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riL DA PC S»-S llle. Waterloo Plate. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Jane 2, Oin nMuC. 11M4J 1:00 2 99. BALL GEE, ch. c, 2 M 107 By Star McGee — Turraway, by Nimxod. Trainer, T. E. Crist. Owrer, T. E. Crist. Breeder. E. Watkics. 78906 Iimlico 1-2 48thvy 37-10 115 6 2 2 21 A JTionsn 7 Bother, Crumple, JohnF.Kleaver 78851 Iimlico 41 f 54%slop 1?, 112 5 3 ?.- 31 K Stevens 7 Kxtrcm. Fals. Face, Hidalgo 78804 Pimlico 41 f 53%fast 9 115 10 6 71 7" F Leo Id False Face, Coldpieco, Pique SEA FAIRY, ch. f, 2 M 114 By Sea King — Fairy Godmother, by Hippodrome. Trainer. J". W. Healy. Owner. A. C. Bostwick. Breeder, W. Garth. 7»231 Woodne 5-8 l:01%fast 17 5 109 6 4 41 P Walls ■ Mit. Prince of Power. SphName 78804 Iimlico 41 f 53?fcfast 18 112 7 5 61 C« I Stirlinjj 13 False Face, Coldpiece, Pique 78728 Pimlico 41 f 55«4fast 12 107 10 9 61 41 P Walls 14 Wuhu, Lena Wood, SUxiiiatia MPT, ch. f, 2 119 By Everest — Molly Reach, by Out of Reach. Trainer, G. Land. Owner, Mrs. M. H. Dudley. Breeder. A. E. Hundley and Son. 79231 Woodne 5-8 l:01%fast 12 109 4 6 5» 1" J Owens • SeaF ry, Pr of 1ower. SphName 78695 Lexeton 44 f 5.Vandhvy 31 112 5 5 41 3 J Owens 7 Superfrank, Badl.uck, Rothermel ; 78586 L«-xgton 1-2 50Vimud 78 107 7 8 10 10» J Owens 10 StepAIong, Notcnough. Crmluff 77537 F.Griids 31 f 42Vtfast 40 112 7 8 V J Owens 8 ll. Google. A! Woodliffe. BelleH. MOON MAGIC, br. c, 2 122 By Torchbearer — Mirka, by Peter Quince. Trainer, G. B. Bryson. Ownsr, E. K. Bryson. Breeder, Ward and Patterson. 78285 Bowie 1-2 49Vifast Ci 118 2 2 2« 241 L Morris 6 Sombre, Sea Tide, Effort 78160 Howie 1-2 50%mutl 8 111 4 1 11 121 L Morris 8 Bankrupt, Roller, Tod Renesor 77669 lVGrnds 1-2 48ssfast 20 108 2 3 41 5J C Gross 11 Foxmre, Channel, W.C.Whiteh d 7 7575 ICrnds ?1 f 42H.good 20 118 12 12 8" L Morris 12 John T. 1., Hon.Mose, Mad Boy 76984 3-8 MH»1» 20 113 5 T 721 L Morris 12 StepAIong, MaryD ar, Mal el C. 76700 lVGrnds 3-8 MfcftsVr 3° 11S 7 *l 4* L Morris 11 Wheaton, Step Along, Evelyn SUfiF TO WIN, b. c. 2 M 117 By Winstanley— Singing Thrush, by Apothecary. Trainer, M. Gorman. Owner, M. Gorman. Breeder. G. F. Johnson. 78779 Iimlico 4i f 5444fast 51 M 5 4 3* 31 J Chlmer.-12 Night Shade, I--na Wood, Crimp 1 78728 Pimlico 44 f 55V,fast S 100 7 7 5» 61 J Dawson 14 Wuhu, Lena Wood. Staruiatia 78567 H deGce 4*1 f 54%good 58 110 9 7 51 5=1 G Manganl3 Ciimp, Shanghai, Iermec Belle 78124 11 diGce 12 43! 41ai;t 73 112 7 8 9 931 E !■■—■ If WilDLrC. Whhd, Westor, Criuip PRINCE OF POWER, br. c, 2 TC 107 By Kingship — Picturesque, by Watercress. Trainer, F. Began. Owner, Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Breeder, Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 79231 Woodne 5-8 1 :01«4fast li M 5 3 3* 3 J CTilmers 6 Mit. Sea Fairy. Spanish Name 79105 WModno 1-2 4S4*fast 9 112 7 5* 4*1 J Chlmers 9 DuchessIL, IrishBelle, Fairbauk STABMATIA, b. f, 2 M 111 By Sarmatian — Stellata, by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. Whitney. Breeder, E. F. Whitney. 79231 W lodno 5-8 1 :01«£fast 13 10 109 1 1 Ink 51 E Scobie 6 Mit. Sea Fairy. Prince ofPowcr 78804 Iimlico 41 f 5:iHfast 23 112 3 4 4" 4» ■ .Scobie 10 False Face, Coldpiece, IMque 78728 Pimlt.o 44 f 55%fast 37 107 4 1 21 V B Mrin 11:14 Wuhu, Lena Wood, Sea Fairy 78553 11. deGce 41 f 53 fast 36 113 5 5 5« 5» G Walls 7 M. Goose. Primrose. Imagination SPANISH NAME. br. f. M 111 By Spanish Prince II.— Namesake, by Ogden. Trainer, S. M. Henderson. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeders, li. and B. B. Jones. 79231 Woodne 6-8 LOlHrast 3 109 I 5 6 4i J McTagt 6 Mit. Sea Fairy, Prince ofPower 77516 F.Grnda 31 f 42fast 4 108 1 ll 21 H Stutts 12 Neat Girl, Help. Black Dinah 77254 F.Grnds 31 f 42 fast 12 llfi • 4» 34 H Stutts 13 Geor.Rose. Nightshade, MillieG 17147 CUrnUs 31 f ilfcfaot 40 109 4 7 7" 11 StutU 8 Evelyn, Barney Google, Wheaton