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; 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 - el : r*4 - t 0 0 i0 0 lOI 0 i i0 0 i. . P - : t n 0 0 M » 0 J0| K I. t el .1 Z r t - » M Mi •; B K li t t Hi i » e. ft AKRON AKRON. OHIO. TUESDAY. APRIL 27. 1926. Northampton Park .3-4 Mile. I Sixth day. Akron ltacing Association. Spring meeting of 16 days. Weather cloudy. . — — — — — Presiding Steward. A. S. Leonard. Judges. S. S. Bender, E. C. Knebelkamp. P. C. Calliger and II. J. Kohl. Starter, W. Harris. Racing Secretary, E. C. Knebelkamp. j ■ Racing starts at 2:2.0 p. in. Chicago time. 2:30 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig ures iu parentheses following the distance of each tace indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight tarried. *Indicates apprentice allowance. d-t AO /f FIRST RACE — 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to UlUOt winner 00; second, 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % V* % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book. Strt _ — . _ RANSVAAL wb 3 96 6 1 P| V D PI 1 H Callahn A Allen Sr 1600-100 BM1SHXBO. DKVH-R wb :: 102 0 8 7- Pi P|P P|C Balls Detroit Stahlo 220-100 01015 BILLY DOW wb 3 99 S 3 21 Q 2 3- 3l A Prgrass R R Sterrett 7520-100 ! 0094»*MAD KIRK wb 4 107 1 5 .". P| 41 41 41 W Rausser M J Daly 1400-100 : 0097 4 ZlCCA w 2 98 4 7 8- 8s 8 71 5* W Kprson R Scully Jr :::SO-H 0 | 00727 *KOSKBKRRY W 4 105 9 6 4= 4l 51 51 61 J Jeffries J S Baldwin 2610-100 88377 -RAISING SAND w 5 114 2 2 6» 7l 7l 61 71 C OMney R D Carter 580-100 00975SCNSPRITK w3 93 .: 4 OU On 6» 8 I D Smith J L Smith LK-iO 81916 PLAY GIRL wb 0 112 7 0 !• 9 Eased up J Cornell R A Cornell 9010 IX Time. :25. :50,l. 1:175. 1:32. Track fast. certificates earned Ransvaal, $:.". 00 straight, 0 80 place. .60 show; Ceo. Dever. .60 p:ac«, .60 show: Billv Dow. 00.00 show. Equivalent booking Kansvaal. 1050 to KM straight. 440 to 100 place. MM to 100 shov ; Ceo. D-r.-r. 230 to 100 place, 190 to 100 show; Billy Dow. 5350 to 100 show. Winuer — Ch. f. by Transvaal Irene, hy Trap Rock trained by A. Allen: bred hy Messrs. Morris and. Wald-n. Went to post at 2:50. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. RANSVAAL showed the most speed throughout and was never headed. CEO. DKVKR workcl his way up steadily on the outside and held second place safe all through the final eighth. HI LI. Y DOW raced prominently, but tired slightly in the last quarter. MAD KIRK also tired. Zl A was going fast in the stretch, hut was in dose quarters. Sl_ NSPRITK was badly outrun Scratched— 00878 Dr. K. T. Adams. 107. Overweights- Ceo. Dever. 1 pound; Billy Dow", 1: Sunsprito, 2. g-4 /QCT SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net VfJ-VFOO value to winner 00; second. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 0101 4 ZOOS A w 6 100 6 6 3 11 P ll C Ralls J S Baldwin 400-100 i RjtWlP. T BARNDM w 8 100 I 1 1- 2i 21 P C OMney b Young RR-M 00824 STAY OS wb 4 113 4 4 4J 31 3i ::• J Berry J W Riley MO-MI 01015 COTTAGKR w 4 104 2 3 21 4 1 4 44 Q McGmis Sunflower Slahlo 740-100 I 00648 NAlGHTY NI8BA w 7 106 7 7 6 0»k 01 5 ¥ Kprson K Lut7. 860-100 00607 BRASS BAND w 6 108 0 0 7 6 P fi A Prgrass R W Padelfor.l 1220-1KO i0975COL PAT w 6 109 3 3 01 7 7 7 J Moran W H Hoist 280-10* Time. :2425. :49-5. IM%. Track fast. certificates earned Zoona. 1 MJ straight. .80 pla-e. .80 show; P T. Karnimi. HO place. -I .80 show: Stay On. 80 show. % Kquivalent Isxiking Zoona. 450 to KM -traight. 140 to 100 place. 1M to KM show: P. T. Barnum, 1 190 lo 100 place. 1MB to KM show. Stay On. !M to KM Raw. i Winner K. m. by Vulcain I matilla. by Clifford trained by J. S. Baldwin; bred by Mr. ,-iry T. Cray son. Went to liost at 3:M. At | ost :: minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third j driving. ZOONA look the lead after rounding the far turn and held the race safe all through the home stretch. P. T. BARM M. big and high iu flesh, showed the most early s| d, hut tired as if not quit.- ready. STAY ON began in a tangle and was forced to work his way up on tl utside. then was forced wide" hy P. T KARNlM while rounding I he -tretch turn and tired near the end. COTTACKR lrop|»-,| back suddenly while rounding the far turn. NAICHIY NISK.V was never prominent. COL PAT dropped to the rear shortly after the start. Overweights — P. T. Baiuiun. 2 pounds; Cottager, 1. g -g AQ/J THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net UlUoO value to winner 00; second, 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPS , -.. Sir Km Owners Equiv. Book. Strt | 01017 THM PLAINSMAN w 6 106 5 3 0l 01 41 l»k H Zander M Cibri.l 1800-UM 0094.; IKCH CANADI ANw 6 116 7 1 II U 1 2l W arley A B Jes-Sop M-MO 00950 SKK IT TIIOl Gllwn " Uni I V 3»k 3nk Rj Q Mthews C Parsons BMK4 00823 CH KS WHITNKY wb 6 106 I I P| P| P 4* W Taylor Illinois Stabbt 1050-1OT 96H42 OSBALKRN w-b II Mil 7 7 7 f-1 J Jeffries ii Stewart 1070-100 00717 JOB CAMPBMLX. w 7 106 | I 4 41 V 6 A Bat and Kraz.T 770-l« 01017 TRAPALCIAR W 5 II. 4 7 R*p Rj 7 R Parker !•• yt Hill 460-lOt Time. :2435. :49V». l:09s. Track fast. certificates earned The Plainsman. S.O straight. 12 80 place. 40 show; French Canadian. 80 Mae*. .80 show: See it Through. * »MI show. Kouivalent b.M king I he Plainsman. IstMl to KM straight. 540 to KM place. 170 to 100 show; French Canadian. 45 to 100 place. IO to 100 show. See It Thr. ugh, 1.30 to KM show. Winner Itlk. g, by Dick Welles Kdna Shannon, hy Onondaga trained by M .ahriel: bred hy Mr. Jen. mo K. Respess. Went to |K st at 3:211. At |s»sl 1 niinule. Start gisid and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Illi: PLAINSMAN closed up with a rush on the inside in the stretch and got up lo win in the final lrldes. FRENCH CANADIAN *et a good pace, but ran out in the stretch after racing CHARLKS WHITNKY into defeat SKK IT THROUGH closed up resolutely en I he inside through the stret. h JDK I AMPIIKLI and BAULKS WHITNKY both tired after showing car y s| | TKAFAL- li.Vlt was bumped and crowded hack at the start and never recovered. i Overweight See II lli.oiili. I jniiumI. I . — — — — i out nurd on sixteenth page. AXR0N Continued from fourteen! h page f%~t AJ7 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Puree 0D. 4-ye»r-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to VX VO 4 winner 00; second. third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt 1 ..Sir Kin Jseteya Owners Heart. Book. Strl aaaM*atjBSm P. m 5 102 4 :: ?:= ?• t«t w Meaner B Koch 310-ino 01014 MKI.VINA wail 5 102 14 2l P 1 2J V Taylor Illinois St;il I« KM -100 aaaaa»QUQTA at 5 104 I 6 m 4l 4: ?.- Pracam 11 C Baaaaan 401-100 00728 1* LOTTO w 4 £ 2 1 U S*| I 4J Ma/.oue T oltrien 9:0-100 ,01014 ntOTH we SMI .°. 5 ki 5" and■ R r, aVtaewi .r a Pareeen Bn-MI I aa?aa*8aoCK i-t.owkkvmi S MM ; 2 | 71 ; •» c Ren* at Bendera 111.: 100 00718 C.ARISH w 4 102 i 7 5» 61 7i 71 II Oillahn V II Mel, maid MM-MI COfiTPMKKKY O. w 4 102 8 8 7"* 8 S S V Kprson W Palmer 1200-109 Time. :24*v :49%, 1:15%. Track fast. ?2 crrtifie.ites earned — Gussic P., .80 straight, BkSI place, .00 show: Melvina, .00 place, 20 show: Quota. $::.80 show. Kepiivalent Iwokinc Aussie IV. .40 to 100 straight. 1 * to UK aiacc, UK to 100 shcn : Melvina. 2.T0 to 100 plate. 110 to 100 show: Quota. HO to 100 show. Winner--Ch. m, by Sweep On Kstlier I.lues. Iiy ISIues trained hy P.. Beck; bred l y Messrs. Murphy and Shropshire. Went to post at n :." " . At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won drivini;: second and third the samp. ilSSIK P. closed up with a rush en the outs dc in I lie streteli and i;ol up to win in the Inst few strides. MKI.VINA passed I .OTTO while rounding I lie far tuni into a clear lead. I, lit tired slightly in the final drive. QlOTA ran welt and out f itiisle-il the tirng LOTTO through the last si teentk. The latter set the early pace and had no mishaps. SHAMP.Ot K KI.OWKIi began slowly, as usual. FKOTII ran iioorly. Seratehed— 01057 Hun tonaway, lot!; 0101 1 Pueblo. KM!: 0O!»7C. Oil Dndy, 90; UWKA Zero. IOC: 01058* Move On Seth. 99. f~i AQQ FIFTH RACE — 1-2 Mile. Purse 03. 2-vear-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: 1/XvFOO socond. 0: third. . Index Horses AWtllSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. I.ook. Strt oo«47-fkthS BOR w 113 6 I 2 l 1 lh w Taylor .T Paraona LB-MI 01011, PI,KAS T SMII.KS w 112 2 1 1- V 2 I Hooker .1 Hooter ll-1 » 01010 BUIXFOBNIA v.-lot; r, 4 •*! 4*1 1 O Mazoue R p McClaia 2340-100 00947 BSTHBR WKIDBL w 100 7 .1 3 " 41 A Plgrass ONeall ft l.imlsey SUt-lN OIOIKMAHV HAlSMAN w 106 J E 5*1*" i» H Click R Qalcardo 2.. 10i 01010 SASHA w 106 1 7 1 f l V H iallalin Atkins and■ Lindsay MR-IM 00947 *CAPUNOBR w 112 4 r and 7 7 v Ranreer I. 1 stark Z-1M Time. :24*5. A9%. Track fast. certificates earned— Seths Hop.-. 94.01 straiglit. .40 jd .0 e. .01 sli.iw ; Plceaaal Smile-. 12.30 place. . SO show: llullforn;.-!. .40 show. Kquivalent iKxtking— Seths Mope. 130 to 100 straight. 20 t,i 100 place. 31 to 100 show: Pleasant Smiles. 10 h rW place. 40 to 100 show: Hullfornia. 120 to Mt show. Winner P.. e. by Seth Bardora. b] I.ard of BpM 1 trained b J. A. Iarstn; brcil by Mr. I.cnjamin A. faecal. Went to post it 4:20. At post 3 minutes. Start pear and slew. Wnn driving: second and third the same. SF.THS IIOIL sacd ground lounding the stretch turn, but was doing his best at the end to maintain a slight advantage. ILMASANT SMI1 F.S |H-ned up an easy early lead, but ran out at the j turn into the home stretch and came again at the end and mi. much the best. 151 I.I.FOK.N I A outstayed I BSTHBR WF.IHKL. The latter raced on the outside most of the trip. SASHA and PAPUXGRB were away badly. S r.itchcd OlOH.-Oick. 10!i. 0crweight Kasha, . pounds. £~i aTsfiO EIXTH RACE — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upwarJ. Allowances. Net "lUOl/ value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index norses AWtllSt i •_. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kjuiv. I.ook. Strl 00978 iKAMI.bK w n 4 109 2 2 l| :;* 1*11" W Raaacer Oklahoma Stable vr.0-100 00824 FLO V l.lI.LIi: w -4 lO.l :, 4 4* »* ]*k 2" 1 Smith W M Cain BB-Bt 00622SII.K SOX wsb 7 111 4 5 5 5 4:; C Halls Oklahoma. Stablo f 00977 CALIClI.A w S 115 13 9*1 L"« H H C.illalin H.iiiffhton Ai Moran 140-100 00823 BAH 1.1CHT w I 106 :: 1 2 2« 5 5 W Taylor I. Abel t»VBe tCoupIed as Oklahoma Stable entry. Time. :24:»5. A9%. l:16 /5. laV%. Track fact. certificates earned -Oklahoma Stable entry, . CO straight. .43 place: Floy I.illie. $::.00 place, no show certificates sold. Kquivalent booking Oklahoma Stable entry. i::u to 100 straight. 20 to 100 place; Floy LilLe, 50 to 100 place. Winner— Ch. f, by Ballot —Jap. by Coy Tad trained by V. Cloud: bred by Mr. II. H. Hewitt I . Went to l ost at 4:50. At i»ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. HAMBLF lame again on the inside in the stretch and. finishing resolutely, won in the final stride. FLOY LlLLIli. taken to the outside of the leaders on the far turn, took the lead after entering the home stretch, but was tiring at the end. SILK SOX finished with a rush on the outside through the final eighth and was goiug fastest of all at the end. ALICl LA and BAB LIGHT raced prom uentl to the stietth. but tired. Scraehed- OlOl.i Monday Morning. 1 IS: M9t;7 Col Toka. 101. £~i jlQA SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and .0 Yards. Purse 00. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. VFA"J7" Net value to winner 00: second. $.0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt % .. "4 Str Fiu Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 01018 1 •BOMIINC I.ADwn 4 B3 1 4 5 i 41 3*3" l!l II Callahn Hau.arbton and Moran 7::0-lO0 •taal**H*P O. T. NBTHw X 105 J 7 S- 6- 5i» tj 21 Q Mtbews J A Iarson.s 720-100 I 00t;79 VANISHING BOY WO 4 Ml 1 1 |i| 1-- f* 1- :: J Jeffries S H Kdwards 800-100 ! 0059-» -XlltTH PINE w 7 100 7 li 6»k 71 7*1 4*1 4* C Balls Oklahoma Stable 8BVM I 00881 Mol.lNKRll w S 100 2 I 2J V H V V W Tayb.r A J Moh-ra 1 1 :-1 M 00879.KW U1VAI. w it .". 100 5 I !• II 81 J»* •* A lrrass P .lu lg-e 1TW B3 00979 SITKIl l.ADY wb 4 107 I 5 -Ink 51 ;i ai 7iH Gttck R Cuieardo 3B9-M4 I 0I020*TIL,K WB I 102 I :: :; 4 I] S- V Bausser A B Jess..!. EM-MI 00050 "PHENOL wn I 102 1 ;i 7" : :• :i :■ V Kprson W Millor BBMM Time, :24=5. 10. l:tT%, 1:44. 1:48. Track fast. S2 certificates earned Bomping Lad. ItCOO straight. ?7.H place. .20 show: Harp af th- North, B.43 place. .0:i show; Aanishing Bov. .40 rhew. Liiuivalent looking — Bomping Lad. 7:10 to 100 straight. 270 | KO pace. 1C0 lo 100 show: Barf of the North. ::70 to ICO place. 2v:0 to 100 show: Vanishing l!oy. 170 to KK1 show. Winner- B. g. by Al Bloch -Jolly Buskin, by Buskin II. trainee by B. Haughton; breil by Mr. T. if. Clements. Went to post at 5:18. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ROMPING LAO closed up steadily on the inside in the Itietrfe and outf nisued HABP OF TI1K NOBTIl in the final drive. HABP OF T.Hi: NORTH moved Of with a rush alter rounding the far! turn and finished fast on the outside. VANISHING BOY tired after showing the most speed to the last sixteenth. NOBTH PINK finished with a rush. MOI.INKBO tired, as did It LF. St FEB LADY was sharply crowded back on the far turn and cut off again when she attempted to get through ou the inside in the stretch. Scratched 00946 lltah. MB; 01059 Smart Cay, MM; 0102O Pete Foy. 104. Overweights- Harp of the North. I... pjaofa; North Pine, 5.