Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-12

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps JEFFERSON PARK The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: "cw Orleans, La., December 11, 1024. 1 Bad Luck, Firmament, Intrepid." 2 lied Arrow, Camouflage, Mcintosh. 3 My Destiny, Wuhu, Maximanch. 4 Rigel, Mary Ellen Or, Modo. 5 The Vintner, Bradleys Toney, Missionary. G Asa Jewell, Cote dOr, Mary Maxim. 7 FREEZY SNEEZY, Battle Shot. Waukulla. J. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. 1 Gladys V., Intrepid, Talequa, Bad Luck. 2 Mcintosh, Rock Bottom, Camouflage, Ra jah. 3 New Hope, My Destiny, Good Will, Blen- nerhnssett. 4 Modo, Boy O Boy, Mary Ellen O., Rigel. 5 THE VINTNER, Missionary, Bradleys Toney, Sun Lady. G Asa Jewell, Ossaleen, Demijohn, Slanderer. 7 Freezy Sneezy, Waukulla, Battle Shot, Es- carpolette. Chicago Handicap. 1 Intrepid, Talequa, Gladys V., Bad Luck. 2 Last One, Mcintosh, Kinsman, Rajah. 3 New Hope, Gloom Girl, Parmachenee Belle, Neat Girl. 4 Boy O Boy, Mary Ellen O., Thimble, John Finn. 5 THE ArINTNER, Dust Flower, Missionary. Barbara Palmer. G Gem, Fred Kinney, Asa Jewell, Cote dOr. 7 Waukulla, Our Star, Battle Shot, Rachel Potter. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Intrepid, Gladys V., Bad Luck, Talequa. 2 Rock Bottom, Rock Salt, Mcintosh, Boot Black. 3 New Hope, My Destiny, Good Will, Neat Girl. 4 THIMBLE, Rigel, Llewellyn, Mary Ellen O. 3 The Vintner, Bradleys Toney, Missionary, The Poet. G Asa Jewell, Ossaleen, Vennie, Cote" dOr. 7 Freezy Sneezy, Waukulla, Escarpolette, Battle Shot. Nerr Orleans Hand lea i. 1 Gladys V., Bad Luck, Intrepid, Talequa. : 2 Camouflage, John Q. Kelly, Doctor Glenn, Rajah. 3 Wuhu, My Destiny, Maximaneh, Brinklev. 4 MODO, Tippity Witchet, Llewellyn, Rigel. 5 The Vintner, Bradley.s Toney, The Poet, Dust Flower. Cote dOr, Gem, Demijohn, Slanderer.; 7 Waukulla, Freezy Sneezy, Escarpolette, Battle Shot. Observers Handicap. 1 -Talequa, EmI Luck, Intrepid. Gladys V. 2 Rajah, Boot Black, Rock Bottom, Lasl One. 3 My Destiny, Neat Girl, New Hope, Good Will. 4 Modo, Mary Ellen O., Boy O Boy, Llewellyn. 5 THE VINTNER, Bradleys Toney, Missionary, Sun Lady. G Asa Jewell, Ossaleen, Cote dOr, Loveliness. 7 Waukulla, Freezy Sneezy, Battle Shot Our Star. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Gladys V.. Intrepid, Bad Luck, Talequa. 2 Red Arrow, Mcintosh, Last One, Rocl Bottom. 3 New Hope, My Destiny, Wuhu, Maximaneh. 4 Modo, Rigel. Boy O Boy, Thimble. 5 THE VINTNER Bradleys Toney, Missionary, Dust Flower. G Asa Jewell, Gem, Cote dOr, Ossaleen. 7 Waukulla. Freezy Sneezy, Battle Shot Escarpolette. HAVANA The horses which seem best in -Fridays races are : Havana, Cuba, December 11, 1921. 1 Crestwood Boy, Royaline, Plurality. 2 Goldmark, Cleopatra Boy, Califa. 3 Momentum. Little Smile, Drapery. 4 Rocky. Delia Robbia, Starmatia. 5 Wild Cat. The Almoner, True American. G CONSCRIPT, Whippet, casting Love. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Crestwood Boy, Ponce, Royaline, Ivy. 2 Shafe, Shingle Shack, Goldmark, Cleo patra Boy. 3 Little Smile, Chandelier, Drapery. Collie Tokalon. 4 Rocky, Starmatia, Mala, Rosamond. 5 The Almoner, Annie Lyle. Spods, Wildcat 6 WHIPPET, Green Briar, Tanlac, Ilena. Chicago Handicap. . 1 Crestwood Boy, Royaline, Plurality, Awn ing. 2 Crescent, Shafe, Shingle Shack, Fayelle. 3 Collie Tokalon, Redwood, Drapery, Bash-j ful. j 4 MALA, Rocky, Rosamond, Hendrick. j 5 Spods, Annie Lyle, True American, The Almoner. 7 Czardom, Conscript, Whippet, Green Briar. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Crestwood Boy, Tableau dHonneur, Ponce, Awning. 2 Cleopatra Boy, Goldmark, Jellison, Cres cent. 3 Collie Tokalon, Momentumr Royal Spring, Drapery. 4 Rocky, Rosamond, Starmatia, Hendrick. 5 SPODS, Annie Lyle, True American, John A. Scott Jr. G Green Briar, Conscript, Tanlac, Huckleberry Finn. New Orleans Handicap. 1 Tableau dHonneur, Ivy, Awning, Okee chobee. 2 Goldmark, Black Top, Crescent, Fayelle. 3 Redwood, Drapery, Bashful, Momentum. 4 Hendrick, Rocking; Delia Robbia, Ruby Marsh. 5 THE ALMONER, True American, Relia bility, John A. Scott Jr. G Whippett, Conscript, Midnight Stories, Green Briar. Observers Handicap. 1 Crestwood Boy, Ponce, Tableau dHonneur, Awning. 2 Goldmark, Cleopatra Boy, Jellison, Shafe. 3 Collie Tokalon, Redwood, Royal Spring, Little Smile. 4 Starmatia, Rocky, Mala, Ruby Marsh. 5 SPODS, Annie Lyle, Wildcat, John A. Scott Jr. G Green Briar, Whippet, Conscript, Yermak. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 CRESTWOOD BOY, Tableau dHonneur, Awning, Royaline. 2 Goldmark, Shafe, Crescent, Cleopatra Boy. . 3 Collie Tokalon, Momentum, Little Smile, Redwood. 4 Rocky, Mala, Hendrick, Starmatia. 5 Spods, The Almoner, Wildcat, True Amer ican. C Whippet, Green Briar, Conscript, Czardom. TIJUANA The horses which seem best in Fridays races are : : Tijuana, Mexico, December 11, 1321. 1 Preservator, Car, Vibrator. 2 Woodie Montgomery, Brazos, Colonel Matt. 3 Star of Eve, Mizanna, Pawnbroker. 4 Tom Craven, Colonel Lit, Brian Kent. - 5 Queen Bess. Body Guard, Pud. 6 GIRL SCOUT, Minstrel Boy, Repulse. 7 Coffield, Knighthood, Easter Bells. . S Wedding Prince, Dolph, Tis Seth. C. McCarthy. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Preservator, Vibrator, Car, Alamour. 2 Woodie Montgomery, Brazos,. Vanessa Welles, Billy Gibson. 3 Mizanna, Bardalid, Star of Eve, Pawn broker. 4 Colonel Lit, Brian Kent, Tom Craven, Nizam. 5 Pud, Queen Bess, Body Guard. Runolathe. G GIRL SCOUT, Nellie A., Rundark, Bright Idea. 7 Colfield, Easter Bells, Knighthood, Lady Gorham. S-Dolph, Wedding Prince, Zealot, Frank Fogarty. Chicago Handicap. 1 Preservator, Vibrator, Car, Ringleader. 2 Brazos, Briar Sweet, Vanessa Welles, Woodie Montgomery. 3 Star of Eve, Pawnbroker, Bardalid, Toot- ers. 4 Tom Craven, Restful, Brian Kent, Colonel Lit. 5 Pud, Queen Bess, Lady Rose, Runolathe. G NELLIE A., False Face, Girl Scout, Repulse. 7 Lady Gorham, Knighthood, Clarence, Coffield. S East Indian, Dolph, Zealot, Frank Fogarty. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Preservator, Ringleader, Vibrator, Book worm. 2 Woodie Montgomery, Brazos, Briar Sweet, Vanessa Welles. 3 Pawnbroker, Bardalid, Star of Eve, Mi zanna. 4 Colonel Lit, Brian Kent, Tom Craven, i Nizam. 5 RUNOLATHE, Pud, Body Guard, Queen Bess. 6 False Face, Rundark, Girl Scout, Repulse. 7 Coffield, Redskin, Nebraska Lad, Easter Bells. 8 Dolph, Frank Fogarty, Wedding Prince, Zealot. Xcw Orleans Handicap. 1 Ringleader, Preservator, Vibrator, Book worm. 2 Woodie Montgomery, Brazos, Briar Sweet, Billy Gibson. 3 Bardalid, Tooters, Pawnbroker, Mizanna. 4 Brian Kent, Restful, Argonne Forest, Tom Craven. 5 Body Guard, Queen Bess, Hats Up, Lady Rose. G GIRL SCOUT, False Face, Bright Idea, Repulse. 7 Coffield, Lady Gorham, Easter. "Bells, Knighthood. 8 Dolph, Zealot, Wedding Prince, East In dian, Observers Handicap. 1 Preservator, Vibrator, Bookworm, Evalyn Harrigan. 2 Brazos, Woodie Montgomery, Briar Sweet. Colonel Matt. 3 Star of Eve, Pawnbroker, Bardalid, Miz anna. 4 Brian Kent, Lone Pine, Nizam, Tom Craven. 5 Queen Bess, Pud, Body Guard, Hats Up. G False Face, Nellie A., Girl Scout, Bright Idea. 7 Easter Bells, Coffield, Knighthood, Clar ence. 8 DOLPH, Wedding Prince, Frank Fogarty, East Indian. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Preservator, Ringleader, Vibrator, Book worm. 2 Woodie Montgomery, Brazos, Briar Sweet. Vanessa Welles. 3 Star of Eve, Mizanna, Pawnbroker, Bar dalid. 4 Tom Craven, Colonel Lit, Brian Kent, Nizam. 5 Queen Bess, Pud, Runolathe, Eody Guard. G Girl Scout, False Face, Nellie A., Repulse. 7 Coffield, Lady Gorham, Easter Bells, Knighthood. 8 DOLPH, Wedding Prince, East Indian, Frank Fogarty.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924121201/drf1924121201_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1924121201_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800