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FORT ERIE ENTRIES Tho figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show tho hest tirao of each horso at the distance since January 1, 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on oiher than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 7C1C0 TS FIRST INDEX OF 1 024. SI 730 IS FIRST NUMBER OF AUGUST. We.ilhcr clear; track heavy Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. Superior mud runner. X Rood mnd runner. Fair nun! runner. M Maident. "Apprentice allowance. b Blinkers. The fortowtng abbreviations nre used to designate tracks nt which time record bIiowu in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park JP Aurora Au Kenilworth Ke Blmont Park BP Kemptnn Park .KP Blue Bonnets BB Kint? Edward ....... Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Xu Columbus Co Lexington T.X Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire Da Mount Koyal MB Dorral Do Omaha Om Dufferin Du Pimlie Pm Empiro Em Raceland Rd Fair Grounds FG Reno Re Fort Erie FE Saratoga Sa Hamilton Hm Tanforan Ta Havrn do Grace HG Thorncliffo Th Hawthorns Hw Tijuana Ti Havana Hv Toledo To untingtoa Hu Windsor Wi Jamaica Ja Woodbine Wo First Race 5-8 Mile, rurse .,100. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: June 20, 19121:0021031. Todnys Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 821845 Pun Los II . .Aq 11131:01 107. .725 821841 Vain Ellie MDe 110 1:03 107.. 720 82125 Tnidy lira 112 1:02 112. .715 8174S Transplant II Hm 112 1:026 102.. 710 82184 Marie VirginiaMII 09 1:01 112. .710 82184 Lydlsi IrcwMAq 103 1:03 102. .705 82127 Rooky M ...Hm 92 l:04h 107.. 700 Flittorbellc, ch. f, by Flittcr-gold La Belle Ilelene, by Surdanapale .... 107. . . Second Race 1 Mile. Purse ,100. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Maidens. Foaled in Canada. Track roccrd: July 3, 1011 1:37 100. 74212 Rallim Wo 107 1:41 4 111X725 82185 Rebus CP 97 1:41 3 105.. 720 82189s Pelf Wo 110 1:43 4 109.. 715 82189 Harp of Prophecy Hm 85 1:42 3 107. .710 82198 Irony 3 103.. 70". 82185 Wyeli Elm .. .FE 105 1:42 4 101.. 700 Third Race 3-4 Mile. Purse ,100. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 18, 19201:113107. 81576 Mabel -K IIw 94 1:12 4 10C X 725 81555 bColosMis Mil 110 1:12 5 114X720 81754 Captain Clover. Ti 100 1:13 5 113 X 715 81947 Gen. Caclorna Do 114 1:13 7 117X715 792S0 bFar East Ke 105 1:12 7 102X715 82244 blr. Charles Wells Do 97 1:12 C 110.. 715 82244 Vanderburg ..Pm 117 1:13 4 10GX715 819023 blVter Piper . .IIG 110 1:13 10 117. . 710 82072 Arrasosa Do 105 1:13 4 113.. 710 82249 Tlie Peruvian. .Ja 115 1:12 5 110.. 710 80913 Florence Dccn..Do 107 1:12 5 105.. 710 82307 Avispa La 101 1:12 5 105. .710 81807 Pyx La 110 1:12 7 114.. 705 82245 Cupid Mil 102 1:12 3 105X705 81752 liveliness Hm 102 1:14 C 105X705 82072 Blue Pest M . . . 3 108.. 700 82072 Black Friday . .Aq 104 1:14 4 102.. 700 81903 Beth IIodder..Hw 115 1:14 0 100.. 700 Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Turse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Aug. 12, 19201:05 1 110. 82135 Bedford ..La 118 1:10 3 108 X 725 82186 Ruehel rotter.IIw 105 1:09 3 101X720 82185 Cold Bock MCP 115 1:08 3 101X715 82307 Pablo La 110 1:03 3 103.. 710 82131 Pali Ke 105 1:07 3 101.. 710 80586 Tidal Wave M CP 94 1:07 3 101.. 710 82126 Flora FE 98 1:09 3 94.. 705 81502 Eltrym Th 113 1:08 7 100.. 700 81860 Shiloh M Ja 115 1:09 3 103. .703 82072 Beniandiuo M . . Hm 114 1:09 5 103.. 700 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Grand Isle Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Aug. 12, 1920 1:41 C 10G. 82075 FLAG OF TRUCE Hm 110 1:43 4 112x750 82188 Fredericktown Ja 95 1:43 3 100 X 740 82188 I.unetta Ke 100 1:43 7 107X740 82188 Bedstone CP 106 1:43 5 109 X 740 83188 Senator Xorris ... 3 108X 740 82188 Nancy Langhorne. IIG 99 1:44 3 95.. 735 82075 Shamrock Em 95 1:43 4 107X730 81848 Hopeless Pm 107 1:44 4 104 X 730 821301 Melra M FE 104 1:49 4 107.. 725 Sixth Race 1 1-2 Miles. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 2S, 1909 2:32 5 103. 82076 Fancy Free ...La 105 2:33 5 102 X 725 82189 bKl Jesmar 5 93X720 82304 Scraps 4 100X715 82077 Winnipeg 4 101.. 710 Seventh Race 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ?1,1C0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. , Track record: July 5, 19111:50 3112. 82128 Ebb Tide Hm 91 l:54s 3 103.. 725 82131 Devonite Hm 102 1:54s 5 105:1:720 82077 Cordelier Hm 107 1:54 7 106.. 715 82190 Giuseppe .... 4 100. .715 82190 bllarry M. Stevens La 113 1:55 8 10GX710 82190 Walter Turnbow Mil 112 1:52 9 105X705 82128 Sir Galahad II.BP 104J1:54 10 105.. 700