Laurel, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-16

past performance

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Entries and Past Performances LAUREL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK PAST. 80741 Barleycorn M 3 130X 090 The figures under the heading "Rec." in 84153 Trapstick M ... 3 130.. 683 tho entries below show the best time of 79320 Chief Arehee M. 3 130X6S5 each hcrse at tho distance since January 1, 84756 White Ash M .. 3 130.. 630 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast Third Race-5 -,,,, 1-2 Furlongs, or rood track, abbreviations show track con- Purse ,300. 2-year-olds. Allowances, ditions. Track record: Oct. 31, 1914 1:03 2 118. - 84914 Courageous 113.. 725 84348 Saratoga Maje Sa 109 1:07 113.. 720 7C160 IS FIRST INDEX OF 102. 84536 Sun Tess ....HG 10G 1:07 110.. 715 84675 Harlan nr. 113 1:07 113.. 715 cijot 81423 ts lb titv Till. VTUST 1US1 ITfDEX ui OF uv.xvx-iv OCTOBER. Dangerous Sa 115 l:08sy 113. .713 Racing starts at 1:43 p. m. Chicago time. 12:4a. 84715 Volante Sa 103 1:07 113.. 710 Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. 34393 John F.Kleaver Ke 110 1:07 113.. 710 :l:Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 34339 Uome HG 110 1:07 110. .710 allowances, b Blinkers. 84757 Forecaster no 116 1:07 113.. 700 The abbreviations are used slgnnte JgJ, u 108 700 fo,,ownf tracks at which time records shown In entries 84g3gi 0q M. ..Sa 109 1:09 103. .705 were made: Aqueduct Aq. Jefferson Park .JP Fourth Race 1 Mile. Aurora Au Kemptoa Park KF Gunpowder Purse. Belmont Park BP Kenilworth Ke Purse ,500. AU Ages. Allowances. Blue Bonnets -BB King Edward .Ki Track record: Oct. 21, 19191:37 4135. 5?wiUW. ar0,"ia Lu 817582 BARBARY BUSH Churchill Downs CD Laurel -i.ou. n 11 4 nrv7-n Columbus Co nslon J 839725 rrrc"6Vld"M Connaught Park CP Maple Hoights MM. ... . . Bl 11 1.38 Conncaut Lake CL Mar boro Mb X$ Fair Grounds FG Reno Re Fifth Race. 1 1-16 Miles. Fort Erie ...FE Saratoga Sa Quantico Handicap. Hamilton Hm Tanforan Ta Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Havre de Grace HG Thorncliffo in Track record: Oct. 7, 19101:43 5 11G. "rne ! ST "" To 84842 Roman Bachelor. 7 110. .750 HSgtVnV.::::.Hu wt1Sor--v.v.v.v::.Vwi .1051:45 iwxi 84883 Ten Minutes 4 103.. 745 Jjiuaica Tun.mvl Ja. Jand Woodbine Woodbina . Wo wo 84883 Reparation ...BP 10G 1:43 5 114740 Fit Race 3-4 Mile 84842 Golen Sphere Wo 115 1:45 G 07X735 Purse ,300. 2-year-olds. Claiming 84842 "Mara ..Ke 00 1:45 3 100.. 720 Track record: Oct. 2, 1923 1:11 3 112 sixth Eace3.4 Hile. . .Trd.a?,S rac Claiming Handicap. . Ind. norseandPostroa. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. Purse 500 All Ages 84879 Master Blue OO- Track record: Oct. 2, 1923 1:12 3 112. Jog ?or 84916 RryndeV;"::::.Th 97 l!l4 loV! 84758 Dream Maker BP 101 1:12 4 110. .725 84916 Ivory Iyi 109 1:13 105.. 715 84760- Caligula La .112 1:12 G 113X7-0 84755 Foylc CP 84 1:15 103. .715 8W40 Ten Sixty ....De 110 lill 4 106X715 S41Sii Iliioklinir M Tli 97 1-15V- 100X715 893 Lverglade II w 108 1:12 3 105X715 84590 Se IOSXtJI; 84288 Coral Reef ...Do 104 1:11 4 100X715 83941 83941 Parmachene- Parmacheue. Dclle BcUe 84593 Leatherwood ..Do 110 1:12 3 110X715 J00iai5 847C3 Wraith Wo 97 1:12 G 107X715 84916 Westovcr Lu 1031:10 107. .715 84SO0 Wellfinder ...Pm 104 1:12 6 114 X 720 84590 Lyrca M HO 99 1:14 1O0..715 84843 bcooP fea 105 1:12 4 100. .710 8491G Clear View ...1m 113 1:15 110X710 84593 bTopango ... .Mil 109 1:12 4 102. .710 84916 Trovers Lu 105 1:15 105X710 84288 Polynesia ... .Wi 109 1:13 3 08.. 710 84916 Wuhu La 103 l:17m 112X705 84882 Exalted Ruler BP 10G 1:12 3 07X710 84879 St. Nicholas M. 84C0 istrut Mlss Ll2zie HJ 115 1:43 103.. 703 Mil 91 1:11 3 100.. 705 84S79 Great MomcntsM 848823 Catsman Sa 105 112 110X700 .. ...... ..Lu 11G 1:17 108..700 8n7 "other HG 08 1:13 2 90X 700 84755 Frappc M ...Lu 10G 1:10 105. .700 CSS47 Scotch Broom Pm 110 1:13 4 10GX700 Jtol ConfldenceM 103. .700 Seventh Race 1 1-1G Miles. liitt nK, f- W,Y 103-00 Purse ,300. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 84879 Out of bight MK Track record: Oct. 7. 1910 1:43 3 11G. 84879 FirniamenV"MLu 113 1:17 " 10r!!700 84300 Yoshimi Lu 103 1:45 5 110X725 84879 Belle Fay M .. . 105. .700 84837 bRoyal Duck ...Lu 115 1:40 7 109 X 720 84S40 Bucado Mil 110 1:44 4 105X715 Second Race About 2 Miles. S17175 Baby Grand ..Do 122 1:45 G 113X715 Prospect Steeplechase. 84299 Iloyal Oak . . .Lu 115 1:4G 7 109 X720 Turse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 84843 Soggarth Aroonllw 104 1:4G 4 115X710 84537 Warrenton 3 135.. 700 84843 Minto II CD 11G 1:44 10 113X710 84756 Owen Tudor M. 3 130.. G95 84492 Turbulent ....Ke 10G 1:47 4 105X705 74775 Beaux Arts M. 3 130..G93 818012 Little Clair Ti 95 1:47 3 100 X703 8475G Corn ProductsM 3 133.. COO 84919 Suppliant Wo 111 1:51s 3 112X700 --ear-lds. Claiming. Oct. 2, 1923 1:11 2-5 3 ISt RACE MUej Index Course DIst Time Tck Odds Wt St ?i Sir Fin Jockeys Started Order of Flnlih MASTER BLUE, ch. c. 2 M 108 By Star Master Lou Blue, by Ogden. Trainer, J. D. Adkics. Owner, J. D. Adkins. Breeders. M. and B. B. Jones. 84879 Laurel n-4 l:15fast 10 111 2 5 2 2 L Lang 15 Quiescent, Gold Trap, Vulsig 81755 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 7J 108 2 7 71 C2 P Walls 14 Clear View, Travers, Ampoluc 84491 H.deGce 3-4 l:ltfast 7J 10"; 3 G 7 3S1 S WliamslO MargieK., UoseCloud. Clique H4287 II.deGco 5J f l:07fast 15 10G 9 6 5 31 B MrlnelliU Ampolac, Harlan, Peter Paul 841G5 H.deGce CI f l:07rast 33 100 3 8 71 7"i B Kenndy 0 Westovcr, Sun Hope, Harlan 83112 Kworth 51 f l:10good G U0 1 C C1 0 L Schaefer 7 Blenncrhassett. Pictiu, MsBeato BSYNDEAR, b. f, 2 107 By Bryn Mawr Moon Dear, by Magnificent. Trainer, J. W. Pangle. Ownr, J. W. Pangle. Breeder. S. D. Riddle. 84916 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 3"? 110 1 2 2s 21 L. Lang 13 B.Maloney, Subtle, SpanisOiName 83941 Thcliffe 3-4 l:15fast 11-5 103 li J" Judy 11 Pr.Theo, DulcyLou. ParmeBelle 83883 Thcliffo 5-S l:00fast 13 109 2J N Foden G Blnncrhassett, W.Marsh. Vulsig 83714 Thcliffo 3-4 l:14fast 13 97 11 J Judy 8 AuntAggie, Polly May, Duckling 83059 Kworth 51 f l:09hvy 7 102 2 2 41 42 D Mergler 0 Mme Beach, Duckling, Sea Tide 82993 Kworth 51 f l:07fast 28 101 5 6 5 51 D Mergler 7 Slice, D.Runyon, JohnF.Kleavcr 82941 Kworth 5i f 1:08 fast 18-5 101 2 2 2 2l V Mergler 9 My Sweetie, Bay Dingle, Jingle IVORY, b. f, 2 105 By Sir John Johnson High Wind, by Master Robert. Trainer, D. T. Morris. Owner, E. J. Holland. Breeder. D. W. Scott. 8491G Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 40 112 8 3 Sl 10" P Walls 13 BettyMaloncy: Bryndear. Subtle. 83921 Latonia 3-4 l:14hvy . 17f 100 4 4 5 5i D Jones 11 LassOMine, L.Jimmy, ll.Carter S3G98 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 41 109 9 10 9 9 D McAufelO Flyatit, Abstract, Son of John . 82920 Bl.Grasa 51 f 1:07 fast 31 102 1 K Hgland G MyDcstlny, Aurora. PorsianMaid 82740 BI.Grass 41 f 53fast 5 107 31 II Long 8 Anunccmt, L.oMine, RosaGrr 82371 Hungton 5-8 l:00fast 11-10 109 1IH Long 5 Adjuster, Deceitful. Ro3aGrecnr 82137 Hungton 5"-8 l:01fast C-5 109 1 II Long 5 Jinks, Broadway Rose, Smudga 81757 Raceland 5-8 1:05 hvy 7 10G 2 2 6 Gts F Sharpe G Modcsta. Receiver. PersIanMaid FOYLE, b. f, 2 105 By Lough Foyle Estello H by Sir Dixon. Trainer, J. P. Grogan. Owner. J. P. Grogan. Breoder. W. Garth. 84755 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 40f 103 7 11 12J12 R Fisher 14 Clear View, Travers, Ampolac 83585 Dorval 51 f 1:13 hvy 18-5 101 3 4 4 4 H Howard G Revolt, GoldCrump. Lydia Drew 83394 Dorval 51 f 1:11 mud 7 101 5 4 G 53 H Howard 8 Sea Fairy, Wanderlust, Trigger S3121 Cnaught 51 f l:09slow 15 101 4 6 6 41 H Howard 6 Marie Dattner, Revolt, Subtle 82904 Cnaught 3-4 1:14 fast 30 8 1 8 7 S 881 H Howard 9 Odd Seth, Oil Mau, Black Baby 81615 Empire 61 f l:07fast 8 106 7 4 5l 711 II Howard 9 New Hope, Longing, MyrtleBelle 812G7 Windsor 5-8 l:01fast 11 104 2 4 G1 751 O Clark 12 Note o Love, Wnderlust, Effort 80854 Devshire 5-8 l:00rast 14 J07 12 8 91 971 H Howardl2 Effort, My Biddy, Wanderlust 80324 Dorval 5-8 1:00 fast 31 100 G G 61 7i H Howard 8 Subtle, Battleraan, Trigger 78705 Pimlico 1-2 48fast 41 102 2 3 41 5s J Chlmerd 8 Bother, Nightshade, Arbitration. 78378 Bowie 1-2 49 fast 1 109 3 1 11 2 L Lang 8 BillWinfrey, PmnecBelle, Rolr 78262 Bowio 1-2 49gaod G-5 100 4 1 ll l5 L Lang 12 Kumonin, Roller, Helen Condn DUCKLING, ch. f, 2 M 100 By Olambala The Loon, by Grebe. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 84355 W.dbine 3-4 l:15slop 2G-5f 96 4 3 21 2J L Lang 10 WhiteWgs, Canister. MarieDatr 84233 Wdbino 3-4 l:13fast 49 100 10 9 5 911 A Abel 10 Sea Fairy. Prince Theo, Pictin 83883 Thcliffe 5-S l:00fast 10 91 5s L Lang G Bnerbassett, Bndear, W.Marsh 83714 Thcliffo 3-4 l:i4fast G 97 41 L Lang 8 Bryndear, AuntAggie, PollyMay 83059 Kworth 51 f l:09hvy 15 104 3 1 11 2i A Abel O MmeBeacb, Scallde, Bryndear 82895 Kworth 51 f l:0Sfast 10 95 4 4 4 41 L Lang 7 My Biddy, Campula. WteWings 82238 Devshire 5-8 l:01fast 12 99 11 11 11 11 L Lang 11 Sonny Bunny, LaBellc, HeadLine 820G6 Devshire 51 f 1:08 good 16 107 9 10 10 73 L Lang 10 Thistlewood, LenaWood, Myldol 81540 Kwortli 51 f l:07fast 9 100 9 7 El 43 L Lang 9 KathlnCrosby, VainEllie, Aggie 81354 Kworth 51 f l:07fast 43 103 9 9 9 98 A Abel 10 Traymore. Golden Poppy, Haf SEAMAN, ch. g, 2 103 By Sea King Chilton Queen, by Chiltom, Trainer, A. Taney. Owner. H. S. Frock. Breeder. L. Garth. 84590 H.dcGco El f 1:06 fast G4 109 11 10 101 7s! L Jenkins 14 B.Maloney, Sandrac, O.Brdway i S439G H.deGce 3-4 l:18mud 22 110 7 3 6 3 L Jenkins 9 Lithuania, FicryFlight, Ampolac 84290 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast GG 110 9 8 Ss 73 L. Jenkins 9 Gymkhana, Retire. Hurry Inn 83GG0 Mlboro 5-S 1:0.1 fast 7-10 1151 1 A Allen 7 El Cid. Noble Lady. Belle Fay 83605 Mboro Ab 5-8 1:03 fast 51 115 21 A Allen 5 Equable, El Cid, Heres Hoping 83305 Timum Ab 3-4 l:lSfast G-5 103 4 C Grace 5 Antiquity, Castilla, Lula 83178 Timum Ab 51 f l:09fast 3-5 117 2 A Allen 7 Westovcr, El Cid, Noble Lady 83083 Timum Ab 5-8 l:02good 9-10 113 1 A Allan 6 Pr. Ahmed, O. of Sight, T.Creole 82544 Saratoga 5-S l:00fast 8 112 20 12 181 18" J Shanks 20 Legation, Warefare, Lupine PARMA CHENEE BELLE, b. f. 2 109 By Troutbeck Lucy Jackson, by Rock View. Trainer, L, Haymaker. Owner, R. V. Haymaker. Breeder. T. Piatt. 83941 Thcliffe 3-4 l:15fast 7 1041 44 A Abel 11 Bryndear, PrinccThco, DulcyLou , 833G1 L.Brch Ab 5-S l:03slow 18-5 113 71 T BonhamlO DulcyLou, SonnyBunny, Padlock , 83315 L.Brch Ab 5-S l:03fast 51 112 Ink A Abel 8 Cleg, My Biddy. Dolly Dunbar 830GI Kworth 51 f 1:11 hvy GJ 103 4 5 4h 2l A Abel 8 White Wings, Mit. Master Blue ?2120 Devshire 5-8 1:00 fast 29 1101 8 8 8 81S T Bonham 8 Night Shade, Miss Bezetto, Haf 81587 Kworth 51 f l:06fast 32 100 9 8 81 8" O Clark 9 LittleGipsy, SpshName, Bncth ; 80948 FortErie 51 f l:09fast 5 112 5 4 5 51 M Ellis G Asekket, Whatlslt, MasterBlue 80890 FortErie 61 f 1:11 slow 12-5 112 3 4 4l 51 E Scobie G Revolt, nelcnBuck, MasterBlue 80432 HanVton 6-8 l:01fast 37-10 112 3 6 6 6 E Scobie G Trevan, Note oLove, NitShade , 80324 Dorval 5-3 1:00 fast 4 10S 1 3 5H 51 E Scobie 8 Subtle, Battleman, Trigger 79901 B.Bonts 5-S l:02good 31-10 117 3 5 5l 5i E Scobie 7 Battleman. MaryDear, Trigger , 79650 Connght 5-8 l:01fast . G-5 107 2 5 5 451 E Scobie 8 S.toWin, Clear View. Traymore WESTOVER, b. f. 2 107 By Omar "Khayyam Chimney Swift, by Sweep. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, P. H. Fanlconer. Breeder, P. H. Faulconer. 8491 G Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 2 115 6 6 G Gl J Butwell 13 BettyMaloncy, Bryndear. Subtle 84718 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 10 103 6 7 61 73 J Shanks 10 OldBrdway, MargieK., FyFlht 84539 H.deGce 51 f l:06fast 69 112 10 10 10 10l F Weiner 10 Retire Chink, Alex Woodliffe 841G5 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 5 102 4 2 21 1 H W-liams 9 SunHopc, Harlan, BettyMaloney I 83178 Timum Ab 51 f l:09fast 3-5 114 1 C Jackson 7 Seaman, El Cid. Noble Lady 8188G Saratoga 5-S l:02slow 16-5 104 5 7 91 9T J Shanks 13 MissBabc, MtleBelle. RcdHawk 81200 Empire 5-S l:03fast 31 111 7 7 G CC Lang 7 QueensToken, Blenrht, Kirkf LYREA, b. f, 2 M 100 By McGee Star of Danube, by Star Shoot, Trainer, H. Vititoe. Owner. P. B. Codd. Breeder. G. D. Widener. ; 84590 H.deGce El f 1:06 fast 8if 96 12 12 121 12" R Wliamsl4 B.Maloney, Sandrae, O.Brdway 84442 H.deGce 51 f l:08mud Sit 115 9 4 4 4" C Lang 14 S.Sabrc, Sl.andEy, Out of Sight 84228 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 60 1071 5 4 6 6 N Huff 0 ChryBalis. Sun Tess. Uome 84107 H.deGrce 3-t 1:13 fast 25f 99 9 13 j2l1129 A Vlemotl4 SingleFoot, SatogaMaje, Chink 80228 Aqueduct -8 1:02 fast 15 10S 7 8 8 83 F Colletti 8 GipsyFlyer.Marg. St.L., W.Lady 80001 Belmont 5-S st 58fast 7 107 4 2 41 51 F Colletti 8 Canister, Miss Babe. New Hope 7881 G Jamaica 5-3 l:00fast 30 115 7 5 7 7" T McTagt 9 Stimulus, Gad, Imagination ! 78G6G Jamaica 5-3 l:02slop 8 114 8 8 8 8" E Legere 8 Beatrice, Nedana, Imagination CLEAR VIEW, b. c, 2 110 By Campfire Long Range, by St. Frusquin. Trainer, A. Nicolai. Owner, A. Nicolai. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 8491G Laurel 3-4 l:llfast 5 115 5 11 101 S J Maiben 13 BettyMaloncy, Bryndear, Subtle 84755 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 14 113 1 3 2 1 J Maiben 14 Travers, Ampolac, Clique j 84590 H.deGce 51 f 1:06 fast 19 94 6 7 74 93 G Htamerl4 B.Maloney, Sandrae, O.Brdway t 84491 H.deGce 3-4 l:14fast 91 115 G 5 G1 Gl S BullmanlO MargieK., RoseCloud, M.Blue B3988 B.Bonts 51 f l:07fast 51-10 10S 4 4 6 63 E Renzetti G Samosata, Foolscap. Subtle 83701 B.Bonnets 51 f l:09good 21 119 3 3 2l 3l P Walls 9 Subtle, Hoi Polloi, Transformer . 82950 Cnaught - 51 f l:07fast S9-5 112 1 1 12 P J Baker 7 Trevan, Button Bright, Revolt 82430 Ft.Erie 3-4 1:14 fast 21-10 107 2 5 5 51 E Ambrse 5 Trevan. Prin.Hampton, Sunllope TRAVERS, b. f, 2 105 By Trap Rock Louise Travers, by McGeo. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner, R. Parr. Breeder, P. M. Walker. 84916 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 2 101 9 5 3and 51 J Shanks 13 BettyMaloney. Bryndear. Subtle 84755 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 10 103 4 1 li 2n J Shanks 14 Clear View. Ampolac, Clique 84491 H.deGce 3-4 l:14fast 5 107 5 2 2 5 J Shanks 10 MargieK., RoseCloud, M.Blue 841G5 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 23-5 102 8 6 6 6i R Albiker 9 Westovcr, Sun nope. Harlan 83G25 Belmt 51 f MC l:0Gfast 10 102 2 1 21 2 J Shanks 16 KathnCby, Bghtldea, YgAprll . 82012 Saratoga 51 f l:09slow 41 104 2 1 11 1 R Alblkerl2 GraceTroxIer, Longg, FollyCoat 8J88G Saratoga 5-8 l:02slow 60 104 4 3 4nk 41 R Albiker 13 MissBabc. MtleBelle. RedHawk 78757 Pimlico 41 f 54fast 7 108 7 8 8 S" P Walls 9 Extreme., Pique, Contract WUHU, br. g, 2 112 By Huon Ming Toy, by Uncle. Trainer, W. Buford. Owner, H. P. Headley. Breeder. W. B. Miller. S491G Laurel 3-4 l:14fast ISf 112 4 4 41 81 J Wallace 13 BettyMaloney. Bryndear, Subtle 8434G Latonia 3-4 1:16 mud 20 10S 4 4 4l G" D McAiffel2 Hel. Carter, Maximaneh, Valetto 812G4 Raceland 51 f 1:08 fast" 41-10 109 Withdrawn E Blind G Bankrupt, Mary Johnston, Belpre 81177 Raceland 51 f l:llslow 5 110 1 5 3 3h E Pool G Fusileer, Bankrupt, Brunhilde 80735 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 6 112 5 7 5 51 W W TorlO Belpre, MidntRose, Morganatic 80397 Latonia 51 f 1:07 good G 112 2 4 4 4i E Martin 7 Bankrupt, L. o Mine, SamMgel 80253 Latonia 5-S l:00fast 22 114 5 6 10 91 W W Torl2 StarGirl. DutchGirl, F.DeCoursy ; 80080 Latonia a-S 1:01 good 13 107 5 4 4 53 E Martin G Ocean Current, Elssas, Special ST. NICHOLAS, b. c, 2 M 103 By Sir John Johnson Plum Pudding, by Plaudit. Trainer, W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. Whitney. Breeder. T. C. Piatt. 84879 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 12 HG 7 3 31 6i B KenndylS Quicsct, MasterBlue, GoldTrap 84755 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 34 108 5 4 51! 541 B Kenndyl4 Clear View, Travers, Ampolac 84489 H.deGce 3-1 iasfast 30 115 3 6 G 6" H Callahn 7 Harlan, Antiquarian. Lad.Buck S422G H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 23-5 116 2 4 C 673 E Scobie 7 Forecaster, Major Finley, Clique : 80972 FortErie 5-8 l:02good 4-5 118 5 2 31" 3 E Scobie 7 OdenPpy, My Idol, Reprimand ; 80811 FortErie 5-8 l:02andfast 5 115 4 3 2l E Scobie 5 FairMyrtle, D.Runyon, Sun Los ; 804G8 Hamton 5-S l:03slow 20 115 9 7 51 4 E Scobie 9 Uome. DamonRunyon, Ball Gee GREAT MOMENTS, b. c, 2 M 108 By Colin Melting Moments, by Lemberg. Trainer, J. F, Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. Breeder, E. B. McLean. 84879 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast Gl HG 5 7 5 llJ J Butwell 15 Quiesct, MasterBlue. GoldTrap . 84715 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 53 116 6 6 6 S,s N Huff 10 Volantc, GuaBoat, LaddicBnck 84348 H.deGce 51 f l:0Smud 37 116 7 5 3 4S1 N Huff 7 Sar.Maje. Volante. LaddieBuck : 841G8 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 74 109 9 9 61 83 N Huff 10 BelleWd, OldBdway, MargieK. i 78804 Pimlico 41 f 53fast 120 115 6 8 SI 9" N Huff 10 False Face, Goldpiece, Pique .8701 Pimlico 1-2 4Sfast 47 115 1 8 91 S N Huff 10 Barb.Frchie, Gdpiece, FseFace 78401 H.deGco 1-2 4Sfast 1G 118 10 10 1C 11" E Bell 11 Edisto. Darly Baby, Cloudland FRAPPE, b. f. 2 M 105 By Wrack Gelee, by Isinglass. Trainer, T. Rodrock. Owner, K. E. Hitt. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 84755 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 187 10G 6 5 2h SJ W Milner 14 Clear View, Travers, Ampolac 84590 H.deGco El f 1:06 fast Slf 104 10 8 SI 11" J Shanks H B.Maloney, Sandrae, O.Brdway 84442 H.deGce 51 f l:0Smud 131 115 7 6 Gl G W Milner 14 S.Sabre, Sl.andEy, Out of Sight 82544 Saratoga 3-8 l:O0fast 12 101 IS 1G 15and 14" R Albiker 20 Legation, Warefare, Lupine 81795 Saratoga 5-8 1:00 fast 50 115 11 9 91 10l J Shanks 1G Royal! te. Chatterer, Md atArms ROI CONFIDENCE, b. g, 2 M 103 By Roi Herode Ephemeral, by Lally. Trainer, M. F. Murphy. Ownar, P. E. Fitzgerald. Breeder, T. B. Bennett. 84287 H.deGco 51 f l:07fast Gf 111 10 14 14 14l J McTagt 14 Ampaloc, Harlan, Master Blue 83810 B.Bonts 51 T l:0Sfast 4S 102 8 S 7 7" D Prible 0 Subtle, Lydia Drew. Wine Jug 83585 Dorval 51 f 1:13 hvy 19 103 6 Pulled up.T Wilson G Revolt, GoldCrump, Lydia Drew 83701 B.Bonnets 51 f l:09good 140 110 4 9 9 9 J Brogden 9 Subtle. Hoi Polloi. Clear View LUCLFER, b. c, 2 M 103 By Light Brigade Lucide, by Codoman. Trainer, C. Houbre. Owner, C. Houbre. Breeder, J. N. Camden. 84444 ILdeGce 51 f 1:0S mud GS 103 4 5 4 4T3 B Brning G TpLhtly, AlexWdliffe. DsGds 84348 H.deGce 51 f l:03mud 52 HG 5 7 7 6 C Robson 7 Sar.Maje, Volante, LaddieBuck OUT OF SIGHT, b. f, 2 M 100. By Theo. Cook Hidden Star, by Burgomaster. Trainer, A. S. Dodd. Owner, Mrs. A. S. Dodd. Breeder, E. F. Simms. 84879 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 42 108 9 2 7 91 J Dolin 15 Quiesct, MasterBlue. GoldTrap 84G73 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 30 116 2 S 91 9" E Scobie 10 Midinette, SI. and Easy, Menthol ; 84442 H.deGce 61 f l:0Smud Plf 115 2 1 2-k 3 E Scobie 14 SunSabrc, Slow and Easy, Lyrea 84287 H.deGco 51 f l:07fast Gf 98 8 1 4 710 D Fisher 14 Ampaloc, Harlan, Master Blue 841G8 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 70 93 1 1 3"i10 D Fisher 10 BelleWd. OldBdway. MargieK. 83083 Timum Ab 5-S l:02good U 110 3" D Stirling G Seaman, Pr. Ahmed, The Creole FIRMAMENT, ch. f. 2 M 105 By Trojan The Welkin, by Contract. Trainer, O. E. Pons. Owner, M. R. Pons. Breeder, J. T. Gwathmey. 84879 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 23 113 1 6 91 10J J Wallace 15 Quiesct, MasterBlue. GoldTrap 84673 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 25 116 8 5 71 7 J Butwell 10 Midinette, SI. and Easy, Menthol 8029G Aqueduct 41 f 53fast 20 101 5 4 51 4i It Albiker G Haf, Gad, Gipsy Flyer 80042 Belmont 5-8 st 58 fast 15 112 7 7 71 G" C Lang 10 Haf. Pencraft, Clonaslee 798G0 Belmont 5-S st l:00good 7 112 2 3 6 7" C Lang S Maddcnstown, Ultimly, Edinbh 78781 Pimlico 41 f 54fast 24 107 1 6 5 41 P Walls 7 ElaBaby, B.Harr. BbaFtchle 1 78755 Pimlico 1-2 48fast 12 110 8 4 41 42 P Wall3 10 Primrose, FrostyDawn. RcdUk ! BELLE FAY, br. f, 2 M 105 By Fayette Belphoebe, by Orsini. Trainer, J, P. McDonald. Owner, J. P. McDonald. Breeder, R. P. Smith. Jr. 84879 Laurel 3-4 l.15fast 19f 108 12 10 lOnfc 71 J LcylandlS QuicscX MasterBlue, GoldTrap 84491 II.deGco 3-4 1:14fast 2Gt 102 7 10 10 9B BrninglO MargieK.. UoseCloud, M.Blue S3GGG Mlboro 5-S 1:03 fast 20 liw 4 P Madeira 7 Seamnn, El Cid, Noble Lady 83524 Marlboro 51 f l:09fast 12 104 4 M Simmns G LadyGtffney, QunsOwn, Zaraa 83415 Mboro Ab 5-8 l:03slow 7 118 471 B Martz 7 ElCid, RinTinTin, Firth ofForth 1 83080 Timum Ab 5-8 53 good 26 106 411 J Moore G Villager, Firth ofForth, Marg.E. . OnrI DA PC About 2 Miles. Prospect Steeplechase, 3-year-olds and tip-ward. !IU nROC Allowances. WARRENTON. br. g, 3 135 By Trap Rock Melrique, by Melton. Trainer, "Woods Garth. Owner,. J. S. Cosden. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 84537 H.deGce 2 4:C84fast 91 13. 1 5 C Mergler S Byng, Roi Craig, Lollipop fc4227 H.deGce ?. 4:07fast 12-5 1314 2 3 Ink 11 C Mergler 0 D. Josephine, Links, B. Lights 83C2G Belmont Ab 2 3:564fast 13 1321 C 5 5 54 C Mergler 10 ShiucOn, HigliComder, DyGafv 78910 Jamaica 3-4 l:13sow 13-5 112 3 2 31 3 J Shanks 8 IrishDrm, O.sSword, St.Lrence 78744 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 8 104 S 4 3 3s J Shanks 13 Comedy, Protocol. II. Commder 75G81 Bowio 3-4 l:14fast 60 11G 4 7 5 5 D Mergler "J Maxie, Catalan, Gold Bug 75589 Bowio 3-4 1:14 fast 23 11G 1 3 El 7 C Lane 1- Pepp, Catalan, Rinkey 74939 Laurel 3-4 1:13 slop IS 115 2 4 41 41 C Lang 7 Batsman, Aga Khan, Suppliant OWEN TUDOR, or. g, 3 M 130 By Bryn Mawr Bello of Bryn Mawr, by Ort Welles. Owner, 1. E. Koiffer. Breeder. Canterbury Farm. 8475G Laurel . Ab 2 4:03fast 6 131 S 3 21 3" C Merglerl" OrionsSwd, Bcverwk, B.Lights BEAUX ART, b. g, 3 M 130 By Wrack Beaupre, by Ogden. Trainer, William Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. J. S. Cosden. 74775 Laurel 3-4 l:14Vfast 10 100 12 11 ll1 112 D Merglcr 13 Normana, Fehrali, Jackson 74639 Laurel Gl ,f l:0Sfast 57f 115 12 9 ll3 10 4 D Mergler 13 T.Exposurc, Pris.Ruley, B.Nash 745G3 Laarel SI f 1:C3 fast 128f 115 11 11 10 1C11 S Wliamsl2 Wliiskalg. II.-at-Law, Supplnt CORN PRODUCTS, h. c, 3 M 133 By Peter Pan Paintbrush, by Broomstick. Trainer, M. Smart. Owner, Mrs. E. Arlington. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 84755 Laurel Ab 2 4:03fast 8 131 1 8 G3 G L Berry 12 OrionsSd, Bcverwk, OnTudor 8402G Aqueduct Ab 2:414 fast 15 133 2 3 3 315,A Cmpbell 5 Efz?ar, Corn Products. Hornsea 80792 Aqueduct til f l:19fast 100 108 2 9 9 9" E Beach 9 BckFond, Trop.Water, Passport 80G55 Aqueduct 61 f l:lDfast 50 100 6 10 101 12" J Mooney 12 PatCasey, WiliiamTcll, CorkElm S05G3 Aqueduct Gl f l:21slow 50 107 5 G 74 lli E Beach 18 WilrtGrosa Jessamine, Cso-Uack 803G9 Aqueduct 61 f l:19fast 100 110 17 14 ll1 12" A McLlinl7 Gov. Smith, Upsal, Gasper 802G4 Aqueduct 01 f l:19fast 100 104116 15 151 15 W Obert 18 Reprisal, Muskallongo, IdleThts BARXEYCORN. b. g, 3 M 130 By Light Brigade Five Aces, by Disguise. Trainer, T. Welsh. Owner, J. E. Widener. Breeder. J. C. Milam. 80741 Aqueduct 1 l:37andfast 100 118 1 4 6 51T B Brning G Klondyke, Donnelly. South.Cross 79095 Jamaica lmTOy l:44J4fast 6 111 5 G 4s 42 B BrninglO Flax, Anne, Gay Ben 78813 Jamaica lnVTOr 1:45 fast 9-5 111 1 1 11 ll B Brning 4 Dandybsh, Fairliglit, LordBacon 7874G Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 10 108 8 5 4 43 J -Maiben 14 Escoba dOro, Jyntee, Despair 78555 II.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 22f 100 9 4 1J 1" W Marerl3 Julia M., Flax. Humble 78309 Bowio 3-4 1:13 fast 1G 10S 11 10 7l 75i W Milner 13 Lieut.Farrell. AuntJano, Fehrah 782G7 Bowie lm70y 1:49 good 7f 100 G 3 9 9 J Shanks 11 Anne, Aggtinglapa. WoodLndy 78227 Bowio 7-S 1:30 mud 2 101 9 5 3 33i L Lang 12 Antiqty, IIklebyFinn, W.Lnch 77802 Jefferson 3-4 l:14andfaat 25 107 4 5 SI 10 H Stutts 14 Put linn, StnkeMo, QcnCharming 7771G P.Grnds 1 l:404fast 16-5 101 3 2 2l 3 J Wallace 7 Attilia, Flying Fur, Telescope TRAPSTICK, br. g, 3 M IS By Trap Rock Felicitation, by Delhi. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner, S, Ross. Breeder. S. Ross. 84153 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:llfast 30 132 5 5 53 5" C Smoot 7 Relentless, St.Lawrence, Trickle 83857 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:13 mud 8 131 7 6 6 650 P Brody 9 AlFresco, Hornsea. St.Lawrence 83342 Belmont Ab 2 SDandfast 8 131 1 4 4 4" C Smoot G Isis, Blzear, Jericho 79738 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 50 SO 11 12 12 12 W McPhTiil2 Aladdin. Lily M., Insulate 79310 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:13 fast 30 111 3 11 151 15" E Barnes 1G Polycarp. Starbeck. Long Point 78G17 H.deGce lm0y l:45ifast 23 112 10 S 7 7" E Barnes 10 Broomficld, Sunshot, HazyDawn CHIEF AROHEE, b. g, 3 M 130 By Marathon Elwah, by Chuctanunda. Traicer. L. G. Badwell. Owner, Kentcn Stable. Breeders. Payne and West. 79320 M.Hghts 51 f 1:06 fast 17 103 4 10 10 10" L Aron 10 PepperTca. KorryGirl, MissEtta 79241 M.Hghts lm"0y l:44fast 14 104 1 5 6 G,T J Grusen 8 Dunoon, ThcSwimmer, Pir.MGee ",9113 Mip.Hts 1 l:43slow 10 10214 11 12 12" F Horn 12 Star Red, Babbling, EauGalliJ 78870 Colmbs lm"0y l:49fast 33 S3 61 O Atwell S Dustman, Hercules, Virginia R. 78712 Colmbus 3-4 l:20mud 37 108 71 F Wdstk 9 Royaline. Dustmn, Capt.Kinej 785G3 Colmbus C-S 1:03 fast 17 107 102 D Randell 10 UncleAbe. Bigwig. JudgeHkmu 75G48 Bowio 51 f l:09andsluw 3G 112 5 4 12 125 J ChalmersL! Bess.Gersliel. FloBrown. Stevens "WHITE ASH, ch. g, 3 M 130 By light Brigade or Trevisco Wild Thistle, by Knight of tho Thistle. Trainer, M. Smart. Owner, Mrs. K. Smart. Breeder. J. H. Morris. 8475G Laurel Ab 2 4:03fast G8 130 2 9 73 7" S Stevsonl2 OrionsSd, Beverwk, OnTudor 8402G Aqueduct Ab 2:114 fast 15 130 3 4 4 4"C Smoot 5 Elzear, CornProducts. WhiteAsh 83857 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:13 mud S 134 G Lost rider.G Smoot 9 AlFresco, Hornsea, St.Lawrence 83G2G Belmont Ab 2 3:56fast 5 132 4 Fell G Smoot S IrishDrm, O.sSword, St.Lrence 79855 Belmont 1 l:40good 20 107 G 7 111 11" C Kurtserl4 Kit. Dolomite, Filomar 79538 Belmont 1 l:41Vandmud 12 93 13 10 13s 1339 C KurtserU Apology, Belcross, Gladys V. 79073 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 13 100 7 6 9 9" C Kurtser 9 Radiancy. Tiday, Repartee 78GG2 Jamaica 51 f l:06slop 50 112 8 11 11s 113 C Kurterl2 WildAster, Honor, PrimeMinter 71791 Hawthr.o 51 M:07fast G 111 5 8 8l 107 G Walls 11 Hence. Wong Bok, Brandeis 71718 Hawthne 5-8 l:05hvy 10 115 7 5 41 51 G Walls 7 Sarazen, Brandeis, No Lady Oriri DA PC 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Oct. 31, 1911 Old nAUt 1:05 4-5 2 118. COURAGEOUS, ch. c, 2 113 By Whisk Broom II. Courage, by Hamburg. Trainer, L. Rowe, Jr. Owner, H. P. Whitaoy. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 84914 Laurel 3-4 l:13andfast 1-2 116 1 3 11 11 I Parke 11 GunBoat, P.ofPower, LaddicBk 84477 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 1-2 105 2 1 1 2" L McAtee 9 Sanford, Osage, Upsal 8397G Aqueduct 3-4 l:13fast 8-6 115 1 1 11 2and L McAtee 13 Despot. Sancy, King Jimmy SARATOGA MAJE, ch. c, 2 113 By Old Koenig Beautiful lady, by Fair Play. Trainer, J. I. Smith. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. Breeder, W. S. Kilmer. 84348 H.deGce 51 f i:08Vmud 1-2 11G 1 3 21 1 J Wallace 7 Volante. Lnd.Buck, G.Moments 84107 H.deGrce 3-4.1:13 fast 17 103 10 1 2 nt f Sharpe 14 Single Foot, Chink. Gymkhana 82227 Saratoga 3-4 l:15hvy 21 110 8 8 7"t 8" R Carter 9 Nicholas, Crumple, Marcellus 81888 Saratoga 3-4 1:15 slow 6 100 4 2 23 2 J Wallace 11 Nicholas, Pedagogue, SunHathor 81738 Saratoga 51 f l:07good 20 100 12 11 51 51 B Carter 14 Felix, Stirrup Cup, Goldpiece 80893 Aqueduct 5-8 59fast 41 110 8 3 51 G82 R Carter 10 TripLiglitly, Marcellus, Beatricf SUN TESS, b. f, 2 110 By Sun Briar Contessica, by Count Sehomberg. Traicer, J. I. Smith. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 8453G H.deGce 2-4 1:13 fast 17-10 132 2 3 2 1 J Wallace 11 Volante, Wavccrest, Suburban 84398 H.deGce 51 f l:09murt G-5 103 2 6 4"t 551 J Wallace 7 Hurry Inn, Forecaster, Villager 84228 H.dcGco 51 f l:07Vfast 12-5 10G 6 5 31 11 J Wallac.i G Chrysalis, Uome, Lithuania 84107 H.deGrco 3-11:13 fast 17 102 14 14 11 1412 J Wallace 14 SingleFoot, SatogaJIaje, Chink 82888 Saratoga 5-S l:01slow 10 112 4 2 21 31 It Carter 9 Mirador, Star Lore, Volante 81849 Saratoga 5-S 53fast 15 99 19 22 22 21" J Wallace 22 .ukor. Lady Glassen, Volante 80742 Aqueduct 5-S C9Vfast 103 10G 3 6 6 5" C Ralls 7 Fly.Comet, Ncdana. TripLightly HARLAN, b. c, 2 113 By Jim Gaffney Katriona, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. H. Rites. Owner. J. E. Griffith. Breeder. J. E. Griffith. 84G75 Laurel 51 f l:OJ fast 22 109 1 G C 783 C Lang 7 Swings, Primrose, Amcrn Flag 84489 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast C-5 115 4 1 l3 l3 C Lang 7 Antiquarian. Lad.Buck. P.Paul 84287 H.deGco 51 f l:07fast 13-10 118 4 3 2i 2nk C Lang 14 Ampolac, MasterBluc, PeterPaul 841G5 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 10 113 2 3 3l 3 C Lang 9 Wtover, SunHope, BtyMaloney 82888 Saratoga 5-3 l:01slow 20 115 3 4 5l G" F Colletti 9 Mirador, Star Lore, Sun Tess 82752 Saratoga 51 f l:0Smud G 110 5 6 5l 6" F Colletti 9 Hayward, Zeebruggc, Madstown 82595 Saratoga 51 f l:0Shvy 25 117 2 3 8 8M C Fbther 8 Dangerous, Repulse, Marcellus 78854 Pimlico 41 f 54slop 51 107 1 4 5 52 F Stevens 5 Sombre, FJygEbony, J.F.Klver DANGEROUS, ch. c. 2 113 By Negofol Fair Atalanta, by Knight of tho Thistle. Trainer. J. Whalen. Owner. G. A. Cochran. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 84841 Laurel 3-4 l:12andfast 86 109 10 9 S1! 81 F IlstingslO Singlo Foot, Candy Kid, Retire 8427G Aqueduct 1 l:37ast 12 107 G 9 111 12" F Hstingsl3 Star Lore, Blue Ridge, Senalado 84061 Aqueduct 3-4 1:13 slop 10 110 7 S 8 43 II Thurber 8 Nicholas, Senalado, Star Lore 83G27 Belmont 3-4 St l:10fast 50 122 27 28 261 273 E Barnes 29 MothcrGse, Stimulus, SgleFoot 83445 Belmnt 7-8 MC l:26mud G 113 7 8 91 9" D Hum 12 Beatrice, Goldbeater, Star Lore 82931 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 good 10 115 23 22 22and 18" E Barnes 25 M.Charlie, PasSeul, KyCardinal 82718 Saratoga 51 f l:0Sslop 2 117 11 S 65 21 F Hstingsll Beatrice, Miradcr, Supremus VOLANTE, b. g, 2 113 By Fair Play Violet Ray, by Rock Sand. Trainer, P. Pelletiere. Owner, G. Rabin. Breeder. Nursery Stud. 84715 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 7-5 116 2 1 l3 11 J Butwell 10 GunBoat, LaddicBuck, Quiescent 8453G H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 3 1081 5 1 l1! 2 D Conellyll Sun Tess, Wavccrest, Suburban 84348 H.deGce 51 f l:0Sysmud 41 116 4 1 ll 2 D Conelly 7 Sar.Maje, Lad.Buck, G.Mments 84107 H.deGrco 3-4 1:13 fast 23 101 6 9 91 75 B BrningH SingleFoot, SatogaMaje, Chink 82888 Saratoga 5-S l:01slow 11-5 115 2 1 Ink 4JJ d Cnelly 9 Mirador, Star Lore, Sun Tess 82347 Saratoga 51 f l:0614fast 15 105 5 6 51 53J G Fields 10 Stimulus. Br. Sugar, Stampdale JOHN F. K1EAVER. b. o, 2 113 By Wrack Puritan Girl, by Yankee. Trainer, W. Thomas. Owner, J. H. Shreve. Ireeder, J. H. Shreve. 84398 H.deGce 51 f l:09mud 15 112 7 3 6 5 G10 C Lang 7 nurry Inn, Forecaster, Villager 83111 Kworth 51 f l:08good 13 110 2 3 33 31 G Corey 5 Slice, Night Shade, Toppanite 82993 Kworth 5j f l:07Jandfast 61 112 4 4 4 3 G Corey 7 Slice, Damon Runyon, Cleg 81806 Hamton 3-4 1:13 fast 43 108 6 8 81 8" G Corey 10 Caloosa, Scorcher, Traymore 81541 Kworth 51 f l:06fast 31 110 8 G Gh 65 G Corey 12 Glister, Traymre, DamnRunyon 81354 Kworth 51 f l:07fast 26 109 6 3 41 4 G Corey 10 Traymore, Golden Poppy, Haf 81182 Windsor 51 f l:06andfast 30 109 12 12 12 10s G Corey L.Visitor, B.Frietchie, StepAlong UOME, ch. f, 2 110 By Whisk Broom II. Payment, by All Gold. Trainer, J. W. Healy. Owner, A. C. Bostwick. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. 84839 Laurel 51 f l:0S7fast 17 llll 6 6 41 41 E Scobie G Sun Sabre, On Top, Snowdrop 84398 H.deGcs 51 f l:09mud 36-5 110 1 5 53 41 E Scobie 7 Hurry Inn, Forecaster, Villager 84228 H.deGce 5 f l:07andfast 26 110 4 2 2 31 E Scobie G Chrysalis, Sun Tess, Lithuania 82073 Ft.Erio 51 f l:07fast 7 107 G 6 6l 45i E Scobie 8 N.oLovc, Mar.Dattner, SunHope 8180G Hamton 3-4 1:13 fast 16-5 103 9 7 7 7" D RandalllO Caloosa, Scorcher, Traymore 81182 Windsor 51 l:0Gfast 14 103 10 11 101 97 S BullmanL.Visitor, B.Frietchie, StepAlong 80917 FortErio 51 f l:CSsgood G-5 101 8 8 71 5i E Kummer 8 FiMyrtIc, FicryFlt, Sure toWin FORECASTER, ch. c, 2 113 By Pluvious Risponde, by Marta Santa. Trainer, E. Rathmann. Owner, T. W. OBrien. Breeder, T. W. OBrien. 84757 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 27 1091 8 4 6H C" D Conelly 10 CandyKid, Snowdrop, Arbitratn 84398 H.deGco 51 f lSimud 1G-5 1111 3 1 2 2 D Conelly 7 Hurry Inn, Villager, Uome 84226 H.deGco 51 f l:07fast 1 116 4 2 21 l3 D Conley 7 Major Finley, Clique, Pogonip 82934 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 good 7 1111 7 4 43 4 D ConellylO Finland, Repulse, Despot 82757 Saratoga 51 f l:09mud 20 115 4 6 4 3i E Scobie 11 Almadel, StirrunCup, Pol Roger 82125 Ft.Erio 5-8 l:02fast 27-10 113 6 6 6 G41 W Milner G Trudy, Pictin, Fooiscap SAM GRENET, ch. c, 2 M 108 By Campflre Amans, by Bryn Mawr. Trainer, G. R. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder. T. J. Healey. 78831 Pimlico 5-S l:00andfast 11G 107 4 5 5 5 J Leyland 5 Bother, Gymkhana, Arbiration 78511 H.deGco 41f :53good 63 11G 5 6 S3 81 L Morris 9 Cloudland, Topnite, Earla Baby 78401 H.deGco 1-2 4Sfast 48 118 11 11 11 9" J McTagtll Edisto, Early Baby. Cloudland 78192 Bowie 1-2 47fast 80 109 8 7 7" 7" F Murphy 8 SingleFoot. Bar.Google, Bother 77715 F.Grnds 1-2 49fefast 30 1 08 G 6 6 6 3 C Gross 7 Whton, Confluente, C.Schneller 77147 F.Grnds 31 f 41fast 100 108 8 8 8" J Leyland 8 Evelyn, Barney Google, Whcaton CONTRACT, b. c. 2 113 By Jim Gaffney Antella, by Planudcs. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 84881 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 17 108 2 1 2 2 J Maiben G Swinging, Md atArms, Crumple 82547 Saratoga 3-4 l:13good 10 105 10 7 13 ll13 J Maiben 13 Extreme, Stampdale, Pas Seul 82017 Saratoga 5-8 l:00slow 20 110 6 2 11 2 J Maiben 13 Maid atArms, Finland, SinglcFt 81888 Saratoga 3-4 1:15 slow 25 103 6 4 61 8" B Marielllll Nichols, StogaMajc, Pedagogue 80187 Dorval 5-3 lOJtfast 11-10 114 1 1 ll l3 S Bullman 8 ClearView. FlcryFlight. Menthol 80090 B.Bonnets 51 f 1:08 slow 18 1051 2 1 l3 3J S Bullman G Scorcher, Gymkhana, Menthol 79042 B.Bonnets 5-S l:00fast 7 108 6 6 6 61 S Bullman G B.Frietchie. SunHope. P.ofPower 78757 Pimlico 41 SISifast 12-5 111 2 2 21 331 B Mrinelli 9 Extreme. Piqus, Bright Steel ON TOP, b. f. 2 M 105 By Ultimus Torpenbow, by Torpoint. Trainer. C. E. Patterson. Owner, S. Ross. Breeder, S. Ross. 84839 Laurel CI l:08fast 4 104 3 2 3 21 B Brning C Sun Sabre, Snowdrop, TJome 82628 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 good 31 109 3 4 65 6" E Barnes 7 Supcrlette, Nina, Killashandra Ail. DA OH 1 Mile. Gunpowder Pnrse. All Agrcs. Allowances. Oct. 21, Hll HAUL 1910 1:37 3-5 4 135. BARB ART BUSH, ch. g, 4 115 By Whisk Broom II. Cardamine, by Sir Archibald. Trainer, J. Rowo. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. S4758 Laurel lm70y l:43fast 18-5 10S 5 3 2s 21 I Parke G Donaglice, Drumbt, Licutntll. 84677 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 7 10G 11 14 14U4 I Parko 15 Sliuf.Along. N.Hpshire, WillLd 83974 Aqueduct 1 1-3 l:49fast 7-5 100 4 7 7l 7" G Hudgins 9 Ladkin, SpotCash, K.SolnsSeal 83390 Belmont 1 U9fast 1-2 1031 1 1 1 lh I Parko 4 Blindllay, Diagram, DrmMaker 83109 Belmont 1 1:33 fast 2-5 115 4 1 11 2 J Corcoran 6 Flames. BeginnersLuck, R.Ford 82499 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 9-10 115 4 3 2l 2 I Parke 7 SplingWit. BegrsLk. P.Gnds 82348 Saratoga 1 l:38fast 9-10 108 4 4 2 21 I Parko 7 Apprehension, Purity, Nel. Kelly PIRATE GOLD, br. g, 5 M 115 By Rock View Gold, by Golden Garter. Trainer, V. Powers. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 83972 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:12andfast 4 145 8 2 23 2 B Hayncs 4 Boatman, Ruine, Vox Popull H. 83497 Belmont Ab 2 3:5Ggood 13-5 143 1 3 4 4" B Haynes 4 Melra, Woodley II.. Top Notch 83165 Belmont Ab 2 3:54fast 11-10 144 2 4 l1 1 B Haynes 4 Wocdleyll., IrishDrm, Vlcair 82344 Saratoga Ab 2 4:22 fast 16-5 139 5 2 lh 13 B Hayncs 5 Parlays, Double Tip, Tassel 82013 Saratoga Ab 2 4:21 slow 4 144 1 3 2" 21 B Havnes 5 BossJohn. Charlton, Glen Reach 81791 Saratoga Ab 2 4:17 fast 15 132 3 6 43 5 W Bethel 9 AutBells, SansPeche, Minata 80852 Aqueduct CJ f 1:19 fast 7 118 2 .5 44 2 F Collettil7 Pep toPecp, BestBeloved, Ohone ORPHEUS, b. c, 3 115 By Superman Princess Ormonde, by Ormondale. Trainer, S. 1. Burch. Owner. Salubria Stablo. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 84796 Laurel 3-t l:14fast 81 11C 1 1 Is l3 B Brningl4 Blue and Red, Mensls, Osage 75309 Pimlico 3-4 1:11 fast ISO 113 6 8 810 3" C Robson 9 T.Bxposure, Baffling, Ly Bella 75190 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast 62 115 S 8 9 9" R Carter 11 Sen. Norris, Pepp, Memento 75129 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 98 1091 9 10 10 10" S McLane 10 Leatherwood, Batsman. Husky 70881 Belmont 5-8 st C9fast 4 115 4 5 7 5 U Carter 7 Coup. Pep toPeep. Billy Warren G9900 Jamaica 5-S 1:02 slow 30 115 8 8 73 G3 R Carter 13 Sheridan. Nemesis, Thorndale JUST, br. f, 3 112 . By Dalhousie Justly, by Mithra. Trainer. A. G. Weston. Owner. T. Clyde. Breeder, T. Clyde. 84801 Laurel 11-16 1:47-Vfast 1C-10 108 4 3 33 3 E Ambrse 4 Quotation, Little Clair, W. Lady 84492 H.deGce Jm70y l:14fast 21-10 15 16 5 41 J Maiben 11 Turbulent, Ebb Tide. Racket 84289 H.deGce lm70y 1:4J fast 19 97 G 5 5 5" F Booker 0 Noel, Urlce, Sunmagne 78590 H.deGce 51 f l:93t"ast 14 103 5 5 5 1JB Mrinelli 5 P.luoMoon, Lpdess, N.Lthorne 783G5 Bowio 51 f l:C9fast 3-2 111 9 G Gnk 1" L Lang 13 HaughtyLy, Cscript, BonnieLy 78311 Bowie lm70y l:4Sfast IS 91 3 3 41 5 L Iang 5 Gol.Billows, Shamrk. Llewlyn 7822G Bowie Gl f l:223ssknv 4 111 1 3 21 3" F ColtilttilS GoFn, Altissimo, BethlehemStl 74735 Laurel El.f l:07fast 40 115 11 10 7 41 A Allen 12 DearMaria. P-Ruley. B.Beloved HARLAN, b. c, 3" 100 By Jim Gaffney Katriona, by Woolsthorpo. Trainer, H. Rites. Owner, J. E. Griffith.. Breeder, J. E. Griffith. 84G75 Laurel CI f 1:06 fast 22 109 1 G Gk 7J C Lang 7 Swingg, Primrose. Amern Flag 84489 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast G-5 115 4 1 l3 l3 C Lang 7 Antiquarian, Lad.Buck, P.Paul 84287 H.deGco 51 f l:07fast 13-10 118 4 3 21 2k C Lang 14 Ampolac. MasterBluo. PeterPaul 84165 H.deGco 51 f l:07fast 10 113 2 3 3i 3 C Lang 9 Wtover, SunHope, BtyMaloney 82888 Saratoga 5-S l:01slow 20 115 3 4 5 C" F Colletti 9 Mirador, Star Lore, Sun Tess 82752 Saratoga 5J f l:C9mud G 110 5 G 5 G F Colletti 9 Hayward, Zscbrugge, Madstown VILLAGER, b. c. 2 103 By Omar Khayyam Virginia, by Ormondale. Trainer, E. G. Hall. Owner, E. G. Hall. Brooder, A. B. Hancock. . 84916 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 12 103 12 12 81 752 B Kenndyl3 BettyMaloncy, Bryndear. Subtle 84718 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 11 105 8 10 74 6iR Pierce 10 Oldllrdway. MargieK., FyFlht S4398 H.deGce 51 f l:03mud 33 110 5 4 3l 31 J Maiben 7 Hurry Inn, Forecaster, Uome 84165 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 17 110 3 4 53 5 J Maiben 9 Westover, Sun Hope, Harlan 83080 Timum Ab 5-8 59 good 9-10 109 1 II Callahn G F.ofForth, MrfrettaE.. BellFay 80462 Aqueduct 5-8 l:09fast 25 1091 9 10 9 9JC Turner 11 Gad, Clonaslee, Zero Hour 80364 Aqueduct 5-S 59Vfast 20 110 8 8 8 8" H Thurber 8 Zero Hour. Gad, Clavichord BROWN STOUT, b. f, 2 M S4 By Fayette Teetotal, by Irish lad. Breeder. H. R. Dulaney. 84673 Laurel 51 f 1:0S fast 52 116 6 4 Cl G" B BrninglO Midinette, SI. and Easy, Menthol 5th RACE 1 Miles. Q,unnHco Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. ROMAN BACHELOR, ch. h, 7 110 , By Bachelors Double Agusta, by Egerton. Trainer. F. W. White. Owner, lanrel Park Stud Stable. Bred in" England by N. Baring. 84842 Laurel 1 1-8 1:52 fast 14-5 112 4 2 3 3 J Maiben 7 Whetstone. Valador, Opperman 84446 H.deGce lm70y l:44mud 39-5 107 Gil1 Ink J Maiben G FlyingCIoud, Opperman, Peddler 84292 H.deGco 1 1-S l:53fast 9 105 1 3 3 2 B Kenndy 5 Valador, Calcutta, Peddler 8254G Saratoga 1 1:39 good 23 114 G G G 5" J Callahn G Apprehension, Pepp, Thundercp FLYING C10UD, b. h, 6 107 By Wrack Robinetta, by Fair Play. Trainer, E G. Shaffer. Owner, Pastimo Stable. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 8444G H.deGce lm70y l:44andmud 4-5 107 3 2 23 2nk J Wallace G RomanBhelor, Opperman, Pdler 84351 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:50 mud G-5 114 4 1 21 2k j Wallace G Y.Pnccss, Lunetta, Bphrizonia 8410G H.deGrce 3-4 l:12andfast G 105 8 4 2 3 J Wallacell TimeExposure. Noel, Bonaparte 71579 Aqueudct 1 l:39Vmud 2-5 127 3 2 23 2l E Sande 4 BetterLuek, Demijohn. Thimble 70984 Aqueduct 1 1-1G l:43fast 1-3 120 4 1 l4 l4 E Sande 4 PaulJoncs, Overtake, Devastafn 70880 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 7-10 124 5 1 l8 141 L Fator G Episode. FirmFriend, ComicSong 70508 Belmont 1 1-4 2:03 fast 1-3 110 5 4 4 451 M Fator 6 Grey Lag. Snob II., Exodus 70310 Belmont 1 1:37 fast 3-5 120 5 3 11 141 L Fator G Osnrey, Moonraker. Daniel TEN MINUTES, blk. c. 4 103 By Hourless Pamphyle. by Robert le Diable. Trainer, G. R. Tompkins. Owner, Glen Riddle Farm Stablel. Bleeder. Xalapa Farm. 84883 Laurel 11:3.1 fast 18 103 1 5 6 41 J WallacclO Rustic, Reparation, Cherry Pie 80566 Aqueduct 1 1-8 l:50slow 10 92 4 4 - 7 7S1 G Cooper 10 MadPlay, AgaKhan, D.Desmond 80403 Aqueduct 1 l:37fast 2 961 2 2 2 l3 .1 Callahn G R.Wingfd. Tliundrcp, Rejectn 80045 Belmont 1 1-8 l:49fast 16-5 92 9 G 6and G3 G Cooper 9 Hephaistos, Brainstm. Horologe 79431 Belmont 1 l:37fast 12 1081 3 5 53 431 C Ponco S Serenader. Pr.ofUmbria, Frigate 7880G Pimlico 3-4 l:10fast 23 113 9 8 Sa 84 C Ponco 9 Mainmast. Goshawk, Wellflnder 75382 Pimlico lm"0y 1:45 mud 2 111 6 5 E5 5" P Walls 0 Reparation, Gold.Rule, Transom REPARATION, ch. g, 5 114 By Trojan Humility, by Bryn Mawr. Trainer, M. Brady. Owner, ?. E. Davis. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 84883 Laurel 1 1:30 fast 37-10 114 5 G 5 2n J Maiben 10 Rustic, CherryPio, Ten Minutes 84677 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 71 11G 6 11 121 11 C Lang 15 Shnf.Along, N.Hpshire. WillLd 84274 Aqueduct 61 f l:18fast 31 113 5 5 C3 ll J Maiben 8 A.MarnelL, Sunspero, H.T.Wrs 83737 Aqueduct 1 1-16 l:43fast 12 106 6 1 41 71 L Fator 11 SpotCash, CherryPie. Whetstone 83444- Belmont 1 l:38mud 1 120 3 1 11 34 J Maiben 4 LittleCliief, FridaylSth. N.Dive 83168 Belmt 61 f MC l:18fast 6-5 110 2 3 2 11 J Maiben 5 NoseDive, Shuf.Along, B.Warrea 82839 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 mud 3-5 113 1 2 2 15 J Maiben 2 Swingalong 82501 Saratoga 1 l:37andfast 7 102 1 4 2l 2" B Brning 9 CherryPie, Diogenes, PrceJames GOLDEN SPHERE, ch. h, 6 97 By Oliver Goldsmith Sphere of Influence, by Collar. Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner, Seagram Stable. Bred in England by Sir W. Cooko. 84842 Laurel 1 1-3 1:52 fast 16 104 6 G 6 5" T Wilson 7 Whetstone. Valador R.Bachelor 84237 Wdbino lm70y l:45fast 9-5 113 G 2 23 l T Wilson S Procyon, Long Point, Royal Oak 83704 B.Bonnets 3-4 l:14good 9 104 G 5 4 44 T Wilson G Capt.IIaney, Wraith, NewIIpre 7870G Pimlico 1 l:38fast 8 10S 3 4 51 6" L Morris G Martgale, SplcandSpan, Bxtertor 78593 H.deGco 1 1-16 1:45 fast 81 107 5 7 7 7" T Wflson 7 Golden Rule. Klondyke. Gonfan 78539 H.deGce lm70y l:4Gslop 4-5 103 1 1 l3 l3 T Wilson 4 Opperman, Clansman, Fairway 78428 ILdeGce lm70y 1:44 fast 31 103 3 2 23 21 T Wilson 5 Extcnntor, Set.Sun, Sog.Aroon DR. OMARA, br. c. 3 100 3y Olambala long Range, by St. Frusc.uin. Trainer, R. 1. White. Owner, J. J. Farrell. Jr. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 84842 Laurel 1 1-8 1:52 fast 5G 100 Wheeled. L Lang 7 Whetstone, Valador R.Bachelor 84758 Laurel lm70y l:43fast 44 102 6 6 5" 5 L Lang G Donaghee, BbaryBush. Drumbt 84114 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:01fast 57 100 8 8 81 99 L Lang 10 Ilcination, Hologe. K.Sol.Seal 84002 Thcliffe 1 1-8 l:534slow 21-10 103 4S2 L Lang 5 It. Omar, F. of Truce, Mercntio 83G5G Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 13-10 SS l3 L Lang G Flag ofTrUce, Mercutio, Ratell. 82945 Kworth lmTOy l:42tfast 61 10G G 7 61 54 J A Mney 8 JustDavid, Missary, N.Langho 6th RACE 3"4 M.ile Claiming: Handicap. All Ages. Oct. 2, .1923 DREAM MAKER, br. g, 4 116 By Manager Waite Dream Girl, by Voter. Trainer, J. W. Healy. Ownor, A. C. Bostwick. Breeder. T. C. McBowell. 84758 Laurel lm70y l:43fast 11 109 2 5 6 63 E Scobie G Donaghee, BbaryBush, Drumbt 84593 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 4G 116 5 2 11 l1 E Scobie 9 T.Expsre. Wllfindr, Lthrwd 84288 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 13 117 1 10 lOllO" B Brningl3 Caligula, OddSetli, Leatherwod R3689 Belmont 7-S MC l:24fast 10 95 6 4 53 5J R Wliams 9 Dinna Care, Rigel. Valador 83390 Belmont 1 l:39fast 8 110 2 2 4 4 T2 Scobie 4 RarbaryBush, BlindPlay, Diagm 82982 Belmont 7-8 1:25 fast 15 112 1 8 8 8" D Randall 8 Skyscraper, Rigel, Silk Tassel 82501 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 7 92 2 3 5k 73 It Wliams 9 CherryPie. Reparation. Diogenes 82409 Saratoga 7-S l:24fast 15 110 8 7 6"k 31 G Lavine 14 Banter, Skyscraper, Noel 80942 Empire 1 l:39fast 41 100 2 6 51 51 J Callahn G Horologe, NoseDive, Thunderclap CALIGULA, b. g. 6 113 By Wrack Continue, by Orlando. Trainer, A. S. Woodliffe. Owner, P. H. Sims. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 84760 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 47-10 111 2 2 23 23 C Lang 0 TimeExpure, Wraith, Wellfder 84593 H.deGco 3-4 1:13 fast 8 113 1 3 5 5 C Lang 9 D.Maker. T.Bxposre. Wllfindcr 84288 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 1 112 5 2 43 In C Lang 13 OddScth, Leatherwd, Everglade 83442 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:13 mud 13-5 112 4 1 l4 l3 L Fator 11 Cano, K.ONeillH., MondayMng 8328G Belmt 61 f MC l:20slow 13-10 112 9 2 23 23 L Fator 10 Cockney, Defiant, YankeePcess 83105 Belmnt, 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 7 113 4 2 2 23 B MrinellilS Rigel, Fcysun, Aragon 81790 Saratoga 7-8 l:25Vsfast 8 115 1 1-3 341 C Lang 11 Skyscraper, Aragon, Defiant 81203 Empire 1 l:40fast 4 114 1 1 11 23 C Lang 7 The Poet, Wellfinder, Pathan 80909 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast 30 109 3 7 6 6i;J II Burke 8 Lucky Play, Noon Fire. Avisack TEN SIXTY, ch. f, 4 106 By Trap Bock Princess Cog, by Caughnawaga. Trainer, J. P. Polk. Owner, J. P. Polk. Breeder. H. P. Gardner. 84540 H.deGco lm70y 1:43 fast 17 101 3 1 lk 3 B Brning 7 Noel, Bonaparte, PrceofUmbria 84229 H.deGco 1 l:39fast 21-5 105 2 4 4 .481 J Maiben G Lunetta, Y.Princess, Craigthorno S311G Kworth lm70y 1:45 good 14 93 1 1 21 2i L Schaefer 0 Misnary, N.Lghorne, Thomasie 83065 Kworth lm70y l:4Shvy - 4 115 2 1 lh 43 A Abel 7 Leisch, Woodlakc, Gray Gables 82816 Kworth lm70yl:44fast 7-5 103 2 1 li ll L Lang 10 Wdlake, Escarpolette, Klerman 82559 Windsor 3-4 l:12fast 61 104 1 3 Ji 2 D Mergler 11 Radiancy, ExdRulcr, SunLady 82424 Devshlro 3-4 1:11 fast 41 110 5 5 53 31 D Mergler S BestLove, Deputy, llan.Renrer 82239 Devshire 3-4 l:llfast 11-5 101 3 3 41 2 D Mergler O Stage Coach, Wildrake, Lleut.II. EVERGLADE, ch. c, 3 105 By Everest Maigaret Hastings, by Hastings. Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner, Mrs. A. Swenke. Breeder. C. Nuckols. 84593 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 11 114 3 7 73 732 F -Sharpe 9 D.Maker, T.Bxposre, Wllfindcr 84445 H.deGco 3-4 l:13murt 3 114 4 4 4 33 B Kenndy 5 Ltherwd, Pep toPeep, Odd Seth 84288 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 31 113 7 6 6h 41 J Leyland 13 Caligula, OddSeth, Leatherwod 82891 Hthorno 1 l:37fast 4 105 3 2 3 2i L McDott 5 MissCerina, Pct-maker, CnonSt 82806 Hthorne 3-4 l:12fast 16-5 108 3 1 ll l3 H Stutts 8 MaxBrick, LaMarcellia, Kcegan 82677 Hthorno 51 f 1:07 fast 10 108 1 3 3l 11 L McDott G BillOFlynn, Marnette, Champh CORAL REEF, b. g. 4 109 By Pebbles Capra, by Ballot. Trainer. J. W. Kearns. Ownor. J. W. Kearns. Breeder. J. Butler. 84288 H.deGco 3-4 l:13fast 21f 11G 13 11 11 134 E AtksonlS Caligula, OddScth, leatherwod 83183 Timum Ab Gl f 1:19 fast 13-1 115 2s E Hileman 5 TimeExposure, Racket, MabelK. 83082 Timum Ab Gl f l:23good 3 111 l1 E Hileman 5 Racket, C. Costigan, T. Exposure 81805 Hamton 3-4 1:12 fast 44-5 9G 5 4 G Gl L Lang 6 Shuffle Along, Sarko, Lilt 80259 Dorval 3-4 l:llfast 9 104 5 2 21! 2 S Bullman 8 Bigheart, Heeltaps, Deputy 80154 Dorval 51 f l:07fast 4 107 7 1 ll 1 E Scobie 8 SunnyLight, StagcCch, B.Nash 80089 B.Bonnets 3-4 l:14slow 12-5 117 1 1 l3 l4 E Scobie 7 LittleClair, Radiancy, Oakwood LEATHERWOOD, ch. g, 3 110 By Light Brigade Derna, by Peter Qumce. Trainer, J". J". Murphy. Owner, B. Harding. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 84593 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 4 111 7 5 3" 4 J Wallace 9 D.Maker, T.Bxposie, Wllfindcr 84445 H.deGco 3-4 l:13mud 1 111 5 1 1 11 J Wallace 5 Top toPeep, Everglade, Odd Seth 84288 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 8 1121 6 1 1 3and E Smwodl3 Caligula. Odd Seth, Everglade 83705 B.Bonnets 3-4 l:15good G-5 110 2 4 11 1 T Wilson 7 Odd Seth, Anne. Insulate 83004 Cnaught 3-4 l:13fast 11-5 114 2 1 ll In T Wilson G OddSeth, Admirer, Mtif ringilla 821G7 Saratoga 7-8 l:27slop 4 111 2 1 Ink 3s l McAtee 5 Defiant. YankeePrineess, Sledgo WRAITH, Dr. g, 6 107 By Malamont Tho Spirit, by Yankee. Trainer, J. W. Dayton. Owner, J. W. Dayton. Breeder. N. Macfarlane. 847G0 Laurel 3-4 l:13y5fast 18 113 5 5 3 31 T Wilson G TimeExpre, Caligula, Wellfder K4449 Wdbine 3-4 l:144mud 13-10 110 4 1 23 3 P Walls. 7 Am.Patriae, Mercury, Roy.Dick 83704 B.Bonnets 3-4 l:14good 5 10G 2 4 2 21 P J Baker ti Capt.IIey, N.Hampre, G.Sphcre S3350 Dorval 3-4 l:13slow 37-10 102 6 4 2h 21 T Wilson 0 N.npshire, WarMan, MissDino 82951 Cnaught 51 f l:06fast 21-5 106 3 3 l3 ll T Wilson 8 Miss Domino, F.ofTrucc. Ablaze 82431 FLErie 3-4 l:13fast 3 106 3 2 Ink 11 t Wilson 0 Sarko, Radiancy, Speedy Girl 82187 FtErie 3-4 1:14 fast 16-5 109 4 3 21 2 E Renzetti 7 Ex. Ruler. Elemental, Lion dOr 82074 FLErie 3-4 l:13fast 41 105 3 5 31 21 E Ambrse S Vio.Burton, Ex.Rulcr. Radiancy 81710 Hamton 3-4 l:14hvy 41 107 2 1 11 3i E Renzetti 7 Lion dOr, Flag of Truce, Anne 80918 FortErio 3-4 l:15good 13-5 11G 5 2 2s 4s E Renzetti 7 McKenna. rennon, Mary Rose WELLFINDER. ch. g, 6 114 By Broomstick Wonder, by Disguise. Trainer. R. I. Miller. Ownor. Mrs. R. I. Miller. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 84800 Laurol lm70y l:44fast 9 104 1 2 41 5" J Smwod G Guelph, Scoop, Rock Pocket 84760 Laurel 3-4 l:13andfast 18-5 114 3 3 41 431 L Lang G TimeExpure, Caligula, Wraith 84593 H.deGco 3-1 1:13 fast 81 113 2 1 4 3s L Lang 9 D.Maker, T.Exposure, Lthdwd 84288 H.deGco 3-4 l:13fast 5 117 2 4 51 53 J Smwodl3 Caligula, OddSeth, Leatherwod 82840 Saratoga 1 l:44mud 12 106 3 2 3 l 4 L McAtee 4 Moonraker, Banter, Douges 8275G Saratoga 1 l:42mud 4 102 3 2 33 4i J Smwod 5 Brice, Noel. Olynthus 82471 Saratoga 7-8 1:26 good 7 110 3 1 l1 1" B Brning G Scoop, Rigel, Cockney 82409 Saratoga 7-8 l:24fast 20 106 1 4 61 7s B Brningl4 Banter, Skyscraper, DrmMaker 81532 Empire 1 l:40fast 2 107 1 1 11 4 J Smwod 0 Hlghlrince, B.Uawk, Frldayl3ta SCOOP, b. c, 4 106 By Poor Boy Du? Out, by Bachelors Double. Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner, S. Louis. Bred in England by Mrs, J. M. Walmsley. 84843 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 51 115 3 1 3k 2 L Lang C FancyFree. Suppliant, Minto II. 84800 Laurel lm70y l:41fast Gl 107 4 1 Is 2" L Lang 0 Guelpli, RockPocket, KingsCourt 84541 H.dcGcc 11-3 1:52 fast 41 114 4 6 74 7" E Scobie 8 Guelpli, SogthAroon, Humboldt S4400 HAloGce 1 1-1C l:52mud 13 111 3 1 Is 1J1 E Scobio G Craigthorne, Biff Bang. Guelpli 83142 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:13 mud S 108 3 8 9110" J MaiDen 11 Caligula, Cano, King ONeill II. 8328G Bclmt Gl MC l:20slow 1S-5 112 i 9 9- 9 J CallahnlO Cockney, Calignla, Defiant TOPANGO. br. g. 4 102 By Atheling H. Carico, by Bey del Sierras. Trainer, W. R. Padgett. Owner. Padgett and Dougherty. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. . 84503 H.tleGee 3-4 1:13 fast 70 108 S 9 9 9" W Smith 9 D.Makcr, T.Exposre. Wllfinder 84288 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 21f 107 12 7 7 8 E Dubriul 13 Caligula, OddSeth, Lcatherwod 83820 M.Hghts 3-4 l:llgood 2 110 1 1 Sl 5i W Smith G Jolly, DustFIower, Kgaltansom 82914 Toledo Ab 3-4 1:12 fast 19-10 110 6 W Smith G R.onTimc, II.Grabam, SisterSue 81G99 M.Hghts 3-4 l:llfast 1 114 1 2 21 31 W Smith 5 S.M.Izic. ThePlnsman, Drmer 81372 M.Hghts 3-i l:10fast 11-5 109 1 1 ll l1 W Smith 7 Ctimeter. T.Pnsman. S.M.Lizzie 81197 M.Hghts 3-4 l:llfast Bi 107 3 1 1 li "W Smith 7 Gorget, Barb. Palmer. R.onTime 810G0 M.HBhts 51 f l:03iast 15 107 2 3 3l 22 P Groos 8 Centimeter. BattleShot, Mercury POLYNESIA, b. f. 3 98 By Bolymelian Poterne. by Elf. Trainer. G. C. Brenton. Owner, C. C. Smithson. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 84288 II.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 14 103 3 8 81 7 M Liebgdl3 Caligula, OddSetli, Lcatherwod 8382G Thcliffe 3-4 1:13 fast 22-5 99 W McKht G FrgofTruce, Sarko. EracdRnler 83718 Thcliffo 3-1 l:12fast 23 101 3 C Hooper G Missionary, Joy Smoke. Deputy 8342G L.Branch 7-8 l:31slow 29-10 109 11 A Abel G GdenFloss, Ill.IIouse, GdTimcs 831 1G Kworth lm70y 1:45 frond 51 100 7 7 7 7 H Church 9 Misnary, T.Sixty, N.Langhorne 82855 Kworth lm70y 1:45 fast 9 94 2 1 lsl Is! O Brown 8 Lieut. II., Poltora, Quotation 82G3G Windsor 3-i 1:13 fast 9-10 105 a 2 2 1 L Lane 7 Redskin, Seclusion, Phil Mayers EXALTED RULER, ch. f. 3 87 By Superman Croix Rouge, by Sir Wilfred. Trainer, W. H. Bringloc. Owner, Seagram Stable. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 84882 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 83 100 2 6 S 8"T "Wilson 8 Will Land. Batsman, BtBoloved 84111 Wdbino 3-4 1:14 fast 17-10 113 1 1 21 7i L Aron 11 Mercury, WatchChm, Atlantida 83999 Thcliffe 3-4 l:13fast 6-5 101 2 M Liebgld G Dr. Glenn, Lady Rose. V. Burton 8382G Thcliffe 3-4 1:13 fast 4 102 42 M Liebgld 6 FlagofTruce, Polynesia, Sarko h3004 Cniiught 3-4 l:12fast G 10C 3 5 6 5T E Renzetti C Leatlicrwood, OddSeth, Admirer 82859 Cnaught 1 1:40 fast 21-10 9G 4 4 5 51S J McTgue 5 Normana, Wlieatstick, Equity 82G83 AVindsor 3-1 l:llfnst 11-10 101 2 2 2 21 J Wallace 8 Director, Triiimpl., Oakwood 82559 Windsor 3-4 l:12fast 6 100 4 2 3 3i H Thomasll Radiancy, Ten Sixty, Sun Lady STRUT MISS LIZZIE, ch. f. 3 1C0 By Everest Molly Reach, by Out of Reach. Trainer, C. H. Douglas. Owner, S. H. Dudley. Breeders. A. E. Hundley and Son. 847GO Laurel 3--l:13fast 31.109 6 G 51 55J M Liebgd G TimcExpure, Caligula, Wraith 84229 II.deGce 1 l:39fast 11 105 5 5 5s 5 F Booker 0 Lunetta, Y.Princess. Craigthorne 84100 H.deGrca 3-4 l:l2fast 15f 102 6 7 7 5P Booker 11 TimcExposure, Noel, Ply.Cloud 81882 Akron 61 f l:20fast 1 102 11 F Wodsk G Claymore, CrystalFord, SunBrae 81 099 M.irghta S-4 l:llfast 21-10 90 2 1 1 Is II Hay 5 TliePlainsman, Topango. Drmer 81558 M.Hirhtn 1 1-16 l:41fast 7 95 2 1 G! 7L Monery 9 Bucado, Just D.ivid, Claymore 81372 M.Hghts 3-1 l:10fast 7 91 3 2 3 4"2 L Monery 7 Topango, Centimeter, T.Pnsman BATSMAN, ch. c, 3 110 By Honrless Bridlewise, by Tracery. Trainer. E. W. Fox. Owner. Crown Point Stable. Breeder. Nurserv Stud. 84882 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 7 107 7 5 4 2 J Maiben 8 Will Land, BtBeloved, OffColor 84591 H.dcGco 1 l:38fast 5 110 4 2 3 2 J Maiben 5 FloatingOn, Pop loPeep. GldBug 84289 H.deGce lm70y 1:44 fast 27 103 5 G 6 G" F Smith G Noel, Bricc, Sunmagne 84108 H.deGrce 1 l:39fast 40 101 G 3 5 7" J Shanks 7 Rustic, Sunayr, Brice 82593 Saratoga 1 1:43 hvy 41 106 4 2 I1 3s G Fields G Wampee, Bricc, Defiant 82345 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 41 106 3 1 1 Is G Fields G Cockney, Quarantine. New Gold 82014 Saratoga 7-8 l:27slow 30 109 2 2 41 3 G Fields 7 Resolution. Gypsy King, Brice 8173G Saratoga 3-4 l:12good 12 110 11 11 12 12" R Carter VI Pclycarp, Long Point, Brice BOTHER, b. f. 2 90 By Trap Rock Annoyance, by Meddler. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner. R. Parr. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 84107 H.deGrce 3-1 1:13 fast 6-5 93 5 4 5 5s! R WliamsH SingleFoot, SatogaMaje, Chink 83225 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:14 fast 8 99 2 1 2 2s R Wliams 8 Faddist, Edisto, Peanuts 82715 Saratoga 51 f 1:03 slop 3 104 2 2 2i 41 J Shanks 8 Wax Lady, Gnome Girl, Dugcut 82500 Saratoga 51 f l:06fast 21 103 3 6 11 31 J Shanks 7 Pedagogue, GnomeGirl", Cup oT. 81932 Saratoga 51 f l:07good 4 104 2 1 l3 l1 J Shanks 11 Dugout, Senor, Gnome Girl 7890G Pimlico 1-2 48hvy 9-20 111 4 1 1 1J C Lang 7 Ball Gee, Crumple, JohnF.Klvcr "8831 Pimlico 5-8 l:00fast 13-5 109 1 1 Is 1 J Wallace 5 Gymkhana, Arbiration. Scnalado SCOTCH BROOM, ch. c, 4 106 By Ultimus Broom Flower, by Broomstick. Trainer, W. H. Brooks. Owner, S. Ross. Breeder. E. Daingorfield. 7894 7 Pimlico 3-4 l:16slop 13 99 2 2 21 12 G Bond 7 Gold.Armor, Frank G., Licut.II. 78758 Pimlico 3 4 1:12 fast 28 110 2 G 81 41 E Barne3 10 Deputy, Lion dOr, Beau Nash :5039 Laurel 1 l:42mud 12 115 3 4 6" Gi S McLane 8 BigBIazc. MintBriar, Turnberry Z4899 Laurel 1 l:44stop 3 113 3 1 1 ll S McLane 7 Macduff, Reflbrand, MayBuddy 74777 Laurel 1 1:41. fast 33-10 110 4 4 31 2 S McLano G Simoon, Philosopher, Macduff 7441G Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 8 116 8 6 6 es2 S McLane 10 Jimson, Suppliant, Rosa 1eta 03941 Saratoga 5-8 59fast 20 115 10 19 19 19" F Keogh 20 Comixa. Zev. Betty Beall m nil pr- 1 1-1G Miles, tt-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Oct. 7, lOlG nAUC Oct. 7. lOlG 1:4 2-5 5 11C. YOSHIMI. b. g. 5 110 By BaUofc Gold Lady, by Goldcrest. Trainer, L. Haymaker. Owner. R. V. Haymaker. Breeder. C. H. Berryman. 84300 Wdbine 1 1-2 2:36 fast 11-10 109 4 2 14 Is F Colletti 8 WrkRay, TeasReady, Arragosa 84178 Wdbine 1 3-16 2:00fast 9-5 114 6 3 3 31 T Bonham 7 WoodLady, Arragosa, Cote dOr 84003 Thcliffe 1 1-4 2:09islow 9-5 10G 21 L Aron 7 VanPatrick, J. Fly, FlamingWirc 837G7 Thcliffe 1 1-8 l:53fast 21-10 113 3 T Bonham 9 Blos.House, Vitamin, EUesmar 83G58 Thcliffo 1 1-16 l:47fast 7 102 G" D Fisher 7 LtenantH., Quotation, Kellern 83117 Kworth 1 1-16 l:49good 4 102 11 10 S5 11 D Mergler 11 WarMask, JuueFly, TheFenian 82684 Windsor 1 1-8 l:55V6fast 37-10 110 6 6 51 3h T Mergler 8 Ly Jane, EUesmar, P.Leighton 825G1 Windsor 1 1-S l:53fast 3 115 9 6 44 3i T Bonham 9 L.Marian, MarclaBoy. HillmnO. 82426 Dvshire lm70y l:44fast 14-5 103 8 7 2l 1" D Mergler 8 Ferguson, MrcellaBoy, SisterFlo 82183 Deshire lm70y l:44fast 51 1111 8 6 8i 34 T Bonhaml2 PrimaDonna, Frguson, Trbulent 81590 Kworth lm70y l:45fast 14-5 112 9 9 71 31 O Clark 10 Doctor Jim, Ferguson. Mill Gate 81359 Kworth 1 3-1G 2:02 fast 11-5 110 3 5 31 21 O Clark 7 Cautious. MorCrel, McellaBoy ROYAL DUCK. br. g, 7 109 By Royal Realm Ducksbot, by Galllnnla. Trainer, A. Swonke. Owner. Mrs. A. Swenke. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 84837 Laurel 1 1-8 l:54fast 11-5 117 2 1 Ink lh I parke G N.Wales, Widgeon, Kit. Troxell 84G78 Laurel 1 1-16 1:17 fast 5 114 2 1 1J 11 C Lang 13 Widgeon, Mensis, SirGclahadll. 84542 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:46fast 10 114 6 C 7 G10 F Sharpe S Episode, Normal, Woodlake 84293 H.deGce 11-16 l:47fast 6 111 8 G 7 62 E Scobie 8 Normal, Widgeon, Louis A. 841G9 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4Gandfast 16 114 3 5 5a 4" F Sharpe 7 Mtcrlland, SgarthArn, Carlton 82935 Hlhorne 1 3-16 l:59andfast 9-5 114 6 3 Ink 14 L McDott 9 Slanderer, DevilGirl. Bills Luck 82759 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46fast 13-5 114 6 5 3l 24 H Stutts 13 Glentilt. MaraMoore, Glanmore BUCADO. br. e. 4 105 By Honeywood Bells, by Leonid. Trainer, W. R. Padgett. Owner, H. Dougherty. Breeder. Nevafl- Stock Farm. 84810 Laurel lm.Oy 1:45 fast 17-10 105 4 4 51 44 L Lang 8 Triumph, Gray Gables, Sir Glen 84542 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:46fast 11 114 1 4 4J 44 W Smith 8 Episode, Normal, Woodlake 84293 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 111 1 5 5i 44 M Liebgd 8 Normal, Widgeon, Louis A. 83677 M.Hghts 1 1-8 l:59hvy 57-10 108 6 4 41 4 W Smith G Ferguson, BeGood, GraccMayers 834GG M.Hghts 1 l:45mud 8-5 103 4 4 45 44 W Smith 5 Be Good, El Astro, Jewell V. D. 83298 M.Hghts 1 1-16 1:48 slow 37-10 109 5 2 21 2i W Smith 7 BeGood, GraceMayers, LouisA. 83011 Toledo 1 l:3Sfast 8-5 110 31 W Smith 4 BeGood. Rt on Time, GdonShaw BABY GRAND, b. h. G 113 By Granite Babe, by McGee. Trainer, G. O. Brenton. Ownsr, C. C. -Smithson. Breeder. J". H. Loucheim. 84717 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53fast 12-5 109 4 3 3 2l L Lang G SogthArn, EdPdleton, LouisA. 84592 H.deGco lm70y l:43fast 41-10 114 3 2 2! 2 C Lang 8 Erica, Gray Gables. Pilgrim 82562 Windsor 1 1-16 l:47fast 1 108 2 1 5s 5"! P Walls 8 Escrpolte, Dentaria, TderSeth 81470 Kworth 7-8 l:2rast 41 109 1 5 5and 84 P Walls 10 Deputy, PollyWale. VanPatrick 81225 Windsor 1 1-S 1:51 fast 11-5 103 3 1 ll 1 P Walls G WrackRay, Batonnier, FncyFree 81097 Windsor 1 1-1G l:46fast 12-5 99 5 4 3 34 J Wallace 7 Batonnier, Baby Grand, Cano 80259 Dorval 3-4 l:llfast 18-5 114 1 5 5 5s P Walla 8 Biglicart, Coral Reef, Heeltaps 80092 B.Bonnets 7-8 l:28slow 7-5 118 1 3 3 34 P Walls 3 Delusive. Bigheart ROYAL OAK, b. g, 4 10S By Berrilldon Queen Bashti, by Burgomaster or Hamburg. Trainer, J". Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder. L. Garth. 84299 Wdbino 1 1-16 l:49andfast 4 110 7 G G G14 L Lang 7 Cey.Prince, C.oDawn, Quotation 84237 Wdbino lm70y l:45fast 9 101 5 3 4 44 L Lang 8 GoldenSphcrc. Procyon, LgPoint 83887 Thcliffe 1 1-16 1:48 fast 5 105 7 A Abel 7 Woodlake. Mercutio, Kellerman 8311G Kworth lmiOy 1:45 good 17 103 4 8 8 81 A Abel 9 Misnary, T.SrUy, N.Lnnghornand 82997 Kworth 1 1-16 l:4Gandfast 81 103 6 5 51 5J A Abel G Fdcricktown, Catalan, JtDavid 82855 Kworth lm70y 1:45 fast 21-10 109 Fell A Abel 8 Polynesia, Lieut. II.. Poltova 82123 Devshirc 1 1-16 l:45fast 27-10 102 3 2 1 1 A Abel G Jacq.Julian, PollyWale, LouisA. 81950 Hamton 1 OT l:421imud 41 104 5 2 3 In A Abel 8 Racket. Fancy Free, Normana 81710 Hamton 3-4 l:14hvy 38 106 4 6 G 62 L Lang 7 Lion dOr. Flag of Truce. Wraith SOGGARTH AROON, b. c, 4 115 By Bard of Hope Running Vine, by Transvaal. Trainer. P. Reuter. Owner. H. P. Stoarns. Breeder, P. M. Walker. 84843 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 18-5 113 1 3 54 5 B Brning 6 Fancy Free, Scoop, Suppliant 84717 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53fast 9-5 111 3 1 1" ll B Brnlng G BabyGrd, EdPendleton, LouisA. 84541 H.deGce 1 1-8 1:52 fast 22 107 6 1 2 2 M Liebgd S Guelph, Humboldt, MastcrHand 84447 H.deGce 1 1:41 mud 13-5 111 5 2 2 34 M Liebgd 8 Sun Lady, Jolly, Gray Gables 84169 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:46fast 34 115 2 2 21 2 M Liebgd 7 M.terlland, Carlton, RoyalDuck 82117 Hthorne 1 1-1G l:53hvy 8-5 113 2 2 1" 3 F Horn G Doubtful, Dorius, Guelph 820G3 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:52hvy 13-5 109 1 1 1 1 F Horn G Doubtful, Belle Amic, Victolrc MINTO II.. b. g, 10 113 By Sundridge Miss Ronald, by Bay Ronald. Trainer. H. Garth. Owner. Longridge Stable. Bred in England by J. B. Joel. 84843 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 8 112 2 2 2and 4s J Shanks 6 Fancy Free, Scoop, Suppliant 84495 H.deGce 1 1-3 2:32 fast 4 101 3 2 2 34 B Brnlng 5 Drumbeat, Lunetta, Suppliant 84351 H.deGce 11-16 1:50 mud 32 104 2 G 4 G1 R Albiker G Y. Princess, Fly. Cloud, Lunetta 84110 H.deGce 1 1-1G l:46fasl 31 103 2 3 3 3 B Brnin? 7 Y.Pncess, Calctta, Bphrizonia 83023 Timum 1 1-16 1:50 good 11-10 120 l1 C Wayat 0 StoneJug. Suppliant, SthBroeze 82056 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:08good 13-5 106 G 1 1 1 R Albiker 8 Overtake, Boatman. LILAmmie 81251 Empire lm70y l:4Candfast 8 113 9 6 Gl 64 G Fields 10 Blue Hawk, Satellite, Fcysun TURBULENT, ch. f. 4 105 By Broomstick Courage, by Kamcmrr. Trainer. A. Brent. Ownor, A. Brent. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 84492 H.deGce lm70y l:44fast 12 110 7 1 1 ll J Wallace 11 Ebb Tide,. Racket, Just 84350 H.deGco 3-4 l:15mud 34 110 9 7 Gl 41 G H tamer 14 Sea Sand, Blackstone, Mabel K. 83664 L.Branch 7-8 1:32 fast 47-10 112 V R McDott G Prcvieux, Royal Dick, Mormon 833G7 L.Brch lm70y l:51slow 91 103 5 G Htamer 8 Dcvonitc, June Fly, Nuyaka 830G2 Kworth 51 f l:10hvy 4 99 10 7 24 22 G HtamerlO HandsUp, RoyalDick, MedgSeth LITTLE CLAIR, b. f, 3 100 By Huon Gold Elsie, by McGee, Admcaition oi Stalwart. Trainer. J. J. Duggan. Ownzr. C. B. Shafer. Breeder. G. H. Clay. 84801 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast CI 101 2 2 24 21 R Fisher 4 Quotation. Just, Wood Lady 84592 H.deGco lm70y l:43fast 14 100 8 3 4l 5 L Lang 8 Erica, Baby Grand, Gray Gables 84400 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:52mud 24-5 109 4 5 6 5" F Sharpe G Scoop, Craigthorne, Biff Bang 84293 H.deGco 1 1-16 l:47fast 12 106 2 7 G GJ F Sharpe s Normal, Widgeon, Louia A. 83987 B.Bonts 1 1:40 fast 9-5 101 1 3 4 4 R Fisher 4 Poltova, Jacques, Equity 83813 B.Bonts 1 1-8 l:55fast 7-5 102 2 1 l lo R Fisher 5 StoncwandU, ParkUill, Wrack Ray 83588 Dorval 1 l:4Shvy 51 99 1 2 1J l5 H Howard 5 Washington, Poltova. WrackRay 83400 Dorval 1 1-15 1:53 mud 13-5 100 3 1 ll 14 O Brassa C Ilerriard, Jacques, Tarascon SUPPLIANT, b. c, 3 112 By Everest Pliant, by The Commoner. Trainer, W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. Whitney. Breoder. E. Rucker. S4919 Laurel 1 1-16 l:474fast 13 112 8 G 4s 21 J Leyland S Normal, Humboldt, Triumph 84843 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 20 114 6 S 45 3 B Kenndy 0 Fancy Free, Scoop, Minto II. 84495 H.deGce 1 1-2 2:32 fast 5 105 5 3 4s 4" B Kenndy !i Drumbeat. Lunetta, Minto II. 84231 H.deGco 1 1-4 2:07Afast 17-10 105 7 1 l1 1 J Maiben 8 Episode. Rechabite, Toodlcs 84109 H.deGrce 1 1-8 1:54 rast 1G-5 107 G 1 31 3 H Callahn 9 Drumbeat, Fornovo, Altissimo 83023 Timum 1 1-16 1:50 good 5 100 3 P Tauletto G Mintoll., StoneJug, SouthBreeze

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