Daily Racing Form Charts: Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-09


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1 ! ■ I | j I I j I TIJUANA TIJUANA. MEXICO. THURSDAY. APRIL 8. 1926. il Mile. One hundred and sixteenth dny. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter meeting of alxiut 125 days. Weather showery. Presiding Steward, K. Nelson. Assori-ito Stewards, ,| . Coffroth anil L. J. ltose. Ilacing Judgea, O. W. Schilling, J. S. Pothert and K. M Kennev. Starter. Marshall Cassidv. Racing Secretary, O. W. Schilling. Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time, 3:40 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and w.icht carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. — — f fififiiyfi FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. March 23, 1924— :53l/s— 2— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds "VfVfOvr and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 30; third. 0; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt % i, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 00605 COVERING w 3 98 5 2 2" P Is Is G Htamer G A Pope 3010-00 00469 ANGELA ws 7 108 2 1 P 21 3s 21 H White Mrs C B Irwin 360-100 — lit JAPIPEE w 3 96 1 6 7s 4! 2» 3" J Crgmile C H James t8W-100 98231 FBEDA KBIPP wb 3 94 4 4 31 7s 4i 4* R Jones A Jones and BrO t 99557 OLD REP w 9 110 12 7 51 5s C1 5 O Clark A Kregear 6060-100 004 70 GBKEN GOLD wb 11 108 3 5 6 i 61 71 C1 J Smith V J Murphy 840-100 00I6!SBIGWIG wsB 5 111 9 10 9 9-1 9» 7 R McHugh Mrs F AYright 980-100 00242 LAMSTFPT w I 110 11 S 8 8i 8* 8 P Neal K E Neal 310-100 00521 SWIFT LADY w I 97 8 I 4 P 5 91 G Pliilpot Allen Bros 300-100 00573 STAR PUBSE w 3 97 10 11 IP 10s 10« 10» p Taylor AV Hodges t 00132 MELCHOIR w 6 108 6 9 1 ll 12 12 IP J Sylvia A T Eby MMM 00242 = SKY LARK w 7 110 7 12 12 IP HI 12 AV Molters J Hobson . 2260-100 tMutuel field. Time. :241,, :49*»i, :563.5. Track sloppy. ,«2 mutuels paid-Covering, 4.20 straight, 1.00 place, . SO show; Angela, .20 place, 40 show; Japidee. field. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Covering. 3010 to 100 straight. 600 to 100 place, 200 to 100 show; Angela, 100 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show : Japidee. field, 100 to 100 show. Winner It. f, by War Cry Shade, by St. Symphorien trained by D. H. Shcvlin; bred by Mr Rudolph Spreckels. Went to post at 1:40. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. COVERING showed the most s|»oed and. soon passing ANOELA, held the race safe to the end. ANGELA set the early pace and raced wide in Ihe stretch, but finished gamely. JAIIDKK loomed up dangerously after turning for home, but was tiring at the end. FBEDA KKIll* met with interference, but came again and finished gamely on the inside. SWIFT LADY quit. SKY LARK and STAB ll KSS were shuffled back at the start. Overweights -Covering. 4 pounds: Old Red. 2; Green Gold, 3; Bigwig, 1: Star Purse, 1. f/f Q-g SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 20. 1924— l:37 /i— 5— 90. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and WOO A upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 30; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00519-MR. PAT w 4 109 1 1 PJ P P 1* PI A Prgrass Mission Hills Stable 210-100 00518 IS wb 6 113 4 0 6s 4* 3s P 2=1 G Htamer Rae and Ingham 400-100 00514*KINET1C wb 8 108 I I 2s 21 2i 2* 3- D Neal Ar M Hiekey 1360-100 00605 JACK LEOT WB 8 108 3 7 7 6*1 5: 4» 47 F Bayli.ss Mrs A M Gray 650-100 00276 SNOQUALM1K WB I 92 2 2 3h 31 4 P 5s G Pliilpot T Horning 310-100 00513«IIAMP w 4 104 7 I 6» 7 7 63 6* H AYhite Mrs G Kdison 2460-100 005I6SCANCELLATION WB 5 111 6 4 4s 5s 6* 7 7 H KJlston Emeryville Stable 620 100 Time, :25%, :51, 1:17, 1:45. Track sloppy. mutuels paid— Mr. Pat, .20 straight, .20 place, .00 show; Is, .80 pace, 40 show; Kinetic, .80 show. Equivalent liooking odds— Mr. Pat. 210 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show ; Is, 110 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Kinetic. 90 to 100 show. AYinner Ch. g, by The Manager Azalea, by Peep o Day trained by J. G. Burns; bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowell. AVent to iiost at 2:02. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MB. PAT held a good lead all the way and won eased up. IS ran well and finished namely, but did not threaten the winner. KINETIC raced prominently, but tired near the end. JACK LKDI stumbled after the start and was left far Ixdiind. but made up much ground aud finished well. Scratched- 00-133 Silver State. 92: 00601 Alajah, 102. AAriQ9 THTRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 19, 1924 — 1:04%— 4— 106. Purse 00. 3-year-olds UvDuAl and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 30; third, 0; fourth. 0. Index Il.irs,-s AAYtlPSt , ... Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 00522 BLUE PALE w 6 111 I 4 21 U P P A Prgrass M E Thompson 750-100 99856 SLA" POX w 6 111 11 1 P 31 P 2" J Crsmile C H .Tames 500-100 00515 CADMUS w 5 111 2 7 74 5U 21 3 G Pliilpot J Kern 630-100 00522 PS H. JONSTONw 4 111 8 9 lO 10 7» 41 J Sylvia Mrs J Larson 1940-100 00602 CAP*N KINNEA* ws 5 109 4 2 1 2 41 H. AV Charles AV ■ Bacon 610-101 00134 CUBA w 9 109 M M P 9i 5 6i G Htamer L Hankins t550-100 00575 MISS EMMA G. w 7 109 7 I 4h 61 61 75 H Elston J P Puikee ft Son 550-100 00437 BLUE MISS w 6 109 I 11 61 8" P 8» P Neal Clemens and PrOMtCr 1430-100 OO.vlSPAMAR w 4 109 18 92 72 9 P T Burns AV M Bitter f 00575 LBA GAFPNEY w 6 109 3 3 31 4 10 10 R P,» Pma C E Brown 1260-100 00313 ROSE DOYLE w3 99 9 I 11 11 11 11 It Jones D A Mooro 920-100 tMutuel field. Time, :24l/5, :4S%, l:023i. 1:09. Track sloppy. mutuels paid Blue Dale, 7.00 straight. 0.80 place, .20 show; Sly Fox. .80 place. 40 show: Cadmus, .80 show. Equivalent liooking odds— Blue Dale. 750 to 100 straight. 410 to 100 place. 160 to 100 show; Sly Fox. 190 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show: Cadmus, 00 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g, by Ormesdale Blue Racer, by Blues trained by M. E. Thompson: bred by Mr. E. P. OMeara. AVent to iio*t nt 226. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving: second and third the same. BLUE DALE was close up from the start and. racing into the lead, held the race safe in the stretch drive. SLY POX finished gamely and took second place by a narrow margin. CADMI S made up mm h ground and finished fast. CAPTAIN KINNAIJNKY tired after setting the early pace LAURA OAKKNKY showed some early n cod. /-||"|£»0 0 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 19. 1924— 1:04s— 4— 106. Purse 00. 3-year-vFvFU«L#«L# elds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 30; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses AAYtlPSt "„t -. Str Kin Jockeys Owners Ivinn Odds Sir t 00243 iWALDOUT wbSIII 4 6 4i 2* P ft* T Burns Coakley and ftXcRajr 260-100 00437 DARR wb 7 111 1 5 3» 51 21 2= AV Benn AVendel x- Mador 2O4C-10O 00605 LASSES AAHTTE WB 5 111 3 1 ll 1" 3- 3* 1- G Pliilpot Mrs T Hunt 650-100 00573FULL MOON w 8 111 I 4 6 O3 o» 4h R M Hues Mrs .1 Gentle 410-100 00437 BABY POLL wb I 102 6 2 22 3 41 5» AV Bntine A H Askey BM-1M 00046 RXCU8R ME w 7 114 7 8 620 4 60 6" A Prgrass Mrs A M Gray 220-100 00215 LY LONGRIOGEwsb 5 109 3 7 7 7 7 7 T Hexham C M Barnes 810-100 Time. iMVi, :50, 1:03. l:09v5. Track sloppy. mutuels paid— AValdout, .20 straight, .80 place, .40 show; Dare, 1.00 place, .00 show: Ijism-s White. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds AValdout. 260 to 100 straight. 00 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Dare, 1100 to 100 plan. 200 to 100 show; losses White. 110 to 100 show. AViuner — B. g, by Waldo Little Bos. by Mallory trained by P. Kelley: bred by Mr. L. C. Sloan. Went to iiost at 2:4S. At IKist 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but LADY I.ONGKIDOK. Won driving; second and third the same. AYAI.DOI T raced into the lead in the stretch and was tired at the finish, but hebl his lead long enough to l oat DARR. The latter -Inset] ■ gap and finished with rare g.imeness. LASSKS WHITE tired after setting a g 1 pace to the stretch. EXCISK MK raced very wide on all the turns. LADY LONOBIDGK was left at the post, but raced after tin others. Scratched 00574 1 Hani Dealer, 101; 00515 Mayor IIoiim, 114: 00602 Yorkist, 100. f||"K£ 0/| FIFTH RACE— 1 Mihx and 70 Yards. April 4. 1926— 1 .41S— 5— 120. Rosedale Claim-WOO"i ing Handicap. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt U "£. "ft Str Fin latfctyi Owners Equiv. Odtls St r t MS1S*GRRAT LUCK w 6 100 2 1 2- 2- 2« 2" P T Hexham H C Keisel 870 loo 00527 1KKP THOGHT WB 5 106 4 3 P P P P 2" J Sylvia H ftf Mason 60-100 00310 PATIIAN WB 5 103 1 2 5 4« 4° 3 P P Neal C Saw-., 470-KK 0027X MRLACHRINO w 6 100 3 4 310 3» 35 4» 4» H AYhite J f MeKav 1020-100 00186 LETTER SIX wb 3 91 6 6 6 6 6 6 P G Philpot J G Givens 640 100 00400 HRSTBR ANN w 4 95 5 5 41 51 $• 5" 6 K Jones L ■ Old 227C-100 Time. :24. :485. I:U%, 1:4035. 144«5. Track sloppy. mutuels paid -Great Luck. 0.40 straight, . IK plan-, .00 show, Data Thought. .00 place, .20 show : Patlian. .20 show. Equivalent liooking odds Great I. in k. 870 to 100 straight. 150 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show: Deep Thought. 30 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show: Pathan, 60 to 100 show. Winner P.. m, by Maintenant Water K., by Wateibcy trained by C. Irby: bred l, Mr. D. AV. Scott I. Went to post at 3:10. At IKist 5 minutes. Start l«ior and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GREAT LUCK raced in close atteudatice on DRRP TH4MJGBT from the start and, wearing him dt wn in the stretch, got up to win because best ridden at the end. DRRF THOUGHT w t a fat pace and finished gamely, but tiring. PATHAN closed an immense gap and finished very fast. MKI.A-t IIBINO tired l adlv in the last eighth. IJ-riTER SIX vas practicallv left at the post. Scratched — 0036h3 Kingman. 106. Ovtrweight Melat hrmo, 2 pounds. lAft1 SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 19. 1925— 1 :10S— 4— 120. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and vfWOt-F upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90; second, 40; third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt |f Str Fin Jockejs Owners Epiiv Otitis Str t 00518 JULIA LEE wb 4 102 1 6 6h 4* 1 P P Neal II E Naal 300-100 005291 BRIGHT IPEA WB 4 111 7 1 6* 6H 4 2" AV Charles J Et kert 1040-lno 00529 FIN IS GLORIOSUSw 5 105 6 2 P ll 21 3 H AYhite C Sawer 320-100 j 005PP WHIFF ws I 101 2 4 2 2s 31 44 II Creese H C MiConn.ll 3C0 loo I 00580Qt KEN BESS w 5 110 4 5 3" 31 5- 6- J Crgmib- R Dai— M 1.H40-10O ] 00436" BOSK MINT w 5 110 5 3 4J 6" 6" 6» G philpot H II Ciowell 30-100 1 99559-PBKTTY MALLY- w 5 106 3 7 7 7 7 7 J Sylvia California Stable 1470-100 Time. :23"i. :4825. 1:11%. Track sloppy. mntuls | aid Julia Lee. .OO straight, .00 place. .00 show; Bright Idta, .00 place. HLM she" : Finis iloriosus. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Julia Lee, 300 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 pla.e. 50 to too show: Bright Idea, 350 to 100 place. 230 to MR show: Finis Gloriosus, 70 to 100 show. Winner— Cb. f. by M Crump WooJland Nymph, by Allan a Dale trained by B. E. Neal; bred by Mr. James A. Buchanan. Went to ]M1vt «t 3:37. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow Won easilv: second and thinl driving. JULIA LKK was saved in the early racing, then came rapidly when the attatcft was reached j antl. passing KINTS GLORIOSUS, drew away to win as her rider pleased. BRIGHT IDRA gamed steadily I aud rat ttl into second place in the last few yards. FINIS GLORIOSUS set a good pace for the going and stiijttl Utter than usual when elm 11, -aged WHIFF was elose up for n half mile anil tired LoSH I HINT ami QURRM BESS tired badlv. PRETTY MALLY was aluaj- far but k. AAftOffJ SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and .0 Yards. April 4 1926— 1 41«i— 5— 120 Puts* !X . 3-VVUuU vMr-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second. 60; third, 0. Index Horsrs AAVtllSt V» : % Str Fin Jockeys Owner* K.iuiv. Odds Strt • 0315*PKItHAPS wsn S 10 12 1» P 1 1» 1» 11 Jones C ■ Brown 660-100 ©0578 "HANDS UP wb 5 104 2 3 !! !! V 2J 2" It Creese ■ B Carpenter 690-100 O0525*KK Ill w 4 106 4 4 V P ".» 31 2- F Payliss G 1" Pross - 720-100; 00579s CI.Kll.MONT JP. w I 102 i f. 6 42 4= 4= 41 H White T J Ogle 340-100 005 78TBAPNKT wb 5 107 7 6 7 7 6 6- 6= T llexliam W Vincent 1040-100 00473*STr.ir Jit. wn 6 107 3 1 41 l | P 51 6 I Neal Mrs K It Knifong 440-100 f0578:,S TIlS MKMBYwu i 106 6 7 62 P Uke dn. G Ihilpot ; 1 M.Neil 220-10H Time. ;24. :49. 1:155. 1:43. IM%. Track sloppy. mutucls paid Perhaps, 5.20 str.-ii-.ht. . M BBMC, .00 rim; Hands Pp. 1926.sh.80 place, $."..80 I show : Kl fid. 00 show. Equivalent booking odds Perhaps, 000 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show. Hand* j I "p. 240 to Mt place. 100 to 100 show; Kl Cid. 1M to 100 show. , Winner Ch. g. by I.ukc M Kuki — Miss Qllgls. in Star Shoot trained by C. E. Crown, Jr.; bred by llr .1 N. Markey. Went to post at 4:03. At post 2 minutes. Start Rood and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. IKHII.MS set the pace by a small margin throughout and held his lead resolutely in the final drive. HANDS DP was always closest to las pan-maker and finished gamely. ML ID was racing fast it the end and would have won in another stride CLERMONT .IK. was outpaced, but raced well. BTOMF JR. tired. TRAPNET wax outrun all the way. SETH S MEMORY fell lame. Scratched HWNl Star. 107. Overweights Kl id. 2 pounds. Clermont Jr., 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926040901/drf1926040901_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1926040901_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800