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EPINARD IN FAST TRIAL Shows Real Speed Over E. F. Simms Private Track. Works Three-Quarters In Second Slower Than Best Time Recorded for That Course. . SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T., Aug. 25. Eugene Leigh for the first time since coming to the United States asked Epinard lor real speed this morning and the way the French champion responded leaves no doubt as to his condition. It was nfter eight oclock when Epinard accompanied by Idle Girl entered tho "Avenue of pines" leading to the private training grounds of Edward F. Simms. It was a dark morning with the air close and sultry. After a preliminary gallop the trial it speed which was to tell the trainer more about the horses condition than any of his previous efforts here was under way. Hayncs took Epinard back from the post about seventy yards and at the word of command Leonard Madden set off with Idle Girl which broke at the post. The mare was away running nt her best clip. Epinard was In pursuit in determined fashion and as he swung around the first turn he was hugging the rail in a way that delighted Leigh who was perched on an altitudo where he could see the horses all the way. the Simms course having a number of hills in the Infield. Roy Walden, trainer for the Simms stable had gone to the post at the top of the stretch marking the end of the three-quarers mile. Ho was mounted on a white pony and carried a red flag with which to signal the exact instant that Epinards white nose was on a lino witli the pole. As the pair sped up the backstretcli Epinard flattened out, laid his ears back and closed the gap between himself and tho mare in amazing fashion. He could have passed her as they went into the upper turn, but Hayncs restrained him until just before the three-quarters post was reached, when he let Epinard run. The watches of the half dozen men who had been invited for the trial stopped at 1:15. The Frenchman will be asked to race this distance next Monday. All through the next quarter of a mile Epinard was allowed to have his own way and ho came to the end of the one mile, which Leigh had deemed necessary to tighten the horse up, well within himself. That it was a good mile may be judged by the time scored 1:42 this being within a second and a half of the best mile time over the course this season. The work at three-quarters was only a second slower than the best for tho course, which is a moderately deep and a particularly safe one. Eugene Leigh expressed himself as well pleased with the work, which the other experts also commended, especially as the time for the six furlongs that is a record was made going around one turn only, while Epinard ran around both turns. Taking this fact into consideration the trial this morning was a great one, as Lucky Hour, My Play and other great horses have been trained at the Simms establishment. The amount of training Epinard requires has been spoken of repeatedly. That he is a glutton for work is shown by the fact that he was out early Sunday morning for a six-furlong work in 1 :18. He is such a gross feeder that much exercise is imperative in order to burn up the fats. ; The present plan is to ship to Belmont Park tomorrow evening. The outfit should arrive there early Wednesday and .it is on the cards for Epinard to get a stiff workout, though the usual wind-up processes will be applied on Thursday and Saturday, in all likelihood. As in the case of Papyrus last fall, a big crowd of turf followers will no doubt be on hand for these gallops. For all of those who go to the big course in Queens county on the mornings Epinard is in action there is a big treat in store.