untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-20

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I 2 DAILY RACING FORM iM-fS I DAILY RACING FORM — *"T M I T0LU1CE m Daily Racing Form Handicaps H H Kntered ns second -clns! matter, April 2, 1890, at ** ■■* * M 1 the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of — ____________________ .-..-.. : | ■■■■■■■ H March H H — ■ — — uaLvnuk LATONIA 8— WHMam Ten, War Mask, Water Girl, 2— Subtle, Lena Wood, . Ba/maehenee Belle, | H H DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Jaunebar. Trigger. -I M m Ml PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, II.L. «— Nina, Imagination. Chrysalis, Ultimately. 3— Leatherwood, New Beauty, Comedy. Lady H m 157-159 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. K. T. The horses which seem best in Fridays Choeo laH H 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. . Cincinnati Handicap. IBH nces ™~~ are 4— 4_P»™tar*nc Persistence, flrotn Seven fkka oaks. Rebus, Rebti*. War war ■■■■■■■ M 820 EAST third street, CINCINNATI, OHIO . . . . __ . H _ ! Latonia, Ky., Jane 1», 1M4. 1— Bun m w Los. M Edisto, „ Rodeo, Cioudland. „ Tank. H H W. J. McMnrray, Publisher and General Xanandrer. i_Who Knows Me, Kindred Royal Palm. *— NELLIE MORSE, Avisack, Lady Diana, 5— FANNIE BEAN, Good Night, Fincastle, j H | Outline. Irish Pat. H j Karachi Tinker Rn«.i«i LH Daily Dnriac Winter Monthi. urTSr Z» v.™ 8— Marcelline, Buck Pond, Bowman, The «— Polly Leighton, Capt. Clover. Nancy Mc- H H Daily Except Monday Balance of the Year. ?~" 5Zrody Kambler Bona Vera. _* T~«aHii. B H A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph 4— CRAYON, T. 8. Jordan, Sun Flag. . _*"**■ _ Sm n. bH H Tja*_ 7 "Mnfi- T »«v Tlnn. Wo,„ a«a»«« H — . 5_H. b. Coleman, Belzoni, J. G. Denny. 4— Sheridan, T Laurano, „„_„„ Billy Warren, Lady 7— MB1 Gate, Attorney Mulr. Lucky Run, H H subscription BY KiRST-ClvASS MAIL: 6— Boones Knoll Battle Field Klsass Belle. Occidenta. H H May to November, inclireire $ 4.00 per month 7_B._oni„ mit star m,,- ;»„■, , 6— Jaunebar, Royal Duck, Ever Bold, Keenan. H negonia, wnue »iar, .Blue JNose. M December to April, inrfnxive $ 5.00 per month 6-Nlna, Imagination, Margaret St. L., Extra NTAOARA FALLS 1 «l«wa»a r AXaXsD H payahlr in advance. J. w Dempsey. rw BM H BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL*. 15 CENTS EACH. *"*• H H NeTr Tork Handicap. wvidovJ LsH Observers Handicap. 7Z T- ,w.h -- „, „—♦ «n noPa«, H telephone 2087 harriscn. . norses wnicn seem Dest m jrrraaya ■■■■■■■ t „„i n i~ « t ♦ i. -nn. tr m H For business and circulation purposes only. 1— Royal Palm, Mcintosh, Who Knows Me. l— cioudland, Edisto, Sun Los, Rodeo. races are: H M Thi* telephone has no connection with the new* Pyx. 2 — A*VTSACK, Outline, Nellie Morse, Lady Niagara Falls, Oak, Jane 19, ltM. aLsHH M or editorial departments and cannot be used to 2 — Special, Karachi, Saar, Benedict Vow. Dana. - _~.. . _ . | . __ „ H co""""nicilte wilh tbem- 3-Bona Vera, Annie Lyle, Rambler, 3-Bowman, Buck Pond, The Poet, Byron. iZIr?rvfwLS2E,lp w~— H H -." Parody- 4-Worthmore, Billy Warren, Sherman, Lady tlJS IJLEri.S rf " H ~„ m~ * «ma ■ 76460 iS firSt r mdeX Of 1924 CRAYON, Clarence, Bob Cahiil, T. S Belle 4-X7, | Jordan. 5— Despair, Keenan, V1 Valor, , Bowman. H i - 5_Prettv Malrv Vm Bear TJncle Abe H ■ . 5-H.E Coleman. Delectable, Belzoni, United 6-Nina. Imagination, Margaret St. L.. Ul- tSmmbS TeloyC, Pepper Tea. H ■ tim!tCly- +?*+ Flor- *** *» In, H 6-ElsIsSeCup Bearer, Lee O. Cotner. Bat- »«*tfr _, mm # M T. E. Consensus of Ha.dlc.p-. Daly. M H !4ov A an/1 TVhAVO tie Field. H iiVlC ClliQ 1 OCrC 7— Phidias, White Star, Blue Nose, Rocky 1— Edisto, Sun Los, Cioudland, Rodeo. New York Handicap. H ■ Mountain. 2-AVISACK, Outline. Nellie Morse. Lady . 1 HT «.r mMt UnCertain, Roanoke. Telltale. H ■ Oil tlie I Urt Chicago Handicap. 3-Bucknpond, Mercelline, The Poet. Bow- Ml£j|.Vlew R MOOdy Flym|r 1 1 1-Royal Palm, Dust Flower, Green Gold, Mc- man. 3-Eltrym, 1 Pandine, Lady lone, Mormon. M t 4-Worthmore, Billy Warren, Sheridan, 4_Boml j Allah An, p,y Kirk DreMi H , . . . ■ x « xr r , ■ The International Races. wK£ £2. jSCmJ BreecSoad- S-DSSTwar Mask, William Tell. Jaune- *g *~ B" | H Of Such Races. Tenn I Value AsSUmpU°n. 4-CraYON, Sun Flag, Clarence, Bob Cahill. 6-Nma" Chr salis, Imagination, Margaret *"*?£,** T1UmWa | Maud Muller and the Astoria. 5_HB5Zoniernan J Den"y UnitCd Verde SL 7-Roseate, In Doubt, Witch Flower, Gath. H H 6-Batt.e Field. Cup Bearer. Elsass, Cinna- l LatOniaS Recent Ruling. DORVALPARK TTnT H 1 1TT — Uncertain, , Festivity, Telltale, Roanoke. . H H 7— White Star, Rocky Mountain, Blue Nose, 2— BROAD VIEW, Ann K, Flying Ford, H H Begonia. The horses which seem best in Fridays Regiopolis. | 1 This idea expressed by Colonel Matt Winn Cincinnati Handicap. races are: 3— Mormon, Rachel D., Service Flag, Pan- | H _ i Montreal, Que., June 19, 1924. dine H H in to the Internat.onal races ■ a good i_McIntosh Who regards Knows Me, Royal Palm, H 1_stap Court Heayy Arti„ery Black Baby 4_Bona Fide, Allah, Kirk Dress, Amber H one. If it would be posible to induce others Green Briar. 2— Lena Wood, Subtle, Fcyle. Fly. H 1 of the best English and French horses to come 2_Sp«"a1, Karachl- Mr- Biltmore. Brave 3_New Beauty Leatherwcod, Conscript. 5-Wee Dear, Virginia B., Uncle Abe. Pretty H B b . . , .. , , ,, • . „BO!; _ . 4 — Persistence, Seven Oaks, Redtip. Mally. M H to this country in the fall „ it would add im- 3— Rambler, Parody, Bona ,T Vera, Annie 5_FANNIE BEAN, Fincastle. Good Night. 6— Pepper Tea, Columbia Tenn, Roy C, H H nienselv to the " interest " in such contests. It is „T- _, . - . „ 6— Polly Leighton, Nancy McKay, Capt. Clo- Snowden. H XT .„ „, , H . 4— CRAYON, Bob Cahill, Sun Flag, Clar- H •„ ,. TKo Yer 7— Witch Flower, In Doubt, High Gear, also weU not to stop at three races. Ihe m ence 7_mui Lucky Run 0ccidenta Bruce Dudley. M H greater number of contests, just so long as they 5— United Verde, J. G. Denny, Belzoni, De- T K Lynch. Cincinnati Handicap. H H are real contests, the better. The greater num- gjs Knoll, Battle Field, Cup Bearer, New York Handicap. 1— Uncertain, Roanoke, Telltale, Festivity. | | ber of localities in which these races are run Elsass. 1— Star Court, Peter Combs, Heavy Artillery, 2— Broad View, Ann K, Regiopolis, Flying | H the better Such races as these do wonderful 7— Blue Nose, White Star, Rocky Mountain, Merry Bells. Ford. H M _ _ , . Phidias. 2— Subtle, Lena Wood, Parmachenee Belle, 3 — Mormon, Pandine, Service Flag, Rachel D. M 1 good for the turf. They are sporting leatures Foyle. 4— Bona Fide, Allah, Amber Fly, Kirk Dress. ■ server a Handlca an cap. » | that have a tremendous appeal and they will 3— Leatherwood, New Beauty, Comedy, Con- 5 — Virginia B., Uncle Abe, Royaline, Pretty H H i. i r.,i0 r ran 1— Pyx, Royal Palm, Mcintosh, Who Knows script. Mally. H little ol rac- H bring to racing many who know Mp 4— Persistence, Seven Oaks, War Tank, 6— COLUMBIA TENN, Roy C. Assumption, M H ing. They are educational and will present 2 — Special, Saar, Karachi, Pyroct. Rebus. Snowden. H 1 f t hi -t 3— Parody, Annie Lyle, Nimrod, Bona Vera, t— FANNIE BEAN, Good Night, Fincastle, 7 — High Gear, In Doubt, Roseate, Witch H lis Dei. at m racing 4— CRAYON, Sun Flag, Dustabout, Clarence. Rechabite. Flower. 1 H The race between Harry F. Sinclair s Zev 5_H R Coleman, United Verde, Belzoni, 6— Polly Leighton, Capt. Clover, Nancy Mc- Observers Handicap | 1 and Ben Irishs Epsom Derby winner Papyrus, J. G. Denny. Kay, Loveliness. , __ .... _ H M , +Vi„„co„js 6— Elsass, Battle Field, Cup Bearer, Lee O. 7— Attorney Muir, The Clockmender, Winni- 1— Festivity, Uncertain, Crown Derby, H Belmont Park last fall, attracted thousands H at cotner. peg, Mill Gate. Roanoke. H 1 tn iu the mc bie ui6 Nassau c county j track, t who had never 7— Phidias, Begonia, Rocky Mountain, White „ 2— Broad View, Ann K., P. Moody, Flying | H m, Chicago Handicap. Ford H before been on a race course. Of these thou- - m 3-Service Flag, Mormon, Rachel D., Pan- H 1-Star Court, Miss Lc-ggo, bb Heavy Artillery, M sands a greater proportion were so interested Consents of „.,,..liooI„ H:,»«icn„s. | dine. H H and ™A tkrilloH thrmca hv D tlie tne snort spon that iw thev y have b»come 1— Royal Talm, Who Knows Me, Mcintosh, 2— Subtle, Lena Wood, Parchenee Belle, Trig- 4— BONA FIDE, Kirk Dress, Allah, Gex. M H pjx 5— Virginia B., Uncle Abe, Wee Dear, Pretty H H devotees, while it is probable that not one oi 2— Special, Karachi, Saar, Benedict Vow. 3— Leatherwood, New Beauty, Comedy, Lady Mally. H H the first time visitors in that vast throng but 3— Parody, Bona Vera, Rambler, Annie Lyle. Choco. 6— Columbia Tenn, Pepper Tea, Roy C, | H ., , r ,. ___« „n,j 4 — CRAYON, Sun Flag, Clarence, Bob Ca- 4— Persistence, War Tank, Rebus, Seven Snowden. M m went away with a new idea oi the sport ana hj]] G.iks 7— Witch Flower, In Doubt, Roseate, High H | just what it means to the American public. 5— H. 1-1 Coleman, United Verde, J. G. Denny, fr— FANNIE I.EAN, Good Night, Irish Tat, Gear. 1 H . Belzoni. Fincastle . | f- ■ »» consensus or tianuic-uns. H , _ . 6— Boones Knoll, Elsass, Battle Field, Cup C— Capt. Clover, Nancy McKay, Polly! !!H H It should not be necessary, after ail these Bearer. Leighton, Loveliness. j 1— Festivity, Uncertain, Roanoke. Telltale. H H ean to still have educational campaigns for 7 — Phidias, Bef nia. White Star, Blue Nose. 7— Lucky Run, Mill Gate, Attonuy Muir, 2— BROAD VIEW, Ann K., P. Moody, Regio- | H , 1 Occidenta. PnM» M H the sport, but such is the case, t, lo readers 1 3— Mormon, Eltrym, Service Flag. Rachel D. 1 H of Daily Racing Form and the devotees of AUiDUl/1 Cincinnati Hondicai.. 4-Bona Fide, Allah, Amber Fly, Kirk Dress. H M . J , v • ,k„ ■• Qn,i and tu„ the . . 1— Little Black Sheep, Heavy Artillery, Black 5— Virginia B., Pretty Mally, Uncle Abe, Wee H of it the biggest H the turf, course, is Mis Ij0f;g0 Dear. H **• whk* bept ,B mbj H grandest of all sports and it is hard to under- Oyp0S stem Fr,days 2-Subtle, Pai-machenee Belle, Lena Wood, C— Columbia Tenn, Roy C, Pepper Tea, As- H stand that it is not the biggest and the grand- m AqlIe luct, N. Y.. Jane 19, 1921. J-lShSiWOOD, New Beauty, Lady -Witch Flower, Roseate, High Gear, In H H est for all, but as a matter of fact it is not i_EDlSTO, Cioudland, Sun Los. Choco, Much Ado. Doubt H H our national sport. It should be, and it doubt- 2— Outline, Avisack. Ncgrina. 4— Persistence, Rebus, Seven Oaks, War H B ... 1 .1 3 — The Poet, Briggs Buchanan, Bowman. Tank OTVTArTA H less will be time, but there must be a con- ~™ m in 4_1.uly Warren Sneridani Ijady Belle. 5_Fannie Eean, Irish Pat, Good Night, H H tinual education of the sport-loving public 5— War Mask, Despair, William Tell. Fincastle. | H 6— Tne horses which seem best in Fridays M Chrysalis, Nina, Imagination. , 1 •• i.* a mm. .u thrills 11 of t 4U --■■«---j ft— Pnllv Tie-hton Loveliness otiiness, D-ir.lincll-i J_ ai uaneita, . * M to the delights and the thoroughbred G. W. Wenrick. Ashl-nd races are H H contests. New York Handicap. 7— Mill Gate, Lucky Run, Brush Boy, Attor- Omaha, Neb., June 19, 1924. H H The meeting of champions from abroad with ney Muir. 1 — Grandest, Praiseworthy, Menage. H mc uicxiing t * IIh 1— Edisto, Cioudland, Sun Los, Blennerhas- ., — - ~-- . M t.,,, am i 1 the best we are able to send against them is sett. Observers Handicap. * !;°,D ,A l!t"-. ■* °cntr - lower. H H .-, . . n ... ,T ... -, T , o — Hillsdale, Kirkwood, Fernandos. H H the biggest appeal that can be made. The --Avisack, Outline, Nellie Morse, Lady i_Star rourt Peter Combs, Little Black 4— Helen Cook, Nan McKinney, Lamsted. M H »r.i fact th-t that Si it is is internatinnfll international is is what what rives gnes it 11 1 o-* 1 Escoba v, d j-/-w t, T1 Sheep, Black Baby. 5— MAYROSK, Tis Seth, Walnut Hall. | ,-Buck Pond, Oro, Byron, Bow- H 2-Subtle, Lena Wood, Trigger, Parmachenee 6-CliP. Bill Head, Twelve Bells H H the appeal and it is that which will draw the ",,,,klI. .. _ Belle. 7-A1 Wick, Docod, Mcntona. M 0. T1.„ H best patronare. ~ w warren. : Jr n bheridan Shcrma». I:iI1 - -Leatherwood. New Beauty, Comedy, Ag- G. W. Schilling. H H » trravatin*" Iaiia 1 | New York and Cincinnati will have their 5 — Despair, War Mask, Water Girl, Royal 4 Persistence, Rebus, Seven Oaks, War Chicago Handicap. H I Opportunity to witness these races that are imutir.ri Tank- 1-Grandest, Golden Cup, Lady Fox, Golden | »— Imagination, lf*mr»« Margaret Rt St. L, t Chrjsalis, n.i»H. H . , , 5_pANNIB BEAN, Good Night, Fincastle, Lad. M , ,, t „ ,,f ,,1, H Elreadv arranged for the fall, but how t. much Nina, T»„i!t . H ■ Irish !:„h I t „f at. t 2 -- — tr. T H — Bobby Allen, Power, Hindoostan, Neg. H H Letter it would be if LouL-ville, Baltimore. Clilcaso Handicap. 6— Polly Leighton, Capt Clover, Ashland, 3— Pay Off. Lemon Seth, Kirkwood, Fer- | H Washington, Pbibdelj hia and Wilmington haxl i.KUsto, ciondteno, Rodeo. Sun Los. .. ■£?£* os. H 1 „ „; , - 1 — Attornej Mulr, Mm Mill c. Gate, ,.„ Ltu-kj, T „ ,.v T.Iin Run, , 4— Ask Jennie, Nan McKinney, Foul LWLm .,.,..,,.. /,,,,- elhe x!,,,. Mors- T H the same opportunity. - AiiK °uUlIlt; Occidenta. Weather, Helen Cook. H H Naturally the races will attract those from j_Buck Pond, Bowman, The Poet, Buncar. Conscnsns of Handicaps. 5-Walnut Hall, Full Again, Brian Kent, H H cities far away from the scene of contest, but 4 -Wcrtbmore, Billy Warren, Sherman, i ady 1 1 — Star Court, Little Black Sheep, Heavy a !aB| | they will not attract the holiday seeker who Be!le- I Artillery, Black Baby. Continued on fifteenth peg*, H | would be on hant] if it did not entail a railroad - , J BHV Journey. bees good filly Astarita. It is an inheritance 1 ernment of the sport that keeps it above re ! battle with invaders from New York, accord- K9 eed plans of several of the | more than ever H tampion in Mad hS ■ry of the Ran- H iont Stakes, and H ivent his being at the | his other choice for | any chance for | eaten by Black Gold, as | .tt in that same | lie contention of H ! ishers candidate | be rarely suited | another that will || E. Madden has || __ will be on hand. | BH| P*111 .mining satisfactorily for | H tied her penalty so easily m the Cfever Stakes | public, which is so essential at all times. the big race. There is a doubt whether Klon- | H 6he will be able to ri - away the weight. The: It is always to be regretted when it becomes ■ dyke will be sent west but if the Whitney | H Astoria is a five eighths dash and was fust j necessary for trainers, jockeys or hones to be Kentucky w.U not be permitted to walk , stable is to be represented he will be the | H run in 1902, when it was won by J. J. Foilans-1 banished from racing, but it is only tuch gov- away with the Latoniu Derby without u btiff choice. H

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924062001/drf1924062001_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1924062001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800