untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-24


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; i ; » I i j BIG SPECIAL GOES TODAY Rush your subscription now or you will never forgive yourself. Repeater 2.70- Won THE KIND THAT MAKE THE LAYERS WEEP Warning 1.00- Won Tho terms, 5.00, and no propositions accepted. These kind dont coma every day. GEORGE SHIELDS 287 Broadway, Room 500 New York City Advance Pub. Co., Distributers. | I i | f ! J 1 OH, BOYS, LOOK! This system is still picking the long shots. Here are a few: Opparman. 8.30-52: Miss Jennie, 5.93 : Balsam Lake. 0.10-; Jolly, 5.40-: Pricemaker, 15-1 ; King Albert, 15-1 ; Kumonin. 12-1; Royal Charlie, 7-1; Bourbcn Boy, 14.10-12: Lancelot, 3.00 : Right on Time. 1.20-52; She Devil, 7.60-; Grass Maid, 9.60-; Lierre, 5. GO , and a large number of others. SYSTEM NO. 2 This wonderful System enly had 10 losers in the last meeting at Pimlico and the first 8 days at Louisville combined ; the best bet only had 2 losers in 19 days. In 31 days at Latonia, sams System only had 11 losers out of 88 bets; best bet only had 2 losers. Ir. one week at ths different tracks this System only had 11 losers ont of 88 bets; beet bet only had 1 loser. Get these Systems and pick your own winners. Can be played at or away from the track. Pric3 in full, for both, only 0.00. Then, after you get them and if they have not done just as I advertise, I will gladly return your money. J. H. CROSMAN BOX 26 PALMYRA, IND. i WANTED to hear from reliable party by wire willing to make $£0.00 investment for me for information coming from owner campaigning string of horses who ex- pects to win with two from their stable week of May 26. L. SINGER Phono Ridge 3397 L CINCINNATI, OHIO t GARS WEEKLY 35 Cents at All Newsstands. TODAY-S FREE CODES: LOUISVILLE: Wyoming-Brick-Brown-Rock. WOODBINE: Michifan-Lifandt-Bivar-Watar. U 8 Daily Racing Form Publications Daily Racing Form A reflection of the American turf by tele, graph. Published daily during the winter racing — daily, except Monday, during the summer. Subscription by first-class mail — per month, May to November, inclusive; per month, December to April, inclusive. Monthly Racing Form Containing charts of all races run on recognized North American tracks during the month, comprehensively and completely indexed, index to all stakes run during the current year, American jockey records, scale of weights, authentic statistical matter, calendar table of racing dates for coming month and other valuable data. This book is on sale in the eastern district on or about the fifth of the month. Price, . If ordered by mail ten cents extra for registration. Annual Racing Form Published in two volumes, contains charts of all races run during the current year and all matter contained in Monthly Eacing Form covering the period of racing in each volume. The first volume is on sale on or about July 1 5 and the second volume on or about January 15. This publication is bound in durable leatherette. Price, 0 per volume. If ordered by mail ten cents extra for registration. American Racing Manual The* authoritative statistical work on American racing. Complete statistics of racing for the past year, histories of all important stakes, summary of yearling sales, records of all horses racing during past year, histories of important foreign stakes, bookmaking percentage table, handicapping tables and instructions for application, complete track records, track diagrams, and many other features of value to the student of racing are contained in this publication. Published annually and placed on sale on or about February 1. This book is issued in special binding, stamped with gold leaf. Price .50. If ordered by mail ten cents extra for registration. THESE PUBLICATIONS are recognized by racing associations here and abroad as the real authority on American racing. Every racing secretary has these publications on his desk for ready reference, and all leading owners, breeders, trainers and students of form depend on them for racing data. DAILY RACINO FORM is Complete, Accurate, Dependable and the monthly and annual publications are the most complete books of their kind issued in any country. The charts of the races are compiled by racing experts, men who have made the turf a subject of life-long study and research, men who are capable, dependable and imbued with the spirit of service to the racing public which DAILY RACING FORM demands of aD its employes. The statistics published in DAILY RACING FORM publica-tions are compiled by a corps of experts from the most complete and ingenious set of records ever kept on the subject of racing anywhere. Almost any question of fact relating to the American turf can be settled quickly and finally by reference to one of these publications. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO ILL. 157-159 EAST THIRTY-SECOND ST, NEW YORK CITY, N Y. 50 RICHMOND STREET EAST. TORONTO, ONT.. CAN. 320 E. Third Street Cincinnati, Ohio

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924052401/drf1924052401_13_3
Local Identifier: drf1924052401_13_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800