untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-16


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FRANK GREEN New York Office I Chicago Office 1547 Broadway I 105 N. Clark St. Room 501, Gaiety Theatre Bid?. I Suite 626. Corner "Washington St, NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO, LLL. Terms 5 Weekly Two Horses Daily ..;: CONNECTIONS ARE MAKING TURF HISTORY RESULTS NEVER BEFORE ACHIEVED Attention is called to my ad of yesterday. In my advertisement I claimed that I had something that was what I considered the safest proposition I had erer handled. Below appear the results: Yesterday Connections Sent Me: AVISACK ..... 5-1 WON RETIRE 2nd ... . ... . I stated in yesterdays advertisement that Avisack will not pay more than 4-1 and every client coming to my office was told to get the limit down on this horse. Connections arc going great gnns and it will pay you to get In at once. TUESDAY CONNECTIONS SENT ME: STEVENS 3.30- WON ROCK POCKET 3.20- WON Monday Connections Bent Me: nONEY POT C-l "WON RAPID DAY .30- WON Saturday Connections Sent lie: ROYAL AIRMAN 15-1 AVON JOHN DTAGER .. 17.40- "WON . Friday Connections Sent Me: B A ALB EC 4.00-52 "WON SPATS .20-?2 "WON Thursday Connections Sent Me: WRACKLANE ...... 1 6-1 "WON FAIRY MASTER 7.90- WON Wednesday Connections Sent Me: GIPSY FLYER 10-1 "WON EMINENT 7.40- "WON Tuesday Connections Sent Me: ZERO HOUR 10-1 WON OPULENT ?11.20- "WON A complete record of what connections sent me for the past eight days. Fifteen winners and one second. Duplicate it. TODAYTODAY Attention is again called to an outstanding horse that will go for the money today. This one comes to us just as strong as Avisack and should romp all the way. I do not promise 50-1 on this horse, but I do say that this horse should pay 4-1 and WIN. Now, H Is up to you. Get in at once. NOTICE My .Chicago office Is open and will do business with all clients In the west. Clients directly in Chicago or in near vicinity may call at the office. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE And make certain that you get on my boohs. Out-of-town clients, rush your subscription by Western Union ur Postal Telegraph. City clients may call at office. When wiring, please enclose correct name and address. TERMS: 5 WEEKLY TWO HORSES DAILY ft A Lew Williams Rooms 307-8-9, 145 West 41st Street, NEW YORK CITY 0.00 DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY STRICTLY ONE HORSE DAILY WE TOLD YOU SO AND WE PRODUCED! YESTERDAY LUCKY STRIKE, 10-1, WON TODAY IS THE BIG DAY! . We were so confident of this one that we are releasing It today to our clientele, with instructions to play it straight on the nose. This horse will be released to all. We consider THIS THE BEST THING IN OUR SEVEN YEARS IN THIS BUSINESS TODAY! 1 Q-1 1 TODAY! Come in today and get your winters coal. Connections are supremely confident of this horse and expect him to romp home an easy winner, at a long price. Look at our record for the past two weeks: SKIRMISH WON BLUE MOON WON OPULENT WON BLUE MOON 2D SAKAH WON KENTUCKY CARDINAL WON OUTCAST WON WEST0VER WON DRUMBEAT WON V0LANTE WON LITHUANIA WON UPSAL WON UPSAL WON STEVENS WON Out-of-town clients, rush subscriptions early, Western Union or Postal. City clients, call early. N O BULLETIN 145 WEST 41ST ST. NEW YORK CITY S10 DAILY ONE HORSE DAILY 0 WEEKLY IT PAYS TO GET REAL INSIDE INFORMATION When horse wins, at 10-1 or better, clients owe me 0 additional, which is to be wired day after race. MY SUBSCRIBERS SURE ARE CLEANING UP THIS WEEK I GAVE MONDAY: MULDRAUGH .. .2.30- WON TUESDAY: JACQUES 2.80- WON WEDNESDAY: HURRY INN 37.90- WON Rush your subscription. Big priced horses expected today and tomorrow. MY INFORMATION CANNOT BE BEATEN AT ANY PRICE. 80 EAST 11TH STREET, SUITE 544 NEW YORK CITY Two Horses a Day. Daily arid Daily Paddock Special SPECIAL OFFER BOTH DAILY WIRES, 5 PER WEEK ANOTHER WINNING DOUBLE: LASS O MINE 5.90- WON YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: HONOR , , . . .90- WON BIG OPPORTUNITY To win on todays double. Comes highly recommended from incomparable connections. INFORMATION INCOMPARABLE Throw away your dope book, workouts and other misleading information, no matter how good or bad, and subscribe at once with Ralph Moore, the man who knows when "right horses" are out to win. RECENT WINNERS: SCARE CROW i 15-1 WON MIDWESTERN . . 8.30-52 WON BLACKSTONE 5.70-82 WON SPATS .20-82 WON FAIRY MASTER 7.90- WON MY VALET .00-32 WON BOURBON BOY 3.50-82 WON CLEM THEISEN 57.50-S2 WON ROYAL DUCK 2.20- WON OPULENT 1.20-1:2 WON SNOW MAIDEN 0.80-52 WON TETON 5-1 WON RAM KIN 7.40- WON VALADOR .C0- WON GUELPH 0.30-52 WON SPECKLED BEAUTY . .0.80-52 2ND COMIXA 1.40- WON BRIER HILL .40- WON AND MANY MORE TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION Wire 0 for one weeks service for my Special and 5 for both Specials. Wire all communications to BALPH MOORE V JJ MORE MONEY What Would You Do With It? MY NEW YORK CONNECTIONS HAVE PERMITTED ME TO AGAIN RELEASE THEIR S100 SPECIAL, GOING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH This 00 Special will be given FREE to all subscribers on my books for my 3 six day service. . MY LAST NEW YORK SPECIAL WAS: Royal Airman, 15-1, Won If you are not already receiving my Daily One Horse, rash your subscription cf 25 at once and I "will send you my Daily One Horse, which has been the talk of the country, and also send you free Saturdays 00 Special. RECENT WINNERS ON MY DAILY ONE HORSE SERVICE WERE: Clear View ..9.00- Won Sir Glen . . .56.70- Won Eminent 7.40- Won Allie Ochs ..06.10- Won Opulent 1.20- Won Asaph .00- Won Coyne 9.20- Won Spafs ..25.80- 3rd BTy Maloney 4.20- Won Comixa ... . .1.40- Won AND MANY OTHERS RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND GET LW ON SATURDAYS 00 SPECIAL, WHICH WILL BE SENT FREE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS. NO SUBSCRIPTION ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN SIX DAYS. TERMS: SIX DAYS, 5.00. ONE HORSE A DAY All business must be done by Western Union. Address as follows: F. DUFFY, 21 "WASHINGTON ST., JAMAICA, N. Y. v- I JACK ROWE 164-166 "W. Washington St. Federation Building. Room 705 CHICAGO, ILL. TWO BIG SPECIALS Getaway Good Things At Latonia MY FIRST GRAND SPECIAL GOES FRIDAY, OCT. 17. This horse is in tho pink of condition. Tho race which this horso goes in on Friday, locks like a real soft spot and I wish to say to all my followers, to bet to win on FRIDAYS GOOD THING. SECOND GRAND SPECIAL STARTS SATURDAY, OCT. 18. Getaway -Day. Tho Teason they havo selected tho last day, is because thero will bo many people at tho track. It will help us to get a big price on this horse. It would be useless to search, the Form charts on Saturdays Super-Special as recent Form does cot show him much support. Those in chargo of this Special, seldom make any mistakes, BOTH SPECIALS MUST WIN or I will give you a full weeks subscription for tho Churchill Downs meeting FREE FREE FREE of charge. Do you think we could affcrd to make a proposition of this kind unless wo felt confident of the result. Never in tho history of our- business have wo received stronger information on horses, than wo did on both of our Specials. Terms, for Both Specials, YOU GET THE TWO SPECIALS FOR FIVE DOLLARS. When you subscribe to my service, you receivo in return just what ycu pay for. Information, the REAL KIND, tho KIND THAT INFORMS. REAL INSIDE ADVICE. Each and overy horsa a supposed medium for delivery, with tho information, emanating from, the right source. If you are a speculator, be convinced and send in ycur subscription at once. OUR BIG SUPER SPECIALS WILL BE SOLD AT OFFICE ADDRESS ONLY. Jack Rowe 164-166 W. Washington St. Federation Building. Room 705 CHICAGO, ILL. I ED BRADLEY Gotham Bank Bldg. 1819 Broadway New York Before going any further, let me say that this service consists of ABSOLUTELY ONLY ONE HORSE A DAY. Wednesdays Horse: Gaffney ...3.70- Won Tuesdays Horse: Mdm We 6.80- Won Monday: Star Swpr 7.30- Won Saturdays Horse: John Hager 7.40- Won Friday : Baalbec ...4.00- Won ! .Thursday: Fairy Mter 7.90- Won Wednesday: Royal Miss 4.4Q- Won Tuesday: Arabian ...8.90- Won Monday: Dr. Tanner. ..10- 3rd Saturday: Ramkin . . .7.40- Won Friday: Plus Ultra .0.20- Won Thursday: Fantoche ....00- 2nd Wednesday: Krishna . . .4.30- Won Tuesday: Sari .10- 3rd Monday: Firetoma ..2.70- Won This should convince the most sleep tical that I AM IN THE KNOW when it comes to real Inside info. TERMS 5 dally; no propositions. Believe me, It pays to pay the price. Dont hesitate, as todays info should bo 10 to 1. "Wire subscription Immediately.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924101601/drf1924101601_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924101601_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800