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I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ! • 1 : t J 0 9 t f i • I . . 1 I t i» a i : - • 0 0 0 . ,1 ,i " " 1 ~ W w W • K m loo •I • . by LEXINGTON LEXINGTON. KY.. TUESDAY. APRIL 27. 1926. 1 Mile. Third day. Kentucky Association. Spring meeting of 10 days. Weather showery. Judges. W. H. Shelley, T. C. Bradley and J. J. Crady. Starter. W. Hamilton Racing Secretary. V. H. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 3:00 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight ranted, Indicates apprentice allowance. fm-t fmfm FIRST RACE— Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Nov. 21. 1925 — l:08*s— Vf 111 4 J 2 — 127. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index- Horses AWtllSt Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00996 = MALLY JANE w 104 11 4 ll 1 1 1» L Pichon J C Milam 90-100 98338SlSAN REBECCA wb 110 4 :; 5 51 2" 2« H J Burke W II Whitehouse 520-100 00094 ••SDTUER w 104 6 7 6* 6« 4h P D Dubois Bloomfield BtaMe 560-100 994»8 THREE SIXTY w 110 7 2 3- 31 5" 4 K Legere If P Gardner 970-100 00030*RKI» HEART wsB 103 1C 8 4- 4h 61 51 P Matmile T H Bernhardt 12510-100 99794* REN BARG wb 108 8 6 M 24 .".i 61 H Jones P M Crabner 1610-100 ATLA w 110 5 M 9" 9 81 71 S Griffin H Oots 3110-100 89396 CAVALRY w 100 9 1 7K • " 8- M Skyrm J Schreiner 7850-100 97419 IBRBBPONRIBLR w 102 3 5 S« S3 9 91 W Garner W L Lewis 5910 100 89172 SOISSONS wb 110 111 10-10-10 W- Vt Pool Gilroy and ORrien t 99943 CLAUDS xv 1* 2 9 11 11 11 H L Canfield OMeara Bros t tMutuel field. Time. :22«5. :4825. l:013s. 1:11VS. Track fast. mutuels paid Mally Jane, $.:.80 straight. .80 place, .20 show; Susan Rebecca. .40 place, .00 show: Sutler. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Mally Jane. 90 to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show: Susan Rebecca. 120 to 100 place. .50 to 110 show: Sutler. 40 to 100 show. Winner Br. f. by Delhi Jalaxy, by Star Shoot trained by J. C. Milam, bred by Messrs. C:. I hi her Bros . Went o post at 2:04. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MALLY JANE, front a fast start, raced into a good lead at once and held sway for the entire race under a good ride. SlSAN REBECCA came gamely through the stretch and finished fast. SUTLER was ridden wide on all the turns, but raced xvell. THREE SIXTY ran a good race. RED HEART tired slightly, but saved much ground on the turns. RENBARC was done after going a half mile. Scratched 99805 -Mickey Free. 109: 90903-Trinket, 104: 00996 Dady Anne, 101; 97449 Little C.sjk. 107; 07378 La sBbina. 103: 93296 Bobby. 109. Overweight Soissons, 2 pounds. f-g |"|.T-g SECOND RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 25. 1921— :47s— 2—1 14 ,. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. " A vF a -L Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00 third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt ,i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 99083JGEN"L HALDEMAN w 116 8 S 1 1 1 D Frogtte Kenton Farm Stable 80-100 99516 TWO SIXTY w 116 7 • P P 2* E Legere H p Gardner 1310-109 00995 REALTOR w 116 9 3 P il $| ■ Scobie G F Croissant 1160-100 00995 KING BASH, w 116 3 8 7 51 41 M Gainer AV P Poison 1170-100 00995 BOB JOHNSTON w 116 5 5 31 31 5» J Ryan U J Holland t.i:60-100 00995 RTDROMEL w 116 12 10 S1 S« 6= W Garner .1 R Camden 1740-101 99875 BUSY DAY w 116 1 1 6- 61 71 L Momery P Laffoon 4910-100 009953PARMKLEE w 116 11 4 41 7» 8* H J Burke K L Baker 830-100 GOLD MINT w 116 4 11 103 94 P P Quinn Gorham Rro* 1180-100 99756 SWORDSMAN w 116 6 7 9 10« 10* S Griffin H P Whitney 3100-101 FAST BLACK xv 116 2 12 11« 11* 11= D Neal H C Ragan 1 00995 LCXKMBOlRG wb IM 10 9 12 12 12 C Hworth Keeneland Stabls 1 tMutuel field. Time. :23*s. :471s new track record. Track fast. mutuels paid General Ilakleman. .60 straight. .20 place. .60 show: Two Sixty. .20 place, .80 show: Realtor, .00 show. Equivalent hooking odds General Haldeman. 80 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Two Sixty. 210 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show: Realtor. 150 to 100 show. Winner th. c. by Thunderstorm La L oIores, by Boanerges trained by W. Perkins: bred by Mesers. Payne and West. Went to post at 2:37. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second anil third driv;ng. CENERAL HALDEMAN raced like a crack, showed extreme speed from the start and was unextended for the entire race. TWO SIXTY moved up steadily when reaching the stretch and finished fast and gamely. REALTOR raced sluggishly, but came fast xvhen ridden hard. KINC BASIL saved much ground on the turns. BOB JOHNSTON tired. HYDROMEI. was prominent for part of the way. There xvas sharp inierference soon after the start, affecting the chances of several of the starters. Scratched— 00005Hoohogan. 116; 00342 Sleepy Dick, 116: 01041 Heed. 116; Manwell. 116; Athel. 116; Jock, 116. f--* rkPTO THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 11. 1916— 1.421,— 3— 102. Purse 00. 3-L " J_ " 4 £i year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt , V. x, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt . __ — , — , , . , 00489 HATX wb S 112 4 5 V- 7 5*4 l»k N Barrett C E Durnell 920-101 OlOOOiTHE SPA w 4 112 5 ?. V .°.h 2 2* .2* ■ Legere A C Poretto 50-100 93491 JCHEREBl xv 4 112 2 2 6 6- P 3l ?.- J Francis V Kenney 3650-1 On 97450-»CHI-I OKUVRE w 1 103 1 6 31 a1 41 4- 4« AI Skyrm A Hill 10::-10O 01000*TI1K ARCHER w 9 107 9 7 5 41 .11 5s 5« T Kerske p H Smilh MM-MI 00l«0 *i:.Ri:iSTKIt xv 5 103 3 8 83 S 8= 6 65 C Sanchez P Laffoon t:U90-M Mill CH AROOAli wb 4 110 7 1 1*1 1*1 B f "» D Frogtte Mrs L M llellf E3D-MI 93361 DESERT GOLD W 4 109 I 9 9 9 9 S 8 L Canfield A J Heffernan t 97436*RlNQrOI xvb S 10:; S 4 P B 7 Fell. C Phillips C A Mattock t tMutuel field. Time. :23*i, :48*i. 1:15%. 1:42 /S. 1:47. Track fast. mutuels paid Ilalu, 0.40 straight. 110 plate, .60 show: The Spa. .40 place. 2: v|„»w: Cherebu. .20 shoxv. Equivalent booking odds Halu. 920 to 100 straight. 180 to 100 place. SO to 100 show: The Spa. 20 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Cherehu. 210 to 100 shoxv. Winner — II. g, by King James Adelmette. by Melton ti:»ined by C. E. Durnell; bred by Mr Henry T Oxnardi. Went to post at 3:0S. At Mist 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving: second and third the same. HALL began slowly and Mas far back for a half mile, then moved up fast under good tiding and outstayed THE SIA. The latter raced well, bad no mishaps and stayed gamely in the final drive CHEREBI was .lose up the entire race CHEF D OElVRE tired slightly near the end. THE ARCHER was done when reaching the stretch RLNUIOI stumbled and fell while in a loutendiig position. CHARCOAL set a good pace to the stretch and quit badly. Scratched— O0K27" Krankman. 100: !H!KI7 My Valet. 107: 99392 -Clydel!.!. 98: 00053 hull Vista. 10:; 00009 Mill Boy. 108; 00032 Bear Crass. 103; OlOOOlWhy. 107; 0050LMiss Aji. KKt: 010H. J A ndry. :ili. fk-t frnfTfy FOURTH RACE— Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile . Nov. 21. 1925 — 108»i UXUl O — 2 — Hff. Miss,us Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Al- lowances. Net value to winner 50 ; second. 00 ; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt % -. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. odds Str t 00998 TEAK W t Ml 11 l1 l3 1*1 M, ■ Benliam M Goldblatt 520-100 00997 -III ILK ITIBITOB xv 4 IM :t I 4" 2" P 25 D Frofrtte J I, Knight M-MI 100997 BOTHBBMBIi wk t 115 I 2 5" V P P W Garner J N Camd-n 2M-1M I 95675 LUCKY DRIFT w 4 106 4 4 B 6l 6 4 J McCoy J W Bell 4070-100 i 96412 LADY BTONE W I 9S 7 I !J P 5 55 L Canfield R S Clark 5520-1H I 94913 MISS JENNIE w 4 109 5 I R B B »;; W Pool ]■• I Foster BBB-MI 98979 RURAL ROUTE m 4 110 2 7 7 7 7 7 M Qatar H P Headley MM-MI Time. :23. :4745. l:©©. 1:10. Track fast. mutuels paid Teak. 2.40 straight. S.l.SO place. .60 show: Little Visitor. 61 place. .20 show. Rothermel. 10 show. Baal i eli el ■■■Mag odds Teak, tarn to 100 straight. M to ioo place. :m to 100 show: Uttle Vi-it..r. ::o to 100 place. Hi to 100 show: Roiheimel, 20 io 160 shoxv. Winner B. f. by Tea Cuddy Fricassee, by Frizzle I trained by M. Coblblatt: bred by One.k St.iblei Went to [sist ;it :::;:i. At imst I minute. Start go id and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. TEAK eel aped interference and. sitting a fast pace, . anie swiftly Ihr. agk the ami outstayed LITTLK VISITOR The hitter .vas taken back soon after the s:,rt and delayed making her rush until well along in the stretch, where she came with a rush and xvas going fastest :it th- end ROHTERMi.i riaisard w.n and eatadared Ike etarrm lit KY drift raced «.-ii. miss .ienmi: and LADY STONE tired badly. BtfatCtted I PI 4 «7 I » ros« Vill.ige. 106. Overwciglit llural Route. 4 |Kiiinds. fm~t Bri71 FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yaids. Sept 11 1916— 1 :42l»— 3— 102. Pans Purse. 00 " A" 4 "4 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50 second 19 50 third. 3 Index Ueaare AWtllSt, - x, sp fin Jo keys OAiiers Equiv. Odds Strt I 440093 GHBROKBB LEE w 5 107 7 4 5- B -" 1- 1" R Finnitv R I. Baker M0-100 J»lBl4»irKWHEAT CAKBwtM*. 1 S B V P ■ 4 1*1 L Crarei Idle Hour Bth P*ai sia MMM 1 0099» . McTlNKl.K w :; 97 :; l | 1 l- jx :: |. n.i fTetrlkaida Btab|] ithi io. 98858 UPAXISH LAY w :: 07 ., .. 4 4" | B t1 I. Ii. lion K | i;,.,l pJM MM ; on99» BE : m»i m : BE • I B 5 i; :.* ■:.■■ Qaraat T Beaatjey MM-MI [ tCaatiaard ea laarteaatti page LEXINGTON Continued from third page. lAOOfiIMdlM-: w 3 90 4 7 «• «» «» € fi K Renliam J H Manheime*- BRMM !.9758 OLD SI. II wb 4 Ul 1 6 7 7 7 7 7 K Noe I. T Cll W 20-1. Time. :24. :48 s. 1:14%. l:40»j. 1:44V Track fast. mulii-ls paid h.-rokec Lee. .20 straight. $:: K place, .00 show . Buckwheat take. 110 place. 40 show: M.Tinkle. .00 show. Equivalent hooking odds herokcc Lee. 210 to 100 straight. 70 lo mo place. M to 100 show; lla.k nheat Cake. 100 to KK place. 70 to KM show: McTinkie. I to to KM show. Winner lSlk. in. hy lt!a k T— IJ My Fair Kentucky, by Ingoldsby trained l y K. J. 0 Connell: bred by Mr. A. I.. Ferguson. Went to iKist at 4 ir. At paM 1 minute Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving MMOMB LEE raced as if lirst nod was rest rained until Mist before reaching the stretch. wIhta she nurd into Ike lead and drew away in tin- stirth KICK WI1BAT AKK suffered from irter fercn.e when CHKKoKKK l.KK moved up. hut stayed gamely tinder hard riding and finished fast. Me TINKLE ran well, hut began tiring after [f fMf 111.- strcl". h SPANISH LAY raeed lose up all the way. UK GOOD was also dose up for the entire race. OLD SI. II* was ba.lly outrun. Overweights M. Tinkle. 2 pounds: Spanish Lay. 5; Old Slip. 1. g-t fklC SIXTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. May 11. 1911— :53* 5— 2—115. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. "A" 4 O Claiming. Not value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ,StrKin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt •MISS ANN w 99 :. « 2h 2! li I. Pichon Cleveland and Gilmore 600-100 ; •LADY PKNNANT w 96 7 3 11 11 P R Kinnrty W 1 Poison ,2S~-0-1t 0 00995 MAYOK BKHKMAN w 109 9 5 V 5s P J H Burke T H 400-100 01000 LAlRHL w 101 1 4 5* 4= 4- I. CanfielJ T C ilPmll 2SWO-100 00191 CRKYKACK w 116 f, 9 V 31 P J Heupel J Spencer 100-100 DARK AMIKI. w 105 2 1 7 71 6: N .1 Bnes G C Hughes I 01000 M AHA IMA w 108 8 7 fi 62 7- M Skyrm T ■ Mueller 1760-100 VKVKY w 102 4 8 P P 8 V Garner J N Camden 1010-100 PAIR NAV1K w HI I I . I :• K Hfflan.l 9 Johnson 3470-100 tMutuel field Time. :23H. 48%. :55. Track fast. mutuels paid — Miss Ann. 4M straight. .20 place, $."..00 show: Lady Pennant. 6.20 place. SO show: Mayor Kehrniaii, 441 show. Equivalent booking odds Miss Ann. RM to 100 straight. Mt to 100 idare. 150 to 100 show; Lady Pennant. 710 to K*l place. 540 to KM show: Mayor P.ehnnan. 120 to KM show Winner It. f. by Sweep Reno, hy Heno train -d by R. J Jilmore: hred hy Messrs. Y. B, and K S. Cleveland. Went to |K st al 4:40. At |Kist S minutes. Start sood and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MISS ANN. close up from the start and savins ground on the stretch turn, finished fast under ■llllf riding and headed LADY PKNNANT in the last sixteenth. LADY PENNANT showed the most speed. Iiu! had acted baaly at the i»ost and tired in the last eighth. MAYOK KKHRMAN ran well and finished gamely. I.AlRKL raced well after suffering from early interference. CREYFACE showed a t ne turn of speed, hut was raced wide on the turns. liAUK AMIKI. was forced hack soon after the start. Scratched t 99083 Six teen Sixty, 115: 00447 Firewater. 113; lM29-Kmluyo. 100: U9640 Postal. 106; 010M Kin- lire. 110: Rushee. 100. tverweights Dark Angel. 1 pniind Laurel. 1. fk-t fkFff* SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 MUes. April 25. 1921— 1 :42«5— 3—103. Purse 00. 4-year-olds " -L Vf 4 O and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % |£ »4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 0l000i »INTOCHK W 8 100 fi 6 7 2h 21 I" 1- I. Pichon W Perkins 160-100 MSM**NOft8BLAND w i 102 4 7 fi 7 51 U 2 W C.arner H W— fetter 330-10i 95409 NOOALB8 w -3 109 2 .t l| V 1* 4 P| H J Burke J T Looney K90-100 nOHPSTllNKAilK w 6 1071 1 ! 5J 4« 4 2 4- L Momery W A BaumKartner 790-100 00064 ■rool.SCAl wn 4 107 I 1 4 5h fi= and« ;.« 1 Krogtte Mrs I. M Holmes f.lO-100 tOOOf.l i*IKISH LACK wit 4 100 5 | PI V iiJ V C Harnett .T B PutrMO* 2070-100 97056 WHACK KAY w :". 112 7 4 ?. «■ 7 7 7 K HKlan.l .1 Koors UN 1M Time. :23»5, :47«i. 1:145. 1:405. 1:47 5. Track fast. mutuels pad Fanto.he. .20 straight. SO pace. . JO show; .60 place. $:;.00 • how: Nogales. M show riiuivalcnt hooking shl- Kant. he. 100 to 100 stiaiglit. lo to KM place, 20 to 100 show; Norseland. 150 lo KM pla.c. 50 lo KM show: Nogales. 100 to 10 show. Winuer th. g. hy Kitz Herbert Kresnay. by Meddler drained hy W. Perkins: hred in France by Mr. Clarence II Mackayi. Went to post at 5:1: At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. FANTOI UK. ridden wide on most of the turns, moved up gamely when reaching the stretch and easily held NOKSKfV.ND safe in the filial drive NOHSKLAND was far back for a half mile, but rame fast through the stretch NOtJAl.KS showed fine speed in leading for three quarters, but tired. STONKACK raced well. FOOI JM AP was never prominent. IRISH LACK quit. Overweight Ston-age. 1_. ikuiikIs