6th Race [6th Woodbine Park, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-24

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fith DA PC * Mile. William Hendrle Memorial Handleap. :i-year-old* and Olll nHOC upward. Foaled In Canada. May 2:t, 1923 l.-:t« 4-5 li 14 3. HALLUCINATION, ch. o, 4 130 By Fitzwilliam— Pleasant Dreams, by Trap Rock. Trainer. H. McDaniel. Owner. J. K. L. Boas. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. 74212 Woodne 1 3-4 3:02 slow 4-5 121 2 1 1» 1» P Walls 8 Persistence, TrlBlazer. Procyoa 74002 Woodne lmTOy 1:44 fast 1-4 118 4 1 1 ll P Walls 7 Procyon. Azrael. Persistence 72492 Hatnton lm70y 1 :45%fast 1-2 121 6 4 4« 21 P Walls 6 Push Pin, Royal Visitor. Chloris 71854 FortErie 1 1-4 2:C8fast 2-5 118 2 3 1» l4 P Walls 7 Persistence. Prismar. DocOaiety 71592 Hamton 1 1-8 l:53«ifast 6-5 110 2 1 l4 1» P Walls 12 Push Pin, Dellalim. Doc Gaiety 65495 Woodne 51 f 1:08 fast 1-2 118 5 5 S» 21 C Turner 7 Hon.sJewel, Mpole, DocOaiety 65403 Woodne 3-4 l:12Hfast 11-10 126 4 3 3* 3*1 C Turner 11 Prismar, Doc Gaiety, ILsJcwel CHLORIS, b. m. 5 112 By Bezant— Flying Flora, by Mauvezln. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner. J. K. L. Ross. Breeder. Sir J. Hendiie. 74072 Woodne 3-4 l:12%fast 1-2 110 4 t 31 21 P Walls ■ King-Court. Oiademj, It Visitor 73679 Dorval lm70y l:43%fast 13-5 108 2 2 2l 1" P Walls ■ King-Court, Procyon. WarTauk 73560 Dorval 1 1 16 1 : 46Sfast 8-5 110 1 3 21 2*1 P Walls 4 Kings Court, Procyon, Azraei 73043 "naught lm70y 1 :4f fa«t 9-10 104 3 3 2i 1" P Walls 4 Kings Court. Akari, lusli Ma 72894 Kenilw a lrn70y 1:43 fast 1 111 1 3 31 44 P Walls 5 Procyon, Royal Visitor. Azraei 72819 Kenilwh lm70y 1.44Vsfast 16-5 96 2 1 1 ll P Walls 8 Ang. Maid, Tycoon, MossFoxlI. BOYAL VISITOB, ch. g, 6 117 By Hearts of Oak— My Honey, by Yo El Bey. Trainer. H. Giddings. Jr. Owner. H. Giddlngi Breeder. H. Giddings. 79273 Wo.dne 1 1-16 l:46%fast U IK 1 4 41 3T R Romelli 6 D pTIight. idenRule. Redstone 74525 Thcliffe lm70y l:4l%fast 3-2 120 6 1 11 21 R Romelli S Pro. yon. Push Iin. Deilalun 74475 Thcliffe 1 1-8 l:5244fast 10 110 5 1 1* V R Romelli 6 FairGain, .lohnl. Jones, louisA. 74264 Thcliffe 1 l:39%fast 9 107 2 3 4 4* R Homelli 7 .I.P.Jones, Fair iain, Mar-dale 74072 Woodne 3-4 1 :12%faat 37-10 118 6 6 41 4*1 R Romelli 6 Kinds Court, Chloris. Diadems 72894 Kenilwh lm70y 1:43 fast Sf-10 120 2 1 2» 2 R Romelli I Procyon, .2rael. Cliloris 12704 FortErie 1 1-8 1 :34Vtf ast 19-10 115 3 1 1» 1* R Romelli 6 Deilalun. Azraei. Prismar 72492 Hamton lm70y l:15%fast 31 114 1 3 31 31 J D Mney 0 Push Pin, Hallucination, Cliloris PERSISTENCE, ch. r, 4 109 By Fitzwilliam— Ask Ma. by Marchmont II. Trainer. F. Garratt. Owner, M. I.e Roy. Breeder. J. K. L. Boss. 79235 W odne 11-16 1:48 fast 71 110 4 4 3» 3* E Ambrse 5 Trajanus, Nitfht Raider, Curland 74212 Woodne 1 3-4 3:02 slow 5 100 7 2 2* 2 T Wilson 8 Hlucinatn, Tr ll.lazer. Procyon 74120 Woodne lm70y 1 :lnVsfast 8-5 105 10 1 1» 1» T Wilson 10 PuffBall, El ll— f. War TanU 74002 Woodne lm70y 1 .44 fast 30 100 7 6 41 * F Stevens 7 Hallucination, Procvon. AfJTOf* 73956 Woodne 1 m70y 1 : 16-*islow 15 106 10 8 10* 9* R Romellill ByMine. K.sCourt. J.F.OIlara 73257 Devshire 1 1-16 l:47"ifast 8 98 4 4 5 5«1 T Brothers 7 Brilliance. Dorius. Joaijuina 72492 Hamton lmTOy l:45Hfast IS 105 6 5 5» 5" G Fields 0 PushPin. Hlucination. R. Visitor 72453 Hamton 1 1-8 l:53«£fast 5 103 4 4 3* 3" G Fields 6 Koyal Visitor. Prismar. June Fl/ PUSH PIN, ch. m. 5 113 By First Sijht— Sky Rocket, by Star Shoot. Trainer. F. Schelke. Owner. Thorncliffe Stablel. Breeder. Thorncliffe Stable. 79182 Woodne 3-4 113%good 27 117 6 7 10 9* H J BurkelO Lilt. Bwltaaa, Malapert 74525 Thcliffe lm70y l:41=ifast 21 115 3 2 31 2JG Fields s I*ro yon, Bayal Vi-itor. ! -llnnm 74296 Ilicliffe 61 f 1 :0Tifast 12 112 1 4 4» 5«1 F Steven3 7 ListOne. J.F.OIlara. S.sl.emon 73043 Cnaught lmTOy 1 :4." f ast U-5 113 1 2 31 45i J D Mney 4 Cliloris. Kings Hurt. Azraei 72492 Hamton lmTOy 1 :4.,%f ast 5 115 2 1 Ill J Wallace 6 Hallucination, R. Visit or, Cliloris 72164 Kenilwh 1 1 ° l:53"*fast 18-5 112 4 1 1 in J Wallace 6 Cliloris. Prismar. Koyal Visitor 72064 Kenilwh lmTOy l:43%fast 14 108 4 5 6* 8*i E Scobie 10 Ang. Maid. Make Ip. Sailing B. BETH HODDEB, b. m, 6 104 By Ben Hodder— Lambeth, by Lamplighter. Trainer, M. Orr. Owner. R. Orr. Breeder. W. Hammall. 79276 Woodne 1 1-8 l:55%fast 19 105 2 3 3 3*1 H Howard I Co.nn eCi. Servitor. BlackShasta 79141 Woodne 3-4 l:15%slow 13 1121 8 8 T* 5" G Walls 8 Sweejwtakes. Picnic. Runaway 74526 Thcliffe 1 l:41 4fast 24 107 12 Pulled up.G Corey 12 Anaprisa. Ten Can. Tribune 74476 Thcliffe 1 1-2 2:364fast 12 99 4 6 51 5» J Woods 7 Delluhm. TheCkmnder. B.Amie 74212 Woodne 1 3-4 3:02 slow 11 107 8 6 54 5» F Stevens 8 Hlucinatn. Persisce, T lBlazet 74121 Woodne 1 3-16 1 :59%fast 7 103 6 6 3 "» V ITU It— 11 Tll|llll. Baby Mine, Mir Man 73847 Dufferin 1 1-16 l:54*ifast 109 3-J C OMahy S Care Fn e, Devonite. Wylle 73743 Dufferin 1 1-16 LStSfast 51 108 4* E BarbB* b Melachno. OldTimer, Bkliornll. FAST MACK. b. g, 3 116 By Marathon— Delia Mack, by The Commoner. Trainer. H. G. Bedwell. Owner. Kentcn Stable. Breeder. H. G. Bedwell. 78836 Pimlico 3-4 lUHfast 61 117 3 3 4J 4» F Hstings 6 Digit. Sarko. Suppliant 78591 H. deGce 3-4 l.llfast 5f 96 6 10 11»«11* W Marrerl2 Maclean, Newll pshire. Comix* 74214 Woodne 1 l.l2-sslow 9-5 110 14 5* 4«1 R Rom eili 6 Tunilxrry. Vrana, Tea s Ready 74069 Woodne 3-4 l:13%fast 61 122 4 4 3» ll D Stirling h Vrana. Atlantida. Catamaran 73953 Woodne 3 4 l:14 4slow 5 112 1 11 11 11* M Garrett 11 L.Cl.iir, 11tgMnmts, Heidale KINGS COURT, b. g, 5 107 By Galatine— Court Maid H.. by Cy liens. Trainer. W. H. Bringlo*. Owner, Seagram Stable,. Breeder. Seasram S able. 74072 Woodne 3-4 l:12%faat 61 110 1 1 1* ll T Wilson 6 Cliloris. Diadems, Koyal Visitor 73956 Woodne lmTOy l:46%slow 4 113 3 1 2l 2» T WiHon 11 ByMine, J.F.OIlara. Puff Ball 73679 Dorval llTtl 1 l*Hfti1 31-10 109 1 I 1»* 2» T Wilson I Cliloris, Procyon, War Tank 73560 Dorval 1 1-16 1 :46«ifast 4 107 2 1 ll 1*1 T Wilson 4 Cliloris. Procyon. Azraei 73228 "naught lmTOy l:44%fast C3-10 102 4 1 ll 1*1 T Wilson 6 WaiTank, Azraei, Chief Sponsor FLOWERFUL. br. c, 4 109 By Ypsilanti II.— Bouquet, by Kinley Mack. Trainer, W. H. Bringloe. Owner, Seagram Stable. Bieeder. Seaeram Stable. 74116 Woodne 1 1-4 2:08*ifast 3 126 3 2 3" 34 T Wilson 4 Prismar, Kallim, Trail Blazer 74002 Woodne lmTOy 1:44 fast 10 106 2 4 55 5» T Wilson 7 Hallucination. Procyon. Azraei 71438 Hamton lm70y l:45**fast B 102 3 4 6 6» T Wilson 9 Aftatn. K. Visitor, J.F.OIlara 70998 Dorval lm70y l:44Vast 5 104 3 3 51 5»* T Wilson 6 KoyalVisitor. Cliloris, Oreyorne 70523 Cnaught 1 1:41 fast 41 108 2 2 2 2i D Stirling 5 Corenzio. Roy. Visitor, EUasmar CALEDON, br. K, 3 95 By Calgary — Fair Annie, by Hawkswick. Owner, Cedar Crest Farm Stable. Bieeder. Thorncliffe Stable. "9270 Woodne 3-4 1:14 fast 12 93 7 4 41 5*i L Lang 7 Admirer, Parthema. L. B.Sheep 74423 Thciiffe 3-4 1 :16ifast 71 9615 1 2* I" J Woods 13 Bellelsle, SIghKells. ■**■§ HJ 1 74293 Thcliffe 5 8 l:02 4fast ll-10f 105 5 5 41 3» F Sharpe 14 Star Cudgel. Pali. Swing 74150 Woodne 51 f 1.08 fast 23f 103 7 8 V 9«1 W MMhnl2 Atlantida, Isoletta. Honey I ef 74067 Woodne 3-4 l:13%fast 144 102 4 6 9 »•« M Qam tt 111 Hern; Ida le, Turnberry, Pali 73841 Dufferin Ab 3-8 1:02 fast 90 104 4» R McAney t; Kelle Isle. Norniana. Slcii.hl il 1 73637 Dufferin Ab 3-8 1:03 fast 66 107 5» R McAley 7 Pacific, Kelle Isle, Spear Shot DELLAHM, ch. g, 6 103 By Prince Ahmed— Delia Mack, by The Commoner. Trainer, H. G. Bedwell. Owner. Kenton Stable. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. 78810 Iimlico 1 3 16 2:02Hfast 71 108 6 7 74 T4 H Church » Offspring. CommeCi, Buddugie 78647 H. deGce I 1-16 1:48 fast 61 110 6 10 10°tU** F Sharpe IS QaUk Time. Connie Ci. Zouavo 78568 H.deGca 3-4 l:13*iBOod 67 103 10 10 lOl 9»1 H Church 11 Tidings. Dan Boiling, KoundKn 78402 H.dcGce 3-4 LlS-fefast 31 108 13 13 13"12* E Scobie 14 Mabel K., Vacuum, Arendal 75713 Bowie 1 3-16 2:06%fast 24 109 9 4 3» 1" C Taylor 11 WhoCares, T.Foreigner, Ashland 75634 Bowie 1 3-16 2:06V5fast 8f 107 5 4 3k 641 C Taylor 14 Anaprisa, Bonfire. Old Faithful THOBNTON. br. g, 3 M 98 By Heresy— Depends, by The Friar. Trair.er. A. D. Simon. Owner, Brcokdale Stable. Breeders. S. and A, E. Dyment. 79185 Woodne 11-8 l:Mgood 70 113 1 4 7 7*» F Sharpe 7 Vrana, Isoletta. Seven Oaks 79103 Woodne 1 1-8 1 :57*;fa3t 16 109 11 10 14 144* P Walls IS Mnternallride. Thndvke. M le 72728 FortErie 5-8 l:»l%fast 41 105 3 5 T» 9" J Wallace 11 Argumental. Fear, Batonnier 72560 FortErie 5-8 LOOfast 29 98 7 4 3» 3* J Wallace 12 Deronda. Program. Saiko 72355 Hamton 51 f last 45 101 8 4 41 5» J Wallace 8 Vrana. Bal-amlke, KriarSweet 72160 Kenilwh 5-8 1:00 fast 50 1021 S » ?!* E Henzetti 9 Col. West, Deronda, Holly Bor 72094 Kenilwh 5-8 l:00»4fast 26 108 7 7 7 7»* E Benzetti 7 Ch.Arcliee, Turnberry, HolIyBoy WAB TANK, b. g, 6 117 By Inferno — Galicia, by Gaiatin*. Trainer, J. G. Gorman. Owner. M. Gorman. breeder. J. E. Seagram. 79274 Woodne 2-4 1:15 fast 5 117 2 6 o* 3i D Young- 11 I.easide, Lord Marcus. Algonquin 74525 Thcliffe lm70y 1 :4l%fast 25 96 4 7 7° 6*1 J Woods S Procyon, KoyalVisitor, PushPin 74375 Thcliffe 3-4 1 :14Vast 12 108 8 8 5 21 J Woods 12 Bengore. Ardella, Beljor 74216 Woodne lmTOy LJOVslow 10 103 2 2 3« 6T3 F Stevens ft I.ahy Mine, I.easide. I.rvnthona 74120 Woodne lm70y 1 :45i.fast 7 111 1 4 41 4* D Stirling 10 Peisistence. PuffKall. KUesinaf 74072 Woodne 3-1 l:12%fast 17 108 5 6 6*1 F Stevens I Kings Court. hloris. Diadema 73769 I orval lmTOy 1 :43%f ast 31-10 111 3 1 31 44 J Rowan i KU.smar. JuneFly, MyitCiown 73679 Dorval lmTOy l:43%f ast 8 98 4 4 4 4»i J Chalmers 5 Cliloris, Kings Court, Procyon

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924052401/drf1924052401_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1924052401_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800