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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 146 146AURORA AURORA AURORAAURORA AURORA 111 Tune 7 Sundays training gallops here included the ftfllowing Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile 41 112 Norseman IJi Kolton 37 112 Outlawed 144 Embryo 52 52s s Buy Barney EsJell Grindel 41 138 Uob Uoy 137 His Queen 40 145 S and Stripes 131 I Johnson 41 142 The Wire 140 Lea Maddison Xt 143 Whispering 143 Mcrcutio 40 40Half Half Hile ISO Attorney Muir 54 142 San San 124 Despair 57 143 S ForcTcr 103 Delphi 54 144 Thundering iK Fehrah 50 142 Wdln Queen 45 Gilmore 54 ThreeQnarters Mile 144 Hot Dos 123 142 Running Fox124 107 Ievoy 40 Seven Sixty 121 145 Nivlag 121 142 Waukeag 122 145 Runquoi 130 130riveEighths riveEighths Mile Demijohn 110 138 Ninon 110 143 T G BiekelVl13 139 Pickpocket 100 13 Kings Court 109 144 Shindy 1OT 139 Miss Aji 103 103One One Mile MileGrass Grass Tree 152 LATONIA LATONIALATONIA LATONIA Ky June 7 Sundays training gallops here included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 143 Ace of Diams 37 143 Mtle CaldwM 38 144 Aloma 38 Muriel C 37 3713G 13G Barracuda 30 138 Ohio 37 131 Buttress 36 143 Ontong 3G 143 Bob Johnston 37 Pas Choice 3856 143 Billy Witt 3G 143 Pacia Marian 35 143 Doctor Ben 36 143 Phil Foto 38 144 Fantoche 37 144 Qucsada 38 133 Knew 30 138 Royal Omar 36 36Foreclose Foreclose 30 143 Raymond Dale 37 143 GalpPg Shoes 36 143 Steinway 37 143 Henry Homer 35 143 Sleepy Dick 30 Hry Sommers 37 143 Sutler 30 109 Kop the Coin 30 144 Smuts 37 111 Knnduit 30 77 Timothy 38 144 Kcegan 30 Turquin 33 145 Ky Cardinal 35 143 Uncle AI 36 36Lady Lady Hopeful 37 Xrnas Morns 36 137 Men fee 37 143 Xtra 39 127 Marengo 30 30Half Half Mile 138 Anona 49 144 Parmelee 51 133 Boys Bve Me 49 Sniper 48 142 Fire Cure 51 143 Sporty McGee 49 143 Infante 50 143 Thfstle Boy 52 144 Jock 48 143 Thistle Bit 52 143 Pretty Dusty 51 143 Updyke 50 50riveEighths riveEighths Mile 143 Don Diego 103 144 Trudy 105 142 Dusty Mary 104 144 Peggy Cook 104 142 Grand Dad 102 335 Peach 102 145 Hydromel 103 143 Penumbra 104 144 Hoy 105 144 Port Star 1025 142 Jessie Belle 102 144 Uittcr 103 Jake l04ys 130Kedcap 105 144 Jane C 102 133 Itayon 107 113 Jealous 103 143 Starbeck 102 113 Kango FIlghtl06 79 Studt Princel05 143 Kathe 103 143 Sweet Mandyl0l 143 Magnus 104 137 Sara Via 103 143 Norcaster 103 144 Vim Ginger 103 100 Ortlieb 105 143 Wooldridge 101 101ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 143 Big Sweep 119 144 Giblon 114 144 Big Stick 110 144 Husband 118 141 Bother 115 143 Hats Up 119 139 Chicago 129 143 In Bounds 117 4 134 Count Sprackl22 li 9 Kajaba 120 122 Cappie 110 138 Lord Granite 1 16 139 Cockney 122 141 Little JirumyllS 144 Caractus 114 Lady Sandra 121 143 Dr Tanner 119 141 Muldoon 118 144 Blisha Lee 117 144 Massey 117 143 Eleven Sixty 119 143 Our Gains l16t 143 Flying Chief 110 143 Ragtime 115 141 Beautyl14Four Fair Rowenal19 134 Spkd Beautyl14 Four Sixty 119 144 Wat Trail 120 112 Fortress 116 134 Youare 123 123SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 143 King Tut 130 142 Seths Prcmml2S 127 Rosebec 132 132One One Mile Betty Star 145 143 Phil McCannl44 145 Dry Nation 150 141 Saar 142 144 Irresponsible 147 143 Til ka 143 138 Imperl Kaglel45 146 Vennie Day 141 145 Miss Hume 150 142 Wild wood 144 Mary Carrl47 Carrl47Saar Saar worked a creditable mile Caractus and Giblon were on even terms Seths Premium did a nice move Port Star and Jock galloped snappily BELMONT BELMONTNEW NEW YORK N Y June 7 Sundays training gallops here included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 138 Basquaisc 15 144 Priceman 35 142 Chance Play 35 138 Sabinc 35 144 Light View 3G 138 Unfurled 35 Half Mile 145 Alloy 48 141 Korean 49 143 Broadside 49 144 Northn Pass 49 Be Fair 48 139 Poleman Day 49 144 Cartoonist 143 Cantankerous 48 139 Saxon 49 143 Chance Shot 48 129 Serenader 49V 134 Florian 49 143 Tread 50 144 Gormand 49 127 Velero 50 50FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 143 Achilles 103 140 Ritola 105 105Krilette Krilette 101 143 Stanmore 102 145 Lingard 101 142 Silken Mane 104 144 Middle West 103 141 Yellow Jacketl 03 Port Hole 102 137 Zonitc 103 143 Prime Miuisrl03 Miuisrl03ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 141 Araby 120 139 E Rickbacrl19 Rickbacrl19Camilla Camilla 122 144 Sheridan 120 120SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile MileISO ISO Blasista 131 ILO Tuck 133 143 La Forte 129 129Ono Ono Mile 143 Aladdin 150 141 Nero 143 141 Goldstick 144 Vail 14 ° 138 Hoot Mon 148 1 14 War Lord 1 4l 144 Happy Argo 141 144 Xuker 141 141One One and OneEighth Miles US By Hissclf 150 150One One nd OneQuarter Miles 145 Bsnton 2i 139 Rockstar 210 210One One and ThreeEighths Miles 144 Corvette 22i 113 Mars ° 22 = i 144 Espino 223 144 Taps G JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighthi Mile IK Black Bart 37 142 Mite 39 39HI HI Rlaclcstone 37 lilG Mqrbvtle 37 137 Coronation 41 Patriarch 38 38Ramoneur 143 Clent 40 Ramoneur 40 141 Helga Marie 37 144 Satyr 41 41Thorn 135 Hillside 37 Thorn Blosm 37 142 Langour 37 144 Watch On 33 Lord Broom 40 10 Bruns 50 Monnile 144 Diagram 55 144 Mormnsk 50 110 Dnbrie 50 144 Pandora 4Gv3 144 Grandpre 4SV 141 Sox 49 143 Lord Bacon 52 141 Vie 53 53FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 144 Gnome Girl 105 Kina 103 103ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 145 Chmg Bridel10 143 Kilter 115 143 First Hour 115 144 Memory I incl 18 143 Fraternity 11110 141 Toiler 119 144 Hant et Bon 114 144 Wondful Onel16 Onel16One One Xile 144 Pce of Brbonl44 139 King Jimmy 144 141 Harris 147 147Pandora Pandora showed excellent speed Mormask was under restraint Grandpre ran well wellHaut Haut Et Bon and First Hour were in company companyKing King Jimmy was in hand Prince of Bourbon is in good condition AQUEDUCT Weather clear track fast Half Mile 137 Gold Bag 51 137 Gareth Frances J 48 130 Padraig PadraigFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 143 Kit Carson 102 102Three Three Quarters Mile 128 Play Tag 117 143 Sanford 143 High Ball 115 143 Imitator ImitatorOne One Mile 142 Tomahak IV145 147 147AURORA AURORA AURORA 111 June 7 Mondays training gallops here included the following AVeather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 144 Approval 38 Ranock 38 133 Columba II 37 138 Rumbling 38VS 135 Marv Connors 37 Starelln 38 38Mona Mona Loa 37 Star Whim 3 Mday Morng 30 Shuffle 3 138 Miss Kmmert 37 142 St Ms Lizzie 3 141 Nereid 37 Therefore St 114 Padlock 37 70 Tom P 3 137 Pegasus 38 142 Capt Adams 54 136 May Prosper 51 145 Cass Welch 52 133 Pat Field 50 144 Dalton 54 139 Pol Roger 51 144 Mildd Sherer 51 51FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 144 Billy Brush 109 144 Polycarp 104 136 Chles Wtneyl06 Pompous 1 0 Bsther Wadll09 139 Solns Kiltsl03 143 Kosman 104 104ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 145 Aristotle 120 109 Green Hills 118 144 Contusion 117 145 Lonn Smokel19 130 Dusk 121 135 Boo Boo 140 139 Docod 149 134 Citizen 146 35 Wtlie Wizardl45 143 Chest Girl 147 147Wilmer Wilmer the Wizard showed a good mile Citizen and Contusion galloped handily Pegasus was only cantering Strut Miss Lizzie showed plenty speed LATONIA LATONIA Ky June 7 Monday training gallops here included the following ThreeEighths Mile 144 Apopka 38 19 Medina 39 144 Beggar Boy 38 144 Mary Kinkead 39 124 Cline Carter 38 143 Mary Jane 30 127 Cinderella 39 145 Pelota 3 142 Capuchin 37 134 Peekaboo 3 Datuosel 37 J45 Polnsettia 38 144 Dixieway 30 144 Queen Agnes 39 124 Dinner Dance 38 145 Rosa Greener 38 136 Deeming 38 145 Rolled Stings 38 145 Kscarpolette 39 136 Rural Route 37 143 Faddist 38 144 Silt Sus 39 145 Ice 39 143 Slicker 39 141 John Wm II 38 143 The Code 36 145 Jolly Boy 38 144 Tim Gleason 37 133 Longport 14 1 Tormentor 143 Laveen 143 Vevey Lady In Ha 33 33Half Half Mile 144 Aurou 53 143 May fair 53 144 Can Kuffan 53 137 Nell Jo 52 130 Gen Haldean 52 OKeefe 52 144 Gelon 54 130 Pompano 55 133 Herby Coles 54 144 Seminola 54 140 Jack Knight 51 119 Senator Nors 51 141 Iady Hopeful 53 144 Swordsman 53 143 Leah Annas 52 143 Teds Plum 54 54FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 145 Announcemt 107 145 Lovely ManrslC 145 Ah Reckon 107 134 Mission CheslC 144 Boradil 106 134 Myra M 1C 143 Basilette 107 IO Mahatma 1C 143 Bill Strap 106 140 Porridge 1 143 Cobweb 105 146 Smuts 1C 143 Delco Light 108 141 Sixty 1C 145 Fuo 106 130 Sincerely 1C 144 Hank Monk 107 138 Sobrose 10 115 Joe Rudolph 108 144 T S Jordan 142 Hampton Msl06 143 Thats the TelC 144 Lake Erie 107 ThreeQuarters Mile 133 Asinia 120 145 My Destiny 1 145 Ada BIackjnckl22 143 Myrtle Dee 1 144 Fire On 122 144 Pay Sand 1 140 Gloria Quaylel20 140 Quesada 1 143 Henry For 125 144 Ray Jr 1 140 Mciiifcc 121 Squire Park 1 1Ona Ona Mile Mile13S 13S Brond Axe 152 144 King Gorin II 1 144 Critical Mts I53 140 Lady Stone 1 140 Christopher 155 143 Malcolm BJrl 144 Drosy Watersl47 Sasper 1 144 Duckweed 147 147Nothing Nothing worthy of special note BELMONT BELMONTNEW NEW YORK N Y June 7 Mondays training gallops here included the following Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 139 Dumboath 37 143 Margosa 37 144 Pilotta 37 143 Niehavi 143 Fair Wind 37 IKI Itiillirnla 130 Klcchlta 37 145 R De Mtags 141 Glen Sprite 37 135 Kosina Half Mile 144 Arsacid 51 14 Judicial 120 Arrogant 51 111 Jai Alai 143 Ilaldpate 50 144 Montferral 144 Colorful 52 111 Rock Man 143 Casting 49 145 Single Foot 144 Dazzler 52 143 Saraztn 142 Draconis 47 142 Silver Fox 142 Kglantine 57 Ml Tip Top 143 High Star 48te 140 Unfurled 145 Irish Marine 51 in Vashakio FiveEighths Mile 145 Afterglow 101 144 Laska lOI 145 Byrd 102 144 Mcloior 102 143 Crossfire 101 141 PaaTo l03 ft 135 Flyman 103 146 PTemn Day 106 134 Federal 103 145 Stipcrlette 101 144 Highwayman 108 145 Whiskery 105 140 Helvetia 105 145 Wichmount 102 143 Lucky Play 101 101Threo Threo Quarters Mile 144 Bumpkin 125 141 Mino 113 144 Blue Fish 116 143 Nomad 118 130 Delhi Boy 119 140 Post Time 116 143 Kast Side 118 145 Powhatan 120 142 Hltr Sklterl17 142 Question 117 144 John Mronel22 115 Senalado 118 142 Little Dare 119 147 Wild Astor 118 118SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 145 Rockrel 130 145 White Wash 130 130One One Mile 145 Briarbrpom 147 145 M Whgfnl49 145 Gavotte 149 145 Sarapion 143 144 Golden Spire 141 140 Traveller 147 144 Grn Dragon 142 144 Whkatong 148 138 Mtha Martin 114 114One One and One Eighth Miles 145 Dress Parade 150 144 Edith Ca veil 154 154One One and OneQuarter Miles 138 Black Maria 210 143 Macaw 1218 145 Display 209 209JAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 144 Beaming 3CVi 115 Hecuba 3 140 Bombshell 35 143Silrer Song 40 142 Cannae 38 140 Sam Jowl 144 Fresco 37 143 Tester 71 Foxy Peter 41 144 Witchery 37 72 Fascists 40 40Half Half Mile 143 Brose Hover 49 345 Mayne 489 145 Guilsborough 51 144 Prattle 51 140 Gold Button 5t 145 Tho Lynn 51 lit Highbridgc 49 145 WShepherds 52 131 Hullabaloo 56 142 Zcrlinc 49 49SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 143 Donnelly 105 142 Red Harvey 101 145 Green Back 101 Three Quarters Mile 146 Diagram 118 141 Simpler 119 140 Mite 118 144 Tea Ball 118 145 Patsy 1J7 142 Voshell 11G 11GOne One Mile 142 Byway 140 111 Insulate 1I74 145 Costisan 149 141 Sherman l4GJ4 146 Clent 14 142 Titan 140 145 Claudius 10 145 Wildlane 150 140 Endor 151 151One One and OneQuarter Miles 145 Belphrizonia 212 212Sherman Sherman and Byway went easily together Tea Ball was not extended extendedAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather cloudy track fast Half Mile 141 Dangerous 48 137 Vallett 51 137 Jim Crow 49 49FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 101 Spugs 101 133 Sturdy Stella 102 102ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Night 121 142 Salta 115 143 ICosiMte II 120 1SS Tiff ii7 ii7One One Mile 129 Guillerct 143 117 Zclda Leitonll3 143 Ronde 140 140One One and One Eighth Miles 143 I a ura Diantel57 143 IJane Ir 9 THORNCLIFFE PARK PARKTORONTO TORONTO Ont June 7 Todays train ¬ ing gallops here included the following Three Eighths Mile 141 Cooman 39 110 Foreland 3S lit Dr Ch Wells 40 111 Grenler II 3S 144 Bssnos 39 113 Royal Flag 38 38Half Half Mile Milelit lit Bkeley Sqre 52 112 Dulcy Lou 5t 52 rclpru 53 55 The Fenian 51 145 Cliarlieric 53 145 W Knows Me 51 145 Declare 51 51FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 145 Encamp 109 112 Quinham 103 103SO SO Loni View 109 145 Stockade 107 107ThreeQuartars ThreeQuartars Mile 145 Fornovo 123 100 Moon Magic 118 142 Gayly 122 110 White Marsh U21 110 Kickapoo 121 145 Wise Cr ckerl2l 115 Llewellyn 119 113 Yaml 123