Kdna I.. Fictile 78714 CoImbs lm70y 1 :*8%miid 61 107 - 8«* P Groos 10 Horeb. MockOrange. Drnmmond 78580 Colmbus 1 1-!C 1 :51%fast 4* 103 Cl H Hay 10 Newport. Hewitt Fan-well Taps "8538 Colmbus I 1 It 1-fHLrtlTT 11 100 5»| P Groos I Moutillo. Tamper Hewitt 78060 Havana 1 1-8 l::-6tfcgood 6 107 10 12 13* 13» W Fronk 13 Onley. JohyOConl. II C.Bnseh 78014 Havana lm70y 1 :47%fnst 4 99 8 7 6 6" J OBrien 12 JohnnyOConnl, llusb. JapMuma 77505 Havana lm70y l:51%mud S-5 106 5 6 4* 4" J Dawson 6 Paula V., Jacquerie. King llose bill MAUL O 1-- FarlonKx. 1-yenr-olds anil npward. Claiming. WAUKEAG, br. g. 10 114 By Ogden— Lady Vincent, by St. Blalia. Trainer. C. H. Freeman. Owner. C. N. Freeman. Breeder. J E. Madden. 78821 Colmbus 1 1-16 1:53 alow 6 103 5*1 H Farland 10 LtentPerkins, Vendor. Povonitc 78740 Ccilmbs lmTOy l:54%slow 8 103 2 H Farlan-1 9 Bojul. Tomahoi. Oeorge Chnos 78180 Bowie. lm70y 1 :49%fast 97 103 4 6 8« 8" H Farlan l 11 TliePeruv n. Normal, LdWrack 77011 K.Crnils 1 1-S 1 :.7%hvy 15 107 6 4 oj 5° II Farlun.l 8 Kent I... Hickory, Pete Foy 7670G K.Grmls 1 IS 1 :and hvy 12 107 « 6 6» 7" 11 Farland 8 WessieB., Duke Jolin. IVte Foj 76507 FGrmls 1 1-16 1 :.MVtmud 6 112 7 6 51 5° II Failan.l 7 Smart Ony. Trooper. F.ttahe 76389 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 61 good 10 102 7 7 6« CM II Fa Hand 7 ltepeater. Curt Events. Pdmont CABIN CREEK, b. g 6 114 By Short Grass— Ocanya. by Ornua. Trainer. J. Burks. Owner. J. L. Wade. Breeder. May and Canfield. 77681 Havana 1116 149 fast 4 108 1 6 6» 4 J A Pickens 9 Grandson. Sii|K?rior. Acoata 77431 Havana I 1-16 1 :47%fast 6 112 C 7 6* 4«J W Pmrose 9 Jack Frost, Iluen. Jacquerie 77286 Havana 1 1 16 lfl good 4 108 1 6 4J 2" | W Pmrose 7 Nig. Kannie Nail. Bounce 77158 Havana lm70y 1 :5" %mud 4-6 110 3 6 6» f.5 W Smitb 1! Horeb. Jack Frost. Hardanella 77066 Havana I 1-1 1 1:53 hvy 4 5 113 111" 3J J Connors 6 Anier Soldier. Lit.Kd. Beg.I,odge 76953 Havana I 1-16 1 :..6*hhvy 2| 112 2 1 2» 2*1 W Prims.- 8 Hercules, Blazonry. Iluen 76105 Havana 1 1-16 1 :46%fast 7 116 6 7 7 7»] J Connors 7 Scissors. Hercules. British Liner 75965 Havana lro70y I H%lUJ 3 115 2 1 210 1" J Connorj .* Hercules. Klyinglrince, Horeb VANITY DRESSER, b. m. 5 112 By Lough Foyle— Lydia A., by Sir Wilfred. Trainer. J. Hill. Owrer. H. W. Barnes. Breeder. S. Roir.. 78921 Akron 61 f 1 :2s%slow li 98 V K Noe 3 Attoo, Missi.iberty, Winchester 75241 Huntgtnn ~A t 1:«9-S.hvy 6 108 ~* K T Moore ■ Ballynew. Dickncll. Bess L. 75172 Hun ton 61 f 1 :09itslow 3f 109 4; IT Moore12 Daddy Wolf. Pel ion. Hughie 75049 Hungton 3 4 1 At hvy 7 111 7iJ T Bonhaml2 St Just, Gto.Choos, Macliiavelli 73976 N K ton Ab 6 8 1 ::hv y 8 113 6*1 C OMahy K Kinsir.an. She Devil, Boxwood 73025 Mncuve Ab 6Jf 1 :313r.hvy 4-5 111 .". KT Moore 7 Draftsman. Alazon. Restless 72969 Mncuve Ab 3-4 l:2CSs!op 7-10 M ll K T Moore K Klla C . Amcr. F.agle. Flypaper 2426 Mt.ltoyul 3 4 l:lr «tmud 5 111 I* E T Moore 8 Avion. Max GoDl, Ike Mills ETERNITY, blk. g. 6 109 By Ballot— Golden Fancies, by Gold Heels. Trainer, E. Rice. Owner, E. Rice. Breeder. Morris and McGouah. 78479 Huntton 54 f MOVimud 13 110 C W Tav h r 7 Mr. Beck. Aiintii-Ein, MkOarncr 78372 Huntton H f l:08%fa.-t !» I Ut SJ Atwcil 10 Angela. ItandalsKl. LM.WMH 75237 WhlK Ab 1 IS I 06 mud 13 ." 101 4" J Majestic 7 Phelnn, Armistice. Amaze 75169 Wheels 1 I 10 tM hvy 8 M 2" J Majestic ■ Ilielan. Amaze. Sly Ixrraine 75080 Wheels Ab 61 f 1:29 mud M H 5 4« F l.ux 7 L.EyesIL. B.Blackwcll, Orl.Gin 74949 Akron 61 f 1 :23%f ;i«t M 112 I" J McGughlO KildieFulli r. Can.Iidy. Primitive 74784 Akron I 8 1 :03-%fast 47 111 7J .1 McGughlO Cover lp. Bah. New Model 74652 Akron 51 f 1 :0SVifast 22 113 7" H Clments 8 F.nos, TueChberlain. Car. Baker LEWIS. B.. ch. g, 9 109 By Prospero — Lady Marchmont, by Marchmont II. Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner. H. T. Palmer. Breeder. 8. A. Beckham. 78714 CoImbs lm70y l:T8mud 77 109 9,T C Grnwdl Horeb. MockOrange. Drnmmond 7T551 Cul.City 3-4 1:15 good — 117 2« J Kellum 7 DiicdeGuisc, Fred. Fear. ThreeX. 75641 Phoenix Iht I :u8 good 6 114 4"! H Clments 9 Starlike. Time X.. Perch 75607 Phoenix *4 1:15fast 12 112 llsl M Millck 10 Prairie. KgWorth. Lky Hugh 75578 Phoenix 3-4 1:21 hvy 31-10 117 1J M Merick 9 Cancion. Figuration. Challenge! 74585 Reno 3-4 1 :15*fcfast 15 115 31 M Milrick 9 Ar.Fcrest. Mtaineer, S.anilljow 74437 Reno 51 f 1 :09Vsgood 11 112 6»J M Milrick 8 ItedMau Ch. Master. Hun. Point CRTTDENAS, br. c, 4 107 By Cruzados — Ardenes, by Amigo. Trainer. W. Jones. Owner. T. F. Maloney. Breeder. Anita M. Baldwin. 78865 Colmbus 5-S 1:04 fast 54 11* 6»1 O Atwell 11 Kunmic. StellaM.iris. Spicebnsh 78454 Munfton i| f l:Mb»SM»il 80 110 7» H Glick 8 Gratian. Corto. Whippoorwill 78385 Huntton 5i f 1 08 fast 18f 113 7*1 R CliffordPJ Suncho Pansy. Corto, Sleigli Bs 78339 Huntton 51 f 1 07fast 40f 10". 9*| R Cliffordl2 Mdellvey, Geo. Starr, Gwithim 75330 Hunton 3 4 1:14 fast 26 107 J" .1 Conway 10 Kinsman. Lucky Pearl. Vulcanite 75270 Huntgton 3 4 l:14»ifast 11 103 4* H Glick 8 Daddy Wolf, FirstPlet, BndMan LOTTIE LOU, ch. r 8 114 By Magazine— Grace Cole, by Ornament. Trainer. A. Hill. Owner, A. Hill. Breeder. 3 D. Carr ft Bro. 78739 Colmbs lm70y i;6 slow 13f 112 12" W Frklinl2 Prairie. Edna D., Fictile 78656 Colmbus 54 f l:08*»good 21f 112 W W Frklinl2 Pulllpson. Hysteria, CleySmy 78534 Colmbus 51 f l:12*4slow 45 111 6" W Frklin 9 Pepper Tea. Itoma. Jago 8487 Colmbus 3-4 l:18hvy 91 113 lM W F"nklin 5 Stamp. Far Kat. Colossus 75298 Huntgton 3-4 1:14 fast 12 100 8»1 J Eaton 9 Full o Fun. Dif. Eyes, -iiisnian 75207 Huntgton 3 4 1:16 mud 8 104 5*i J Eaton 8 Zorro. Mat. Idol, Joyeelloffnia:-. 75144 Huntgton 51 f 1:11 slow 31 106 l2 J I-jit on M Monsoon, Dicknel. Ixiyaliy 75113 Huntington 3-4 1:19*ihvy 11 102 f R Clifford 7 Gwithim, SligleShack. DkieDix 74990 Huntington 5 f 1:08 fast 8 108 8*1 F Horn 8 FirstPullet, Hopeful, Kdtiarrison /Til nAUt 43 1-2 FarlonKN. 4- ear-old«j and upward. Claiming. RUDDLES, ch. g. 6 109 Bv Fair Play— Mollie Elliot, by Voter. Trainer. A. C. Niehaus. Owner. H. S. Lippman. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 78917 Akron 51 f 1:14 slow 18 110 4« W Mnders f JosieG-rn. Califa. HappyBnxn 78057 Havana 3-4 1.15%good 15 107 2 11 11» 9 1 W Dellow 14 FoalWtlur, Dustinn, BlueBrusli 7795.1 li:ian:i 3 4 l:15%mud 15 106 9 7 73 51 K Kiniry 10 Mess Kit. Jack Pot, Phenol 7 7940 Havana 3-t 1:18 mud 10 105 6 10 7 75 W Ddlow 12 In IH.ubt. Kendall. Mad Nell 77678 Havana lm50y 1 A- fast 8 110 6 4 71 1** W Pmroc 9 Fannie Nail, Alluring. Blk. Baby 77591 Havana 1 1-16 1 4SVsfast 6 107 8 7 S« |P|TI D -How 10 Bona Fide. Jap Mini a. Polite 77524 Havana 3-1 1 :19hvy 8 115 2 3 3 31 V Dellow 11 Capt.Kininey. Henilk. Cloiwrte 77432 Havana 1 1 16 l:47Vifast 10 109 7 6 6 63 R McAIey 9 Jack Frost. Iluen, Jacquerie SANDY H.. ch. g. 7 114 By Harrigan— Beatrice Soule, by Peep oDay. Trainer. T. McBride. Ow: er. P. Cole. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 78969 BfM todays chart. 78792 Ci.lmbus :t-4 1 :21V: good 60 101 1*1 O Atwcil I Mat. Idol. OldS.nr. ;.elglierty 78739 CoImbs 1m7.y 1:"6 si«.w 4 107 9« F Seremba 12 Prairie. Kdna D.. Fictile 7R599 Colmbus 1 1-1C 1 JB%fafJt 9 105 421 R Pauley 7 Haip of theNth. I«ink. HlICIaj 78537 CoImbs lm70y l:53»tslow 32 111 6*1 W M nderslO Dastman. Nig. P.ob Baker JOHNNY DUNDEE, b. g, 5 114 By Brummel— Gylfi. by Dr. Leggo. Irainer. W. C. Kennedy. Owner, F. J. Boyle. Breeder. J. S. Baibee. 78963 Se todays chart. 78558 H.deGce 1 1-1C 1:47-Jtfast 29 102 Left at post. W Milncr 12 Tire -Chairman. Vacuum. Bonfire 78471 11 deGce lmTOy 1 sOhvy 37f 106 4 7 11 "I T Wilson 11 AgvgPapa, Aladdin, W. Lynch 78129 H doGc- 1 1-16 1 -48~.fa.st 139 112 6 I 6- a*| ■ Hilimar.10 Dandjbrusli, Aladdin, Roseate SSSSI Howie 1 1-16 1 51-inud 12f Ml 9 13 13 12" H Holmes 13 Overtake. Whalebone, Day Lilly FICTILE, b. g. 6 109 By lldrim— Fifl, by Gigantenm drainer. L. A. Daly. Owner. F. Markhuro. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 78919 Akron 51 f 1:14 slow 7 112 4and2 W Hglu-- S Kelneth. Quiet. Kecutive 78739 Vdrnbs lm70 1:".6 sb.w 12 101 :i- J J-.ines 12 Prairie, Kdna D.. Lpbec k 78710 Colmbus 51 t 1 12Smu 1 32 104 V J Jones 3 Ma:yi.. DldK«d. KichardMurray 78623 Colmbus 5-S 1:05 hvy 24 100 71 J Jones It CarrieMoore. Milda, Needy 77982 Havana ImTOy 147 jslow 15 107 6 1 21 S"! A M I. lin 9 Blazonry. Approval. Felix M. 77911 Havana 1 Ms* 1:51 inud 10 112 3 7 8« S- A Mcl.lin 10 Approval. Felix M.. Alluring 77726 Havana Dn79y 1 44"*fast 15 113 4 8 V *-2 A M« -Llin 9 Tairpcr. Spoitilwy. Blk. Watclill. 77592 Havana 1 l-M l:4S-fa-!t 12 112 3 3 H 6J A Mel. linlO llalu. Sandy II.. F.rlangcr 7754« Havana I I I MTLIeW I HI 3 6 10 9" A McI.nlJ Ikase. Mess Kit, Sandy U. 77373 Havana 2-4 1:15 fast 12 111 4 C 3 3 A Mcl.lin 12 Awning. Lkase. Mad Nell CHARLES WHITNEY, b. g, 4 112 By McGee— Donno Mamona. bv Yanke*. Trainer. H. A. Cotton. Owne*. H. A. Cotton. Bree-ler. C. W. Moore. 77159 Havana 51 f 1 :13Vkmud 11 110 2 3 5" 6!!l T Brothers 6 Perhaps. Tr. American. S. Adams 76847 Havana 1116 1:5". hvy M K-0 5 6 6 6- W KYonk ». John Morrill. Kandcl. Hainan 70787 Havana 1-4 l:17W.hvy 8 5 101 2 3 5 •■ 4" J Majestic S. Maiden. Ferguson. G.Boyll. 76333 Havana 1 1-16 1 :455fast 10 99 2 1 1" r.l J Callahan S Wid.i.. C,.Kuffan. Prince Regent 7 i292 Havana 51 f 1 : 545fast 8-5 109 1 1 l| I* J Callahan". P.islitonTime. Toi.ango. 1111— 1 1 76219 Havana 3-4 1 12*. fast 4 102 1 1 K* 4* D Prill.- ■ R.Marv. P. Recent, Ceo Kuffan I 76157 Havana 51 f 1 :06,ifast 4 107 1 6 I ll . I Majestic 0 It onTime. Mnctte, Pr. Recent t 76036 Havana 3-4 1 :12fast 8 M3 3 1 I Q J Malestic I RiglitoiiTiii.e. Wlda, Geo. Kuffan , 7.1910 Havana 51 f 1 :05*sfast 6 10; 2 3 ll 3-1 J Majestic .". R onTime. Mtn I«issie. Marioutt. ST. PAUL. br. g. 7 114 By Plaudrr.ore — Pantha. by Basictliw. Trainer. B. Mock. Owner. B. Mock. Breeder. H. Giddings. 78961 Seo todays hart. 77763 .l.-fferson 1 3-16 2:0:Sifast 10 103 6 3 71 ll» Q Corey 12 BuddieKean. Powsprit. Attorney 77449 FG:r Js 1 1-16 1:50 mud I 106 4 5 3» I" J Wallace 9 Permarco, Yorick. Tex 77347 F Grndn 1 1-N 1 49f.- .od 20 100 1 7 7 4" J Wallace 11 Normal Majority. Royal Charlie |HH Jefferson 1 1-S 2 O.Shvy 4 110 5 5 6 .",J J Grur.sen S Crass Tree. Tan Son. Ken 75865 J.-ffeison 1 ITO IttftfMV H-5 HO 7 2 || 3 J Grunson 8 Torsida. IgMM, OlliePalmer MATROSE. b. m. 7 112 By Plaudit— Meadrore. by Meadowthorpe. Trai-er. E. McCuan. Ow~:er. J. M. EuniFns. Breeders. J. L. and S. Holton. 78921 Akron H t 1 JHi*aw« ■ 107 6" R Holvvay 9 Attoo. Vanity Dresser. MivsLibty 78867 Colmbus i| f IM%fMI H lO V It Holway R Humorist. Ktlielll.. Mad Nell 78658 C lmbus lj t I 1%m«ll 30 100 8"T Honnam S GgeStarr, Wch-ster, Kl.Jewll 78575 Colmbus 64 f 1:09 fast 29 108 8:i It llolway 9 Win.-litcr. Billlikll, WCnFna 7:.782 Omaha 3-4 1 :l»mud 35 11V 5 S 75 7*1. Mills d MoonWink*. Bonltox. TlieDeseri 73600 Omaha 3-4 1:16 slow 7 1"7 711 G Sutton 7 DapperDan. Maysville. Iloring.i 72947 Co.jmbs 1 1-8 1:58 fast 9 106 9" F Horn 10 Cabin Creek. Puzzle. Buckboard TAWASENTHA. ch. m. 6 107 By Vulcain— Belle of Arcadia, by Plaudit. Trainer. C. Emmert. Owner, Frozen North Stable. BreeJer. H G. Herrinr. 78849 Colmbus 1 1-16 1 :."3;fast 73 104 5 W Delovv I Gex. Bog. Biddledee 78768 C.dnbs ln-.7»yl:56 hvy 3t ll 6" S Cowan K She Devil. Seraps. I»ink 78686 Colmbus 1 1-S 2:02 slop 12 99 bf H ll.iv 7 Torsida. S.-raps. Hereules 78659 Colmbus 1 1-16 1 51V„g od 55 107 6« W Dellow 9 tlverstep. Nig, Aidella 78537 CoImbs lm70y l:53slovv 19 107 91 C GrwoodlO Dotunn. Nig. Bob Bakei 78480 Huntton 1 Maraud 17 91 1" J Eaton 9 Kklgton. T.Chberln. Pltarede

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924051301/drf1924051301_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1924051301_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800