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HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. "Harvey Transaction" TODAY Special Terms 5 The usual terms for every "Harvey Transaction," 00, have f been reduced for todays event, to give the large and small player a chance to take part in a specially prepared "Harvey Transaction," » scheduled this afternoon, with the understanding that 5 is to be ! remitted additional, if the horse wins at eight to one or better. Subscriptions received here after two oclock will be ignored and i positively no service will be given to anyone unless correct street t address is contained in the telegraphic remittance. Subscriptions are accepted by telegraph or in person only. Everything that can be done financially to make this matter a success, has been done. Strictly one horse will be advised. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 BOLD ON NEWSSTANDS, and "SPECIAL" ■*» READ THIS AND WEEP SPf- AGAIN WE WON Yetterdaya "SPECIAL" 9 WON AGAIN Thursdays "SPECIAL" was BUSTER ?6.30- WON "PARIAY" ALSO WON JACK FIELDS army of followers sure did make the BOOKMAKERS "WEEP" again, am they "CLEANED UP" Thursday on these W- 3 STRAIGHT DAYS ■*» PARLAY WON Laat week 3 STRAIGHT DAYS "PARLAY" WON. Just think HOW MUCH YOU WOULD HAVE WON if yon had followed JACK FIELD •very day. ! WHT WON AGAIN i I And week before this we also won, so you see I yourself DAY after DAY, week after week. JACK FIELDS army of followers are retting "RICHER AND RICHER." ■*» DONT MISS TODAY RUSH to your iJnwRTnr.AT.Rlt and he sure yon ret BOTH JACK FIELD and "SPECIALS" TODAY and "PARLAY* both, WIN ONLY, and this will pay yen ST* 0 FOR PARLAY Hurry to vour newsdealer before he SELLS OUT. DONT FORGET, ret JACK FIELD and •"SPECIALS. " Notice— JACK FIELD sold everywhere also mailed to you, 5 week for BOTH and fa "SPECIALS". CHICAGO READERS, "NOTICE": Come up and see us, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. We want to show you hew wo ret this "INTO" direct from the TRACK every day. EVERYBODY WELCOME TO CALL FCELD PUB. CO.. ROOK 32 phone HARRISON •848 39 W. ADAMS ST., Ghicaro, HL JW$ Mllff 1493914939 | ML ibaP PREDETERMINED g TURF PROFITS •*• . The MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally «• at. known as " a«y for play w— hard for ~ layer." Has Mood th© ACID TEST for a* many years. We could not spend many «». thousand* of dollars per annum adver- » ** Using water as rough syrop— and con- w» Usue in business. Sold on installment 0*. „ ,. payments paid from your profits. Abso- •» lately FREE. lOO pare racing manual, .a* •V review, sworn testimonals. etc. Investi- L!| fate today and make your Bookie obey. ** ~" oVUe RHtitions Manager *5| mm 8. E. ARTHUR s» 1 -•■_ Will t tt t 14939 iijtf3 Pay From Your Profits THE VASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the 13 scale of play. For particulars mail this ad., with your name and address to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. Fla. — — — — i— , ! i I I MACK ROSE Formerly known as the worlds greatest plunger. My service oonsists of ONE HORSE A DAY. Terms— .00 Daily or 0.00 Weekly. Well, We Cleaned Up Again! Yesterdays One Horse: JAKIE HAY 1.70- WON I Tuesdays One Horse: ROCKING HORSE 4.70- Won • Wednesdays One Horse: POLLYMARA .. . 8.10- WON Tuesdays One Horse: . LILT $ 6.40- WON I Mondays One Horse: OPPERMAN 8.30- WON I Saturdays One Horse: MALAPERT 9.55- WON I Fridays One Horse: COBWEB 8.30- WON 1 Thursdays One Horse: AUNTIE MAY . . .$ 8.50- WON 1 I TODAY— 0 for — TODAY That is just what my hoss should pay today, so I advise you to ret in on this long shot winner. | Now, if you appreciate winning information, send 0 00 by wire to avoid delay, with your correct address for one weeks trial and I will convince 0 you that I will make you a WINNER as I am a doing for my army of loyal followers. Address s MACK ROSE 126 MAIDEN LANE, SUITE 203, NEW YORK CITY . J. J. CASEY KENTUCKY TUBF SPECIALIST FREE MY 00 GETAWAY TRANSACTION AT LOUISVILLE FRIDAY, MAY 30 I will Bend you, absolutely free, this transaction to show you what I can do for you 1 and to enroll you among my clients. Send name, telephone, address and only to cover wire charges. Dont miss thla You I need to know me before Latonla opens J. J. CASEY 88 E. 41st Street COVINGTON, KY. • Phone: Covington 4171 ; H. and H. SERVICE S17 Forest Hill Bid?.. 13528 Euclid Ave. CLEVELAND, OHIO We are now located for the NORTHERN ■ TRACKS and have the best track jonnections obtainable. H Remember, if you dont w n you dont pay us ;: and these horses mast pay you 2 to 1 or better, r, before we claim out allowance. If you are honest, get in touch with us and receive our code. Dont Delay — Join the Winners Term* -A .00 Straight Play YOUR SUCCESS IS OTTR SUCCESS - Our weekly Parlay Faro is worth while. Buy iy copy from your dealer or send for 4 weeks. GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago f » ! i t EASTERN HANDICAPPER 10 NORTH CLARK STREET, ROOM 70« CHICAGO, ILL* 50 CENT LETTER AND SPECIAL Yesterdays Big Win Parlay: CUP BEARER; PRETTY POLITICIAN— BOTH WON What a CLEANUP for the EASTERN HAOTDICAPPERS FOLLOWERS. TODAY ANOTHER BIG PARLAY Hash right now to your newsdealer and ask him for the EASTERN HANDICAPPER, only 60 CENTS, and yon wiU get the BIG PARLAY right on the sheet. FOUR BIG WINNING PARLAYS LAST WEEK Our PARLAYS are the TALK of the COUNTRY. Get In line and FOLLOW TIIEM. Delay means a loss of money to yon. Haste means a gain. As we only sent out a limited supply to all dealers, rush right now to yonr newsdealer and get yonr ropy of th* S EASTERN HANDICAPPERS -g BIG SPECIAL AND 50 CENT LETTER W CHICAGO PLAYERS, ATTENTION! For sale at our Branch Chicago Office, Monday, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. ■ :nc np and see us. Or, for sale at ALL LOOP NEWSSTANDS. gp DETROIT PLAYERS, ATTENTION! For sale only at the BAGLEY NEWSSTAND COR. WOODWARD A MONROE AYES. In front of the Bagley Monument. W SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER FOB THIS WEEK ONLY EASTERN HANDICAPPERS BIG SPECIAL AND 60 CENT DAILY "W* Mailed to yon OTernight in a plain sealed envelope so yon receive it in an early morn ing mall at HALF PRICE. WT BOTH SPECIAL AND 60 CENT DAILY, ONE WEEK, 0.00 -»* Dont hesitate; we will only accept a LIMITED number of SUBSCRIBERS at thin BARGAIN RATE. We do this merely to convince our western followers and to prove to them conclusively the HIGH CLASS of our INFO. SEND 0.00 TO EASTERN HANDICAPPER 10 NORTH CLARK STREET, ROOM 70$ CHICAGO, ILL. I • . I I I 1 1 I | 0 a s . BURKE THE BOY WHO KNOWS ONE A DAY DALLY. 0 WEEKLY. NONE CAN COMPARE I am in a class by myself and have been for many years past. Yesterdays Result: Sea Monarch . . .9.85- Won Speaks louder and more to the point than, if I used this whole pare to tell you about my ability. BE WITH ME TODAY Come on, my friends, many of you have tried me before, rive this information a trial today. I dont care whether you are a or a 00 player, you oan positively increase your earnings by fol- lowinr my information. POSITIVELY ONLY ONE HORSE A DAY. Ho late specials or 0 wires, just simply ONE HORSE wired to you morninr of race. FOLLOW A MAN WITH A REPUTATION All you need do is refer to my record last year in Canada and you will then know why the name of "Burke" is a by -word amonr the players. Recent winninr horses: Thursdays One Hore: Leaside 3.75- Won Wednesdays One Horse: New Hampshire ..80- Won Tuesdays One Horse: | Lilt .40- Won! Mondays One Horse: J Jimson 3.90- Won I dont claim to be infallible, but you can be sure of retting a run for your money when you ; follow me. Rush immediately a or 0 money order via j j W. IT. or Postal and rot ready to receive some real winninr information. BURKE Room 309, 23 Duane Street, NEW YORK CITY 1 I • ; ■ H ;: 0.00 WEEKLY 14939.00 DAILY G. DUNN 100 W. 86th St., Suite 21$, New York City POSITIVELY ONE HORSE A DAY Back from the scene of operations. Dunn has released the following horses: JakieHay 1.70- Won Thursday : Glyn 4.90- Won Wednesday : Willow Tree ...5.50- Won MY OWN HORSE SATURDAY WILL ABSOLUTELY WIN, OR YOU RECEIVE THE NEXT TWO , WINNERS FREE I know plenty about this Super Special. Wire money now Western Union or Postal telegraph. r, - SECOND ANNIVERSARY MONDAY Celebrate the occasion with a skilfully prepared ealt whose price should satisfy the most exacting. Wire name at once. joe Mccarty SARATOGA SPRINGS, H. Y. iy Subscribe for Daily Racing Form | J ; j j SHIELDS ONE HORSE DAILY Known to Tnrfmen for a Generation .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Result of yesterdays Occasional unknown at time of wiring ad. 149390 TO TODAY goes for my Track Wire in Kentucky. Get this MONEY HORSE and know what it means to beat a long shot. I expect another REPEATER, 2.70-, WON. I know something today. Make me prove it. Terms, and a winner for your money. MY RECORD PAST 14 DAYS REPEATER 2.70-52 WON The kind that make the layers weep. BRUNSWICK .5«- WON NELLIE MORSE 6.20- WON SPOT CASH 2.20- WON EXTREME .80- WON PARMACHENEE RELLE . .$ 8J»0- WON RAPID DAY WON KIRKLEYINGTON 8.80- WON EARLA BABY 4.30-52 WON TROPICAL WATER $ 8.30- WON MARIONETTE .1.7©- WON AND MANY OTHERS 00 FREE SPECIAL goes Thursday, May 29, and it will be given free to all weekly subscribers to my daily Track Wire. My past record shouid convince you that I handle nothing but winners. TERMS— 0.00 WEEKLY six racing days 0 OCCASIONAL GOES TODAY and it comes from the same source as .NELLIE MORSE 6.20- WON BRUNSWICK 8.50- WON This one has been kept under cover for a big melon cutting today. If its a winner yon want, then get todays BIG OCCASIONAL. Call at office or wire. Terms : 0 and a win- ner for your money. 0 for six winning 0 Occasional*. GEORGE SHIELDS 287 BROADWAY, ROOK 600, NEW YORK CITY ADVANCE PUB. CO., DISTRIBUTORS Monthly Form Book of April Racing NOW ON SALE DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO Ml PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 157-U9 EAST 82nd ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. 60 RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, ONT.