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ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM .DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. v441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. C. KELLY IF YOU WANT WINNERS C. KELLY Confidential Advisor YESTERDAYS HORSE WAS CHERRY PIE 15-1 WON MONDAYS HORSE WAS WELLFINDER 7-1 WON These were my only horses on abOTC days, both filed with this paper In advance. My associates will not operate today or tomorrow. TERMS FOR ONE-HORSE OCCASIONALS 0 EACH My next one-horse occasionals will go Friday and Saturday, strictly one horse each day. As the horses come from the same connections, I am enabled to make a special offer of both Friday and Saturdays horse for 0 the price of one horse. As I shall he at Saratoga Saturday to personally superintend the details of Saturdays transaction, all subscriptions must reach my Jamaica office by Friday morning. These two horses should conclusively demonstrate the value of my Information. All communications must be made by Western Union, addressed to C. KELLY 19 WASHINGTON STREET JAMAICA, NEW YORK E. J. MARTIN "ONE HOESE" A DAT "Easy Money" Again Yesterdays "SPECIAL -was: Director . . . .00- Won And "I BEGGED" everybody to PLUNGE WIN ONLY as I had ths 0. K. on this one yesterday. REMEMBER YOU CANNOT WIN if you "GUESS" or DOPE em out. Horses DONT RUN THAT WAY. And you cant BEAT 7 races a DAY; lut YOU CAN "WIN" ONE BACE A DAY, and "I ONLY GIVE ONE HOESE A DAY." Sold on all newsstands, . MY 0 "SPECIAL" WON AGAIN Yesterdays 0 Special again WON at odds of better than 8-1, and this makes it 05 "Straight" Winners "FREE" Todays 0 Special Just to "CONVINCE" YOU tho VALUE of these 0 "SPECIALS," I am giving- this "LONG SHOT" FREE" TODAY, as I want everybody to CLEAN UP on this 0 SPECIAL today. RUSH at once 0 for one weeks subscription to my Daily SPECIAL. Mailed to you overnight, plain sealed envelope. You get it first mail each morning, and I GUARANTEE YOU 4 out of the 6 SPECIALS MUST WIN or you get next 6 days FREE, RUSH your 0 to E. J. MARTIN The Dexter Bldg., 3rd floor, corner Dearborn and Adams Sts., Chicago, 111. Phone: Harrison 0248. CHICAGO PLAYERS HAWTHORNE SPECIAL FREE Remember, my last HAWTHORNE Special was ;,H0Y, 10-1, WON. Todays should io a bigger price, so dont miss it. This is FREE. So dont fail to call at our office today after 9 a. m. NOTICE E. J. MARTEN sold on all newsstands, . Detroit Dunns Newsstands, Michigan and Shelby Sts. St. Louis Laser, 711 Market; 410 Washington Ave. Cleveland Schroeders, 212 Superior Ave. Omaha Meyers Stand, 1411 Farnum St.. R. RETEY ONE BEST EACH DAY TERMS SIX DAYS TEN DOLLARS R. RETEY S OCCACIONALS 2 or 3 a week TERMS TEN DOLLARS EACH COMBINATION OFFER Six days One Bests and three Occasionals for twenty-five dollars. Yesterdays One Best was: Try Again 41 Won Mondays One Best was: Dr. Hickman 4-5 Won Saturday s One Best was: Huonec ...5-1 Won Fridays One Best was: Rallim 0.15- Won Fridays Occasional was: Fraternity II 20-1 Won All filed in advance with Daily Racing Form. My Next Occasional will go: THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 BIG PRICE EXPECTED A complete record of my Best Bats and Occasionals was published in last Sundays Racing Form. IMPORTANT NOTICE To avoid the delay and confusion of using code I will wire subscribers three horses and the third horse mentioned in telegram will be my One Best. When I send a 0 Occasional the name of the horse will bo spelled backwards. My service is well and favorably known l to many readers of this paper and the fact that I have not advertised for the past two weeks is due to my having all the clients I could handle. I have now made arrangements for additional telegraphic and clerical facilities and will be in a position to handle several hundred more clients. Telegraph your subscription as early as possible as all orders will be filled in the sequence in which they are received. GET RICH WITH RETEY R. RETEY 15 161st St. JAMAICA. N. Y. v.. J MARK MASTER 3-1 WON and a Second were last Saturdays .00 XX SPECIALS Dont miss next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES. All thoy cost is .00. Get NEW BOOK out today for ths best line oi horses at all leading tracks. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct, 3 ocpies for .C0. Todays Code Special Juno-Plum-12-16-28-23. 403, 22 W. QUINCY ST., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ROY KINGSTON "TIIE TALK OF TURFDOSl" 5.00 Daily 00 Weekly TODAYS INVESTMENT AH angles are carefully covered and no mistakes will le made. Odds of 7-1 or better anticipated on todays Investment. Beraembcr, I dont deal In favorites; they arc pnblic property. My Information Is obtained through exclusive sources and they are the cream of the turf. Terms 5.00, or six days service for 01. If yon care to play only one horse a day, and that horse a -winner, dont hesitate, bat get in tonch with me immediately. MONDAYS ONLY INVESTMENT WON. SATURDAYS ONLY INVESTMENT: WEDNESDAYS ONLY INVESTMENT: LADY HEART . .7.05- WON DOC GAIETY . ,8.40- WON FRIDAYS ONLY INVESTMENT: TUESDAYS ONLY INVESTMENT: RALLIM 0.15- WON HUON PINE 15-1 WON THURSDAYS ONLY INVESTMENT: MONDAYS ONLY INVESTMENT: ORLAND 6.65- WON HOY 8-1 WON A 00 FLAT FLAY ON THE ABOVE HORSES WON OVER ,400. WARNING My information is not sold on newsstands, race tracks or trains. Sold only through my New York office. 287 BROADWAY WEW YORK CITY Master Clocker AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Tough Luck! Yesterdays Advertised Special: Hand . . .15- 2nd Tuff luck. The old Bear-Cat was trying mighty hard, though, let ma tell you that, so we had to be satisfied with place price, which by no means was skimpy at that. What say! Yesterdays Advertised Special: DR. HICKMAN . . 6-5 WON Saturdays Big Special: GIBLON 11-5 WON Fridays Big Special: SUBTLE . . . .80- WON Thursdays Big Special: LOUIS A .20- WON Wednesdays Big Special: MAINSPRING. .80- WON No use talking, though, we ARE delivering the good. Ask anyone about it. TODAY THIRD RACE WINDSOR Choice Baby! Why, the Gang over at the barns are just raving about this one. Cant see a. single thing to even hob-nob with, her during the stretch run. ALL BY HERSELF, thats what they say, ALL BY HERSELF. Now, sir, GO right now to your newsdealer and ask for the Master Clocker . AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Mailed 2 woeks, . Remit to 440 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO and have it mailed to you FIRST THING in the morning if your newsdealer doesnt handle it. DETROIT FOR SALE Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstands Cadillac Square. ST. LOUIS Wm. Laser, 711 Market St. OMAHA, NEB. Myer Coren, 1411 Farnnm St. CLEVELAND, O. O. Schroeder, 212 E. Superior St. KANSAS CITY Recks ocker, 9th and Walnut Sts. MILWAUKEE Reid Hotel, 432 Water St. CHICAGO At all newsstands and wherever Racing Form is sold. 1416 Broadway NEW YORK, N. Y. Wm. K. Hodge ! ! STRICTLY ONE HORSE A DAY AT HAWTHORNE AND CANADA 0.00 for Six Days, or 0.00 Daily Yesterdays Double Header: Deputy . . .0.80- Won Try Again 9-2 Won Mondays Hawthorne One Horse: Hoy 10-1 Won No racing in Canada Monday. Continuing my winning information. Notlco: All weekly subscribers must bo winner on a flat bet at the end. of six days or the next six days free. LAST WEEK TWO HORSES A DAY ono at Hawthorne and one at Canada: FRIDAYS DOUBLE HEADER One Horse at Hawthorne Was Golden Lynn 5-1 Won Ons Horse at Canada Was Capt. Clover 9.20- Won TODAYS HORSE AT HAWTHORNE TODAYS ONE HORSE AT CANADA I advise a straight parlay on both horses. Also a straight flat bet on each horse. Wire 0.00 for one week six days. You must be a. winner at the end of six days or the next six days free. I make others win, why not youl Double header parlays get the money fast. y Superior Connections make it possible for me to send out the most reliable information that any bettor ever had the privilege of using. Always the "HOT" horse, never the one peacefully "SLEEPING." To be one of the favored few who use this lino is worth more than words can tell. Responsible people can join this clientele by agreeing to place 10.09 on each one for me. T. LORD Room 301, 35 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, III. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form Supreme Flash "WIZARD OF TURFD0M" Two Horses a Day 0.00 Weekly YESTERDAYS FLASH: Deputy 0.80- Won Eva Ackley Lost Whatever results may be, we make "no noise." Owing to enormous quotas on our books, we are compelled to withhold use of code, as same delays information to new clients, causing many unnecessary complaints. MONDAYS FLASH: Wellfinder 7-1 Won Lugs 5-1 Won SATURDAYS FLASH: Wraith .95- Won Sanola .4-1 Won FRIDAYS FLASH: Hopeless 5.20- Won Body Guard .7-2 Won THURSDAYS FLASH: Wedding Prince 2.30- Won Bear Shot 7-1 Won WEDNESDAYS FLASH: Doc Gaiety . . . .8.40- Won Crumple 30-1, 10-1 2nd TUESDAYS FLASH: Balboa ......12-5 Won Sweet Note 0.95- Won MONDAYS FLASH: Hoy 8-1 Won Prudy 4.95- Won SATURDAYS FLASH: Mark Master 4-1 Won Cordelier .. 4.15- Won All information comes direct from our connections at the principal tracks in the United States and Canada. Why not get the best "info" for tho least expense! Our large successful weekly followers enable U3 to release this "Supreme Flash" at such a nominal fee. If you were to pay ,000, you could not equal this kind of information. 3-0nly Weekly Subscriptions Will Be Accepted""Q RUSH 0 AT ONCE for one weeks service 6 days and you will be a big winner. Send your correct name and address to avoid delay. Address all communications: SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 168 West 23rd St.. Suite 15 New York City Wm. GORMAN OCCASIONALS 6 Racing Days SUPER - SPECIAL 0.00 WEEKLY .00 DAILY COMBINATION 5 WEEKLY. Yesterdays Super-Special: TRY AGAIN 9-2 Won Yesterdays Occasional: DIRECTOR .00- Won Mondays Super-Special: HOY 10-1 Won Mondays Occasional: HESSANNA 16-5 Won Get an EYE-OPENER today. One that should pay 10 to 1 or better. My Daily Occasional and Super-Special for today come from sources I consider unquestionable. Under no consideration should you fail to take advantage of my information. D:nt be a skeptic all your life. Join my large following who are making hay while the sun shines. Get yonr subscription in now. Terms as mentioned above. WM. GORMAN 296 Broadway Suite 709 New York City "BaBBSSSSSSeBBSSSHBBSSSSSBSBBSBBSBSBBBBSSESSSSI Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two -cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. Fla. BOTH SCRATCHED yesterday. Mail in SHEET and wo will send you another FREE. TWO LIVE ONES today. 50c daily at all newsstands, 50c. Mailed the night before. 1 week. ; 2 weeks, . NATIONAL ,0. K. RACING LETTER 411, 23 W. Quincy St. Chicago, HI. SrOIiTI-G UEADER TODAYS FREE CODES Hawthorne Dayton-Hasty -Lagoon-Lease -JoQ. Saratoga Chicago -Lease -Latent -Nexus-Lease. Windsor Dayton-Kersey-Fan cy-Joil -Petard. July Form Book Now on Sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 15X-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 320 EAST 3RD STREET,; CINCINNATI, OHIO 50 RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, eNT.