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FAIR GROUNDS PRESIDENT Edward G. Schlieder Heads Louisiana Jockey Club — E. E. Bradley Chosen Vice-President. ! 1 NEW ORPHANS. La.. May 11— Unanimous approval was recorded in the vote of the annual election of the Louisiana Jockey Club here Monday and at which Edward G. Schlieder was chosen president of the organization. At the same time a board of directors was chosen, as well as a board of governors. The officers elected are : E. G. Schlieder. president: E R- Bradley, Lexington, vice-president, with Cot John P. Sullivan. J- M. Murphy and James T. Boulet as members of the executive committee. CoL Sullivan will serve as chairman, while Mr. Murphy is to be general manager and Mr. Boulet. secretary. In the election of a board of governors, Waldo M. Pitkin. W. B. Thompson, W. W. Bradley, George Maginn:s. Louis Hansmann. Charles A. Hartwell. Victor H. Hcmourelle, James Kenny and Albert G Thomas were chosen. There was only one ticket presented for election. Mr. Schlieder. president of the organization, is the only surviving member of the New Louisiana Jockey Club, which formerly owned and controlled the Fair Grounds. Discussion of the extensive plans for improvements of the Fair Grounds course, which include a new clubhouse, new paddock, barns, roads, etc.. were approved and every effort will be made to make the course one of the finest in the country-It was also decided to renew the various stake fixtures that were decided last winter. namely, the New Orleans Handicap, 5,000 added; Nur Years Day Handicap, and Carnival Handicap, each with ,000 added. In spite of the financial loss of last winter, the executive committee has had plans drawn u for the improvements to be made and bids will be solicited from the leading contractors here for the work.