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INAUGURAL AT FAIRMOUNT Weights Announced for Collinsville CollinsvilleHandicap Handicap Stake Feature Featureof of Opening Day COLJ1NSVITLE 111 May 25 Captain Hal 12C pounds and Kinff Xadi 124 are the top weights for the Collinsville Handicap the 5000 added stake feature of the opening day next Saturday May 29 King Nadi scored a most impressive victory in the Grainger Memorial Handicap at Churchill Downs last Saturday while Cap ¬ tain Hal finished third after showing the way for the first mile At the shorter distance oC the Collinsville Handicap Captain Hal may be hard to beat should he and King Nadi hook up again againHowever However whether or riot those two stars start in the opening stake of the Fairmount meeting a good field is certain to come from the following one hundred and thirtythree nominations the weights for which being shown here Horse Wt WtCaptain Captain Hal 12 Noah 120 120King King Nadi 124 124Senator Senator Norris 11 Osprey 119 119Sunsard Sunsard IIS IISGibbons Gibbons 117 117Sir Sir Peter 117 117Serenader Serenader 110 110Sanford Sanford 115 115Louuger Louuger 114 114Boon Boon Com pan ion H HSun Sun Altos 113 113Tangara Tangara 113 113Courageous Courageous 113 113Alborak Alborak 112 112T T S Jordan 112 112Columbia Columbia 112 112Ix Ix ng Point 110 110Nocturnal Nocturnal 110 110Postillion Postillion Ill IllDr Dr Clark 110 110Prince Prince of Wales 110 110Display Display 110 110Spic Spic and Span 109 109Take Take a Chance 100 100Rothermel Rothermel 10S 10SMenifee Menifee 108 108eliding eliding Fox 108 108Righeart Righeart 10S 10SCapistrano Capistrano 108 108Hourmour Hourmour 108 108Max Max Brick 10S 10SRanter Ranter 107 107Little Little Visitor 107 107Starbeck Starbeck 107 107The The World 100 100Right Right on Time 100 100LaUirop LaUirop 100 100Bradleys Bradleys Toney 105 105Just Just David 100 100Blanc Blanc Seing 100 100Anna Anna M Humphrey 100 100Rriar Rriar Broom 100 100Pricemaker Pricemaker 100 100Chief Chief IJncas Ud UdDark Dark Phantom 10i 10iRed Red Banner 105 105Queen Queen Towton 105 105Nassau Nassau 105 105Stonewall Stonewall Jackson 105 105Lieutenant Lieutenant II 105 105Moss Moss Fox II 105 105Croydon Croydon 105 105My My Colonel ia5 ia5Thomasine Thomasine 105 105Monday Monday Morning 104 104Flag Flag Lieutenant 104 104Co Co Foiu 10J 10JFabian Fabian 104 104Foreign Foreign Relations 10 10Traymore Traymore 104 104Ocean Ocean Current 104 104Roycrofter Roycrofter 103 103Dry Dry Nation 103 103Powhatan Powhatan 103 Horse HorseJ J 5 Denny Devon Pigeon Wing II The Runt Briar Hill Stampdale Teak Florence Mills Lad OMine Little Smoke Percentage treat Si ort Champ De Mars MarsZeppelin Zeppelin Swinburne Prince Charles Sarko Chink David L Alleghan Russell Gardner Abstract Lingette Fenman Noe Dive Childs Play ISurkes Boy Disciple Caloosa Scamp All Baba Bobs Rest Bobby Major Seth Cream Puff Manzama Rasuli Captain Fox Arembee Appellate Seorge ONcil Belle Captain llaney llaneyDolly Dolly Seth Harry Carroll Nettie Sweei Pockrt Mouse Bride the Wind WindJudge Judge Dailey Battle On Fire ruder Dantes Inferno Shasta King Ijidy Rusch Massillon Ixilli Rubeilstein RubeilsteinEdith Edith Bennett Cirl of My Heart Dr Cardenas Princess Pan Pa in Roma In Bounds Nota Bene Little Trump Our Buddy Harrv Wills Spread Eagle dead 133 nominations nominationsPenalties Penalties accrue 1030 a m May 24