untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-12


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E 1 I I E 1 I I 1 ,1 IM . O laMHHMHHBHHHMOHHHHHaHHiHi NEW ORLEANS, LA. I FAIR GROUNDS "THE SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH" 1 Annual Winter Meeting I JANUARY 1 TO FEBRUARY 24, 1925 I FORTY-SEVEN DAYS OF RACING I Seven Races Daily No Purse Less Than ,000 NEW ORLEANS HANDICAP 5,000 ADDED 1 TO RE UUX SATURDAY, FEB. 7, 1925 For threa-year-olds and upward. A handicap. Entrance, 5.00 each, to accompany the j nomination. S100 additional each to start. The Association to add 5,000, of which ,000 to second, ,C00 to third and ,000 to fourth. To close Thursday, January 15, 1925. Weights, Sat- Sj urday, January 24. One mile and one-sixteenth. - I THE NEW YEARS HANDICAP $ 5,000 ADDED gj TO BE UU2S TIIURSIJAY, JAX. 1, 1925 fj For three-year-olds and upward. A handicap. Entrance fee, 0 each, to accompany the jgj nomination; 5 additional each to start. Tho Association to add ,009, of which 00 to II second, 00 to third and C0 to fourth. Entries to close Thursday, December 18, 1921. Weights gj H Vedncsday, December 21, 1924. Ons mile and one-sixteenth. H I THE MARDI GRAS HANDICAP $ 5,000 ADDED 1 TO BE lllJf TUESDAY, FEB. 21, 1925 1 Eg For three-year-olds and upward. A handicap. Entrance 0 each, to accompany the nomina- B tion; 5 additional each to start. The Association to add ,000, of which 00 to second, 00 H jj to third and 00 to fourth. Entries to close Thursday, February 12, 1925. Weights Wednesday, I j February 18, 1925. Ono mile and one-eighth. B B OTHER ATTRACTIVE FEATURES I ADMISSION: HEW, .00. WOMEN, .00. THE ASSOCIATION PAYS THE WAR TAX. I ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS H BUSHTESS MENS RACING ASSN., INC., Fair Grounds, New Orleans, La. 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924121201/drf1924121201_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1924121201_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800