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CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVIIXE KY TUESDAY MAY 25 1926 Churchill Downs 1 Mile Fifteenth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Weather clear Stewards Charles F Price S Nuckols T C Bradley and Elijah Hogg Placing Judges AV H Shelley N II McClelland and E B Webb Racing Secretary AV II Shelley Clerk of Scales N H McClelland Starter W Hamilton Racing starts at 200 p in Chicago time 300 p m AV indicates whip S spurs It blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance A Q ArT FIRST HACE 6 12 Furlongs Oct 17 1912 117 4 112 Purse 1300 3yearolds JCJvFf and upward Fillies and Mares Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Etjuiv Odds Strt 01710LUCKY DRIFT w 4 97 G 4 jit i 11 is D Dubois J AV Bell BellC2 01770 ANONA i3 3 6 601582LA C2 31 31 2J L Fischer Parkview Stable 01582LA SABINA WB 3 90 7 2 55 21 2i 3 E Benham Lin Stable 01811 MIDXIGHT ROSEw 4 100 1 7 7 53 4s 43 D Neal Kolm 1810 LADY STONE w 3 101 S 5 2h 4 i 6 5 AV Garner It S Clark j 01 01708 708 POLLY AAALE w 7 lot 4 3 301873SOBROSE 4 G3 G3 Cl R Finnrty G AV Atkinson 44SO100 j 01873 01873SOBROSE SOBROSE WB 3 100 2 21 1 3h 7 7 7 M Skyrm AV H Snearley 198100 198100Time Time 23 46 i 112 J 119 J Track fast 2 mutuels paid Lucky Drift 700 straight 400 place 320 show Anona llW pace 740 show La Sabina IS0 show showEquivalent Equivalent looking odds Lucky Drift 250 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place CO to 100 show Anona 480 to 100 place 270 to 100 show La Sabina 240 to ICO show showAVinner AVinner HewittWent Ch f by Iltion Drift by Pataud trained by R C Frakes bred by Mr II H Hewitt Went to post at 2O2 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving LUCKY DRIFT began fast and taking a good lead at once easily Avon all the way ANONA began slowly but came fast in the last quarter and finished gamely LA SAIilNA raced prominently most of the way but tired near the end MIDNIGHT ROSK was away in a tangle and was rushed into a pocket and forced back to last place then lost ground by racing wide on the turns LADY STONE raced poorly poorlyOverweights Overweights Anona 2 pounds Midnight Rose 1 Lady Stone 1 Sobrose 1 SECOND EACE 58 Mile May 20 1912 59 2 113 Purse 1200 2ycarolds Maid ens Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses V Str Fin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt 01771ZAVOOD NYMPH w 107 11 5 501578SOPHRONIA 1 I3 I1 1i R echini Audley Farm Stable 160100 01578SOPHRONIA FAIR w 102 10 9 23 2J 2 23 AV Garner Xalapa Farm Stable 290100 0180 3TIM GLEASOX W 103 7 S S01771MAXDOLETTE 55 33 3 E Benham O L Steclo 730100 730100G3 01771MAXDOLETTE W 100 9 6 G3 t 4i 4 M Skyrm Shady Brook Farm Sta G370100 01771 OURIEDA w 110 G 3 301548SLEEPY 4 4 GJ 5 5l G Johnson J N Carmlen 1970100 01548SLEEPY 197010001548SLEEPY DICK w 113 2 24 4 S 7i 5 G2 D Neal Mrs C S Ormsby t52 0100 01711 BOB JOHNSTON w 110 4 42 2 3h 7 1 AV Pool E J Holland 20100 01800 LITTLE GUINliA w 112 37 7 R S S8 E Blind H P Headley 27OMOO 27OMOO01773DETROIT 01773DETROIT w 103 5 11 10 = 93 9 R Finnrty AV L Brolio 13J60100 01808 PEARLIES GIRLIE w 111J 1 1 i S 10 ° 10 J H Burke Mannion Bros f 01840 LADY MOXTE w 114 8 10 11 11 11 11 M Garner AVinchester Stabla 8130100 IMiitnel 8130100IMiitnel field Time 23 48 101 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Wood Nymph 520 straight 280 pace 240 show Sophronia Fair 300 place 300 show Tim Gleason 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Wood Nymph 100 to 103 straight 40 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Sophronia Fair 80 to 100 place HO to 100 show Tim Gleason 7 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Sir Barton Wood Aiolct by Trap Rock trained Jy K Spence bred by Messrs M and B B Jones JonesWent Went to post at 232 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and thinl driving AVOOI NYMPH away well and hard ridden showed the most speed all the way and held SOPIIROMA FAIR safe through the final eighth SOPHRONIA FAIR began slowly and showing fine speed raced into second place quickly but eould do no better TIM GLKASON raced well and finished gamely MANDOLETTE came fast near the end SLKEPY DICK made up ground BOR JOHNSTON tired LADY MONTE was eased up after going the first quarter quarterScratched Scratched 01771 Lady Pennant 10O OlStX Hero 108 OIS08 Honeykins 100 100Overweights Overweights Pearlies Girlie 3j pounds Lady Monte 5 ft OAQ THIKD HACE 1 116 Miles May 20 1922 144 4 113 1303 Added 3yearolds Vf JLOvFJJ Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 230 third 120 Index Horses AWtPPSty strFii Jockeys 01082 BROAD AXE wn 102 7 G 51 Z 2 I3 I3 G Johnson Mrs F J Uhlein fitlOO fitlOO01583LONGPORT 01583LONGPORT wi 100 3 5 4i 4 3 2 23 D Xeal J T Looney 3370100 01 770 SETHS PREMIUM wn SG 4 4 2i 21 h 3 3 R Finnrty Mm J AV Smith 2820100 01845 XTRA w NT 2 3 G3 G G3 43 4 D Dubois H P Headley 40100 01549 DR1FTVOD BLAZEw 98 1 2 3 53 51 Si 53 E Benham Mrs L M Holmes K50100 01839 BOOTSIE wn 102 G 1 1 = 1 4 = G G30 J McCoy J J Flannigan 1X60100 01681 RADIGXY WB 97 R 7 7 7 7 7 7 S Cooper S N Holman 3300100 Time 3300100Time 24 49 114 141 VS 148 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Broad Axe 5920 straight 440 place 400 show Longport 2000 place 1140 show Seths Premium 1220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Broad Axe IMiO to 100 straight 120 to UK place 100 to 100 show Long port t 0 to 100 place 470 to 100 show Seths Premium 510 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by Battle Axe Golden Heart by Cerasus trained by R C Frakes bred in England by Mr T Quinlan QuinlanAVent AVent to post at 303 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and thinl driving BROAD AXE began slowly but was hard ridden and pacing into the lead after reaching tin stretch won going away LONGPOHT raced well and came gamely through tin stretch SETHS PREMIUM ran well and showed improvement XTUA ran a poor race and lacked much speed being badly outrun from the start DRIFTWOOD BLAZE tired after going a half mile BOOTSIE set the early ace but quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 017353Frederick Raphael 97 01C80 Hose Mist 92 92Overweights Overweights Ixngport 3 ounds Bootsie 5 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile May 24 1921 111 6 128 Plaza Hotel Purse Purso 150t 3ycarolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1150 second 225 third 125 Index Horses AWtPP Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equ 01775REPUTATION W 4 10S 9 1 1 11 lh s Griffin Harned Bros 01 70S MOUNT BEACON wu 5 110 10 43 21 2 2 J T Murray J McGeo 01332 PIGEX WING Uwu 3 100J 7 3 31 3 3i W Garner G F Croissant Croissant8h OI8413HAPPY TOP w 5 109 4 G 8h 7 5 43 H Kaiser J H Woodforil 01428 TAKE A CHA wu 3 3 5 21 f3 41 V G Johnson H AV Sullivan Sullivanfii 928033MUSICIAN fii f GJ G3 D Dubois Kenton Farm Stallt 01844 TANGARA wi 4 113 1 1 71 SI 7 73 V Moore S N Holman Holman5h 520101 96730 FIRE ON wu 4 109 8 1 5h 4 S3 S3 E Scobie J McPherson 9S20100 01775 ALI BABA BABARED wit 3 97 2 4 9 9C 9 9 R Finnrty Mrs L M Holmes 23tOO100 RED BANNER w 3 97 5 10 10 10 10 1 jj Ifnhain R S Clark 49510100 Time 49510100Time 22 464 112 Track fast fastReputation Reputation VK2O straight 440 place iM MUIW Mount Beacon 140 place ing II 420 show showEquivalent Equivalent Uwking nddx Hepiitaticn 210 tit 1Ofl straight llO t 100 place GO to 100 show Mount Beacon 120 to 100 place i to K 0 show Pigeon Wing II 110 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by Hilarious Paris Queen by McGce trained by 1 Kecd bred by Messrs Williams Bro Went to post at 331 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and thinl the same REPUTATION Ixgan fast and showing the most speed in addition to bcin well ildden ild sway fur the entire race but had to be ridden hard from near the end MOUNT RKACOX lMari slowly and was ridden wide on the turns but closed a big gap then tired slightly right it the Mill P1GKON WING II ran a gool race and finished fast HAPPY TOP closed a big gap TAKE A CHANCK suffered from Borne interference TANGARA was fornd back sharply at the ulart Overweights ulartOverweights Mount Beacon 4 omuls Pigeon Wing II 3 llapjiy Tup 3 Fire On 1 A l Q l 1 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile May 19 1921 1364 8 104 Pendcnnis Club Handicap Purse fJLiJJLJL 1800 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1350 second S3OO third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSti lit Str Fin Jockeys Kijuiv Odds Strt 01712BOOT TO BOOTwit 3 10S C 1 I1 1i 1 I3 1 J G Johnson Idle Hour Stock Fm Sta 40100 ISIOSUOTHKRMKL WB 4 106 5 2 21 3 = 2 = 2 2 = W Ohrner J N Camden f00100 01809RECOLLKCT1X wn 3 103 1 4 4s 42 4 4 2 J Kedcris Kolm Theism 1190100 01616 PAROLE II wn 4 104 3 6 6 C G 3i 4 D Frogtte Palmdalo Stiblo 3740100 01684 GUEST OF HONOUw C IOC 4 3 5 f 5i C 5 = J Heupel Fair Aero Farm Stable 1760100 01713 CUPIDS CURSE wn 3 97 2 S 31 2J 33 5 f 13 Dnbois E U McLean 22GO100 22GO100Time Time 23 A 46 111 137 J Track fast 2 mutucls paid Boot to Boot 280 straight 240 place 220 show Rothermel 320 place 2SO chow Recollection 340 show showKquivalent Kquivalent booking odds Boot to Bot 40 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Rothermel CO to 100 pla i 40 to 1OO show Recollection 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by North Star III Padula by Laveno trained by W Henry bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm FarmWent Went to post at 402 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BOOT TO BOOT showed Hie most sr eed from the start and set si fast early JKICC but raced sluggishly in the stretch and was shaken up for a brief space then held ROTHKKMBL safe and was going well at the end ROTI1BRMRL was under restraint for a half mile and made a game challenge in the stretch RKCOLLKCTIOX was outpaced in the early running but saved much ground on the stretch turn and outstayed PAROLE II The latter ran a good race and would have been third but for ling raced wide on the last turn CUPIDS CURSE quit badly SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Hay 24 1922 144 4 113 Purse 1300 3yearolds Claiming Hot value to winner 1000 second 200 third 103 Index Horses AWtPPStVi 14 StrFIn Jockeys Owners Eijuiv Odds Strt 01770 BLABBERMOUTH 97 4 4 2s 1 1 1 G Johnson Idle Hour Stk Fm Sta 310100 11839 = GLADRAGS w 102 7 2 l i 2s 2 2J 2 AV Garner F J Kelly Jr 01807 BLUE SPRITE f 103 2 C 7 C 5s 31 3l 11 Xcchini Auilley Farm Stable 1845 MASSEV WB 102 3 1 31 3s 3 4 4 J Ryan K J Holland 1GSO100 1G11 FRANCES JAXE WB 92 1 5 E1 5s G 5l D Dubois Harned Bros K5SO100 H839 BUTTON wsn 106 6 7 S 7 72 7 6 = J Heupel J L Knight 2420100 242010001C81LOYAL 01C81LOYAL LEGION WB 100 8 8 C1 4i 41 C 7 E Benliam P Laffoon 140100 01735 THE ROVE w 102 5 3 4 8 8 S S R Finnrty Cincinnati Stable 13520100Time 13S2010Q Time 24Vs 48 l13 i 141 l47 i Track fast 2 mutuels paid Blabbermouth 820 straight 400 place 300 show Gladrags 400 place 340 show Blue Sprite 500 show showKquivalent Kquivalent booking odds BlablKrmouth 310 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Glad rags 100 to 100 place 71 to 100 show Blue Sprite 150 to 10 show showWinner Winner 15 f by Helmet Acutissimo by Forfarshire trained by W Hurley bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Went to post at 432 At post minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BLABBERMOUTH raced into the lead in the first quarter and setting the pace gamely held it to the end and won in a cantor Cl AIItACS set the early pace then raced in closest pursuit but tired in the last eighth BLUE SPRITE began slowly and closing an immense gap would have been econd in a few more strides MASSEV tired after running a good threequarters LOYAL LEO ION finished badly lame Scratched 01738 Tamale Mick 7 ft O l Q SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles May 25 1922 144 4 113 Purse 1400 3yearolds 7JL 7 JO and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 I AWtPPStVi 4 i StrFin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt 1811 COCKNEY w 5 104 5 5 4s D Dubois Bloomfieia Stable 220100 1 13PAYMAN 107 C C C Cl 4l 2 25 R Finnrty S A CowanO1811 Cownn 480100 O1811 = LONGCHAMPS i4111 4 8 7i 7 1s 4 3 K Scobie J T Looney LooneyIU77fi 270100 IU77fi SPANISH ROSE 5102 9 2 1 1J 2 31 4 L Fischer Mrs J Dreyer DreyerO1710 21201 00 O1710 MEDDG MATTIE 5 107 8 1 2 31 5U 61 S3 D Frogtte Mrs L M Holmes Holmes01845SUSAN 6740100 01845SUSAN REBECCA vn 3 94 1 3 3 4i C2 72 6J E Benham W H Whitehouse 1420100 01710 PRECUS LULA 7 107 2 4 51 61 3 5 7s AV Garner A Baker BakerS8234 500100 S8234 HERBY COLKS 5 Irtl 7 9 9 9 S E ° S = I Neal Mrs AV D Millard 7510103 0108 TRAIL v 4 107 3 7 S2 S1 9 99 S Griffin Cincinnati Stable 18030100 18030100Time Time 24 4Ei l13Vi 140 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Cockney 040 straight 400 place 280 show Payman 500 place 320 show LongchampK 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Cockney 220 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Payman 150 to 100 place CO to 100 show Ixjngchamps 40 to 1K show showWinner Winner Ch g by Great Britain LAvenir by Rabelais trained by P R Williams bred by Mr Walter M Jeffords JeffordsWent Went to st at 502 At post minules Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same COCKNEY raced wide on most of the turns but passed SPANISH ROSE into the lead just before reaching the stretch but tired and barely lasted to outstay PAYMAX The latter came with a rush in the last eighth and would have won in another stride IONGCHAMPS dosed a big gap in the last eighth SPANISH ROSE showed the most early si eed but tin d PRECIOUS LULA was done after going threequarters SCSAX REBECCA quit quitScratched Scratched O177C Waterflag 102 01770 1equot 100 100Overweight Overweight Trail ls iwunds