untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-08-15


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YOU CAN BUY The Pink Sheet " I" Price: Ten Cents EVERY AFTERNOON AT 4:30 OCLOCK Entries and Past Performances for the following days racing, Long Shots, Best Bets, Horses to Watch, Workouts, Results and other features. Dutch Girl WINNERS 13-5 Won WEDNESDAYS Archie Alexander .8-1 Won The Roll Call .2-1 Won Nicholas .11-10 Won ! Eaglet . 11-5 Won Maid at Arms 6-5 Won Virge ..60- Won .60- Won FOLLOW REGREN, "THE PARLAY KING" Straight at Saratoga PARLAYS .75- Won REGRENS BEST BETS Nicholas 11-10 Won The Roll Call..... 2-1 Won IBucado DAILY RACING GUIDE IS FIRST WITH WlNNERS--FIRST ON THE STREET WITH ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCESBUY IT WHEN ON YOUR WAY HOME MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION, .00 BY FIRST CLASS MAIL Newsdealers: If you are not handling DALLX BACnfG GUIDE, send, us your order at once. It Is a ulg seller. DAILY RACING GUIDE 441 Plymouth Court, CHICAGO, ILL. C. KELLY IF YOU WANT WINNERS C. KELLY Confidential Commissioner Wednesdays Horse: OIL BURNER . ....6-1 SECOND Tuesdays Horse: DEFIANT 11-5 WON Saturdays Horse: TANGERINE 5-1 WON Previous Horses were: SUNNY MAN .7-1 WON ATTILIA 7-1 WON MAX BRICK ..5-1 WON and plenty more good ones, all filed in advance with this paper. Of my last seventeen horses thirteen WON", two second and two lost. As stated in previous ADS I am placing large commissions and am in a. position to know when long-priced horses should win. From me you get genuine inf ormation not every day, but only at such times as conditions are indicative of a long-priced winner. MT NEXT COMMISSION" HORSE GOES SATURDAY. SHOULD PAT 10-1. Wire 0 at once for Saturdays hcrse. My wire will give ono horse only and will he sent as soon as I receive your sub- scrip tion. C. KELLY 19 -nrAsnEffGTOX street Jamaica, sew tork ROY KINGSTON "Tlie Talk of Tnrfdom" 5.00 Daily 00.00 Weekly. ONLY ONE HORSE DAILY Yesterdays Only Investment: 0LAND 5.65- Won Gentlemen, Tve have the goods, and my followers are receiving dlridends on their turf Investments dally. "Wednesdays Only Investment: DOC GAIETY ..8.40- Won Tuesdays Only Investment: HU0N PINE 15-1 Won Mondays Only Investment: HOY 8-1 Won Dear Reader: 2fo degree of cleverness In advertising can compensate for a loser. I employ no professional "ad" writer. A WIS"-IfEE Is the best advertisement. TODAYS INVESTMENT Is a horse that has been kept under cover with, this race In view. Connections say she win tnrn a form reversal and the results will startle turfdom. TERMS: 5 daily, or 00 for 6 days Bervlce. If tou care to play only one horse a day and that horse a winner, dont hesitate, "but get In tonoh with me immediately. My record speaks for itself. ROY KINGSTON 287 Broadway 3ew Tork City Subscribe for Daily Racing Form 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32HT STREET, HEW YORK, X. Y. 220 EAST 3RD STREET, CE5CXKKATI, OHIO Supreme Flash "WIZARD OF TURFDOM" Two Horses a Day 0.00 Weekly YESTERDAYS FLASH: Wedding Prince 2.30- Won Bear Shot .....7-1 Won WEDNESDAYS FLASH: Doc Gaiety . . . .8.40- Won Crumple 30-1, 10-1 2nd Our FLASH today should bo a winning- double-header and pay a. limit price. All angles are safeguarded against any possible loss. TUESDAYS FLASH: BALBOA 12-5 Won SWEET NOTE .0.95- Won MONDAYS FLASH: HOY 8-1 Won Prudy 4.95- Won SATURDAYS FLASH: MARK MASTER 4-1 Won CORDELIER ...4.15- Won FRIDAYS FLASH: KINDRED ; 5-1 Won BOSS JOHN ..5-1 Won All information comes direct from our connections at tho principal tracks in. the- United States and Canada. Why not get the best "info" for the least expense! Our large successful weekly followers enable us to release this "Supreme Flash" at such a nominal fee. If you were to pay ,000 yott could not equal this kind of information. WOnly Weekly Subscriptions Will Be Accepted""? RUSH 0 AT ONCE for one weeks service G days and you will be a big winner. Send your correct nama and address to avoid delay. Address all communications SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 1C3 West 23rd St., Suite 15 New York City ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK N. Y 320 EAST 3RD STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO HARVEY AMES EAItLE BUILDING BHOADWAY AT 52D STREET NEW TORK CITY YESTERDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" MISS BELLE. 9-2 WON I Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" WON at 9 to 2, and attention is drawn to the fact that this horse has not won a race in eight 8 previous starts, this again proving the value of this service, which is only made possible through what we consider the best inside sources and all the financial assistance necessary to further same. Out of the last six "Harvey Transactions" advised FIVE WON and one met with an accident, over which we exercise no control. "Harvey Transaction" TODAY Mr. Ames, over the long distance, informed this office that all arrangements are complete for the "Harvey Transaction" starting this afternoon and an easy victory at good odds is anticipated. Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed, or positively no service possible. Hearty co-operation in this respect is necessary owing to" the heavy expense involved. . TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 I R. RETEY ONE BEST EACH DAY TERMS SIX DAYS TEN DOLLARS R. RETEY S OCCACIONALS 2 or 3 a week TERMS TEN DOLLARS EACH COMBINATION OFFER Six days. One Bests and three Occasionals for twenty-five dollars. Yesterdays One Best -was: "WAR TANK 1.40- "WON Yesterdays Occasional: j SKTT 10-1 WON "Wednesdays One Best was DUTCH GIRL 5-2 "WON Filed in advance with, this paper. I had no occasional yesterday. IMPORTANT NOTICE To avoid the delay and confusion of using code I will wire subscribers three horses and the third horse mentioned in telegram will be my One Best. "When I send a 0 Occasional the name of the horse will be spelled backwards. My service is well and favorably, known to many readers of this paper and the fact that I have not advertised for the past two weeks is dne to my having all the clients I could handle. I have now made arrangements for additional telegraphic and clerical facilities and will be in a position to handle several hundred more clients. Telegraph your subscription as early as possible as all orders will be filled in the sequence in which they are received. For the information of those who desire to subscribe for my service I publish herewith the consecutive results of my informs tion during the past two weeks. My One Bests were: August 12: SWEET NOTE 13.95-?2 WON August 11: PIEDMONT 12-5 WON August 9: PANKETA .90- WON August 8: MEDINA 11-5 WON August 7: . BETSLNDA 9-2 2ND August 6: CHLORIS .90- WON August 5: KIT ... 1S-5 WON August 4: SANOLA 18-5 WON August 2: PALI 4.00-52 WON August 1: PROCEEDS 7-1 2ND July 31: OVER FIRE 8-5 WON July 30: THE RUNT 3-2 WON July 29: BETSINDA 6-1 WON July 28: PLUS ULTRA 8-1 3RD July 26: BETSINDA 6-1 WON MY OCCASIONALS WERE: July 28: WILKES -BARRE 12-1 WON July 31: FLAG OF TRUCE 4.60- 2ND - August 1: OLD WELBOURNE .12-1 WON August 5: NELLIE KELLY 15-1 WON August 7: DONGES 15-1 WON August 11: HOY 8-1 WON ANOTHER BIG OCCASIONAL TODAY My One Best today seems sure. Telegraph subscription at once in accordance with the terms mentioned in this advertisement and get in touch with real information. GET RICH WITH RETEY R. RETEY 15 161st St. JAMAICA. N. Y. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM- PUBLISHING CO. PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. , THE MAN "WHO CAN MAKE YOU WITT 1 4 IIXMIU A JUUbll Sold on All Newsstands and "Specials" READ EM ANDWEEP BOYS! Yesterdays Special: My Biddy - .95- Won Yesterdays Special: Tidings - .20- Won You cant guess these kind and JACK FIELD advised everybody to PLUNGE. WIN ONLY, as he KNEW all about the above TWO WINNERS. "PARLAF WON AGAIN 1.00 for My followers sure did aaake the BOOKMAKERS WEEP yesterday. Are You Satisfied Now That Jack Field "Can Make You Win"? Mr. Field owned and trained horses for a number of years, so- how can you lose following" a horse-owner that KNOWS the GAME from A to Zt TODAY ANOTHER "LONG SHOT" This one comes from ONE WHO KNOWS and a SMASHING BIG PRICE is expected. If yon let this get away from you today, you will NEVER FORGIVE YOURSELF. 00for "PARLAY" TODAY Just like our last parlay that WON and paid 00 for . Also many other "PARLAYS" that we put over at 0 for and BETTER, so dont fail to get down on TODAYS "PARLAY." which consists of our and "SPECIAL PARLAY," both WIN ONLY, and you should get 00 for every you HET on this "WINNING PABXAY" today. A "BIG OFFER" TODAY Send 0 and we will mail you for six 6 days both and SPECIALS overnight in plain, scaled envelope, which you will receive NEXT MORNING. This OFFER good for TODAY ONLY. Send your 0 to FIELD PUBLISHING CO. Room 32, 39 W. Adams St. CHICAGO, ILL. Phone: Harrison 0248 CHICAGO PLAYERS "FREE" HAWTHORNE SPECIAL Again yesterdays Hawthorne Free Special WON at BIG ODDS. DONT MISS TODAYS "FREE" HAWTHORNE SPECIAL; to EVERYBODY that calls at our office from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two -cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach, Fla. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM 441 PLYMOUTH COURT it CHICAGO, ILL.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924081501/drf1924081501_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924081501_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800