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- Entries and Past Performances JAMAICA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 WBATHn CI-ICAR: TRACK FAST. Tlie figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of earh horse at the distance since January 1, 1825. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. ______ _ . flDs? IS FIKST IM1F.X OF 192«. 00103 IS FIItST INDEX OF APKIL R:.. ng starts at 2:30 p. in. .Chicago lime. l:"0i. ! @ Superior mud runner. xnood mud runner. sj: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. • Apprentice i llowance. The following abbreviations sre used to deslcnnt--tracks at which time rerords shown in entries were made: I Akron Ak iKing Edward K Aqueduct Aq. Lagoon Park Lr Aurora *» ?Lansdowne Park ...LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Ln Blue Grass BO Lexington Lz Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighonse Park Bs Maple Heights MH •■Brooklyn Park Br •fMailboro Mb Churchill Downs... CD Miami M! tColumbus ©• tMobilo Mo Coney Island CI Mmnt Royal MR Ccnna tight Park CP INiagara Falls NF ♦ Dufferin Park Du Omaha Oin IConneaut Lake CL Orlando Or Dade Park DP Phoenix Ph *Delorimier Dl Pimllco Pro Devonshire Do Raceland R * Dorval Do Reno Re Empire Em .Salt Lake SL Grounds FG Saratoga Sa F-illH— I Park . ..FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thiftle Down TB Hamilton .. Hm Thorncliffe T_ Park HP Tijuana Ti Mavre ce Grace HG tTiminlum Tm Hawthorns . Hw Toledo To Htvana Hv United Hurts TJH Hnntington Hu tWheeling Wl Jamaica 3a Willows Palk WP J*ff»!iou Park J*» Windsor Wl Juarez Jz Woodbine Wo tKemptoii Park ..XV tYoungstown Yo Kenilwortb Ke li*»i_ii: lies half-mile track. Janiaica Mile Track. First Ra-e — 5 1-2 Furlongs. , In:.ui;ur:i1 Piirsr. Purse .00. 3-vcar «.|.K. AJUmamt** TlSKft ift.rd: May M, l!-4- 1040 I HK. Today 8 Ind. Wl.Uiv. A .Wl I! in. 96340- "utitont Ja 125 1:0*; 1 •.--. .730 97204 Iianton ta US 1:00".-. 117.72". 94906 t Mm lllgWI— t ta 111 1 o ; 1U..ZM 97087 Mos,|iio Km lis 107 11..71". 9T35C flljs-pli Em 110 1:08m USX7M 91548 lin-.-i.rd USX1M 973573 B pino HP 11" 1 M% USX7M 9733€s Claptrap J n 111" l314997% ll."»®70.", 96337 sM Maria HP 12r 1 :0« 110 705 92480 1rofis.sor iMlEm 107 LOT*., 107. 7C, 99880 Nero Ja 117 1 :0c1, 113 700 93820 Iirlien ta 111 1:07 .-. 11S..1M 0090J Palmist BO 105 1:11:,;. 112, .700 94474 Cuill.rtt M i . .HP 1 10 1 :09- and 107. .700 l.iaiif 101*. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Tursn .O00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ; ! Trark rroord: May 20. 1925— 1:11 3—120. i 99866 Wildlane Mi 105 1:12% 4 122.730 m j I 1 00743 Mohnnj fampbellJa 104J1:13% 4 120X725 - i 00486 Julie Ja 105 1:12% 4117X720 0 j 99125- Khglitv JP 108 1:12% 6 117. .715 r, 00862 •N-atherwood ..IK". 110 1:12 5 117X710 0 9975fcJ Marcaret St. L..CI 100 1:13V-. 4 117X710 0 I 97487 All in AH ta 110 1:13% 4 114X705 5 01005 rYrrash Mi 89 1:12% 3 112x705 ,.-, I 01005 *Voshell 3 104..70r.j Ci 97339 la% Pijreon ...Im 110 1:14% 3 109X700] • I 00787 Ilo.kljeirv .IP 99 1:13% 3 107.. 700 , I I 97083 White Wash . 10C. 1:12% 4 119.. 700 • 99039 •Federalist KU 114 1:14 4 114.. 700 * Third Race — 5-8 Mile. Twentieth Running Suffolk Claiming Stakes. ,000 Added. 2 year olds. 1 Tra k r.-.-ord: May 1C, 192.- 58%- 2— 111. 99581- ln le Hood 117x735! 00890 Colored Cal 109. 730 00903 tiolden Iennant M 112. .725 00394- Dun.- M 109. .720 00890 Pierian 117.. 715 j 00477 Knnui 109. .710 | 01001 la tat So M 112. .Tl* I 99828 Let b Co M 115.. 705 01001 Indian Spirit M 104..7H 01001 •Antonio M 107. 700 Arabesjue 112.. 700 Huffy 115 Arsatid 112 Forebode 110 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Seventeenth Running Faumonok Handicap. "tio.OOO Added. 3-yeor-oldti and upward. iTra.k record. May 21, 1923—1:11— ■3—120. 00746 NOAH ta 1201:11 4120x750 i 96818 SiKor Fox HP 112 1:11 4 124.. 740 j OOJ04- Navigator F ; 114 1:13% 3 106x735 j 97539 Lu k Play Ti 120 1:10% 5 116:1:730 I OlOCS- Mino la 140 1:12% 5 115X725 91261 Cartoonist ta 119 1:14 6 112x720 92773 tatac HP 111 1:13% 4 10 ..715 79310 Masse Call .Ml... 5 105.710 Oaata 4 112 Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. I Purse .o0. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track r.-.ord: May 25, 1925 -1:41 %" 4 124. 00935 Diacraiii A | 116 1:43% 6 115x735 OD987- •H« l Pennant ...IP 103 1:43% 4 Ui. .TM 00932 Watts Km 100 1:47m 4 ]15®72.". : 99878 •Volt CI 108 1:43 5 110/ 72 00935 Kouiund s Bcajaaat Ja 10S 1:4: % 4 110. .715 00905 Braaa ta 113 1:45% 4 110:;:710 Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse ,000. 2 -year olds. Maidens. Track record: May 16, 1923 58%— 2- 111. 00934- Seat IIS.. 730 00861 Willie K 11S..72". I 03934 Captain Kettle ... IIS .720 | 00810 Master William .. US. .715 00101 Antonio 118.. 710 Criiudus US ArroKant 118 Cun Koyal 118 Hois St Hose .... IIS Sarmalion 118 UMHaa us Drummer Hoy .... 118 Kiioiting KViitor... 118 Pol| oiirri 118 Saioti 118 Ihorade 115 Sonata 118 Hud Hud IIS Forebode H5