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Daily Racing Form Offers Its Patrons an Opportunity to 420 Turf followers who desire to be wsll posted on thor ¬ oughbred form may en ¬ ter subscriptions to Racing Form Chart Book BookBy By entering your subscription twelve consecutive issues may be had for 1500 If purchased singly each book postpaid costs 160 a clear saving of 420 if purchased by subscription subscriptionBooks Books are mailed each month as soon as issued issuedApril April Charts Now Ready ReadyHow How many times have you wanted to verify the running of some par ¬ ticular race ITith the everready index which accompanies the Chart Book it is but the effort of a moment to do so soEvery Every months issue contains charts of each race run during the month on every recognized race track on the orth American continent with an index to all races run during the year yearIn In addition to charts and index each book contains among other features jockey percentages scale of weights stake and general racing dates for the succeeding month and the leading moneywinning horse and highest money winning stable of each month monthA A Set of These Books BooksAutomatically Automatically Kept Up To Date By Our Kegular Mailing Service Are AreAlways Always Ready for Quick Reference Daily Racing Form Publishing Company CompanyFor For 31 Years Continuously Americas Turf Authority 441 Plymouth Court Chicago 111 111NEW NEW AOHK CHICAGO TOUOXTO TOUOXTOCINCINNATI CINCINNATI NEW ORLEANS Mail Coupon Below Now Start Sare StartWith With WithCurrent Yonrself Current 420 Yearly Mailing address will be changed as often as required requiredPlease Please enter my order for MONTHLY RACING RACINGFORM FORM CHART 15OOKS for one 1 year beginning beginningwith with the Issue of to be forwarded forwardedto to the address below until further notice Enclosed find Check or Money Order for 1 300 to cover Address City State