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COLUMBUS COLUMBUS. OHIO. TUESDAY APRIL 27. 1926. -Keuah Park 12 Mile. Ninth day. Benlah Park .Jockey lull Spring nieeliug of PJ days. Weather cloudy. Stewards .1. A Murphy and J. T. Ireland. Presiding Judge. II. D. She| urd. Associate Judge. C. Stands Slartci. L. Dean. Its. ing Secretary. W. It. Norvell. ltacing start.i at 2 15 p. m Hhicago time. 2:15 p. m.i W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig ures in parentheses following the distance of each ra.e indicate date, track record, age of horse and ■ejght carrh-d. Indicates apprentice allowance. -r_-j 4lnf FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. April 25. 1945— :55Vj— 2—105. Purse 00. 2-yeax-olds. U1V4 4 Claiming. Net 7alue to -.wnrer 50. sec-.r.d. 00. third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 - Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Book. Strt ; OOSSRNKSTI.K M 105 2 1 1*| I« U L Aron Missouri Stable 510-100 0 9f«i«1KA.VIAKANI wb 108 1 3 P Pit* H Hay L I, Mason 290-100 i MMSOOUDKN DUST w 111 6 S 2 P P J Konl J S Ware 130-100 0 O093K KTIIKLAT w 108 •. 4 4= V 4* H earner J Prion 0150-100 0 «09:t8»SMII.K AWHII.K W 100 4 3 5« ."»• 0-1 P Cogan K M Koxt-r 030-100 0 «0«: H SKA-IIAIi; w 108 ■ 5 fi- 6J «• W Murphy M H Jordan 2960-100 0 «0-!2K ROMAN SANDAL w 106 7 7 7 7 7 W Lamon T V Johnson 1660-100 0 Time. :251i. :56. Track fast. certificates earned- Neslh, 2.20 straight. .40 place. .40 show: Kamakani. .00 place, .80 0 show Coldcn Dust. .20 show. * Lquivaleni lK»oking Nestle. 510 to KM straight. 120 to 100 place. 20 to KM show: Kamakani. 100 0 to KM place. 40 to KM show: Coldcn Dust. 10 to 100 shew. Wiuner h f. hy IvI trump Love Nest, hy Von Tiomp drained hy . Johnson bred bv Mr. K. K. II tt Went to i»ost at 2:17. At i ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third 1 the same. NKSTI K showed the most speed throughout, withstood KAMAKANI S challenge after lound-ing the turn for home and stayed well in the final drive. The latter loomed up dangerously after entering - the Mrelch under hard riding, hut was i.utf inished. iOI DKN DIST began slowly and lost some el ground on the first turn, but was racing well at the end KTHKI.AT could not improve over fourth place. : g-4 fkQ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 23. 1923— 1:05—7— 104. Purse 00. 4-year-V-l-Vr r*4 4 O olds and puward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75: second. 5; third. 0. - Index Horses AWtPPSt » ].. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt t «OK97*MISS BMBRSON mfM|l 2 1« ll Ill- P Cogan V tlallo 40-100 0 OOMJH RIB GLKM w 0 110 8 4 4H 2h P P L Aon D Hall 310-100 0 O!00! MBLKN Bl CK W* 4 IN 2 3 P 21 S| .li .1 Majestic I, W Johnson 2860-100 i0 ol9»;X ■iJLKNN w : I 100 4 1 61 6J 0!4 4i.I Judy C K Davison .JOO-lOO 0 972H4 -•MKBBV MARS W C Ml 7 I 0 Pft Cl • W Lain.m P 1 Brown :;70-100 lOI 00940 • INTAKR w t loo | 8 | 4 l| fi J Kord C B Heath 510-100 0 OOKKI RANDY H. w illl I I 71 7: 7 71 L Lee J I K Willis 2810-100 i —3H ST. BOCK H w 5 108 5 7 Z 8 8 8 H Garner ■ llnfrster 12070-100 i0 Time. :25. :502s. 1:10. Track fast. certificates eain.d Mi-s Kmerson. 0.60 straight. . SO dace, .00 show; Sir lien, .20 0 place. sho« Hc|. -ii Bark. .•? .4l siiow. i:.|invalcnt hiH.king Miss Kmerson 4:. to 100 straight 140 to 100 place. 1O0 to 100 show; Sir Clen, i. 110 to KMI place. S to ICO isbaw: Helen Kuck. 220 lo KM show Winner K m. I.y Sifeei. I p II. Helen K. hy Tic- Peplcr drained hy . haney: bred hy Mr. . ; W Skinker. Went to i«.sl at 2:47. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MISS KMKRSON set a good pace and gradually drew away into a comfortable lead. SIR GUM raced in . I.e-cst pur-nit. but anjM hard ridden at th.- en.l to otitfinish HKI.KN BI K. The latter saved ground on the final turn and finished fast. t.IKNN met with early interference and closed up P much ground when char. INTAKK raced |»x rly. ST. ROCK II. tired early. Overweights Mis-: Kmerson. 21-.. pounds: Sandy II., 2: St Kock 1L. .!. - _rv-g /r7Q THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 23. 1923— 1:05 5— 7—104. Purse. 00. 4-year-U : J.U 4 *J olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75: second. 5: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ,* U. Str fin Jockeys Owners Kiiuiv Book. Strt t IIIUJIKMIT CRASS w 7 108 « 4 4« 4l 3- 11 H Hay Hammat and Davis 120-100 n ll007*,CiCKKil.NIA.N w 7 110 5 1 2l Pi* 21 H White R Keller 670-100 0 00110 l.lil.K Kl SSKLI. w 7 10;: 1 J 1 Ill :; p Cogan Christy and Puller 730-100 0 O0K96 BLACK SAND a I Mi :; 6 7l 6-4 f.J 4 G Voung C B Shafer 1030-100 M llllMl KTCCKT ROandR m I Ml 2 5 5* 51 4 54 L Aron Baldwin and Freeman :t50-l W » » »»51 !IA IY MOMBNTSw C M3 4 7 6l 7J 7- 6" A Yerrat J A Thompson 2610-1W 0 BTSIS*DAN Ii STKU AltTw 4 100 7 3 S* 5 6l 7» V Murp-iy W I-rch 23O0-1O0 J0| OI007VSAN SAN w- 0 10, I 8 8 8 I I J Kerns A Miller WSO-lKI K Time. :25*5. :50S. 1 10. Track -.ast. RJ .ertifaates earned Kie.t Crass. .40 straight. $•". t* place. .tM show: Ciceronian, 40 jila-e. «ii sli ow Lucilh- Rii sell. $.:. M show . K.. uivah ni I. .okiug Kiwi .r.iss. 120 to 100 straight. 70 to KM place. M to 100 shuw; Ciceronian. I. 120 to KM |.la.e. ;-0 to KM show Lucille Russell. 50 to KM show. Winner K g. h Short Crass— Cent !•■ woman . hy Sain drained by i. H. Hammat: hred hy Short t Cras i Si ud i Weill 1 po-t at S:M xt post 1 minute. Start g.wid and slow Won .lriing: second and third tlio same KNOT CltASr was saved iM-hind 1 he early hadcr-. to the stretch, then . aine oil the outside el ■ ml iiid--: i bird irive, got up mar the end to win irawia* . l.-ar. It F.KO.MAN was in dose .piarters ..ii lac ::i th- tret.h and oiitgamcd I 111. IK RI SSK1 I in the final drive The latter ..h.we.l .1 th- most -p I to th.- -tr-t.h l.ul tired slightly ill t lie final eighth KKNII KY ROSK tired. tverweights Kn..t Cra s. ;: ]Miiinds; Ciceronian. 5. Kia. k Sand. 1: Dan K Stewart. 5. Z _r_-g rbO/i FOURTH RACE— 5 12 Furlongs. April 23. 1923— 1 :05»— 7— 104.. Pum 00. 3-year-UlvOV r olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , % Str Fin Jockcis Owners K-iuiv Book Strt t - »»HTt llll A IK sinil w :; 112 I0 1 is |«| p in c crosa K Mi,.wn HMM » MM KKCKV .-si Ii US Mi 1 I 6 31 P|P J Majestic Mrs J Phillip* 190-1M M OoailM-KTKR BID SH *3M J 3 3" 2 21 :. I Ford W H V la|| MK4-Mt Mi OOX72 l. KKIPI wn :: 108 0 8 SJ 6 .V D H Hay Mrs R J Howell +J120-10; •; UOHI7 RKKMCK w :! 104 4 0 5* 0| 4 01 I. Aron Missouri Siahl., 670 -Ml B DOKKOMK MAIL ■ 1 Mi 6 7 10 P 6" P§ Yerrat Mrs H B Davla 740-100 K OOK72 GRNTRT ■ ■• 107 •! * tt * 3* • 1" Cogan s Boylo 7S9-M0 li . MMWiBLI B CADDIK r W 7 t 7- x ": hi j Ju.iy |r., w Heath t t MMPU m : 1iKK w :: 103J » « V T* s w laaa* ■, Mcatt MK4-M Hi oiutO* iiDiTii ci.iKK. n;iiw :: loo k lo :» 10 n w Murpiiy .1 BanRuui s/io-oi i » tKield Timo. :26. :50S. M*%- Trick last. cerlif cales . am. .1 Pruale Solh. HKXM straight Ml place KLM -how, Becfcj Su- M99 I- a e. ft RLd »li.». i" Ii Poll h. ;i.l le.w Kquivalent liooking Private Seth. 40 to 100 straight. Ml to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Becky Sue. KM to 100 place. SO to 100 show; Peter Krush. 100 to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Seth Pickaninny, by Cesarion trained by E. M.fown: bed by Mr Benjamin A. Jones. Went to post at 5:46. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PRIVATK SKTH showed the most speed throughout, but was hard pressed at the end to with-t.ind the rush of I1KCKY SI K. The latter was crowded Iki. k nt the start anil forced to work her way up on the outside and finished fastest of all. PKTKR BRUSH saved ground where possible and held the ethers safe at the end. AL KR1PP made up ground from a slow beginning. RKBKCK ran a -.editable race AIR MAIL closed up ground. OKNTHY tired. LOU FIRE met with much interference. Scratched !8!1i Jet. 105; 01050 -Happy Hobo. 108. Overweights Klue Caddie, 4 pounds; Log Fire. 2U; Kdith Clifford. 2. HI iiS1 FIFTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug. 17. 1925—1:01—2—105. Hotel Seneca Handicap. Puna "J-"OA 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 90; second. 35; third, 5. Iudex Horses AWtPPSt « H Str Kin JocK,.s Owners Equiv. Kook. Str t 0101 I CORAL RKMV wb 6 112 8 5 2 2 21 I1 II Hay J W Kearns 470-100 95949 KIN DAY w 0 109 4 2 1» IJ IS 2" O Young P Hayes 830-100 00900 KDMON wb 4 100 J 4 5» 0 1 4i P H West B Creech 1000-100 f— B «tHOLR CARD w- 4 110 .: 1 4 41 .".» 4 W Lamon M Cox 690-10» •twIlMTRTLR BK.I.Li: w 4 lOt 7 ?. P 31 5t 0-1 J Majestic W R Pa.lgott 140-1M 00900 SIX BRAM w 8 103 fi « fi 65 6* i* J Judy C R Davison 770-100 01011 CLAPPKR fIR 0 7 7": 74 7 7 I. Aron T W Frost 2930-100 00465MISS MACCIK w I 100. 1 8 8 8 .8 8 P Cogun A Randazza 2690-109 Time, :24i». :49. 1:01 /». Track fast. certificates earned oral Reef. 1.10 straight. .40 place. .80 ►how; Finday. 10 pace. 20 -how: Kdmoii. .!0 show. Raa valeut looking oral Reef. 470 to 100 straight. 170 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show; F.nday. 220 to KM place. 110 to 100 i-how : Kdmon. 130 to KM show. Winner B. g. by Pebbles- Capra. by Ballot trained by J. W. Kearns: bred hy Mr. James Butleri. AYent to post at 4:10. At post 2 minutes. Start good and sow. Won handily: second and third driving. CORAL REEK forced KINDAY along at a rapid pace and. coming on the outside of the latter in the stretch, outgamed her and was going away at the end. FINDAY set a good pace, hut was tiring in the final drive a/.d just lasted to save second place. KDMON closed up fast in the stretch anil was wearing FINDAY down at the end. HOLE CARD tired under his weight. MYRTLE BEI.I.K was repeatedly cut off. Overweights — Finday, 4 pounds: tapper, 4: Miss Maggie. H4. =-=r- - 1 fk-t AOO SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Aug. 9. 1924—1:46—7—107. Purse 00. 4-yea«w "jL"0« olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqui v. Book. Strt 00901 JLLCSTRATOR w 5 106 6 3 3J 2 P lil-lP Cogan W A McKinney 90-100 00972 NMTTIM MAY w 0 M 5 7 P P 3= S* 2 J L Aron J Kolbort 290-100 01010 MISS VAAL wb 4 100 2 1 in l» Is 2* 31 J Kord J It Larocqua 2260-10 OOBORKQCKST w 4 106 8 8 4 41 P P PI A Yerrat Mrs N B Davis 2660-100 0I055*MY LORRALNK w C 10 ! | 6 8 7* 7» 6J 0" W Lamon J Renihan 660-H» 00939 SKA MIMK w 9 109 5 5 53 6 61 0- 6* W Murphy M H Jordan 1120-100 01007 BILLY WKLCH w 4 106 7 4 P V 4 7 7 J Judy C H Morrison 4920-lu0 97214 KlNd TKOJAN wb 8 110 1 2 7- 8 8 8 P.up.H White .1 Whiteman 2100-100 Time. :2fl. :51*5. 1:17*5. 1:43. 1:49S- Track fast. certificates earned -Illustrator. $:s.S0 straight. .80 place. .80 show; Nettie May. .60 place. . SO show: Miss Yaal, .00 show. Equivalent booking llustralor. DO to 1C0 straight. 40 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Nettie May. 30 fo 100 place. 40 to KM how : Miss Vaal. 130 to 100 show. Winner — th. g. by Wormleighton Daisy Piatt, hy Malta Santa trained hy W. A. McKinnev ; hred by Mr. L. A. Lyne. AYent to post at 4:49. At | ost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv ng. ILLLSTRATOR raced prominently from the start and. racing into the lead in the stretch, won going away. NKTTIE MAY slowly improved her positiou on the outside and passed MISS VAAL in the final drive. MISS VAAL raced into a quick lead and held it for the first three-quarters, but tired in the final eighth. REQUEST could never improve over fourth pace. The others were outrun. Overweights- Miss Aaal, 1 pound: My Lorraine. 4: King Trojan, 4. A4AOO SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Aug. 9. 1924— 1:48%— 7— 107. Purse 00. 4 vlUOO year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 15; second. 15; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00827*TIS SKTH w 5 10". 6 6 61 41 21 1= 11 W Murphy W J Waterman 1430-100 0003.r ,»BKTSV BACON w 4 10: 2 3 4 51 41 *l P W Lamon Mrs J Phillips 580-100 01012LICKY RUN w 6 110 7 2 2l 2l 3l 3-1 .!• I, Aron Missouri Stable 1190-100 00972 iMIHHTY w 4 109 1 1 P 1 tj P 4J G Young C Yzquierdo 900-100 010I2THK COLONEL w it 6 109 5 5 P 3l 5= 01 » • H Hay K J Looper 1270-100 01012 BAD LICK w 4 106 3 8 8 7 GJ 6" P J Judy C N Kreeman 1140-100 00902 -WAPITI w 8 110 8 4 0l 6« 75 7* 7» J Johnson J Keller 120-100 00057 •WHIZO.N* w 4 10.: 4 7 71 8 8 8 8 P Cogan Mrs W T Kearns 630-100 Timo. MB**, :52, 1:17. l:434j. 1:50%. Track fast. R3 certificates earned Tis Seth. 0.K straight. 0.00 pla e, .00 show; Betsy Bacon, .60 place. S.;.*10 show: Ltx-ky Run. $;:.t»0 show. Equivalent booking lis Seth. 14.30 to 100 straight. 4.30 to KM place. 180 to 100 show: Betsy Bacon. 1.30 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show: Lucky Run, 80 to KM show. Winner- Ch. g, by Seth — T/, by Voter trained by II. Warner: bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jonesl AVent to ] ost at 5:17. At jiost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and th:rd the same. TIS SETH was saved close up to the stretch, then responded quickly when called on and raced into a good lead, but was doing his best at the end. BETSY BACON closed up fast next to the inner rail in the stretch and, coming on the outside of TIS SKTH near the end. almost got up. LUCKY RLN raced well in the final drive and held MIOHTY safe. Mh.HIV set a good pace, but tired iu the final eighth. THE COLONEL quit. WAPITI tired early and dropped back. Overweights Mighty, 1 pound; The Colonel, 1.