untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-12


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CHARLES BUSTOR XEAV CHILEANS "WIZAKD 206-208 BROADWAY, ROOM 536, NEW YORK CITY TEKMS: 0.00 DAILY TWO HOUSES DAILY YESTERDAYS RELEASES: MIT 4-1, "Won RICHELIEU 9-2, "Won I begged you in my ad yestordey not to miss these two releases. I was so sure cf these two winning that I offered six days service FREE if they missed. All subscribers who were with n yesterday were well rewarded. If you were not with ms yesterday, it is not too late. Subscribe at once to CHARLES BUSTORS information, which is real winning information. WEDNESDAYS RELEASES: SATURDAYS RELEASES: WEDNESDAYS RELEASES: VAN PATRICK ;..6-l, Won ESCOLANE 10-1, Won BANKRUPT 10-1, Won CANYON 5-1. Won JAUNEBAR 4-1, Won SMART GUY 4-1, Won TUESDAYS RELEASES: FRIDAYS RELEASES: TUESDAYS RELEASES: JOHNNY JEWELL 7-2, Won WARFARE 12-1, Won LUCIFER 4-1, Won SLEIVEBLOOM 15-1, Won WRANGLER 9-5, Won DAVE G OLDIE 6-1, Won MONDAYS RELEASES: THURSDAYS RELEASES: MONDAYS RELEASES: ANTONIA 5-1, Won OLD PAIGE 6-1, Won PETE THE SCRIBE... 4-1, Won GAYLY 9-2, Won ARABIAN 16-5, Won STORMALONG 7-2, Won TODAY A BAXNEIt DAY TODAY" Today will be the day of all days. Rather a broad statement to make, but I mean it. This parlay today should prove to bo the safest investment that we have handled in some time. In fact, we have never received stronger information on two horses that we ever sent out, than we did on these. If you are looking to do business with the man who knows the insido of things, then dont fail to subscribe for this information. WIRE REMITTANCE VIA WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL. CITY CLIENTS, CALL. Frank Odom HORSES ONLY WHEN POSITIVELY READY "WON" AGAIN "WON" And once again I proved to you that I get tha "real stuff." And once again my followers won. WEDNESDAY "I GAVE" CHANNEL 15-1, Won And my advico was to go the "LIMIT" to "WIN ONLY." All my clients who received this winner must re-.nit ?75. CO, which is the winnings of a 5,00 straight play, in order to get in on tho next horse Friday. TUESDAY "I GAVE" Sleivebloom, 15-1, Won MONDAY "I GAVE" Tod Renesor, 30-1, Won Theso aro the only three horses I sent out. "Boy, oh, boy," what a lacing those "poor bookmakers" got from my army of followers on these 3 above winners. If you were, not with me, you still have a chance to "win plenty," and when I say win plenty, 4 I mean it. This is tho "surest" thing that ever faced the barrier at New Orleans. 20-1 "OR BETTER" is just the price this horse should pay and "win" in a common gallop. "I am so sure" this horse will win and pay the abovo price," that, if it dont, I will agree to give you my next three horses absolutely free. AND EVERY ANGLE IS WELL PROTECTED. This horso should WIN and pay a limit price. These same people have put TOD RENESOR, 30-1, WON, and all my clients reaped a fortune. Dont Hesitate! If You let this opportunity get away from you Friday, you never will "forgivo yourself." Mr. Player, if you wish to participate on this winner Friday, rush by Western Union or Postal telegraph and agree to send the winnings of a five-dollar straight play, and deduct the five you sent, after yon have collected the winnings. FRANK ODOM 5 COURT SQUARE SUITE 9 BROOKLYN, N. Y. CARTER Room 514, 200 Broadway New York City Yesterdays .00 Occasional: The Gaff 6-1, Won Wednesdays .00 Occasional: Canyon 6-1, Won Tuesdays .00 Occasional: Sleivebloom .15-1, Won This again proves the value of my service. This does not look like guesswork and you will have to admit it. This is only the beginning of my winter service. Every horse that I release is well meant. No chances are taken. If necessary to postpone a transaction to protect our clients, its done regardless of cost incurred. BIG .00 OCCASIONAL goes again today. I advise all my followers to get down on this one. So sure am I that this horse will win and with good odds that I will wire you another occasional absolutely free of charge should todays transaction fail. I advised all my followers not to miss yesterdays horse. Those that did participate in yesterdays occasional sure cleaned up. Todays occasional should pay better than 8-1. Dont miss it. Wiro .00 before 1 p. m. and I will at once wire you the real money horse. Elector 13-5, Won I Yesterdays Best I Spugs 5-2, Won Yesterdays Long Shot I Ever Bold 7-5, Won Yesterdays .00 Special 1 Little Ammie 6-1, Won Wednesdays .00 Special makes 3 STRAIGHT WINNERS on our .00 SPECIAL. OLD AND RELIABLE Got todays 50c SHEET and .00 SPECIAL; for sale at all newsstands. ITliis City clients call. Mailed overnight, .00 for 6 days. National 0. K. Racing Letter 411, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. . CHIEF OBSERVER New Issue Out Today TODAYS FREE CODE: New Orleans: Wyoming-6-5-9 Advertise in Daily Racing Form 441 PLYMOUTH COURT ii CHICAGO, ILL.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924121201/drf1924121201_13_1
Local Identifier: drf1924121201_13_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800