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PIMLICO TURF NOTES IIMPICO, Md.. May 6. At the conclusion of the Pimlico meeting Jockey Chalmers will lea v.- for New York to join up with the Harry Payne Whitney stable. Chalmers planned to go to Toronto, but an offer to ride for the N.-w York sportsman proved to attractive for him to resist. The British sprinter I Hicks and Drakes II.. one of those carded in the seventh race this afternoon, was ordered withdrawn by tin-stewards. Tba conditions called for horses that hail started in a claiming or selling race since Beptemher 1. I92S. Investigation showed that Ducks and Drakes II. had started in a selling rate in Fnglaud AnSjUSt •". last year, and not since then, which, of course, made him ineligible. The two-v ear-old Titina in the stable of E. Truemati was taken down with foyer this morning and had a temperature of 104. The seventeen horses Trueman is training for Pal Parr and P. W. Carter will be shipped to Belmont Iatk at the conclusion of the Pillion meeting. Jockey F. Hastings suspension, which was continued for the first five das s of the Pitttflco meeting by the Maryland Pacing Commission, expires tomorrow. T. J. Healy obtained second call on jockey W. Munden for the W. J. Salmon stable for the Woodbine meeting at Toronto. Jockey G. Fields was suspended for three days for misbehavior at the poet on Steel-ribs in the sixth race yesterday.