Honor in Fast Race: Carries Rancocas Colors to Victory in Latonias Feature, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-16


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HONOR IN FAST RACE Carries Rancocas Colors to Vic- . tory in Latonias Feature. Scores as His Rider Pleased After Fine Display of Speed Poor Ride Beats Bradleys Toney. LATONIA, Ky., Oct. 15. The Rancocas Stables Honor was the contributor of a purse to that establishments coffers when he accounted for the outstanding feature of todays program at Latonia, It was a mile face and brought together six, of which Honor was the outstanding favorite. He justified the big confidence he enjoyed, for he Avon without great effort by as wide a margin as his rider pleased. Rock Heather was his closest follower, the latter downing the veteran United Verde near the end for the middle portion of the purse. It was a fast run race, with the mile being covered in 1:3G. Moss Fox II. and Max Brick alternated in the lead for the first three-quarters, but thereafter they faded fast and brought up in the rear. Honor seemed to begin slowly, and the first half mile found him in fourth place, seemingly urged to keep pace with his opponents, but he suddenly shot around the leaders as if they were standing still and tho stretch run found him moving fast and increasing his advantage with every stride. The real duel was for second honors, with Rock Heather outstaying United Verde. The continuous fine weather again assisted materially in bringing out another splendid attendance to view the sport. BIGGER FIELDS THE RULE. Bigger fields were the order during the afternoon and some of the winners were lucky to score, bad riding being responsible for the defeat of several of the popular contenders. The defeat of Bradleys Toney was mostly due to the faulty handling that Mergler gave him. The limit number of starters comprised the fields in the first three races and brought to the post some of the more ordinary ones to strive for the purses. The opener found Lass o Mine, a two-year-old filly in W. B. Caskcys colors, the victress. She earned her victory justly, for she won commandingly after having set the pace for most of the way. Midnight Rose was also a prominent one and held on gamely during the stretch drive. Maximaneh, which landed in third place, showed a winnnig performance, for she was in last place during the first quarter and came with a whirlwind rush. Captiva, which was expected to figure strongly in the running, had small chance under the bad riding she had, Mergler taking her back repeatedly and not allowing her to extend herself. KAIfDEL IN" LAST STRIDES. The second race produced a splendid finish, with Randel up in the last few strides to earn the victory from Beautiful Addie with Coyne only a head in back of the pair. Coyne started out as if to make a runaway of it, but he gradually began coming back to the others after reaching the stretch and was down in the last seventy yards. Randel closed a big gap during the last eighth to earn the victory. Some good youngsters met in the third race and this enabled A. B. Hancock to score his -first purse in some time when Gaffney led homo the others in handy style with Nor-wester a first timer landing in second place and Sir Peter just outstaying The Smasher and Friend. The winner showed the most speed from the start and held on gamely. Norwester made a good showing, for he was in close pursuit of the winner for the entire way. Friend might have been much closer up but for being forced to go wide throughout. Gallaher Brothers earned the sixth purse when their Glyn, standing a hard drive, gamely beat home Easter Bells with Gorget in third place. Easter Bells was the leader here until in the last seventy yards, where he began tiring and Glyn overhauled him. Eleven fairly good sprinters engaged in the race. The closing dash found Colored Boy the winner. He raced in his best form for the entire way and outstayed the suddenly improved Dandybrush, which had to be urged hard to outstay Nogales that got up in the last stride to down Royal Miss. Tho latter was ridden wide from the start and she tired slightly in tho last seventy yards. Subscription lists to the Thanksgiving fund for Kentucky orphans, which has been a voluntary contribution on the part of horsemen for several years past, were circulated yesterday. All those inclined to contribute can do so by handing their subscription to Mose Cossman. Jefferson Livingston, before his departure for New York today, headed the list with a contribution of ,500. Montfort Jones was second on the list with 00. A collection was taken up today to assist Al Luzader, stricken with paralysis at New Albany, Ind., several weeks ago, and the sum of ,350 was raised for the trainer.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924101601/drf1924101601_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1924101601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800