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LEXINGTON PROGRAM « Centennial Meeting to Open on Saturday, April 24. « Ashland Oaks With Forty -One Eligibles Principal Attraction for Inaugural Day. ♦ LEXINGTON, Ky., April 8.— Racing secretary Shelly today distributed the condition hook for the Kentucky Association meeting :iniong horsemen stabled at the local course. ■a well as Churchill Downs. Douglas Park and other places. The " Lexington meeting opens April M, and is the beginning of what should be a most brilliant racing season on tin- Three L" circuit, this city, Louisville and Latonia. respectively. There is a greater importance than usual attached to this years racing here as it will marie the centennial meeting of the Kentucky Association. Die Lexington course has the unviable record of being the only course in the United States where racing was continued, practically without interruption during the dark and tragic days of the Civil AVer. While the war was in progress and all other race courses, of both the North and South, wre deserted, the inherent racing passion of the Kentuckians could not be dampened and they continued their attention to the turf even with the wars dread alarms ringing in their cars. lor the Centennial spring meeting the Kentucky Association provides four stakes, the Ashland Oaks. Camden Handicap, Llue Crass Stakes and Centennial Futurity. The Btae Crass Stakes is considered in the nature of a Kentucky Derby preliminary, and usually attracts a number of candidates for that noted fixture. MS ram OF MF.ETIXG. The Centennial Futurity undoubtedly will be the richest prize decided at the meeting. It carries au added value of ,000, and commemorates the one hundredth anniversary of the association. It closed on July 1, 198S, with ::40 entries, at 0 each. On the second payment. January 1, 11*26, there remained 147 eligibles at 0 each. The gross value of this stake will exceed 5,000, and it will be run on Saturday, May 1. The opening day program is featured by the Ashland Oaks, with the Phoenix Hotel Handicap as a supplementary attraction. The Ashland Oaks is an old and popular fixture, run annually since 1S79. The race is for three-year-old fillies at one mile and generally attracts all the best of that sex ago. There were forty-one- nominations received for the Ashlanel Oaks this: year and a fine field is assured from the following list of eligibles: Hark Phantom Oseda Cameo Florence Mills l ady Stone Helens l.abe Jealoii* Sea Drift l i ■ • k Pouna Ventnor Belle Befchy Mai una B. In Hounds IMane Hanlmry Cross TeaU Cupids Curse lvr.-ussion Mary O. I.ady Carolyn Neatness Vale-tu -c Anquinee Mavsiy Indianapolis P.ride o the Wind Nettie Sweep Hlahtterniouth I.inj»otte Ir MOM 1an lVaches W Id wood Prances Monk e.arden Uose Hiane Sabatn Mi. .lane Sararia Music Shop Mvrtle Hee /.•lie