untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-16


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cihe BUGLE "SPECIAL AND 50 CENTS LETTER AGAIN WE CLEAN UP Yesterdays 03 FREE -SPECIAL: POSTILLION 2.60-82 Won I told you this filly was a cinch. Sho won galloping. Tuesdays Special: WILD IjIFE ... .....70-52 WON Had not won a race in six months. Trosdays 00 Free Special: CHILnOWEE .S0- WON Mondays Special: MIDWESTERN T..30- "WON Mondays 00 FREE SPECIAL: MENIFEE ..:.1.10- AVON Mondays Advertised Pariay: MENIFEE AND MINUS S48.S0-S2 WON Mr. Land, our chief editor, is right on tho ground at Latonia. Nothing nasse3 his notice. Follow him every day for balance of Latonia meeting. .PT TODAYS SPECIAL Ono of the. ripest tricks in those parts. Has not won a raco this season. Today is the day. PT TODAY 00 FREE SPECIAL We should mako it four straight today. Also another big limit parlay; We will "have another big day today. Dont hesitate; rush right now to your newsdealer and get Tho Bugles Special and 50 conta Letter. Chicago Players, Attention Bi THE BUGLE IS FOR SALE AT OUR OFFICES, 20 West Jackson Blvd.. from 0 a. m. to 7 p. m. PRINCIPAL DEALER ARCADE NEWS STORE, 74 West Madison St.; also all other loop newsstands. Wm DETROITERS, ATTENTION FOR SALE ONLY AT Triangle Newsstand, Cor. Griswold and Lafayetto Boulevards. Family Theatre Newsstand, Front of Family Theatre, Cadillac Square. OTHER LEADLNG AGENTS: St. Louis. Mo. Wm. Laser, 711 Market Street. Omaha, Neb. Meyer Coren, 1411 Famum Street. Kansas City, Mo. Risockers Cigar Store, Ninth and Walnut Streets. Cleveland, 0. 0. Schroeder, 212 East Superior St. GAFFNEY 3.70- WON was yostardays ONE HORSE DALLY, also CODE SPECIAL. This makes 3 WINNERS out of last 4 oh our ONE HORSE DALLY, and all our clients received tho above. TERMS FOR THIS SERVICE .00 FOR 6 DAYS Got new book on sale now containing cods good for next week. 35c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Mailod direct, 3 copies for .00 TODAY 8 CODE SPECIAL: .October-Poar-16-20-65-33 403, 22 W. QUINCY ST., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52D STREET NEW YORK CITY Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" WON ODDS BETTER THAN 7 to 1 The only horse advised yesterday and, of course, the "Harvey Transaction," WON easily at odds of better than 7 to 1. It was distinctly understood that name of horse would NOT be advertised. Several "Harvey Transactions," now in preparation, are awaiting favorable starting conditions; The days of starting will NOT be announced, therefore early subscription is strongly advised. Subscription: 00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. The reason this service enjoys the popularity and confidence it does, is because the racing public knows our advertisements state FACTS not ILLUSIONS. This office recognizes no competition. IMITATORS ARE NOT COMPETITORS. TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 AT ATT. NEWSSTANDS HOT DOG! Horo is where youra going to GET EVEN for MARVINS DOWNFALL yesterday. HOT DOG! What a Bear-Cat At Latonia Today I tall you, I got the FINAL O. K. so strong that even the swipes are pacing up a"d down in hare anticipation of WHATS COMING OFF hero with this bird today. It is tha SPECIAL FREE TODAY WITH THE DAILY MASTER CLOCKER I Know Something! I toll you, I have waited 3 weeks for this trick ta start and Al wires us t he there HOOK, LINE and SINKER, for he considers this one the BIGGEST THING of tho week. Here is your chance. RUSH RIGHT NOW to your newsdealer and ASK for tho Daily Master Clccker Mailod, 2 weeks, . Remit to MASTER CLOCKER 440 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, LU. DETROIT FOR SALE AT Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Sq. ST. LOUIS Wm. Laser, 711 Market St. OMAHA, Neb. Myer Coren, 1411, Farnum St. CLEVELAND, 0. 0. Schroeder, 212 Superior St. KANSAS CITY Recksocker, 9th and Walnut Sts. MILWAUKEE Kirby Hotel, 432 Water St. , CHICAGOANS FOR SALE AT Arcade Newsstand 74 W. Madison St. High Ball Newsstand State and Quincy Sts. iDans 65 W. Randolph St.; 47th St. "L" Station. Newsstands at Clark and Madison Sts. i SPECIAL A-43-10-17-53 No. 1037, all newsstands, 35c. Mailed 3 weeks, THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Qulricy St; Est 1904v Chicago; HL George Shields KNOWN TO TURFMEN FOR A GENERATION Strictly One Horse Daily ?5 DAILY, 0 WEEKLY Yesterdays .00 Track Wire was withdrawn for roasons hest known to my connections. TUESDAYS 0 OCCASIONAL: MADAM VKNN1E 526.80- WON TUESDAYS TRACK WIRE: BROKEN TOY S5.C0-S2 WON MONDAYS TRACK WIRE: RAPID DAY S9.S0-S2 WON MONDAYS 0 OCCASIONAL: MENIFEE 1.10-52 WON SATURDAYS TRACK WIRE: SINGLE POOT 15.S0-2 WON. SATURDAYS 0 OCCASIONAL: FANCY FREE 3.50- WON FRIDAYS TRACK WIRE: WINROCK ....S18.10-S2 WON FRIDAYS 0 OCCASIONAL: QUOTATION S1.C0-S2 WON THURSDAYS 0 OCCASIONAL: QUEEN CHARMING .10- WON Tha ahovo winners should convince you that I handlo "INFO" of quality. 1 0-1 TODAY 10-1 Todays Track Wire is the BEST BET at LATONIA TODAY and, if ever I gave a winner, today is the day. Make it your business to get George Shields strictly one horse daily today and every day and you will he ahead of the game. Terms .00 daily or 0.00 weekly 6 racing days. Call at office or wire. A 0 OCCASIONAL goes today. This kind does not go every day and L advise all followers that "prof ited hy SHIELDS hig winners not to miss tsdays 0 Occasional. Sold through office oaly. Call or wire. TERMS 0.00. GEORGE SHIELDS 287 Broadway Room 500 New York City Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will he mailed yon for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on tho scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two-cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth 5i- Miami Beach. Fla. 10 WINNERS out of last 10 on our DALLY ONE BEST, and the most remarkaole thing is that all it costs is 50c daily, at aU newsstands. Mailod the night before, 1 week, .00; 2 weeks, .00. NATIONAL O. Kj " RACING LETTER, 411;- SZMTS Quincy St, chicaor 3Hi

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924101601/drf1924101601_14_4
Local Identifier: drf1924101601_14_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800