untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-20

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i uciDQJmrorni i H Copyright. 1924. -by DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.— Reproduction of any matter contained herein without written permission expressly prohibited. | B VOL. XXX. NO. 164. CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1924. PRICE 15 CENTS H I IN DESPERATE FINISH plan forsaturdays card fJ TIME AT LATONIA I LH Exterminator Big Attraction in H -» »--.-■ n..*i • , * n i m Bontaud Outlasts Princemaker in 1 H ■ Union Claiming Stake, *— ™«* jjjjfc j •„ j.jfl 3,5 fl j Tj.flcfe ■ H • Turnberry "Wins St. Lawrence Fnrse, Fea- H ■ McAtee on Winner and Maiben on "JSIS?*" ReCOTd foT the DistCLUCC | H Belmont Colt Stage Sensa- • | LaH • H bssssH MONTREAL, Que.. June 19.— Half a dozen H f XlOnal ifiji Tl tM Aiding Duel. thoroughbreds below the handicap class made f% JlxxLD J D L F IT ssssssssfl m the contest this afternoon in the St Lawrence tie V 01116 AgtlU, IM KCOTU DTQMT, LOOMS ilD H B Purse, feature of an off-day program at " | H NEW YORK. N. Y., June 19.— The Union Dorval Park, on the fifth afternoon of the T I 2 f9 * JUi k 2 * £ bssssssH H Claiming Stakes, which featured todays card seven-day meeting. The attendance this aft- UCLtlQCTOUSly CttlQ. Ij WIS 1Y10Y€ J.U.1TllT€TS TOY H H at Aqueduct, at seven-eighths, furnished a | ernoon was small, as was to be expected, in ° * H ■nH tVZS finish- m which Frank Farrell-8|vlew Qf the nature of the program offered, g.L I a • Fa 1 il I f* snH ■ XJnV but the weather remained *■* ™ and the Latoma Derby—Alchemy Goes M ■ margin from August Belmonts Pricemaker the track never was better M M while half a dozen lengths back came D. Preparation are under way for clinching TL~*~ /l..~~*~„ 2s. f.Ifl f C issssssssssl H Gideons Prince Leopold, leading three other the success of the meeting at its close on J ilf -JUQYl€TS III 1.1U ID iH H starters. Saturday, when Exterminator goes to the H B Jockey L. McAtee had the mount on the post in the Q"een« Hotel Handicap, a ,000 • H B winner, while the Belmont representative added feature. The appearance of the old """""■ H was ridden by J. Maiben. Pricemaker was McGee gelding at the recent Blue Bonnets LATONIA, Ky., June 19.— Gifford A. Cochrans Latonia Derby mainstay, Revenue Agent, H H backed into pronounced favoritism, while meetmg, added approximately 3,000 to the loomed up a dangerous factor for the fixture to be decided June 28 and made himself H M Bontaud was a luke warm second choice. crow. ,on. A" a"ernoon. He is just as much popuiar with racegoers in this section by running the fastest mile that has ever been | ■ The Farrell starter was ridden with perfect *" 5 LSlE naTkS JlTl* *tagd over the Latonia track from a time standpoint. He circled the course in 1:36%. H bssssssS nannm judgment iudirmfTit and inr? at it tvm the onH end iv.ir.t«, McAtee -/i„ j piant snouia De packed the day » after tomor- "» ■ bbbbbbbbbI rode des- reducing by one-fifth second the time made by Sennings Park and St. Augustine, the joint H tM perately to win by the narrowest of margins sssssssssssi 1 n » *i * 1 H The start was good, but shortly after the T"rnberry, flying the silks of Commander holders of the track record. tM ■ barrier arose Bontaud crossed over sharply J K L- Ross. won the St. Lawrence Purse, It was expected that Revenue Agent would be the victor of the race, for he was BH H from an outside position and slightlv im- the mile feature. Strut Miss Lizzie finished accorded confident support and his recent victory over Modest proved that he was in excel- | B peded Pricemaker and Defiant. The latter second to the son of Cudgel. Kings Ransom lent fettle. | B recovered quickly, while Pricemaker was boat Cra"gthorne for the small portion of the Tne field tnat Revenue Agent met today did not measure up to the standard of Modest, H H forced back. McAtee took every advantage SS-tfSflSr** and Kunchief were the bu. the Cochran representative at times was forced to do his best to maintain his lead, for H H Of the early speed of Bontaud and sent him rTtoherrVW™. Mrk- « a w. —Just David was pressing him steadily during M ■ Snssars "rr]™"™° SSS ASCOT GOLD CUP WINNER "d ™-!S™ ITSSL r« «.„. H ■V W»w» »U«teW»li« -CT.T In the ttffrtch Bon-gg1 SStSSte toSf « 5 t ,K _ ,,. t. i j. *«toI seennd to l»e *bH at the outset. H H ■ ftJXandSrZSL-Z fS tutn/;,:.; SSSSSSia Massine V.ctono«s in England s „llt . „ ,„ ,, „1C w„,„ c,..,, i,i,„ to bssssB . . , smaioen ne- lo t k , Instantly settled down to his tasw. H „, V, t b f turning int.. th.. i i,u- -n t t-»- x t» ■ hrnorti? fgW»e.dnrafS: «t£t *£» e,:t ;» £? Igat Famous Long-Distance Race. :arm.r hac] no nerd for th0 whip aftPr the H H sixteenth post was at nia saddle irth I QUUkl and "*« sprinted into the lead on the , «"* quarter, for Revenue Agent, going along mm M rew We t ** V° ,ast thth- Thc mishap sbadily and saving mu,.h ground, was master H yards and he was head andhead. • H F- r a brief second he headed BonSud aS e V** """ llk,ly cost hlr the Papyrus, Last Years Invader, a Failnre- of the situat.on at all stages. H ssssssfl -™ .1 •. , ... r.iuiiiiu ana race- . . Lord Martins performance was a splendid M „ LH • r7 n„7aS . 0/,rilcrS Ini The silks of Otnnnander . K L Ross A. K. Macombers rarll. Scores om. He was distantly ta tlie rear for three- H ■«■ ?™ ers and ,n,i ? McAtee , i followers r n " W Ma,i,ens root- were carried to a double victory when ., Kotable Triumph. qnarters. but he came with a rush beginning M iH were cheering mad- cutio, in the last i,„ , ,„„. , fnt of . the last quarter, after a close turn tote the M M !: V, I I ,V:,Sr ontaudsbytrepn.verl.ialn.se. , ? J1"1 mark, and the six •»" P»**«» in , .. r , ",,. d °a * stretch, and standing hard riding, moved for- H H B ;;- ;vas sixteenth. Tumberrj as the other Ross CSnecial Cable. u a rdly fast and overhauled Just 1 «av id in the M rne v l,.„p„i,i J was six lengths farther back. i Z i H «»« sixteenth. Corinth in the , a- gave way but T oxnox * 19.-Tola5 Todav was was H retaining a safe margin over the re- Continued •. rirteeatt ptge. " TtJ H H mainder of the f.eld. Gold f lI" d:1 lnd beforp ont of t!le m,,s H : . backstretch 0.1 account of being in close nnnnn| i tie crowd which journeyed to Aqueduct " notable gatherings that ever graced royal ,,u;irt,.r.s. M H t!." :,n r!!! "was well rewarded by some l/CRniPT PHP TUC UnDQCP/lCRI Asf,:t Massin. was winner of the two mil* a The ra.e. which was exclusively for three- H VtnUIUI TU« I Hfc Interesting racing The MUlibtmLW H weather conditions ,m1 a h:lll- lf one ,,f Bngiands most famous year-olds, brought to the post Latonia Derby M ilH Vs1?1 :ind tho rn:lin races. Through the closing stages of the eligibles. and was the outstanding number M racma strto ,t i, »m p .s.t us .est. auuu| Interstate Commerce Commission Denies heart-breaking Journey it narrow, d to a Programmed on a good card H ■ »TK,t ro. u xv. Cna jn Sni ■ Ru]e_ desperate batUe between the winner and £te™™?™£f**£ M H Rsf made good in fu.l measure in her first a-rt de Bavoie and only . sh ,rt head ™ "g gj eTX H H start ror hei new owner, George Pease, when LEXINGTON, Ky.. June 19.— The Inter-! s !»;ll: te l the pair at the end. Third was the more |owly contended, were run in almost | H she was winner of the firs! race of the after- state Commerce Commission has denied the Portion of Eteid Walkers Inkerman, which track record time. H H noa. at four and one-half furlongs. In a! express companies permission to change the beat Le Capucin for that part of the prise. The att ndance again was of generous siaa, | M Vn : u ,;, Botha Cad. while Gipsy rule governing the shipment of race horses Back of the four placed horses v. re a. K th" sport highly entertaining and at times H 1 [■ ■ ,m " w- V. Casey barn, was third, and spectacular. H thoroughbreds and standard-bred horses Macombers Rose Prince, Poisoned Arrow, H ■ -Sssz: xrszrz t ekj? ** of * z»t*?*~+ " ■* PUusk »™« — ~* - — ■ ■ F™ H ■ *5a ; ; •" «»uIc« " " r stride. Shelments of horses and there will be no extra ?nd, *? . . ? i i of her *and j" ese puts, gave a srklhS aH ,ailed t0 tw° m! s " shewed the ■*■» "vc H way to Gad, which In turn had charge for any ol them "1/ exhiKtl n in the fourth race a thr. sssssssH r ■ -f« ,h — - T... expreJ k w]"" Ui; n. sSe s?readSed H ». ■ ."l--r Through com,mee sought to rxa-t l,"V ;it,!!" W:lS/"111:::" If • Jf tera in which H th atraighl Haf clung to her task in impres- fares from all attendants in excess of two. U7 "W " , "i; "" "i""":i l;; :i:: 1 won wjl" t! utmoVease £ H | "|Y« ■ ll"! "!l!- though Cad waa haul The Thoroughbred Horse Association, on be- est teSta cf « orou*hbred nmmma stamina. th . fagt Hme _ d jjjein aaaaaj H dr failed to improve her position. Gipsy half of all shippers entered a protest, re- T,1C following is a summary of the placed tnat tne distance has been raced In and ex- il H Flyer eloped resolutely t. b. third, but . s quested a suspension of the tariff, invited horses: ceeded onlj by Sweethearts 1:10 the present ll H donig her best to stall ..ft the fast-closing | other organizations and individual shippers track record. Alchemy M Henry Treameks Macstee, b. c 4, by Consols was greatly aided M lit 7 r I to *° tnena in the Protest, s.n* attorneys - Maori. 121 Sharpel 1 in her fast race by the dazzling pace in the aaH bbbb| Missionary, racing for C. Buxton and rid- to Washington and presented a winning ar- Cesare Babneci** rUiberi ie savoi-. gr. e. 4. early stages made by Easter Bella The sssssssssH fm den by M. Buxton, was the winner of the Bument I bj i-ani II. YoJ.d*. IM Jeaniao _■ • • a latter led for the first half mile and cov- snH fm sis and a hall furlongs of the Friar Rock This means a diffrence of k s * by "vn" ,1,° LssssssH approximately l:,,id1,wi! ,J*r™fB1-l , /• . end that part of the distance In -45* The H I I u*. YaS Tr V!K,i r:"" and en" *SV"J ,"1" yar l° OWWin " *hbre J-.ee ne",: V;,,-, HSn-bVtoKi.: «rst quarter he traversed in 22% SchemJ -.H H Sanrrn,?? " te- "• -"- ,J V.lUln.v, •..:.... . 4 was .lose in attendance and just b.-rore H LH Wards Indian Trail raced to second place, »W river. Incidentally, it shows that Time. 4:36%. hing the stretch she took command and H .■ t ... , r;:NV :i,I-:" ;ls .hin; rhoroughbred Horse AssociaUon means The Rous Memorial of seven eighths ami rrom there en widened the distance between M M ., ..! . ..;,;;;: V" ";l ,,"»"--t-« Bomething to racing and breeding interests. 1M va,,,s f.n ,„ Twelve Poll ter. wl icl isily her and the others. ulUmately winning eased H nun* tnroughout and at the end — • ,M.it My , ,,rd ,,v three ,ength8 witn To!!1 up. Had she been allowed to continue H T-,mTT qwrrpw TTfcTrn-nxr. ,, ,.,. stretch at top speed she would L| r H more | one B ■ IM IH B Rasa : "■ one to furnish the pace. He houf° ,h,a i: - New Memphis Jockey Ulub, is herebj riii- 8tretch run .,,„, _-. _„,_ , , , l ,l,""|ll l • H H :"! waa attended by Canaque, Tufney and St. *J anU-racing stated as fa. tuthority reaches. Th. .1 • , ,h r,rV. "" n il" ilnH H Lawrence for the first turn of the field, while 1"-1;i "1" :i! "»« current session of the ban has been in effect for eighteen years I . ,, ,1/ " appeared that H m Sea Num. and Abydoa were amongst the f«neral assembly. This means that racing at waa the presiding steward and judge at the J ! ,, !",, ° Jod , ;, that t ! t s,." Ijrookdale ldL :;- had "I" the H H the Crescent City will be conducted under meeting. Mr. Vpperson, my associate at the " Suited H H oiitiuued ju sizteeath iiagc. ■ 1 the usual arrang* meat next winter. tune is »«-»«. dead " ,r »■ " ■* asssssssssi ■■J toutiuueti ou Hzteeath pagcj H

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924062001/drf1924062001_1_1
Local Identifier: drf1924062001_1_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800