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AMERICAN DERBY ENTRIES Illinois Jockey Club Announce AnnounceThree Three Year Olds Named for forRevival Revival of Famous Race Bubbling Over and Carlaris head the im ¬ posing list of eighty entries for the Ameri ¬ can Derby 100000 added at Washington Park Race course under construction at Jlomewood 111 All but three of the thoroughbreds that ran in the Kentucky Derby are entered enteredJudge Judge C W Hay who will be presiding steward at Washington Park and who an ¬ nounced the entries for the American Derby said Here I believe is the finest aggregation of threeyearolds ever assembled Besides those already known to great fame are many whose training has proceeded slowly and which will surely go to the post prepared to run the race of their lives The revival of the America Derby will be truly a classic classicThe The entries as furnished by the Illinois Jockey Club arc as follow JtiibWing Over OverIlagenbaggage IlagenbaggageKnot Ilagenbaggage Knot to llout lloutCarlaris Carlaris CarlarisTotniMy TotniMy TotniMyKlack Klack Maria MariaDisplay Display DisplayFlight Flight of Time TimeXepiHliti XepiHliti XepiHlitiItriirliroom Itriirliroom Maciv ItriirliroomMaciv olor Sergeant SergeantAcrostic Acrostic AcrosticItlondin Itlondin ItlondinCruyilen Cruyilen CruyilenKaptiire Kaptiire KaptiireMars Mars MarsIigcon Iigcon Wing II IIRoycrofler Roycrofler RoycroflerJtollo Jtollo JtolloNavigator Navigator NavigatorLi Li ti ouster ousterNiirini NiiriniFlat Niirini Flat Iron IronTarco Tarco Tarcollecol llecol lection lectionKspitio Kspitio AnilKTJaek 11 urn Dianti DiantiFinnster Finnster FinnsterItanlon Itanlon ItanlonIriiice Iriiice Charles CharlesAlldin Alldin AlldinNirhavo Nirhavo NirhavoOlidon Olidon OlidonIjaclien Ijaclien IjaclienCrystallite Crystallite CrystalliteCrusader Crusader CrusaderDress Dress Iarade IaradeChamp Champ De Mars Mike MiLuke Open Ilaritl Jitrmara Chicago Spanish Lay Mary O Itreast IMate IMateCol Col Hoard HoardDavid David I IRochester Rochester II IIJohn John Johnson Jr JrUrnay UrnayMusician Urnay Musician MusicianTimothy Timothy TimothyHank Hank Monk MonkIda Ida ODay ODayFreemiller Freemiller FreemillerIrinecss Irinecss Knimy KnimyIngrid Ingrid IngridHoc Hoc HocLord Lord Julian JulianMctzis Mctzis Ituddy ItuddyAlleghan Alleghan AlleghanItlock Itlock Head HeadCross Cross How HowLight Light Carbine CarbineHigh High Star StarSilver Silver Song SongRock Rock Star StarFlyman Flyman FlymanCounsellor Counsellor Connolly ConnollyKookhiniler KookhinilerSmiling Kookhiniler Smiling Jus JusItolton Itolton ItoltonRussell Russell Gardner GardnerSturgis Sturgis SturgisGolden Golden Mac MacJianc Jianc JiancSea Sea Rocket