7th Race [7th Omaha, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-20

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7 + iVi DA PET * Mile and 70 Yards. 3- ear-ol«ls and upward. Claiming. Jnne fill nHUC 23, laaa — i:4G 2-5 — 7 — 111. DOCOD. ch. h. 8 107 By Voorhces— Love of Gold, by Goldfinch. Trainer, G. L. Hall. Owner, G. L. Hall. Breeder, A. B. Spreckels. 80240 Omaha 1 1-16 1:55 mud 9-5 112 21 E Neal 7 John Arbor. Bill Head, Spearlene 80101 Omaha 1 1-16 l:54%hvy 41 112 5» H Murdck 8 Caunzel, Title, Ella Wed 79961 Omaha lm70y l:4SVislow 21 112 51 E Petzoldt 7 Pembroke, WalnutHall, Mis. Boy 79813 Omaha 1 1-1G l:51%hvy 4 100 2*G Cry 5 M.J.Baker, Restful, Bills Luck 79663 Omaha 1 1-16 1 :4S%fast 19 104 4«2 J Dawson 6 FairOrient, NebraskaLod, Chiva 74186 Omaha 1 1:46 mud 1 115 3 3 1» 1" E Petzoldt 8 AljceByers, Col. Tex, C.A.Byrne 74122 Omaha 11:40 fast 17 110 2 8 8« 4S1 V Ghridge 9 Biddledee, Zing. Miss G. Denny 73881 Omaha 1 1:48 mud 5 115 2 1 l1 21 V Ghridge 7 Overstep, Consolation, LastBrush CAAMANO, ch. g, 9 107 By Celt— Cantaloupe, by Hastings. Trainer, J. Moss. Owner, L. Knifong. Breeder. W. Garth. 80165 Omaha lmTOy 1:51 %mud 30 108 5" B Young 7 Mayrose, Manokin, Pinecrest 80058 Omaha 3-4 18%S«Mi 21 107 61 W Young ■ Bob. Alien. St. Angelina, Aryanna 77816 Tijuana lmTOy 1 :47 fast 60 104 2 8 7- 51 G Ellis 10 FrankFogty. Romulus, WWinni 77620 Tijuana lmTOy 1:47 fast 20 110 9 11 9:j 5=1 G Ellis 11 Plunger, PrinceDirt, Freecuti 77487 Tiiuana 1 1-16 1:50 fast 1 112 1 6 4J1 l1 G Ellis 7 Sev.Seas, J.Rufus, ClareFrance. BALFOUR, ch. g, 6 112 By Ballot— Eda Biley, by Cayuga. Trainer, W. H. Walker. Owner, 0. E. Hollister. Breeder. A. V. Thomas. 80102 Omaha 1 1-16 l:5i hvy 22 112 7" G Ury 7 JHeiTering, JolinArbor, F. Again 79866 Omaha lm70y l:46Sfast 42 110 4* G Ury 9 W. Mtgomery, M.Lad, Swagger 79697 Omaha 1 l:41%fast 36 110 7«2 G Cry 10 Figuration, M.J.Baker, C.Moore 74187 Omaha 1 l:4T%:nud 1 115 8 7 4J 57 R Scoville S St.Just. Billy Line, V.s ncicr 74123 Omaha 1 1-16 1 :49%tast 4 112 4 3 2» 2t B Barham S H.Wright, MissO. Dance. JayMac 73781 Omaha 5-» l:18-mud 12 115 7 9 9» 82 H S Jonesl2 FfuIGirl, C.A.Byrne, Spicebush 71188 Omaha lmTOy 1 : 46 fast 18-5 116 8 7 5* 51 P Martinez 8 MaeSeth, Laura James, VictorA. 70732 Omaha 1 1-16 1 :54%mud 8 115 6 5 510 5° R Ralph 6 NebraskaLad, Montillo, Manokin C9375 Tijuana lmTOy l:45?ifast 7 113 9 9 5 51 J Smith 11 T.Craven. T.Owens. Wed.Prince MONTONA. ch. g. 7 118 By Montgomery — Ratona, by Scarborough. Trainer, W. Pinkstaff. Owner, W. Finkstaff. Breeder. A. S. Williams. 80272 Omaha 1 1-8 l:56%slow 30 113 45J W V-vrley 6 TomOwens, J.Hffering, Caunzel 74622 Reno 13-16 2:03 fast 5 106 710 E Ksinger 7 SallieCarter, Norain. Coo. .lames 74546 Reno 1 1-16 1 :50%fast 9-10 106 Ill Sykes 7 Millersburg, JolinArbor, Dienero 74401 Reno 1 1-8 2:03 slow 5 111 5M I Sykes C John Arbor, Rhymer. Swenson 74245 Rf-no lm20y l:44%fast 10 113 6»1 I Sykes 7 JgeDavid, Sen.Donlan, T.Brooks DOUBLE VAN, ch. g, 7 107 By Vandergrift— Lady Vandergrift, by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. T. Johnson. Owner, J. T. Johnson. Breeder. Keene and Schcrr. S0273 Omaha 1 l:42%slow 10 107 3* A Pendgs 7 Star Cloudy, Bill Head, Canute 79957 Omaha 3-4 1:16 slow 10 110 V C Gross 9 B. Welch, C. A. Byrne, T.Ellison 77035 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :5fast 14f 112 l-:o J Smih 12 Sen.Donlan, Temptress, Townsd 76795 Tijuana lmTOy 1:49 hvy 33 109 8" J Smith 8 Car, Marion North, linger 76517 Tijuana 3-4 l:16%slnw" 59 105 1411 J Smith 14 Vera Rita. Herder. Ponza Ray 76295 Tijuana lmTOy l:46*ifast 88 105 11" F Watrousll JustRight, Madrono. Phil. Lugo 76240 Tijuana lmTOy l:48hvy 41 1C6 3* G Mein 9 The Desert, Toombeola, Olympiad •?6202 Tijuana lm70y l:47%fast 20 104 6*1 G Lavine 10 W. Willow, E.Harrigan, J.Corey 73915 Tijuana 3-4 l:14ftgood 57 105 5*2 F Watrous 8 Dayof Wrath, Dalton, T.Bkridge BOREAS, br. g. 9 112 By Zeus— Yuletree, by Hastings. Trai-.er. B. Warren. Owner, A. E. Barber. Breeder. E. Renshaw. 80308 See todays chart. 80205 Omaha 11-16 1:49 fast 44 105 5«1 C McCkle 7 W.TakeAll, Wal.nall, Mis.Boy 80003 Omaha 3-4 l:15ifast 43 112 61 C McCklelO Miss Spears, Innovation, Floater 74011 Omaha ll:40%fast 19 107 10 10 91 91S H Zander 12 J.Canpbell, Sm. Alex, HalWright 7II87 Omaha lm70y 1 :4i,%fast 8 116 8 7 4i 32 F Horn 9 Byrne, Regreso, Dancing Star 71II7 Omaha lm70y 1:48 fast 41 115 1 6 61 S S ODonnP.O Pinecrest, Hopover, DaucingStar JEWEL CITY, ch. g, 9 107 By General Roberts — Woolen, by Woolsthorpe. Trair.er, G. Evitt. Owner, Confar Bros.. Breeder, O. L. Rogers. 80206 Omaha 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 190 106 672 C Whittn 8 Encrinite. F xyMae, WarWinner 78501 Tijuana lm70y 1:47 fast 102 102 9 9 10s 9*3 J Roberts U Col. Lit, Mary Doe, Mrs. Pat 78444 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:55"£fast 19-10f 100 10 10 11» 8rJ C Corhett 14 MarthaL., Col. Lit. GreenSpring 78354 Tij.;ana 5Jfl:07fast ISf 109 10 7 T* Tl W Moltersll Preservator, PayOff, Bookworm 7832G Tijuana 5-8 1:01 good 16f 108 9 9 92 6 J W MolterslO Joe Tag, Furious Bill. Athanna CHAS. LEFKOVITS, ch. g, 5 M 107 By Malamont— Clara Carlo, by St. Carlo. Trainer, J. Bulmer. Owner, J. Bulmer. Breeder. A. Brown. 79957 Omaha 3-4 1:16 slow 31 105 8 ° A Rodrez 9 B. Welch, C. A. Bvrne, T.Ellison 79862 Omaha 61 f 1:08 fast 33 115 1172 E Fator 11 M.Em.G., Ves. Bells, RosaAtkin 72101 Map.Iits 3-4 1:13 fast 76 112 12 12 12 12" G Labelle 12 Smart Alex, Luc idus, Alluring 70611 Erie Ab 3 4 1 :lSfcfast 30 110 7" F Moore 7 U.Wehle, Laoyllarrigan, Huzzas 70540 Erie Ab 5S l:00»Afast 21 115 7" I Wolstm 8 Rac.Star, BackTaps, Rochaiubu 70498 Erie Ab 5-8 l:O0Vifast 140 107 7" F Moore 7 Jood Enough. Elga, Bob Prater AL WICK, ch. g, 11 107 By Albula— Rubywlck. by HawkswicK. Trainer. A. M. Gray. Owner, A. M. Gray. Breeder. W. J. Grist. 80240 Omaha 11-16 1:55 mud 45 112 tJ P Weiner 7 John Arbor. Do-od. Bill Head MtdOK Omaha lm70y l:lC%fast 20 111 4 I Smith Brian Kent, Miss Iaige. Virgo 78444 Tijuana 1181:55%fast 45 100 9 6 P 1!SW McKhtH MarthaL., Col. Lit, GreenSpring 78136 Tijuana 1 1 16 1 :49%fast 38 106 8 6 81 6* W McKhtl2 I-idy Ix-onid, Colonel Lit. Ailliro 78074 Tijuana 1 1-8 1:5S slow 12 104 3 4 4i 4i W McKht S MayPiosper, Sample, JolinArbor « ■ z=

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924062001/drf1924062001_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924062001_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800