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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 106 LEXINGTON LBXIMUYUM, Ky.. April 27.— Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather elear ; irark fast — THREE-EIGHTHS MILE. 104 Anquince 36% 102 Ceo. r.ronm .16—, 9S Pcndragon M 104 Barrister 39% 102.1. C. Denny 38% 101 Precious Lula ... -9% 105 Killy Witt 38 .lock 35% 10 Quince Harden .. M 105 Relva 38 102Keegan 36 99 Smacker 37% 98 Beau Butler 36% little Guinea ... 36% Saphronia Fair . 37% 104 Bern M.-Cann ... 38% lady Hopeful .. 38 102 Toivhilla 36% 102 Coohogan 3S 103 Mamie OJane .. 3.5% 104 Tanist 36% 102 Deeming 36% 100 Mary 0 38% 100 Taylor Hay 39% Delectable 37% 99 Neatness 36% 102 tp She Joes.... 35% 96 Dandy Anne .... 38 Noreaster 39% 104 Vannem 38 Florida Cold 35 102 Oseda 36 99 Zelia 38% 102 Florence Mills .. 39 OXF.-HAI.F MILE. 103 Aloma 47% 103 Huon Pine 49% 102 Tied Hiad 48% 104 Antiquarian 51% 104 Judge Pryor .... 47 100 Solo 52% 104 Button 51% 103 l~.ddi.-go 50 100 Stars and Stripes 52 99 Blow Horn 49% I_udy Lura 49% 100 Sun Dance 52% 32 Betty Craig 49% 103 Mary Jane 48% Sweet Mandy 48% 104 Cora Bussell 49% 104 Moms Boy 48 102 Si/.zle 52 99 Despard 50 102 Myrrh 50% 104 Starbeck 48% 99 Ktta Belle 51% Ortileb 52% 103 Taloha 50 101 Krins Bride ... 49% 96 Pet Bright 49% Thistle Cold 50% 100 Fast Mail 49% 104 Prince Charles . 49% 104 The leopard 50% 102 Flying Spark 48% 100 Piccadilly 49 103 Top I_ady 49 103 Fire Captain 50 103 Phil Foto 49% 104 Tribal 48% 104 Fusileer 50% 104 Queen Basil 49% 100 Token 47% FIVE-EHJHTHS MILE. 99 Basillette 1:03 103 Ivory 1:04 104 Bed Ump 1:02% 100 Bother 1:03% 194 John Williams .1:04 32 Set lis Alibi 1:04% 101 Cnsllr Cnnllyl :01% 101 Jessie l,ee 1:03% The Weir 1:06% 103 Cup Bearer 1:02% 99 U.yal H 1:04% The Code 1:06% 103 Fairfax 1:07 Little Blaze 1:02 104 Thndr Shwr. . 1 :03% 103 Fdk Raphael .1:04% 103 Queen Agnes ...1:02 103 Waponoca 1:05% 105 Ice 1:01% 102 Rolled Stocking. 1 :04 TJIREEQI AKTERS MILK. 103 Archibald 1:17% 103 Klisha Ie 1:16 105 Menifee 1:13% 101 Bob cahill 1:18 Frankman 1:21% 102 Did Tom 1:16 102 Blush 1:14% 102 Honor Man 1:17% 104 Our Cains 1:16% 101 Burkes Boy ...1:17 101 Hats l"p 1:19% 101 Saar 1:15% 100 Come Along ...1:17% 100 lawless 1:25 96 Trevisco 1:18 Dingo 1:11 104 Little Glory 1:17% 99 Valence 1:18 !tR Double Star 1:18 99 Longport 1:16% 102 Wild wood 1:15% 101 Dark Phantom .1:16 10a Music Shop 1 :16% 102 Why 1:15% SEVEN-EIGHTHS MILE. 103 Coronation 1:28% 105 Little Cook 1 :2S% ONE MILE. 99 Ballot Brush ...1:46% 102 Ctorgie 1:41% Liberty 1:41% 102 Dusty Mary 1:41% 100 Helen Carter ..1:42 105 Slicker 1:41% 53 Fair Bowena ...1:41% 98 I_ady Von 1 :44% 101 Washoe 1 :42% Slicker and Dusty Mary both worked Starbeck and Moms Boy were in com- •xceedingly well. pany. . Dingo did a splendid move. Ceorgie was in hand doing his good Menifees trial was a standout. " work. Token displayed excellent speed. CHURCHILL DOWNS IjDCISVILLK. Ky., April 27. Toda s training gallops here included the following. Weather clear ; track fast — THREE-EIGHTHS MILE. 98 Dwn of Tmrrw 35% 104 Boyal Sweep 37 100 San Vicente ... 38% ONE -HALF MILE. 100 Black Crackle .. 51% 104 Fausto 52% 104 Panic 48% Cinderetta 50 99 Fred Jr 49 99 Rambler 50 Karla ljee II 49 Kitty Jim 49% FIVE-EIGHTIIS MILE. Herdsman 1:03% 100 Loretta Brooks .1:03 Spic and Span... 1:06% TUREE-QF ARTE RS MILE. 101 Anona 1:18% lOlKnergy 1:16% 105 Pitchfork 1:16% 101 Blende Beauty. .1 :1S% Flag Staff 1:17% Serenader 1:17% 72 Bolton 1:19% 105 Kublai Khan ...1:17 72 Smiling Cus 1:19% 101 Christ. Morning. 1 :1C% 104 Pricemaker 1:17% ONE MILE. 100 Buck 1:47 105 King Corin II.. .1:43% 105 Roy crofter 1:47 102 Imperial Ragle .1:43% 104 Midnight Rose... 1:42% 105 Royal Omar 1:45% ONE AND ONE-QUARTER MILES. 100 Recollection 2:12% 105 Rhinock 2:13% Dawn of Tomorrow had some speed in lanic did an excellent work, reserve. Rhinock was cantering. King Corin II. and Imperial Ragle did Midnight Rose was in company with a nice move together. Recollection for a mile. JAMAICA NCW YORK. X. Y., April 27.- Todays training gallops over the local courses included the following: Weather clear ; track fast— THREE-EIGHTHS MILE. Avisack II 37 103 Kddie Cantor ... 37% 34 Music Girl 37% Uarber Bill 37% 99 Flighty 36 103 Nero 36 in:: Clock Golf 38 103 Grand Pre 41 103 Romany 41 103 Charming Bride 41 S5 Golden Pennant . 36% 102 Rigoletto 37 103 Com. Cahill 36% 104 Haut Et Bon... 37 101 Summer Time ... 36% 104 Cannae 37 Mormask 36% S Transfer 39 2S Kspino II 30 Mormine 37 ONE-HALF MILE. 103 Hullabaloo 50% 100 Voshell 51% 102 Julie 49% 103 Irish Brigadier . 51 103 Vie 52 103 Noah 50% 103 Janet ta 49% High Bridge 50% Play On 50% 47 Jeal 51% FIVE-EIGHTHS MILE. 104 Agnate 1:03% 103 Don Bonero 1:05% 103 Palestine 1:03 103 Brotherhood 1:04 104 First Hour 1:05% 102 Peter King 1:09 104 Brose Hover ...1:03% 103 Ghent 1:04 103 Rudolf 1:02% S7 Basquaise 1:03 102 Metzies Buddy. 1:03 Satyr 1:03% 94 Capricorn 1:03% * 103 Patroon 1:02% 101 Tilshcad 1:07% THREE-QUARTERS MILE. 68 Diagram 1:19% Homestretch ...1:20 103 Michael B 1:17% 104 Federalist 1:18 105 Hillside 1:21 103 Reprisal 1:17% 31 Gala Night 1:18% 103 King Jimmy 1:16% 103 Tiber 1:17% SEVEN-EIGHTHS MILE. 103 Bruns 1:29% 105 Titan 1:30% ONE MILE. 105 Brig ODoon 1:46% 105 Rolls Royce 1.47 103 Yoshimi 1:45 99 Insulate 1 :45% Patroon and Rudolf went handily to- Titan was not extended, gether. Mormask has a good way of oing. Bruns worked well. Satyr and Capricorn were in company. Don Bonero was well in hand. Julie worked from the barrier. BELMONT PARK Weather i lo:idy; track good iMain Course THREE-EIGHTHS MILE. 104 Hack Maria 35% 101 Flat Iron 37% Poly 37% Color Sergeant.. 35% Hartley 37% 101 Kosini 37 99 Claptrap 37 103 Helter Skelter.. 36% Sankari 37% 102 Ruclid 36% 102 1-achen 36% Taboo 39 Easy Money ... 39 1 01 Little Asbestos.. 37% 104 Voltaic 37% 101 Kndless 37 Needle Point ... 37% 104 Zuker 36% 102 F.-rrash 37 ONE-HALF MILE. Acrostic *9% Macaw 50% 104 Sandstorm 54 Bois de Rose 54 94 Mino 50% 102 Snperlette 49 103 Cutitout 50% 10- Nedana 49 Turf Light 50% Yoyden 49% Noon Fire 60% Vigil 54 Crystalite 50% ITofewor 50% Whisk Along.... 50% j 103 Linganl 50% 104 Silver Fox 50% j FIVE-EIGHTHS MILE. 105 Alley Oop 1:17 Dream Life 1:04% 103 Happy Argo 1:01% Biicepalns ,1:07 103 Ethereal 1:04% 103 King S-In sS.-al .1 :01 % 100 Chance Play 1:08 THREE-Ql ARTEHS MILS. 102 Aigrette 1:20% 104 Finish 1:18 97 Phantom lYinee.l:24 101 Blackamoor 1:19% 102 Hot Time 1:16 103 lYiceman 1:19% 104 Brookwood 1:19 104 Laurano 1:20 102 Serapion 1:16% 103 Borderland 1:24 103 Martha Whgtonl:21 103 Senalado 1:20% 103 Deviner 1:19% 103 Needle Gun 1:24 103 Traveller 1:19 ONE MILE. 103 Araby 1:46 103 Gamble 1:46 102 Mad Play 1:44% Blondin 1:44% 102 Hedgefence 1:45% 101 Nichavo 1:46 103 Blind Play 1:46% 103 High Star 1:44% 104 Pompey : L42V4 99 Cherry Pie 1:52 103 Mirador 1:48 105 Swope 1:52 ONE AND ONE-EIGHTH MILES. 103 Dangerous 1 :58 Mad Play 1 »oks and acts good. did a good speed test on even terms. Araby ami Gamble went easily together. Blondin looks good. Pompey was not extended any part of Color Sergeant has his speed. his trial. Snperlette and Nedana are t oth in g »od High Star worked cleverly. condition. 1-achen and Ruclid were in company. Nichavo was under restraint. Happy Argo and King Solomons Seal Dangerous went well all the way. AQUEDUCT Weather clear ; track fast — THREE-EIGHTHS MILE. 99 All in All 37 101 Janessa 38% Park Hill 39 Clay Pigeon 39% Liane 38 Khonde 38 101 Esteem 3S% OCorra 38 ONE-HALF MILE. 101 Bull Run 49 101 Laura Diante .. 49 Rosamond 53% 101 Cork Elm 52 101 Night March ... 49 Itil Splinters 53 92 Flag of Truce .. 49% 103 Rockberry 50% 32 Tiff 53% 101 Guilleret 52 THREE-QUARTERS MILE. 101 Blatona 1:18 101 Padraig 1:20% SS Trevan 1:20 101 Belcross 1:20 101 Sepoy 1:18 101 Tom Tiger 1:18% High Ball 1:23 SEVEN-EIGHTHS MILE. Donetta 1:35% 101 Play Tag 1:33% ONE MILE. 76 Cogwheel 1:48 78 Moses 1:48 101 Zelda U ighton. . 1 :48 101 High Cmander.. 1:49% 105 Volt 1:45% Sepoy was under restraint. Night March and Hull Run were in Volt was not. extended. hand. Clay Pigeon showed speed, HAVRE DE GRACE HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., April 27.— Todays training gallops here included the fot» lowing : Weather clear; track fast— TIIREE-EIGHTHS MILE, 101 Canister 39 99 Gold Coin 36% 104 Powder 36 86 Cooncan 44 102 Happy Birthday 38% 104 White Marsh .. 3S 43 Friday 13th 3S ONE-HALF MILE. 96 Balboa 49% 96 Glden Wanderer 48% 101 Senator Norris . 49% 69 Barrow 50% 101 Hidalgo 52% 105 Sligo Branch ... 50 Blue Spectacles . 52 Marche Militaire 51% 102 Spats 56 99 Comet 51% 103 Revolt 50% Tamarind 49% 102 Cudgeller 49% 99 St. Johns 51 28 Ten Sixty 54 102 Digit 49% FIVE-EIGHTHS MILE. 89 Button Bright. ..1 :03 Leach 1:03 Fralite 1:07 102 Oatesby 1:05 102 P. of Bourbon. . .1 :11 99 Zeod 1:07 105 Duchess 1 :02% THREE-QUARTERS MILE. 99 Chocate Soldier. 1:19 La Ferte 1:19 100 Paddle 1:18% Captain Carter. .1 :16% 102 Lewis 1:19 " 102 Sun Pal 1:20% 39 First Mate 1:23 100 Martingale 1:20 104 Timmara 1:17 101 Feysun 1:21 94 Orestes II 1:21 99 Van Patrick 1:18 Her Own 1:20% SEVEN-EIGHTHS MILE. 103 Stockade 1:38 ONE MILE. 105 Casanova 1:49% 103 Golden Rule 1:47 103 Majubn 1:49 104 Crusader 1:43% 101 Kickapoo 1:49 101 Pixola 1:46 90 Drumbeat 1:54 101 Kathleen Crosbyl :45% 103 Senate 1:48 95 Donarita 1:53 99 Laddie Buck ...1:49 102 War Lord 1:51% Pixola galloped handily. Crusader went handily. Gold Coin showed speed. Tamarind showed a good speed trial. Cudgeller and Senator Norris ran Van Patrick was under restraint, handily together. Marche Militaire was under restraint. • Digit showed a good speed trial.