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KEMPTON PARK ENTRIES 9SOS7 IS FIRST IXDEX OF 1D26 C21SC IS FIKST IXDEX OF JUNE JUNERacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The follonins abbreviations are used to designate tracks nt which time records shown in entries were 1111 do Akron King Edward Aqueduct Lagoon Aurora Latonia Belmont Park Laurel Blue Bonnets Lexington Blue Grass Lex Colored Fair FairLong Bowio Long Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg1 Marlboro Clarksburg1 Miami Columbus Mobils Colwood lark Mount Royal Coney Island Niagara Falls Cossaught Park ParkDado Orlando Dado Park Omaha Delorimier Park ParkDevonshire Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico Dorval Raccland Dufferin Park Reno Empire Salt Lake Erlanger Saratoga Fair Grounds Tampa Fairmount Park ParkFort Tanforan Fort Erie Thistledown Hamilton Thorncliffa Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuana Havana Timonium Hawthorne Toledo Huntington United Hunts Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park Willows Park Juarez Windsor Kempton Park Woodbine Kenilworth Youngstown Kempton Park 34 Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Sept 1 191 101 G 130 Inl Horse Wt HPC AWtHan 02376 Huzzas 11 111X72T 111X72Ti 02527 Iandiue i 11370 02525 Ijtdy KUx 10 108 715 02527 1MKlcn 7 109 710 02033 rierrc Itlnie M Iltu 110 lOJ i 7 10G70 02527 Tuiiiahul llav 112 104 7 111X703 i Second Race 58 Mile 111X703Claiming Purse 4ifl S venrulds uml upward Claiming Track record S t 1 iyi 101 U 6 110 02793 KRBRMASON Tij 107 1014 4 110X735 02375s Chief Sponsor Tij 8 l01i 8 110 725 Oa S Lucille KiissellTij l 9 103 7 109 720 02528 Flora 5 10 715 02098 Bachelors Last 5 115 710 02529 County Times 5 113x705 113x705Third Third Race 5S Mile Purse 4 3Tearolds and upward upwardMaidens ClaimingTrack Maidens Claiming Track record Sept 1 1916 10 i i 310 1 02477 = Arrowvane B15 110 Ii2 3 rt 725 024771 7209C456 Night ExpressIit lo 101 i i Kit 720 9C456 Wayne Jr i mi 71 02374 = Derelict r Iirx710 02374 Barber BillA iu ll 3f 3 Kit 705 02477 Polygala Hnn 109 la5 la5s s 3 1H17H5 02477 Bissell 3 1 1X700 02374 Goia Dor OS 103 3 7 7H 02035 Merry Lad II S 11L7HO 02374 Colmar I037ijy I037ijyFourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 4 K 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record July 2 1021 107 lilt 02529 Froth DP 107 107 i 113X72 02526 Inele Abe MH 109 l0 ii 5 Misi720 02480 Sagamore Hav 11 11 1 = 53 l mx715 02528 = Jacolan Hav 108 1 OS S 11371i 02376 = Ted M Ham S l12sy 4 3K 70r 02300 Sand Queen 7 307 7nd 7ndFifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileMontreal Montreal Kiwanis Purse PursePurse Purse AllowanceTrack 50 3yearolds and upward Allowance Track record Sept 1 1910 lis 107 02299 French Canadian Hav 115 114 11517 00433 Music Master Lai llll I1VH 4 111x721 02293 Lure of Cold TI 101 I 4 113x715 02299 Father Daiulen S 107 710 02481 = Radical MU 114 l173i 7 107 710 02101 Little Black Sheep iiav m ii 7 ia7a 02481 Sentiment Thf IdO llSm 4 H x7 K 96093 Martini 5 107 7I 0 02147 Trevita M 7 107M 107MSixth Sixth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Sept 1 191 l13i 3 107 023781 Lucky Antoine HdC 110 l174s 7 1127V 02479 Bay Dingle 1 113 72O 02528 Bodanzky Bow 107l24s S 101x715 02482 I dy Haldeman NF 10 lir 107X710 02373 Blue Brush Ilel 107 ll 7 Hx7lC 02373 Fast Boy TI 118 11C = 112X700 02378 Franc Tireiir Tij 109 115 U 10SX700 10SX700Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 400 3yearotdx and upwanl Claiining Track record Sept i iai li5 li5i = i 1 4 01974 = North Pine Ken 107 147 7 11 X7 02150 Brush Boy Hav 113 147 = 7 115 7 025291 All There TI 10S 147 5 I lir iz 02480 Pentecosts I ist 71r71i 02373 = Royal Crown Hav 112 l47 = i lMx7O 03301 I rd Wrack iruv7tx Tij 100 14 3 KNx7 W