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l f1 17I l f I 1 1 17 I HJ U U U EUIVllL UEUIVllL DARK I PARLAY KING STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY NEVER MORE TERMS 10 FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BARRY IS MAKING TURF HISTORY HISTORYBARRY BARRY ONCE AGAIN PROVED HIS WORTH WHEN THESE TWO HORSES CAME CAMEROMPING ROMPING HOME WINNERS AT BIG PRICES PRICESYesterdays Yesterdays Barry Parlay ParlayGOLDEN GOLDEN LAURA 2840 Won OVER LORD 920 Won WonThe The winners listed in this advertisement gives you a wonderful idea of what you can expect from BARRY BARRYWednesdays Wednesdays Parlay WAR MAN 1150 Won MICKEY FREE 9SO AVon WonTuesdays Tuesdays Parlay ParlayPAT PAT CALHOUX 1780 WOB GLISTER 1120 Won WonMondays Mondays Parlay ParlayPIQUE PIQUE 121 Won FOREGOXE 1530 Won WonSaturdays ParlayETHEL Saturdays Parlay ETHEL DEAR 2380 Won GOLD ROCK 3830 2nd 2ndFridays Fridays Parlay ParlayBRICE BRICE 1280 Won PROFESSOR 31 Won WonThe The above winners speak for themselves Can you duplicate this record anywhere As I have stated previously only on few occasions in the last 20 years have I given clients a chance to enroll in my books A limited number of subscriptions will bo taken and then no more will be enrolled for love or money Clients are being convinced daily of the value of Barrys daily parlays Are you one of them If not here is your opportunity It is up to you to take advantage of it itONCE ONCE A BARRY CLIENT ALWAYS A BARRY CLIENT CLIENTFolks Folks this office cannot promise and will not not promise yon 100 per cent WINNERS as it is not in the books but we should give you about 75 per cent WINNERS on a weeks service also you must be a winner winnerTODAY TODAY TODAY A LIMIT PARLAY TODAY TODAY TODAYRush Rush you subscription in at once if you care to get in on todays parlay by Western Union or Postal Telegraph City clients please call GEORGE BARRY SO East Eleventh St Suite 407