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GRAINGER MEMORIAL ARRAY « One Hundred and Five Nominated for Stake at Churchhill Downs. ♦ Kast and West Strongly Represented in , Renewal of Fixture Named for Deceased Louisville Sportsman. ♦ LOriSVILLH. Ky., April S— One hundred and five of the leading horses of the handicap division have been nominated for the Grainger Memorial, to be decided at the Churchill Downs spring meeting of the Kentue-ky Jockey Club. The fixture carries an added value of 0,000, and is named for the late Charles F. Crainger. who was president manager of the Downs for so many years. It is certain that a representative field will again contest for the rich prize. It is a mile and one-quarter, and in addition to having a fine array of handicap racers eligible, there are a number of colts now being prepared for the- Kentucky Derby that may be among the starters. Following are the- conditions, eligibles. their pedigrees and owners: TBI GffAIMGU MEMORIAL HANDICAP For , three -year-olds and npv:ird. Py Subscription of fj: each: V-~M additional to start: 0,000 i added, of which .."iOp to second. to i third, fourth to save stake. The winner to 1 receive a replica of the iruinfrer Memorial Cup. Weichts five days before the race. Winners of Si. 500 after publication eif weights. five pounds extra. Acceptances to be named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time- of closing. ONE BULK AND ONE QIAKTF-U. Archibald. II. Teller Despot, eh. e. 4. by Flitter- ■SM Destine. Audley Farm- Princess Dore-en. b. m. .". by Spanish Irine-e II.--Lady Doree-n. Audle-y Farm Superfrank, ch. ;;. 4, by Superman — Franks Daughter. Baxter. "m. . Maleolm B. Jr., br. e, :., by Torchbearer — Myrtle V. Beacom. P. M. — Gaj Comet, b. h, 5, by Sunstar — Wayward. Bedford Farm Dangerous, eh. c. 4, by Negofol — Fair Atlanta. Bedford Farm— Catalan, b. h, 5, by Fair Play — Catalpa. Breckinridge. Desha Kinsley, eh. e. 3, by Ballot -— Mary Cary. Camden. .7. N.— -Devon, eh. e, .*!, by Light Brigade - Derna. Camden. J. N. — Tilka, eh. c, 4, by Light P.rigade - Enigma. Camden, J. N. Bothermel. c-h. f. 4. by Light Brigade- Lady Kotha. Continued on sixteenth page GRAINGER MEMORIAL ARRAY Continued from first page Canale. A. P. — Spandor. oh. g, 4, by Spanish I Prince II.- Lady Poreen. lark. K. S. Prcast Plate, eh. e. 3, by Olambaia - Sunburst. Cooper. L. T. Marconi, eh. c, 4, by Omar Kha.. jam lM Pilivrance. Cooper, L. T. OH Slip, b. c, 4. by Drown Prince ■ II. — Plume. OMpar, [« T. Klunies, b. h. 5, by Wrack lii Klambee. Corn-Jan. J. W. - Triple Sec. ch. f, 3, by Zeltingir Trinia. Corrigan. J. W. — San Itar, ch. h, 5, by Sunder - Yokohama. Corrigan. J. W.- -Imperial F.aglc, b. c, 4, by White , Kaglo Joldcn Lily. Cowan, S. A. Poon Companion, ch. e, 4, by North Star 111. I.lusliiiit: Pe.-iuty. | Coyne. P. King Corin II.. b. h, 5, by Golden Maxim | — Yankee Tree. Croissant, J. Frank--Sun Altos, b. g, ." , by Sun ! Priar — I.os Alto . Croissant, J. Frank Puck. ch. li. 5. by Ploml 1 Puddy — Pea ruing Pea ut. v. Croissant, G. Frank Kentucky Cardinal, ch. c. 4. by North Star III.- Lucrative. Croissant, D. Frank -Koycrofter, br. c, 3. by High i Time — Oiiora. Croissant. 1. Frank Stanwix, ch. h, 5, by Pallot — Miss Crittenden. Croissant. G. Frank Orpheus, b. g. 5, by Superman Ormonde. - -Princess Croissant. O. Frank —Belle, b. f, 3, by Pennant - Polly Prim. Croissant. G. Frank Pigeon Wing II., ch. c, 3, by Maintenen Pigeon Pie. Dailey, C. B. — Deeming, b. f, 4. by Spanish Prince II. -Pin Feather. Purncll. Charles F. Skivesdale, ch. e. 3, by Whisk Broom II. Hansa. Ournell. Charles F. B.irgain Day, br. f. 4, by Mckinley Fribble. Fair Acre Farm Stable- Guest of Honor, ch. h, G, by Pataud Bright Start I Fairbirn, U. A. I.ougworth, br. c. 3. by Son in I-aw - Ijoaf Sugar. Fairbairn. It. A. Buttress, b. f. 4, by Wrack Kate Adams. Gerry, It. L. — Peanuts, b. c. 4. by Ambassador IV. — Agnes Sard. Go.dbiatr. M. Sir Peter, br. e, 4, by Paicioes Souvenir. Goldblatt. 11.- Laveen, b. m, 5, by Black Toney — Friendship. Grabner. Fred M.- Chicago, br. g, 3. by Granite-- Synthetic. Green Briar Stable--Norwester. b. g. 4. by North 1 Star III. Sunny. Greentree Stable Cherry Pie, b. g. C, by Chicle — Cherry Malotte. Greentree Stable- Dazzler, eh. h, 5. by Whisk Broom 11.— Masda. Greentree Stable- Hedgefence. ch. g, 4. by Whisk Broom II. Homely. Hancock. A. B. Percussion, br. f, 3, by Omar Khayyam Martha Snow. Hawkins and Ferguson Nocturnal, blk. c, 3, by Hternal Delito. Headley. 11. P. -Almadel. ch. g. 4, by Fltimus - Busy I. ass. Heaton. W. S. Hoi eless. b. g. 0, by Huon Kolinsky. Henry. J. — Iraq, ch. c, 3. by Omar Khayyam— Sombra. Hirsch, Max King Solomons Seal, b. g. C, by | King .lames Himation. ! Holland. K. J. Ballot Brush, b. g, 5. by Ballot - ialleping QMM. Holmaii. S. N. Tangara. b. c, 4, by Light Brigade Tanagra. Holmes, Mrs. I.. M. — Ali Baba. b. c. 3. by War Fame or cr1y I/oan -Hoop Skirts. Howard. H. M Bu/. Fuz. b. g. 4. by Short Grass — Common Law. IIumplir.-s, 1. B. Little Chief, b. h. 7, by Wrack; I Medora II j Idle Hour Farm Stable Broadway Jones, br. c. 4. j by Black T.-nev Vaila. Idle Hour Stick Farm Stable Bill Strap, b. c, 4. by North Star [II.— Serelia. Idle Hour Stock farm Stable Buckwheat Cake ch. f. 4. by North Star III. Batter Cake. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stab!.- Brown Sugar, br. c. • I 4. by Brown Prince II Sweet Alice. Idle Hour Stock Farm stable l.ageiibaggag.-. ch. c. ! ::. by Fnder Fire Bltuhing Beauty. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Beau Butler, b. h. ." . by Black VMM Santa Anna II. Jarobirs. A M. John T. P., b. g. 4. by Assaga Ilu- v. Kaiser. A. A. Captain Hal. blk. e. 4. by Dla. k Tonev Wavering Keeneland Stud Stable Chittagong. br. g. fl, by j Luke McLuke Agnes Virginia. j Kenton Harm Stable Mu»ician, blk. c. :t. by Dam- , MM i Br.vnwood. I Kenton Farm Stable ArenibcC, ch. e, .., by Colonel Vennie Smirk Kohn and Theisen Becollcction, b. c. 3, by Jim I liaffney Memories II. I,a Brae Stable Sun-pero, b. li. .". by Sun Briar -j Kspero. La Brae Stable M. mural.. r. ch h. C, by Broomstick — AUter OHM La Brae Stable Lie. for. ch. e. 4. by Ballot Sister. I I.e. hleiter, K. K. Scratch, ch. , 4, bv Spanish i : | Prince II Kitten i l.elian. I an Drowx Water.-., br. c. I. l Cataract Brajaacwiag. i i 1 - | ! - I j j • I ! j j , I I I i : | i i i Lexington Stable Prince of Bourbon, ch. c, 4, by Prince Palatine Forever. Livingston. Jefferson Son of John, b. e, 4, by Sir John Johnson Water K. Livingston. Jefferson Actuary, br. h, 6, by Dick Finnell Alice Baird. Laaarj, James T. Alleghan, b. c, 3, by Everest-Ten Pin. I-owe. John Starbeck. b. h. ." . by Troutbe.k -Istar. Lowen.-tein, Mose- Col. Board, gr. c, 3, by Koyal Canopy l-ovele.-.s. M.Cill. J. C. Spic and Span, b. h, 5. bv Whisk Broom II. Sub Kosa II. McCill. .1. 0 Flagstaff, eh. g, C. by Broomstick-Inaugural. MeGill. J. C. Man/anna. ch. g, 4, by Broomstick Manzanita. Met! II I, .1. C. Hour-more, br. g, ." , by Hourless — Belgravia. M.Cill. J. C. -Russell Gardner, ch. e, 3, by Tea Caddy Torque. Mclean. K. B. Prince of Wales, br. e, 3, by High Time — Sand Pocket. McLMM, K B. harden Bose, br. f, 3, by Colin— Card, n of Allah. Moshier and Waltcrv Max Brick, ch. g, T . by Sir Martin May Alley. Nichols. S. K. — Kd Burke, ch. g, 3. by King Gorin -Maid Militant. Bespess. .1. B. -Creat Sport, br. e, 3, by Colonel Vennie Angeline. Kiedinger. C. W. Ciblon, ch. h, 5, by The Man- ager Oreen. Kiedinger. C. W. Caractus. ch. e, 4. by Great Britain Oreen. Boss. J. K. I.. Hallucination, ch. h, C. by Fitz-william lleasaut Dreams. Boss. J. K. L. Fcustick, b. c, 3, by Cudgel— Pennsylvania. Segar. I!. C Sou Ami. b. c. 3. by Lafite •Savonni.Tc. S[» n.e. Kaj Drone, br. c. 3, by Friar Back Dreaming. Taylor. J. S igert — Prince diaries, b. c, 3, by Helmet Dhzabeth M. Three D. Slock Farm Morning Cloud, b. f, 4 by War Cloud French II.-.-I-. Trotter. K Conn-ra-kcr, br. e, 3. bv North Star III Spring Maid. Trailer, .1 .1 King Nadi, br. c, 4, by King Jam-s Nadimlte. Whitehotise, . If. Krie, b. c. 3, bv Negofol — I-urgo. Whitney. H. P. Backbone, ch. g. 4. by WhUk Lrooiu II Stamina. Whitney. H. IV Acrostic, b c. 3. by Broomstick Vexatious. Whitney, H. P. Brusha way. br g. J, by Whisk Broom II. Lidy Hamburg II. Whitney. H. r — Blotidin. b. c, 3, bv Broomstick - Lilian. ■ . ire II. Wli.Uicy. H. P Token, b. •, 3, by Pennant -1 Bcmcmbran. t. WhtaMJT, II P. Overall, b. e. 4, by Peter Pan— tnller.N . Xalapa Farm Memory Iine. b. e, 3. by Negofol - Mileage. Xal:i| u Farm Forcwr and BfCT, b. i, 3, by Ncgo fol DeaftM Field.