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MOUNT ROYAL PARK MONTREAL QTJE TUESDAY MAY 25 1926 Mount Royal Park 1 Mile Third day Back River Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 7 days Weather cloudy cloudySlewards Slewards W W Lyles J J Fitzgerald A La Iwrgc E C St Pie and T E Quinn Presiding Judge C McCarthy Associate Judge A 4e = rer Starler O R Palmer Racing Secretary C Mc ¬ Carthy llacing starls at 230 p in Chicago time 130 130n n QOI FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Aug UJJZiJ gg 1916 100 3 107 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claim ¬ ing Net value to winner 4CO second 60 third 25 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97232 Jamima 112 1 E Dubrlul 11C2J101 11C2J10101853s 01853s Balsam Lake 110 2l N Foden 153100 1853 What IsIt 103 31 11 Lamb 1070100 1853Royal Gift 114 43 C OMahoney 223100 1 1 853 Goltl Bona IT 103 5C Garelpy HOi100 543 Game Scrat perll4 r R McAlaney 370100 Time l09 i Track fast 2 miiiuels paid Inninii 2525 straight OS5 place 170 show Balsam Iake 325 place 310 show What Is It 545 show showEquivalent Equivalent Iwioking odds Jamima Ili2i to 100 straight 242j to 100 place 135 to 110 show Balsam Lake f2i to 100 place 55 to 100 show What Is It I72i to 100 show showWinner Winner J E Iloppas Hi in 8 byDorante Marys Aunt by Star Shoot trained by J E Hopiias bred by Mr Samuel Nesbitt NesbittWent Went to iMist at 2S7 At post 3 minutes Start good and blow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 01853 Shadow Dance 100 018S7 Flora 112 H1 Q99 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Aug 25 ULOZ6 1916 113 4 103 Purse 500 3 ycarolds acd uptrard Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 80 third 25 fourth 15 15En En Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight0087fi 0087fi Black Art 117 I1 F Hunt 150100 150100U7312 U7312 IVhelors Last 110 21 G Bonl 2S2010 0144 Fairy Gift 101 3 J Josiah 212010C 212010CII132D II132D Gleaner 117 4 I Gray 170iOi 170iOiirUr irUr sLula 117 fJ D Fisher 5S3100 2 2 Leprechaun 115 C1 R McAlaney lStJ1110 110712 Pierre Rhue 119 7s R McCrann 2140100 U40K8 Royal Crown 119 Ss A Pengrass 29101W 17382 Jof 10S 3 R Lamb 15G3100 15G3100Time Time 117 Track fast mutuels i aid Black Art 58O straight 305 p 285 show Bachelors I ist 1480 place 510 show Fairy Cift 440 show iuivalent liooking odds Black Art 10 to 100 Btraight 97i to 100 place 42i to 1H show Bachelors Iast 010 to KM place 155 to 100 show Fairy Gift 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner Murray Mascherpas b in by Trans ¬ vaal Magical by Bryn Mawr trained by R Arbi g r bred bv Mr Thomas Clyde ClydeWent Went to pot at 313 At i ost 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily iecond and third driving drivingOverweight Overweight Jof 2 pounds O1 Q9 THIRD HACE 5 12 Furlongs Aug UJ 740 23t i9iGi06 3 107 Purse 500 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 25 fourth SIS SISFxi Fxi Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97419 Captain Guard K 11 L Gray 1SCO100 01856 Unlucky JW 2 C Phillips B3100 01 596 Merry 109 3 J Dolin D30100 00933 Oblique 107 4 i A Prgrass EKO100 01 856 = Lady Chilton 110 S X Foden 155NiO 01595 Summons lOfl r I Hardy r14100 01098 Do La Sable 109 7 O Boml 310IdO OI653J Ioc Fir 1W S1 L Ponco 12V 100 03313 Alexina 112 S3 T Fisher 37fOlV 37fOlVMitch Mitch Bay 105 10 R Lamli HSS31W HSS31WTime Time 109 Track fast 52 mutuels paid Captain Cuard 3920 straight f 1590 place 780 show fnlucky 540 jdace S375 show Merry 38O show showK K iiiv lent booking odds Captain fiuard 1SOH to 100 straight 095 to 10J phui KW to 100 show Unlucky 17O to 100 place SI1 to 10f show Merry K to 100 sliow sliowWinner Winner P W Stivers b g 3 by Sir John Johnson Eulogy by Fair Play trained by A Hill brtd by Mr E Drake Went to IMISI at 348 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameOverweight Overweight H f aptain Ouard 1 jxiiind I idy CLUtuu 1 Log Fire 3 Alexina 3 0 vj 1 Q 9 4 FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Aug 1 23 i9ie l06 3 107 Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 E Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight01G53 01G53 = Luclo Russell 115 1 II Farland C15100 O129r Seo It Thrsb 11G 2J W Hinphy 8C5100 0185nsStar Man llfi 3 G Bond 1015100 1015100Oii47sHp Oii47sHp o t NthllG 4 S Kirk aTilOO aTilOOOirl7 Oirl7 Won Flan alll 5h W McCabe 145100 01855 Twinktf Star 11 CnK J Dolin 4195100 419510001377Unclu 01377Unclu Abe 111 7 J Josiah 345100 01519 = County Times 111 S D Prible 823100 823100Time Time 109 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Lucille Russell 1430 straight 085 place 435 show See It Through 820 place 585 show Star Man 705 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lucille Russell 012 to 100 straight 242 to 100 place 1171 to 100 show See It Through 310 to 100 place 192 4 to 100 show Star Man 282 to 100 show showWinner Winner Christie Fullers Hi m 7 by Atkins Rurnie Bunion by Rancocas trained by J Christie bred by Mr P L Fuller FullerWent Went to post at 425 At ost 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 01855 Morgantic 110 0 ujtsu 1 Q 9 l FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards July 28 1917 l4iys 7 110 Purse 800 Back River Handicap 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Net value to winner 550 second 150 third 65 fourth 35 35Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 01859 Teas Ready 110 1 N Foden 227J100 01857 Starbright 114 2 W McCabo f5V100 f5V1000189t 0189t = Bruneth 115 33J P Powers 1SO100 1SO10001X91 01X91 Frank FogartyllC 4 D Fisher 450100 018593Woodlake 112 5 A Pergrass 05100 05100Time Time l47 5 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Teas Ready 055 straight 370 place 245 show Starbright 4 0 place I 240 show Priineth 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Teas Ready 2271 to 100 straight 85 to 10 place 22X to 100 show Starbright 130 to KM place 20 to 100 show Brunei h 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner W G Campbells b g 5 by Tea Caddy Anthonys Ixiis by Forfarshire trained by W C Campbell bred by Mrs J C Carrick CarrickWent Went to post at 451 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 01801 Bi Yourself 105 U fl1 Li7au Q9R SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Aug 19 igi6l44i 5 111 Purse 600 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second SO third 40 fourth 20 20Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight99X40 99X40 Brush Boy 109 1 A PerRrass 717I100 00103 Snub 109 2n D Fisher 515lrtl 01859 The Peruvian 116 3 W McCabo 123100 01020 Room Mate 103 4 J Josiah S13100 01 855 Lady George 10S 5 I Gray 315100 01853 Witch Flower 112 fi E Dubriul 1315100 Time 144 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Brush Boy 1075 straight 5715 place 315 show Snub 505 place 285 show The Peruvian 200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds ISrush Boy 737 to 10O straight 257J to 100 place 57 to 100 show Snub 182 to 100 jdace 42J to 100 show The Peruvian 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner Roto Stables b g 7 by Sweep Mari posan by Cyclades trained by G M Ridge bred by Mr Eugene Bucker BuckerWent Went to post at 520 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily tccond and third driving drivingScratched Scratched Oii7sWisi finy 113 113Overweights Overweights Room Mate 5 pounds Lady George 1 Witch Flower 5 fl uxu 1 Q 9 7 l SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile Aug 25 1916 113 4 103 Purse 500 3 yoarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight018I3 018I3 = A11 There UK I3 W McCabo 190100 190100010X4 010X4 Ruining Sanl 119 21 C OMahoney IQjW 90530 Klm lit W J Josiah 922T100 922T10001X55 01X55 Cercs 104 4 A PerKrass 1550100 0185 Ransvaal NO f1 G Bond 340100 01855 Lady HaldemnllS fii R McAlaney 1S13101 0155XT H Evcrltt 112 b L Harly 553100 553100O073lAmbulatic O073lAmbulatic 113 S R McCrann 19701OO 94 30tWorm Wool 119 U J Dolin 2203100 2203100tSent tSent out in entries as Wormwold WormwoldTime Time 117 Track fast 2 miituHs paid All There 5W straight 335 plaeo 280 show Raising Sand show Elm 75 show showE4ulvalent E4ulvalent bfmking inlds All There 190 to 100 Ktraight 0711 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Raising Sand 270 to 100 place 210 to 100 show Elm 387 to 100 show showWinner Winner T Crandalls b g 9 by Alvescot Thaka by Sir Diion trained by W M Shcwbridge bred by Mr George J Ixiiig IxiiigWpnt Wpnt to iH st at 553 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Kansraal 5 ixiunds